DEV Community

Sanjana Pandey
Sanjana Pandey

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Mastering DSA in 200 days Challenge

Hey everyone!I will be taking a new challenge in which I will try my level best to master or become better in DSA under 200days. I will be keeping my regular track through my posts and will be posting the problems or difficulties I faced during my learnings . I will mention my mistakes and will try to rectify them day by day!
I wish I'll succeed in this challenge and will become a better developer!

Top comments (7)

schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo)

Hello! Welcome to Dev!

Hey! What is DSA? Maybe you explain a little bit of that in your posts.

sanjanapandey profile image
Sanjana Pandey

DSA is Data structure algorithms . Its a part of coding language.And yes definitely I will post more about in the coming days !

schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo)

Oh great! You know, thats a topic of interest to me.

Are you studyng that at college? an online course? Books?

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sanjanapandey profile image
Sanjana Pandey

NO!Actually in first year they don't teach DSA so I am learning it by myself through YouTube!And I haven't referred to books yet....I will be doing it later.Till then I will be utilising online resources of Hackerrank,Leetcode,DSA sheets, etc!

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schemetastic profile image
Schemetastic (Rodrigo)

Sounds cool, LeetCode is a great tool for learning and put your skills to test. Do you already program in any language? If not you should consider learning one while learning data structure algorithms.

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sanjanapandey profile image
Sanjana Pandey

I did programming in Python in my school but it didn't have DSA.
Yes!I started learning C++ already and I'll do DSA in C++ itself!

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt β˜•
