Coding is an essential part of software development, and it is essential to write clean, efficient, and maintainable code. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 best practices that every developer should follow while coding.

Following these best practices can help you to produce high-quality code that is easy to read, debug, and maintain.
1. Write Readable Code
Writing readable code is the most crucial aspect of coding. Your code should be easy to read and understand, and other developers should be able to follow it.One of the best ways to write readable code is to use appropriate naming conventions for variables, functions, classes, and so on.
// ❌ Poorly written code
let x = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13];
for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
for (let j = i + 1; j < x.length; j++) {
if (x[i] + x[j] === 14) {
console.log(x[i], x[j]);
// ✅ Better written code
let primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13];
for (let i = 0; i < primes.length; i++) {
for (let j = i + 1; j < primes.length; j++) {
if (primes[i] + primes[j] === 14) {
console.log(primes[i], primes[j]);
By using appropriate naming conventions and formatting, the second block of code is much more readable and easier to understand than the first block of code.
2. Use Consistent Coding Style
Consistency in coding style is essential for a team of developers working on the same project. It saves time, reduces confusion, and improves the maintainability of the code. Adopt a coding style guide and stick to it.
// ❌ Inconsistent coding style
function add(x, y) {
return x+y;
// ✅ Consistent coding style
function add(x, y) {
return x + y;
The second block of code has a consistent coding style, which makes it easier to read and understand the code.
3. Avoid Magic Numbers or Strings
Magic numbers or strings are hard-coded values in the code that can make it difficult to read and maintain. Use constants or variables to replace them to improve the readability and maintainability of the code.
// ❌ Magic numbers and strings
function getArea(width, height) {
if (width == 10 && height == 5) {
return 50;
if (width == 5 && height == 10) {
return 25;
// ✅ Constants instead of magic numbers and strings
const WIDTH_1 = 10;
const HEIGHT_1 = 5;
const WIDTH_2 = 5;
const HEIGHT_2 = 10;
function getArea(width, height) {
if (width == WIDTH_1 && height == HEIGHT_1) {
return WIDTH_1 * HEIGHT_1;
if (width == WIDTH_2 && height == HEIGHT_2) {
return WIDTH_2 * HEIGHT_2;
By using constants instead of magic numbers or strings, the code becomes more self-explanatory and easier to understand.
4 Write Modular Code
Modular code makes the code more organized and enhances its maintainability. It is much easier to update or add new features to modular code than to spaghetti code. Break your code into smaller, easier-to-manage modules or functions that carry specific responsibilities.
// Monolithic Code
function calculatePay(employee) {
var pay = 0;
if (employee.role == 'Manager') {
pay = employee.salary + 1000;
if (employee.role == 'Developer') {
pay = employee.salary;
if (employee.role == 'Tester') {
pay = employee.salary - 1000;
return pay;
// Modularity
function calculatePay(employee) {
return employee.salary + employee.bonus;
function getEmployeeBonus(role) {
if (role == 'Manager') {
return 1000;
if (role == 'Developer') {
return 0;
if (role == 'Tester') {
return -1000;
function calculateEmployeeBonus(employee) {
return (employee.salary * getEmployeeBonus(employee.role)) / 100;
function calculateTotalPay(employee) {
return calculatePay(employee) + calculateEmployeeBonus(employee);
In this example, modular code is used to break up a monolithic function into smaller, easier to understand and maintainable functions.
5. Use Comments
Adding comments to your code is a great way to document your code and make it more understandable. Do not hesitate to add comments explaining why a particular piece of code has been written.
// ❌ Poorly commented code
function add(x, y) { // function to add two numbers
return x + y; // returns the sum of two numbers
// ✅ Better commented code
function add(x, y) {
// This function accepts two numbers x and y
// It returns the sum of x and y
return x + y;
Adding comments that explain how the code works can help other developers understand and maintain the code.
6. Use Descriptive Function and Method Names
Using descriptive function and method names can make your code more readable by providing information about what a given function or method does.
// ❌ Poor function and method names
function f(x, y) {
for (let i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
if (x[i] == y) {
return i;
return -1;
class Foo {
x() {}
// ✅ Descriptive function and method names
function indexOfItemInArray(array, item) {
for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
if (array[i] == item) {
return i;
return -1;
class Bar {
getXCoordinate() {}
7 Use Version Control
Version control is one of the essential tools for managing code. Use a version control system like Git or SVN to keep track of changes to your code and to collaborate better with your team members.
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push
Using a version control system like Git makes it easier to track changes, collaborate with team members and roll back changes when needed.
8. Use Debugging Tools
Debugging your code is an essential part of the development process. Make use of debugging tools provided by your integrated development environment (IDE) or use debugging libraries like Log4J and Apache for better error handling.
function addNumbers(x, y) {
return x + y;
const result = addNumbers(5, '7'); // Type Error
console.log(addNumbers(5, '7')); // Throws Type Error on console
9. Test Your Code
Perform test cases to ensure the code is working correctly. Write unit tests and functional tests to identify errors at various stages of development. Adopt Test-Driven Development (TDD) to write tests before writing code.
// Unit test example
function testAddNumbers() {
if (addNumbers(2, 3) === 5 &&
addNumbers(1, -1) === 0 &&
addNumbers(0, 0) === 0 &&
addNumbers(-1, -1) === -2) {
return true;
return false;
// Functional Test Example
function testLogin() {
if (login('admin', 'admin123') === true &&
login('guest', 'password') === false) {
return true;
return false;
10. Refactor Regularly
Refactoring is a technique used to improve the quality of code by cleaning up messy code. Refactor your code regularly to eliminate unnecessary dependencies, remove repetitive code and get rid of any potential bottlenecks.
// ❌ Poorly written code with duplication and lots of statements
function calculateSalary(numberOfHours, hourlyPay, overtime, bonus) {
let salary = 0;
if (numberOfHours > 40) {
if (overtime) {
salary += (40 * hourlyPay) + (numberOfHours - 40) * hourlyPay * 1.5;
} else {
salary += 40 * hourlyPay;
} else {
salary += numberOfHours * hourlyPay;
if (bonus) {
salary *= 1.1;
return salary;
// ✅ Better written code without duplication and fewer statements.
function calculateSalary(numberOfHours, hourlyPay, overtime, bonus) {
let salary = numberOfHours * hourlyPay;
if (overtime && numberOfHours > 40) {
salary += (numberOfHours - 40) * hourlyPay * 1.5;
if (bonus) {
salary *= 1.1;
return salary;
Following these best practices can make a significant difference in the quality of code you produce. Writing clean and efficient code not only makes coding easier but also makes it more enjoyable.
It helps you avoid potential errors, reduce debugging time and improve the overall quality of your work.
By adopting these best practices, developers can achieve more efficient code development, reduce errors, and respond faster to new requirements. So, start implementing these best practices today and watch your code quality soar to new heights.
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Top comments (2)
You write well but logging is not the same as debugging and what you are calling debugging is just logging.
No one uses var anymore.
Also in any other language but JS types are so easy so had you picked another language for this tutorial, you would have been able to easily add a section on typing which of course as easy and important as your other bullets.
Thank you for taking the time to read the article and provide your feedback. I appreciate your insights regarding logging. I agree that logging is not the same as debugging, and I apologize for any confusion that this may have caused. Logging is just one tool that can be used during the debugging process to help identify issues and track variables.
Regarding your statement that no one uses
anymore, I must mention thatvar
is still a valid way of declaring variables in JavaScript, although with the introduction oflet
in newer versions of JavaScript,var
is no longer the preferred way of declaring variables.While writing the article, I realized that I focused on JavaScript and did not cover typing which is a crucial aspect of many other programming languages. You make a good point that it's essential to cover in-depth topics like typing in a complete programming language tutorial.
Again, thank you for your valuable feedback. I will ensure to keep your points in mind while developing future articles.