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Saurav Shah
Saurav Shah

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This is for you, let's build some cool stuff! πŸš€βœ¨

Hey Folks, πŸŽ‰

It's time to bring your ideas to life! πŸ’‘ Whether you're a designer, developer, content creator, or just have a passion to create something amazing, this is your chance. πŸš€

No matter your skill levelβ€”beginner or pro, student or full-time professionalβ€”your dream project awaits. 🌟 Use your nights and weekends to build something you've always wanted. πŸ”¨βœ¨

You might know me from my previous blog on "Using Google Apps Script." πŸ“š Now, it's time to use those skills to create an actual product. πŸ› οΈ

And here's the fun part: I'm diving into this journey too, building something I'm passionate about. ❀️ I'll be documenting the process with plenty of technical blogs along the way. πŸ“–πŸ”§

For you, I have buddy passes to Buildspace's @_nightsweekends S5. 🎟️ You will be accepted automatically. Click on this invitation link and join nightsweekends s5. Let's create something incredible together with loads of other excited folks @_nightsweekends! 🌍πŸ‘₯

@sauravshah31 - Feel free to connect, let's share the journey together

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Saurav Shah

Click on this invitation link, and you will be instantly accepted to nightsweekends s5.