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Connect Logi ~ Logistics One Stop SaaS platform

Building a SaaS Platform for Logistics in stealth mode

After completing my first freelance gig building an e-commerce store, I embarked on a new challenge: a paid internship at a logistics company specializing in international and national clients. My role? Developing the backend for their SaaS platform. Initially daunting, considering my unfamiliarity with logistics, I embraced the opportunity with both excitement and apprehension.

!!I'm in the cover image!!

Fast forward five months, and I've navigated through a dynamic learning curve. For the past four months, we've been diligently building in stealth mode. In such a complex project, where meticulous coding is paramount, I found myself rewriting the backend multiple times to refine system design and enhance dynamic functionality. Our tech stack includes Node.js with Express.js, React, and MySQL.

Here are some key backend features I've developed:

  • User Reporting: Generate insightful reports with pie charts, filterable by date and time.
  • Organisation/Client Management: Implement CRUD operations for managing multiple branches effortlessly.
  • Job Creation: Streamline job imports with customized one-click job numbers.
  • Line of Business Management: Tailor CRUD operations to different lines of business for enhanced flexibility.
  • Workflow Creation: Design workflows based on business lines, incorporating manual or automatic dependencies.
  • Employee Access: Facilitate seamless access to workflows and branches for multiple employees.
  • Approval System: Implement multi-level approval processes for organizations and jobs, with configurable criteria.
  • Employee Management: Ensure smooth operations with comprehensive CRUD functionalities for managing employees.
  • Scheduled Mailing: Automate timely client updates for improved communication.
  • Branch Management: Enable easy creation and management of multiple branches.
  • Job Management: Efficiently create and manage jobs specific to each branch's requirements.
  • User Roles: Assign and manage customized roles to employees for optimized workflow management.
  • Notification System: Provide real-time alerts for organization and job updates to enhance operational efficiency.
  • Approval Alerts: Notify all employees promptly upon organization or job approval for coordinated action.
  • Branch Switching: Allow employees the flexibility to switch seamlessly between branches.
  • Secure Authentication: Ensure robust security through encryption-based user authentication protocols.

This internship has been an invaluable learning experience, offering profound insights into backend development within the logistics industry. Beyond technical skills, it has provided a glimpse into the complexities of real-world applications and the satisfaction of contributing to impactful projects. As an undergraduate, it's also been a source of supplementary income, further enriching my journey into the world of software development.

Thank you!

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