DEV Community

Tanushree Aggarwal
Tanushree Aggarwal

Posted on

Hacktoberfest2023 - completion!

And just like that..

Image description

Being a first time Hacktoberfest participant, I feel super proud of myself!
Just a few days back I shared my Hacktoberfest goal of submitting 2 valid PRs. To my surprise I was able to submit them very easily, so decided to keep going further!

Which led me here, having completed the challenge with 4 valid PRs!

An image of @aggarwaltanushree's Holopin badges, which is a link to view their full Holopin profile

Pull Request 1
Pull Request 2
Pull Request 3
Pull Request 4

While I may not have made a significant contribution to the opensource community with these PRs, this is just the beginning of my opensource journey!
I am already looking forward to participate in next year's Hacktoberfest and make some constructive contributions!

Top comments (2)

raskyld profile image
Enzo Nocera


And good selection of quotes! πŸ‘ŒπŸ»

tanushree_aggarwal profile image
Tanushree Aggarwal

Thank you!