If you claim to be a Data Engineer or a DevOps engineer then you surely have heard of Elasticsearch, this technology has been gaining traction for all the right reasons.
Although you can use Elasticsearch only for storage, it is highly recommended to use it alongside it's brothers: Logstash and Kibana, we will get to those in other posts.
What is Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch is a NoSQL document database (JSON), its environment revolves around 3 main concepts:
- Nodes: An Elasticsearch node is a server which stores data, it does this through shards.
- Shards: Shards are a storage abstraction that provides easier access to your data as well as support for replication.
- Indices: Indices are the second storage abstraction, they are what you are going to interact with when fetching or aggregating data from the Elasticsearch API.
Where Elasticsearch shines:
- Data Streaming Environments: Together with Logstash
- Data Analytics Enviornments: Together with an Analytics Frontend such as Kibana
- Data Lake: Use the Elasticsearch REST API, compatible with any data analytics processing application.
Why does it shine in these environments:
- Fast and efficient I/O operations: Provided by sharding and indexing.
- Aggregation support: Elasticsearch has an incredibly flexible REST API that you can use from any client to make custom aggregations and data structures.
- Kibana: Kibana is a front end application that fully integrates with Elasticsearch, it uses the Elasticsearch REST API to support all sorts of graph visualizations.
What version are we setting up
Elasticsearch has a payed and free version, you'll learn how to set up the free version.
Step 1, Docker:
For ease of usage, let's use Docker. As mentioned in the beginning, we'll use docker and CentOS 7.
Pull the image:
docker pull centos:7
You can find the image here
Run the container with SYS Admin permissions and a mounted volume:
docker run -id --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN --name=elasticsearch-centos7 -v /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro centos:7 /sbin/init
We run the container with SYS ADMIN permissions because we need systemctl to work inside the container
Connect to the container:
docker exec -it elasticsearch-centos7 /bin/bash
Step 2, Machine Setup
Update the machine:
yum update -y && yum upgrade -y
Install a text editor (any):
yum install vim -y
Step 3, Install Elasticsearch
Install the elasticsearch repo under /etc/yum.repos.d/elasticsearch.repo:
vim /etc/yum.repos.d/elasticsearch.repo
Paste the following text:
name=Elasticsearch repository for 8.x packages
Remember to save!
You can find the latest version of this configuration here
Install Elasticsearch:
yum install --enablerepo=elasticsearch elasticsearch -y
There are other options to download the repository, but this is the easiest.
Reload the daemon
systemctl daemon-reload
Enable and Start elasticsearch:
systemctl enable elasticsearch && systemctl start elasticsearch
Step 4, Verify
Check the service is running
systemctl status elasticsearch
Reset your password for user elastic
/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch-reset-password -u elastic
Confirm that elasticsearch works by querying the Elasticsearch API (https enabled by default):
curl --cacert /etc/elasticsearch/certs/http_ca.crt -u elastic https://localhost:9200
You are now the proud owner of a free ElasticSearch Node!

Follow me for part 2, where we'll set up Logstash in 5 minutes!
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