I wanted to code a little game and I thought "why not MineSweeper", you remember, the old classic from Windows where as a kid we all didn't know how it worked? Yes, that one!
You can play the demo here 👉 MineSweeper Game Demo
And if you're interested how I coded this, I uploaded the code to Github.
Top comments (13)
Hah, that's cool. I did the same thing a while back! codepen.io/ryandunn/pen/XXzbpp
Yours is much nicer though.
I won!

well, it looks like I won. 😀😀
I forgot I put that in there 😅
Really cool stuff! I liked it
Congratulations Marc!
Outcome is sweet and it's really neat that you have developed it agnostically with really few dependencies 👍
Thank you! I really appreciate your comment
It's fun and well designed. Thanks :)
Thanks :)
Lov it, this looks like a really fun side project!
Yes, it was actually really fun.
Thank you so much :)
Yes, too big field sizes result in graphic bugs such as the one you showed me. Also, it's absolutely not mobile friendly (or even usable)