
Cover image for Deploy Angular application on Kubernetes
Saiprasad Tirumala
Saiprasad Tirumala

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Deploy Angular application on Kubernetes

Nodejs Installed.
Docker Installed.
Kubernetes Installed.

Step 1: Create an angular application
Install angular CLI using below command

npm install -g @angular/cli

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Below command helps you to create an Angular application.

ng new hello-world

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Alternatively you can clone from my repository link

Now go inside the hello-world directory and run the local server using below command.

ng serve

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By default application runs on port number 4200.You can test in your browser using this link

Step 2: Build the application in production environment
Run the below command which creates the dist folder in your root directory.

ng build --prod

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Step 3: Create a DockerFile
We need to copy the files from dist folder to nginx path.

FROM nginx:alpine
COPY ./dist/hello-world ./usr/share/nginx/html

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Step 4: Build the DockerFile
Navigate to the directory where you created the Dockerfile and enter the below command.

docker build -t angular/hello-world:v1 .

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Once the build process is completed, You can check the docker images with below command.

docker ps -a

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Step 5: Create a kubernetes Deployment Pod
You can get deployment file from my github repository link

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

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Explanation for above YAML in short:

  • Sample template for Deployment file can be found in official site
  • apiVersion defines the version of kubernetes.
  • kind indicates the type if it is a Deployment, Service, Job etc.
  • metadata is the deployment name.
  • Under spec.template.spec.containers, we need to mention the name of the docker image. In this example, we haven't pushed Docker image to its registry. So we need to mention imagePullPolicy: Never. If it is not mentioned, kubernetes tries to pull the image from the docker registry.
  • containerPort tells in which port our deployment needs to run.

Step 6: Create a Service
You can get service file from my github repository link
Enter the below command to create a service pod.

kubectl apply -f service.yaml

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Service pod helps in connecting to the application based on the deployment name mentioned under

Verify the deployments

kubectl get all

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Step 7: Final Step - Port Forwarding
This helps in forwarding our requests to our application

kubectl port-forward <service-name> <expose port no>:<service port num>

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Now go to your browser and check by hitting (http://localhost:80). You should able to access your web application.

Top comments (2)

vnsanilkumar profile image

Don't we need to make changes for nginx.conf file?

saiprasad2595 profile image
Saiprasad Tirumala

Not necessary, unless you want to specify any configuration.