My Workflow
So I've created this PWA to APK Action which currently coverts the project generated by bubblewrap-cli
to APK.
You'll need to install bubblewrap-cli
which requires just a few steps, you can follow this guide for it.
Submission Category:
Phone Friendly
Yaml File or Link to Code
actions.yml: code
Action Github Repository:
A Github Action for Converting your PWA to android app.
Welcome to pwa-to-apk-action 👋
Github Action for Converting your PWA to android app.
✨ Demo
How to use?
To use this action add following to your workflow file
- name: PWA to APK action
uses: sharadcodes/pwa-to-apk-action@v1.0.0
project-root-folder: 'your_android_project_folder_root' # This should be the root folder which contains
# all the files generated by bubblewrap-cli
What about the Future?
Well I'm planning to remove the extra step in which you have to upload the android project folder generated by bubblewrap-cli in the next release of this action so stay tuned by watching the repo :), a star will also do a fine job.
👤 Sharad Raj Singh Maurya
- Website:
- Twitter: @sharadcodes
- Github: @sharadcodes
- LinkedIn: @srsmaurya
Show your support
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Additional Resources / Info
Demo repository
This repository contains files generated by bubblewrap-cli which will be used in awsm-pwa-to-apk-action
Welcome to pwa-to-apk-action-test 👋
This repository contains files generated by bubblewrap-cli which will be used in pwa-to-apk-action, it's a one time process, I'll automate this step further so that you only have to push to your web app and the project along with apk get's generated automatically, currently only apk generation is automated.
👤 Sharad Raj Singh Maurya
- Website:
- Twitter: @sharadcodes
- Github: @sharadcodes
- LinkedIn: @srsmaurya
Show your support
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
- Automating the step in which you have to upload the android project folder generated by bubblewrap-cli.
- Fixing the generated apk signing error.
There are some issues with the generated apk so I don't recommend to use it for production. I will be fixing many things in the upcoming days :)
Top comments (1)
Ooooh greaaat!