Tired of memorizing git
commands? Here is a cheat sheet with 40+ commands to simplify your life.
1. Initialize a local repository
git init <directory>
The <directory>
is optional. If you don't specify it, the current directory will be used.
2. Clone a remote repository
git clone <url>
3. Add a file to the staging area
git add <file>
To add all files in the current directory, use .
in place of <file>
git add .
4. Commit changes
git commit -m "<message>"
If you want to add all changes made to tracked files & commit
git commit -a -m "<message>"
# or
git commit -am "<message>"
5. Remove a file from the staging area
git reset <file>
6. Move or rename a file
git mv <current path> <new path>
7. Remove a file from the repository
git rm <file>
You can also remove it from staging area only using --cached
git rm --cached <file>
Basic Git Concepts
- Default branch name:
- Default remote name:
- Current branch reference:
- Parent of
- Grandparent of
13. Display branches
git branch
Useful flags:
: Display all branches (local & remote) -
: Display remote branches -
: Display branches with last commit
14. Create a branch
git branch <branch>
You can create a branch and switch to it using the checkout
git checkout -b <branch>
15. Switch to a branch
git checkout <branch>
16. Delete a branch
git branch -d <branch>
You can also force delete a branch using the -D
git branch -D <branch>
17. Merge a branch
git merge <branch to merge into HEAD>
Useful flags:
: Create a merge commit even if the merge resolves as a fast-forward -
: Squash all commits from the specified branch into a single commit
Fast forward Merge
Non-Fast forward Merge
It is suggested to not use the --squash
flag as it will squash all commits into a single commit, leading to a messy commit history.
18. Rebase a branch
Rebasing is the process of moving or combining a sequence of commits to a new base commit
git rebase <branch to rebase from>
19. Checkout a previous commit
git checkout <commit id>
20. Revert a commit
git revert <commit id>
21. Reset a commit
git reset <commit id>
You can also add the --hard
flag to delete all changes, but use it with caution.
git reset --hard <commit id>
22. Check out the status of the repository
git status
23. Display the commit history
git log
24. Display the changes to unstaged files
git diff
You can also use the --staged
flag to display the changes to staged files.
git diff --staged
25. Display the changes between two commits
git diff <commit id 01> <commit id 02>
26. Stash changes
The stash allows you to temporarily store changes without committing them.
git stash
You can also add a message to the stash.
git stash save "<message>"
27. List stashes
git stash list
28. Apply a stash
Applying the stash will NOT remove it from the stash list.
git stash apply <stash id>
If you do not specify the <stash id>
, the latest stash will be applied (Valid for all similar stash commands)
You can also use the format stash@{<index>}
to apply a stash (Valid for all similar stash commands)
git stash apply stash@{0}
29. Remove a stash
git stash drop <stash id>
30. Remove all stashes
git stash clear
31. Apply and remove a stash
git stash pop <stash id>
32. Display the changes in a stash
git stash show <stash id>
33. Add a remote repository
git remote add <remote name> <url>
34. Display remote repositories
git remote
Add a -v
flag to display the URLs of the remote repositories.
git remote -v
35. Remove a remote repository
git remote remove <remote name>
36 Rename a remote repository
git remote rename <old name> <new name>
37. Fetch changes from a remote repository
git fetch <remote name>
38. Fetch changes from a particular branch
git fetch <remote name> <branch>
39. Pull changes from a remote repository
git pull <remote name> <branch>
40. Push changes to a remote repository
git push <remote name>
41. Push changes to a particular branch
git push <remote name> <branch>
That's all folks! 🎉
Thanks for reading
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Top comments (21)
Couple cool things missed:
Git diff, thanks 😉
If you could add tagging & cherrypick then it would be great addon to the list
Yeah, I missed those 😅
Definitely a good list, but I would suggest everyone to make their own versions. Trust me it’s lot better feeling to read the documentation you are completely aware of in future
Valuable list 👍💯✨
Thanks! Means a lot coming from you!
Great article! Huge help.
nice post
The information you shared is very helpful
Thanks you, we need it !
cool list
Woooah💯🎉💕 I whole course on git
Thanks @ruppysuppy