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Cover image for My portfolio website.
sambit sahoo
sambit sahoo

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My portfolio website.

I had came to know of static site generators long ago. There are a lot of very good static site generators for running a blog or a simple portfolio site. But every other generator has it's own set of problems. Jekyll is too complex to start because it needs a base knowledge of ruby. Hugo is very good for speed and performance but it's based on Golang which is not comfortable for beginners.

After all these research and analysis, i had made up my mind not to go for a static site generator. I'm a beginner developer and i mainly specialize in Javascript. I have started learning Vuejs last year and right now i have a good knowledge and understanding of it. I love to code using Vue because of the simplicity of using components and JSX syntax. It's similar with HTML and learning Vue is too easy as compared to other front end frameworks.

Recently when i was scrolling through articles, i read about Nuxtjs. It's based on Vue and it's so feature rich that it takes vue to another level. I got interested and started googling for static ste generators built on top of Nuxtjs. I found a repository by Code-tribe which was a blog based on Nuxtjs and Netlify cms. Articles are stored as a markdown file inside the blog and because it is based on Nuxtjs, it's rendered server-side which makes it crazy fast and lodes in about 1 second.

My Portfolio

I forked the repository and as it's open source i started to work on it. I tweaked some problems and added some features like a more robust navbar and darkmode. My portfolio is based on it and it's currently live on which is hosted on Netlify.

In thee process of understanding the code of the original project i learned a lot about Nuxtjs and Netlify cms as the site's back-end is based on it. I have also gone a step forward and converted the site to a Progressive Web App (PWA). The website is a SPA which makes it awesome to work as a PWA. The site offers an average load time of around 2 seconds which is also awesome for good reader experience.

I'm going to merge my Headliner project with my portfolio so that the site can offer more value.

Thank You for reading. Peace!!

Top comments (3)

dyland profile image
Dylan Davenport • Edited

If you ever want to try your hand at React, Gatsby is a great option for static sites. I’m with you, I enjoy Vue much more than other frameworks but I’ve been thinking of using Gatsby for my next portfolio build just to try it out 😁

sambitsahoojs profile image
sambit sahoo

Very nice of you to suggest.I will surely try this in my next build.

cadams profile image
Chad Adams

I used Gatsby for mine. ( I would use it again.