The struggle of being a programmer is understood by none other than another programmer. We came across a lot of problems all day long and we have to overcome each and every obstacle.

So today, I would love us to share things that a coder/programmer hates to encounter?
My thoughts
As a coder/programer I hate following things to encounter
- No Network🌐
- Stuck on one problem that takes a lot of time to get solve😨
- Can't execute the program that I found on the web▶️
- What you hate most as a Programmer?
- Nightmare for you as a Programmer?
Top comments (67)
Having to read code where someone was trying to be smart.
The "programming is just Ctrl+C Ctrl+V" meme.
Confused languages that think they're C when they're not.
Object-Oriented Programming taken too far.
Simplifying poorly-written complex code with an equivalent but simpler expression, only to find out after deploying to production that it wasn't equivalent.
"Having to read code where someone was trying to be smart"
So much this! After figuring it out, I'll think "well, that's pretty cool and clever". But then I will likely change it to something more readable because, more often than not, cleverness = maintenance nightmare.
Oh and, I've often been too clever myself for my own good. Go back into some piece of codes a couple of weeks later, come across "me being clever the other day" and going, "WTF does this do?"
Yess a clear code is what we want
+1 to all the bullets lol
PHP is better as a command-line language than a web language.
Okay, I am a newbie to PHP.
Things on my hate list
Edge. It's been Edge for a long while now. Edge!
I worked on IE 10 and IE 11, at Microsoft. I was surprised — and ecstatic — when Edge went live. Even many of us on working on IE didn't know about the Edge project in the works until it went public.
Hope your list get smaller over the time
I'm confident, that at some point IE users die out :D
When you can't find solution to a problem any where in the internet.
This is epic level of frustration
Hit '2' instead of '1'. Where 1 was "make a backup", and 2 was "restore backup". And there was no feedback that a restore was happening rather than a backup.
And it was for year end processing of all the accounting data.
Unfortunately, this nightmare scenario happened for real. Almost 40 years ago, and still haunts my nightmares.
Yessss they don't specify things
These fall under both categories:
What I hate most:
I work with 3 teams, one of them is based in the Bay area, another one in Vietnam, mine's in Paris. SF Team and mine are mostly senior devs, so we have access to push to production in case of emergency.
And for one of the US devs, it seems like a fckin CSS issue is an emergency. Dude branches out from master, to write some working code, without commenting or testing.
And we told him countless times to respect the chain of command, but still, he doesn't care, and bosses won't change a thing, because "Hey, most of the time, it works"
What you hate most as a Programmer?
QUESTION :- What you hate most as a programmer ?
Hating levels
• 00 -- 25 = 😠
• 25 -- 50 = 😡
• 50 -- 75 = 😈
• 75 --.100 = 😫
What I hate are
• No network = 😈
• Bugs in code = 😠
QUESTION :- Nightmare for you as a programmer ?
Nightmare levels
• 00 -- 25 = 😠
• 25 -- 50 = 😡
• 50 -- 75 = 😈
• 75 --.100 = 😫
My nightmares are
• Code compiling failure = 😈
• likage of secret codes for a very big project = 😠
All the point is very frustrating while you try to be in good mood.
Can we talk in connect for that follow me please and send me a massege please and i am going for some work i will be online in half an hour so dont worry if i dont reply at connect
Yep that can be
I don't like symbol soup (e.g.
) because I can't easily search for symbols. Most languages are moving away from verbosity towards a greater use of symbols each and every day, which makes me sad. I wouldn't say I hate it or that it is a nightmare though but it does make it harder for people to get into programming.Some comments may only be visible to logged-in visitors. Sign in to view all comments.