If you had a semi nomadic phase you know how your parents' house is the perfect long term storage place. So, most of my programming books are there...
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+1 for Headfirst Design Patterns, I love that book!
Martin Fowler is coming out with a new edition of Refactoring soon, I'm looking forward to it.
Great list of books, I've added a few to my reading list.
Nice to know! :-) Refactoring is one of my favorite subjects
It looks great!
Woah, the fact that it's going to use JavaScript is huge. This might help a lot of people in frontend now that the complexity of applications is only increasing.
From the title I thought perhaps you discovered one of your parents had a programming hobby or hacking history they kept from you. Nice collection.
I know I have a copy of Introduction To Algorithms floating around in storage from university times. These days however, it's my virtual library that is overflowing. I buy more technical books via humble bundles than I have any idea what to do with.
Ah ah the bug of buying books before you finished the previous ones. I have it took, but usually it's about novels. I try to force myself to not buy new books before I finish at least two. Two for one?
My Amazon wishlist has officially exploded. My justification is that they keep saying that smart people have more books than they actually read.
I honestly still prefer a book when it comes to learning a language. It's how I started and it still clicks for me. I supplement with experimenting, watching videos, reading web pages too. But I still prefer a book when getting into a new language or framework.
In fact I often joke my brain is ruined for non-programming books actually. If I'm soaking a sore knee or back in the tub, I'm laying back reading a programming book not a novel. I just can't read much fiction nowadays (unless it is a gaming book for one of the various toy soldier type games I'm into at the time).
Ah ah I'm a bit on the opposite spectrum. I just can't sit down and slog through a programming book that much anymore. This is what I answered at the question
Do you consider reading books a must?
Christian Vasquez
If we're talking about books in general yes, I couldn't live without them, on paper or in electronic form, I read quite a bit.
I love being transported for hundreds of pages in a well written fictional story. The character building, the mastery of the language, the clear OCD great writers have... if you combine it with the fact that most great fiction is just a metaphor on the real world (of the past, present or possible future)... well books are amazing!
If we're talking about tech books, I don't read that many anymore. I still value books about fundamentals but in general the size, the hefty price, the short span life and the impracticality of reading them in PDF makes me shy away from tech books favoring articles, tutorials, documentation and in-depth essays, or even reading source code. And to be honest, some tech writers who write books aren't good at writing books and this is a no-no for me as you might have guessed :-D I still have books bought in a frenzy that are basically the online documentation of the technology with some comments here and there. No thanks.
Heh, we have a lot of the same books. I particularly enjoyed "Collective Intelligence".
I actually worked through the book in ColdFusion, because ya know - who cares about Python?
ColdFusion, that's a name I haven't heard in a while. Is it still around?
It's still around, I know a few people still working on it but I don't think anybody has high hopes for it's future.
Code Complete was the first programming book I read outside of those required for my college classes. I was given the book during my internship and all us interns went through it together.
It was a really great read, I would highly recommend it to anyone looking to take the first steps out of trivial examples and college assignments, and into real-world programming.
Great recommendation!
Do you know if they plan a third edition?
I quite never read programming books. Is that a problem ? 🤔
The only books I read were about OCaml, HTML & Squeak...
I don't do it either anymore. I would probably re-read two or three of those though.
Some of those books pre-date the amount of free material you can find now online. Github and StackOverflow didn't exist. It wasn't impossible without them but books were a shortcut, nowadays probably book are the long route :D
You're right but I think that reading books has many benefits compared to short online resources : they help to build up your mind much more deeply.
I recognized the K&R even in Italian just from the typeface and that shade of blue!
Yeah, that's unmistakable!
Every time I see a list like this I always wonder if people usually read these from cover to cover. I've tried to do so with some technical books about Python and C++, but I normally require more of my freetime than I was planning to give to those books, so I don't finish them page after page but then just skip to the parts I find interesting at the moment.
Most of the people I ask about this use these books as reference, rarely or never ever reading them from cover to cover but knowing them just good enough to know where to look for the thing they need while coding.
Do you read tech-books from the first to the last page?
I'd say it's perfectly normal. Not all engineers are good writers, some books require a lot of effort just to be comprehended
A book like the Cookbook is definitely a reference, but I glossed over all of it the first time, trying to find new tips or new ways of doing things. Like a kid with a volume of the encyclopedia before the internet was a thing :D
Keep in mind that a lot of these books are from early 2000s, when I started programming. In Italy was still a period where most of the country had dial-up connections (ADSL started spreading in 2004-2005), IRC and usenet were still huge, GitHub and smartphones didn't exist, nor StackOverflow and probably my concentration level was better. A book and mailing lists to talk to your peers were probably your best chances to get in depth knowledge of anything.
Right now I'm not that much into tech books.
Hi all, I'm in search of the book that can help me to identify the ways through which I can save my generational assets. I've been into much loss so far and searching for a book that can heal me. Many guys suggested Family Wealth Protection by Grant Abbott which also a number 1 seller on Amazon and I've ordered it but needs more suggestions of books on financialfreedom and generational wealth. Thanks!
Have you read High Performance Browser Networking by Grigorik?
Nope! Thanks for reminded me. Pity that he stopped blogging a couple of years ago
If you wanted me to feel old, then you succeeded. 👍
ahhahaa :-D
You should read The Ruby Way, its nice :)
Duly noted :-)
How do you pronounce the name of the K&R book? Like Linguaggio ci or Linguaggio see?
Like "Linguaggio Ci". You can hear a good pronunciation on Google Translate here
"Linguaggio C" is in Italian... Are you or your parents Italian? 🤔
Yes I am :-) I'm from Italy