Life is too short for non-wow projects.
Back in the third quarter of 2015, i decided to start with HTML, CSS & JavaScript which are the core of the web, after getting into grade 11. I practiced HTML, went into tags and learned a lot from W3Schools. Thanks to the website.
I always believe that one actually learns not by mugging up, instead making small projects out of it and get a more wide understanding about that. I started making some small projects and open sources some of them on Github (I also learned basics of version control 'Git' and 'Github').
Material Loaders
Material Loaders is a small library which contains loaders and spinners which act as small elements of a professional website having a fill of material colors.
To practice my early HTML, CSS skills & also to get my friend Omkar Shinde a portfolio, i built a website for him. This project made me learn so many things while in the process.
Href Scraper
A tiny chrome extension which scraps all the hrefs from a particular page and downloads them as a text document.
GFont.js is a small library where it uses the Google Fonts API to get all fonts and displays in a <select>
tag. It was my first experience working with an API.
Inspire Me
When i started into web development, i would search around the web for great Front End Developers & have a look on their portfolios and read about their stories. But i would not find much. So i implemented a SQL & PHP based project which was a crowd sourced application.
A web application where users can add developer's portfolio links, inspire beginners in that particular field.
FireUpload is a small desktop application made with Electron which is mainly used to upload files to Firebase, simultaneously retrieve those and download on your machine. It also had a semester marks tracker system where i could enter my semester marks and keep a track of it. It would also save my files & backup them on Firebase & i could retrieve those anytime, anywhere in the world.
Jumble Password
A small electron utility, creates unique combinations of passwords(or id's) out of your name and date of birth. The app uses the random permutation of numbers algorithm known as Fisher Yates Shuffle Algorithm which in short jumbles a sequence.

The above projects are open-sourced on my Github Profile. I know the post has become long, but i hope you enojoyed reading it !
If you loved my projects, do show some ❤️ by starring the repository.
Thank you.
happy coding ❤️
Top comments (1)
good my G