App's Overview
- In this tutorial, we will be going through a voice assistant build with python for beginners. Prerequisites for reading this article are basic knowledge of python and python package importing.
Table Of Content
Project Setup
I have used the VS code editor for this project. PyCharm is also equally recommended, it depends upon your personal choice which among the two to choose. But other than these two I won't strongly recommend any editor.
Create a file
Imports & Packages Installation
- We will be using various python packages for creating our smart assistant. Some of them need to be installed while some are pre-installed packages.
- The imports visible in the above image are the brain cells of our assistant π.
pyttsx3 - The most important package is
it is a text-to-speech conversion library in Python. Unlike alternative libraries, it works offline and is compatible with both Python 2 and 3.
## to download the package, write it in the terminal
pip install pyttsx3
## to import write this in
import pyttsx3
speech_recognition - It allows computers to understand human language. Speech recognition is a machine's ability to listen to spoken words and identify them.
## to download the package, write it in the terminal
pip install SpeechRecognition
## to import write this in
import speech_recognition as sr
wikipedia - Wikipedia is a Python library that makes it easy to access and parse data from Wikipedia. Search Wikipedia, get article summaries, get data like links and images from a page, and more.
## to download the package, write it in the terminal
pip install wikipedia
## to import write this in
import wikipedia as wk
datetime - For accessing date and time.
## to import write this in
import datetime as dt
webbrowser - For accessing the browser.
## to import write this in
import webbrowser as wb
os - For accessing operating system's operations.
## to import write this in
import os
Features and More
- This can be extended immensely as per the developer's interest. I have provided basic steps with a few features in this tutorial. But you can fork the GitHub Repo for various features.
Feature - 1 (Listening)
- We will make our assistant listen us firstly π .
function is ears for our assistant.
def takeCommand():
r = sr.Recognizer() # sr-> speech_recognition
with sr.Microphone() as source:
r.adjust_for_ambient_noise(source) # for cancelling the backgroud noise
r.pause_threshold = 1
maudio = r.listen(source)
query = r.recognize_google(maudio, language = 'en-in') # this step will recogize the text you spoke and store it into var query
except Exception as e:
query = "Say that again please!"
return query
- Now, you can use the
returned fromtakeCommand()
for various tasks.
Feature - 2 (speaking)
- It's time for our assistant to respond, because conversation must be two sided. π
function will let our assistant speak.
def speakBaby(audio):
engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5') # learn more about sapi5 in pyttsx3 documentation
voices = engine.getProperty('voices') # for getting all the voices (male and female)
engine.setProperty('voice', voices[1].id) # set a voice with your choice
Feature - 3 (Wishing)
function allows our assistant to wish us according to the time of the day.
def wishMe():
hour = int(
if hour in range(0,12):
speakBaby("Good morning Sid .. How may I help you !")
elif hour in range(12,17):
speakBaby("Good Afternoon Sid .. How may I help you !")
speakBaby("Good Evening Sid .. How may I help you !")
- We used
for our assistant to speak out time.
Note : These are the basic features for a working assistant and for more features checkout the GitHub repo attached below.
App's Overview
- In this tutorial, we will be going through a voice assistant build with python for beginners. Prerequisites for reading this article are basic knowledge of python and python package importing.
Table Of Content
Project Setup
I have used the VS code editor for this project. PyCharm is also equally recommended, it depends upon your personal choice which among the two to choose. But other than these two I won't strongly recommend any editor.
Create a file
Imports & Packages Installation
- We will be using various python packages for creating our smart assistant. Some of them need to be installed while some are pre-installed packages.
- The imports visible in the above image are the brain cells of our assistant π.
pyttsx3 - The most important package is
it is a β¦
Top comments (2)
Hello Siddharth Singh,
thank you for your article.
I like how it's structured.
I also like the high level explanation of the different packages.
I was trying to get your code to work on Google Colab just for fun and I know you specifically recommend only pycharm and VS code.
I only mention this because it seems that your code regarding this documentation only works on Windows OS:
I stumbled across this when the following error popped up:
ImportError: cannot import name 'COMError' from '_ctypes'
(It seems that one of the packages needs the package comtypes, so I installed it)
If this is true, I recommend that your article mentions that it's only for Windows.
It might help provide more clarity.
To reproduce the error in Google Colab (for the curious):
An error will pop up that package comtypes is needed
Install comtypes before the imports
!pip install comtypes
Import comtypes after package installation
The following error should pop up
ImportError: cannot import name 'COMError' from '_ctypes'
Thanks for reviewing the article carefully and I am glad you find it useful. Also I apologize for the inconvenience. I will mark that the article is meant for the windows users only.