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Taki (Kieu Dang)
Taki (Kieu Dang)

Posted on

List of Github Boilerplates

1. React Boilerplate

Repo: React Boilerplate

  • Why? A well-maintained and production-ready boilerplate for React projects.

2. Next.js Boilerplate

Repo: Next.js Boilerplate

  • Why? Includes TypeScript, ESlint, and Prettier for Next.js projects.

3. Vite + React + TypeScript Boilerplate

Repo: Vite React TypeScript Starter

  • Why? Fast build setup with Vite and React.

4. Vue.js Boilerplate

Repo: Vue Enterprise Boilerplate

  • Why? A professional boilerplate with a focus on scalable architecture.

5. TailwindCSS Starter

Repo: TailwindCSS Boilerplate

  • Why? A quick start for TailwindCSS-based projects.

6. Redux Toolkit + React

Repo: Redux Toolkit Example

  • Why? Perfect for projects requiring Redux state management.

7. TypeScript Starter

Repo: TypeScript Starter Template

  • Why? A starter kit for TypeScript projects, including backend integration.

8. JAMstack Boilerplate

Repo: Eleventy Starter

  • Why? Great for building static sites with modern JAMstack principles.

9. Fullstack Boilerplate

Repo: React-Express Boilerplate

  • Why? Combines React with an Express.js backend for fullstack projects.

10. Webpack Boilerplate

Repo: Webpack Starter Kit

  • Why? Minimalist starter kit for learning and using Webpack.

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