Feeling a little like Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire today, but I digress.
The first iteration of this post was a happy meltdown after some Twitter warriors helped me gain eyes to land job opportunities. Not much has happened on that front, but here is (to me) the wildest thing that will ever happen over tweets. And before you read this as a lesson in how not to write about a tech post, this is a tech networking post, so no code snippets here. Sorry!
The intent is to share with you a list of some awesome people who you can connect with for free through a series of anecdotes. It is meant to celebrate my tech anchors in life's ocean (Don Williams anyone?). I hope to tell you about them extensively on a weekly basis. If I have now lost you, happy Monday. Also, enjoy Poison because today is Michael Bivins' birthday!
Moving on...
In the last month, I have connected with some amazing people in technology and specifically, data science. This all started because I was minding my business and posting I don't know what about the WNBA OK? That's how the PowerPuff Girls of data happened. First, @dikayodata liked the tweet and followed. Now if you have not connected with this lady and her empire, it includes a podcast, a newsletter, and Twitter chats that combine felines and data. Perplexed by this connection, I went and read about her (as one does), followed and subscribed to everything before thanking her because what luck! And then this offer (which I double-checked) happened!
DiKayo Data@dikayodata
Omg there’s SO much sports data out there begging for you to analyze it so that’s awesome. I haven’t talked about that on #DataFemme at all. I’d love to pilot that with you as long as @thedariaedits joins because I do not know near enough about sports.......... twitter.com/siawayforward/…01:19 AM - 12 Jul 2020Sia Seko 🇹🇿 @siawayforward@dikayodata Can't wait!! And I am a data baby. Only worked as an analyst in relocation for ~3 years before, but sports would be my dream hence all the WNBA tweets and side projects😂😂
It was magical, made my week, and I very much look forward to it.
The second PowerPuff girl, Alise, was actually mentioned to a group of us who attended @Latesha_Byrd's black ceiling talk days earlier. As a member of Latesha's (now try keeping the names straight) Career Chasers club, Alise has now secured the bag and is a Sr. Analytics Engineer at Netflix! Last but certainly not least, the one and only @DataSciBae - I had already been following! But guess what had happened right before that Dikayo Data madness?!
Weeks earlier, Ayodele had expressed interest in taking on a junior data person a.k.a. a data baby, to help with a project she is working on. I had signed up for this and continued along while applying for jobs before our Cinderella moment is over with the USCIS and ICE (because immigration). Meanwhile, Alise had also posted a tweet expressing willingness to hold calls with any data babies who had questions and I had signed up for that too.
Now let's fast-forward (back) to that moment when I decide to start listening to #DataFemme, the Dikayo Data podcast, minutes after subscribing. The first episode had (you guessed it) all three of these women talking about race, bias, and data science. They all know each other! What triple luck and joy. Needless to say, I went back to Twitter to thank all of them for connecting me to each other in this serendipitous moment and being part of the daily newspaper that is my Twitter feed.
So today, I'd like to thank them for existing and giving. When I open Twitter, it is so refreshing to see the duality of all these women. They have each either given me or presented me with an opportunity to improve my job chances, taught me about what is important while learning about data science, and lived loudly enough to deafen all those who say they should be quiet. Not to mention, having e-nteracted with the PPG has led me to e-meet some more amazing women in tech and data; to be featured in this small deverse series (get it?) in the next installment of Thank your Angels!
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