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Spring Inversion of Control & Dependency Injection πŸ’‰

Issue with traditional object handling

Traditionally, Objects are responsible for creating, maintaining objects they depends on. However creating the dependent objects incurs the coupling with other objects. More the objects it depends on more the coupling. This also leads to low flexibility, code duplicity, complexity in testing.
To overcome these issue and let the developer focus on individual component & let the framework handle the dependency IoC principle is introduced.

IoC: stands for "Inversion of Control". Its a design principle irrespective of language.

IoC to rescue

IoC, inversion of control dose not creates objects but specifies how the objects are being created. The control flow of the program is inverted using the principle, instead of programmer handling the control flow of program, external entity framework/entity controls the flow of the program.

The responsibility of object creation and management is inverted to an external entity knows as "IOC container" which is responsible for creating, managing, configuring objects & their dependencies.

DI - Dependency Injection

Dependency injection is a pattern implemented on IoC principle to create loosely coupled objects, modularity & simplified application development.
DI framework manages object lifecycle, resolved dependencies, provides flexible & configurable environment for application development.
Spring framework utilizes the Dependency injection to control the flow of the program with help of configurations.


  • Loosely coupled components
  • Greater code flexibility & configurability
  • Easier testing the individual components
  • Dependency management between objects
  • Separation of concerns

IoC and DI provide a range of advantages, these benefits result in the creation of cleaner and more maintainable codebases, empowering developers to construct applications that are robust, scalable, and easily maintainable.

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