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Ali nazari
Ali nazari

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Practicing politeness in JavaScript code 🀬

Imagine that you published a big open source project and many people are currently changing your code or updating the project documents.

what if someone accidently write something race related , gender favoring , polarizing and etc... πŸ‘€

cat typing

we have a tool called alex !

According to what is written in the documentation of this tool:

Whether your own or someone else’s writing, alex helps you find gender favoring, polarizing, race related, or other unequal phrasing in text.

Set up Alex in our project

in order to use alex inside our project , first we need to install its package.

it will be a good practice if you install alex as a dev-dependency
or you can just install it globally in your system.

npm i -D alex 
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Alex reads plain text, HTML, MDX, or markdown as input.

One of its uses is to scan all project documents for any literary issues.

Let’s assume that all our documents are written in Markdown format, so we instruct Alex to check all files with a .md extension

In our package.json file, we can create a script like:

  "scripts": {
      "test-doc" : "npx alex *.md"
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After that, I create a file called as an example document:

## the boogeyman walked to class
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if you run the test-doc command, you will probably get this result:

> test-doc
> npx alex *.md
  1:8-1:17  warning  `boogeyman` may be insensitive, use `boogeymonster` instead  boogeyman-boogeywoman  retext-equality

β€Ό 1 warning
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You can use this command together with tools such as Husky ** and **lint-staged to run the process of checking your files automatically. πŸ€–

What are your thoughts on this tool, and how crucial is compliance with this matter for software projects? πŸ§πŸ€—

Top comments (34)

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ
warning  `boogeyman` may be insensitive, use `boogeymonster` instead  boogeyman-boogeywoman  retext-equality
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I have no words. This is completely ridiculous

silentwatcher_95 profile image
Ali nazari

true 🀣🀌🏻

jonrandy profile image
Jon Randy πŸŽ–οΈ • Edited

Also, this kind of thing (whether a document is not 'inclusive', or is 'offensive') should be determined/resolved by the normal process of PRs and review/discussion - not arbitrary decision making by a dumb model that has no idea or understanding about context, sarcasm, intent, etc.

This really feels like a solution looking for a problem.

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instalab profile image
Samuel Boczek

Might be useful for checking and refactoring old documents, but I agree that you should not just treat the this tools as an end all solution.

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silentwatcher_95 profile image
Ali nazari

thank you for your feedback πŸ€—

ngdangtu profile image
Đăng TΓΊ

What is this abormination?!!! Why would anyone spending their time to create such a tasteless tool like this? What a waste of time!

silentwatcher_95 profile image
Ali nazari


best_codes profile image
Best Codes

People don't understand. πŸ˜•
I can understand, though. πŸ™‚

pauluz profile image
Paul Canning

Is this a late April Fools?

silentwatcher_95 profile image
Ali nazari

Maybe, who knows! πŸ˜πŸ‘€

click2install profile image

Humanity is doomed.

silentwatcher_95 profile image
Ali nazari

However, it can still be viewed as a fun tool. 😏

tullaris profile image
JoΓ£o Almeida

Lol good luck writing "merged changes to 'master'"

silentwatcher_95 profile image
Ali nazari


kocreative profile image

Seems like a great little tool! Thank you for bringing it to my attention :)

silentwatcher_95 profile image
Ali nazari

Thank you for your positive feedback! πŸ€—

edwin_teisman_fcac5dd744a profile image
Edwin Teisman

Nice little joke you got there. Probably some conservative who wants promote the anti woke movement. They'll follow up with a post against wokeness on Twitter or Reddit

scarylerie profile image


silentwatcher_95 profile image
Ali nazari

thank you for your feedback sir πŸ«‘πŸ‘‘

simonoop profile image

What the hell has happened to the freaking world? What's next? Enforcing git branch names?!?!! Oh wait ..

eevargas profile image
Eli Vargas

I feel offended by this tool 🀣
Wow the levels that we are reaching now. We are doomed πŸ˜”

silentwatcher_95 profile image
Ali nazari

I am slowly thinking that it would have been better if I had not used the example in the documentation of this tool 😡😷
The situation is getting worse 🀣🀣

isaac0yen profile image
Oyeniyi Isaac

So this library has a list of keywords and loops through the text to return the ones in the list?

But somehow, is very importantΒΏ

retakenroots profile image
Rene Kootstra • Edited

Yet another example of how to build a cluttered build pipeline.

silentwatcher_95 profile image
Ali nazari


array_dot_reduce profile image
Bhaskar Ghale

I can see value the value in this tool...

But the example is purely engagement-bait isn't it?
I don't blame you. The number of comments speaks for itself, mine included. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

silentwatcher_95 profile image
Ali nazari

I used the example of the documentation in here But I am pleased to see that it is driving engagement. πŸ€—πŸ“ˆπŸ“ˆ

anotherguy profile image
Igor Soloydenko

The example used is crazy. The tool would be helpful if it checked specifically for slurs and derogatory language.

silentwatcher_95 profile image
Ali nazari

I’m not sure but I think it detects slurs too

f1nn0s profile image
Finn Mohr

Lol....What is available in these days is unbelievable.
I'm always surprised 🀣

silentwatcher_95 profile image
Ali nazari

If I say that the idea of ​​this project has been around for a long time and it has only become more complete, it might spoil it more 😏🀣