On your journey to becoming a well-rounded React developer, you would come across innumerable libraries, leaving you dazed and confused.
So, here is a list of 7 libraries that can't go wrong with learning as a React developer.
1. React Joyride
React Joyride is a library that helps you create walkthroughs and guided tours for your React apps.
It is an incredible tool to showcase new features to existing users & onboarding new users to your app.
Website: https://react-joyride.com/
NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-joyride
2. React PDF Renderer
React PDF Renderer is a library that helps you create PDF files using React components, thus making the tedious process of creating PDFs a walk in the park.
Website: https://react-pdf.org/
NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@react-pdf/renderer
3. React Beautiful DnD
React Beautiful DnD is a library that helps you create drag and drop interfaces in your React apps.
Website: https://react-beautiful-dnd.netlify.app/
NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-beautiful-dnd
4. Material UI
This is a library that needs no introduction. Material UI is the largest component library for React. It is used by Spotify, Amazon, Netflix and countless other companies.
Website: https://material-ui.com/
NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@mui/material
5. Swiper.js

Swiper.js, as the library name suggests, is a library that helps you create swipeable interfaces in your React apps.
Website: https://swiperjs.com/react
NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/swiper
6. React Query
React Query is a data management library which provides immense control of fetching, caching data, and error handling using simple hooks.
Website: https://tanstack.com/query/latest/
NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/@tanstack/react-query
7. React Spring

React Spring is a library that helps you create eye-candy animations in your React apps, which ensures high user engagement!
Website: https://react-spring.io/
NPM: https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-spring
That's all folks! 🎉
Thanks for reading
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Top comments (26)
Nice article 👌 @ruppysuppy
By the way, react-beautiful-dnd is not maintained anymore. I would recommend using @hello-pangea/dnd as a replacement (it's a fork completely rewritten in TypeScript) You can read more about this here and here 🙂
Great work! The libraries you mention are truly helpful for all react developers! I also like Jest, extremely useful for tests of any kind👍🏻
I am definitely going to use React Spring! Thank you for sharing :D
Thanks a lot it was very helpful 🥰
Thank you
Thanks alot it's helpful info👍
Awesome share as always 👌👍
Thanks for this article, it really helpful. 🤗
Great 😊👌 libraries new of some on till now
Very good post!
As a junior developer, and a React developer at that, it's really interesting and reassuring to see such useful and simple libraries