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Welcome Thread - v13

Hey there! Welcome to!

Loop of fist bumps


  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋

  3. Or answer this question: what's your favorite weekend activity?

Top comments (566)

sreisner profile image
Shawn Reisner • Edited

My name is Shawn Reisner and I'm a full-stack JavaScript expert. When I was learning JavaScript a number of years ago I read an article, maybe posted by @thepracticaldev or @bendhalpern, on how they made so fast. I've stopped by a few times since and decided to create an account a few weeks ago and start writing some tidbits of what I know to give back to my community.

My favorite weekend activity is my Saturday work sesh at Horizon Line Coffee in Des Moines, IA, my hometown! It's the most productive 8 hours of my entire week.

You, reading this, yes, you, check out my article titled A Quick, Practical Use Case for ES6 Generators, and if you like it, give me a follow! Or at least a heart. You can spare one measly heart, right?

piraces profile image
Raul Piraces Alastuey


sreisner profile image
Shawn Reisner

Hello and welcome!

marekgebka profile image
Marek Gebka

Hello! 🤛

sreisner profile image
Shawn Reisner

What up what up! 🤜

datajan profile image

Hey Shawn! Here's a question for you. What inspired you to become a full stack JavaScript developer? Why not some other language?

sreisner profile image
Shawn Reisner

I'm not sure if I have a good answer for this. I use JavaScript because it's the language of the web, and I have the most fun building things for the web. Sorry for a lackluster response!

hackingforlife profile image

hi, I am Winnie Akello from Uganda, Africa.I am in college studying a non-tech related course but i love to code. i am currently teaching myself how to program in python.what brought me here is,i want to learn everything code and interact with the community.I believe i will find this here.

akagutz profile image
Abdulgafar Ashiru

Hello Winnie, I've similar background with you,still in college but really love to code. I'm Nigerian and studying a pure science course. I started coding this year picking up javascript in bits for use in browser env and nodejs.
I hope you enjoy your time here.

hackingforlife profile image

Most definitely...thank you so much for reviewing my thread and am so glad that we identify on the same. i am looking forward to getting the best out of this!

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akagutz profile image
Abdulgafar Ashiru

awn!me too.
Are you into any beginner project yet? or you are just getting a hold of the language...?
"\ /"
_/ _...................................salam.

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hackingforlife profile image

yessss,yes! There's this project that i am currently working on. Its my first ever and super interesting already. Begun this week!

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akagutz profile image
Abdulgafar Ashiru

oh really? tell me about it.

coffeeintocode profile image

Welcome! Awesome, Python is a solid choice, stick with it and have fun.

hackingforlife profile image

thank you. I am honestly grateful!

joenash profile image
Joe Nash

Hey Winnie! Great to see some students here ✨

hackingforlife profile image

Thanks Joe!i already feel like i belong here.

vikramrajpuro profile image

No need to worry; I guess you ended up at the right place <3<3<3

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim • Edited

Hi, I am Sung 😁

a software developer from NYC 🍎.

✒️ I signed up last year but not sure what brought me here due to lack of 1/2 year activity 😅😝

📚 Currently learning GatsbyJS & Styled Components.
But planning to learn Docker, PWA (Progressive Web Apps) & Elixir.
(I've been a .NET developer and want to focus more on front-end)

😂 Fun fact? (more like hobbies)
I like manga, anime (<-- I will list if anyone's interested), Japanese light novels (translated in Korean) & online Korean fantasy novels (Munpia).
I used to collect figures but stopped for financial reasons.

During weekends, I read, write a blog & code and catch up with Korean variety TV 📺 shows (Running Man, 2 days 1 night, I live Alone, etc).

jpyamamoto profile image

Elixir developer here. In fact I just dived into it few months ago and fell in love with the language. I'm currently developing my first project.
If there's a way I could be helpful to you, let me know.

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim • Edited

Thank you Juan.

Are there any communities (slack, forum, etc) that might help?

and I'd love to check out should you were to write about Elixir and you experience with it so far 😉

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jpyamamoto profile image

You should look at the ElixirForum ( Also, I'd suggest you join the ElixirLang channel on slack ( In there you'll find topics both for begginers and advanced coders. Also, you could follow me on twitter (@JPYamamoto9), I usually post interesting articles every one or two days from the elixir community.
Spanish is my first language, but I'm looking forward writing my first article in english about elixir one of these days, I'll let you know as soon as I do.
Any help you need understanding Elixir concepts don't hesitate to contact me.

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dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Thank you so much, Juan for the resources mentioned 🙇

I've recently purchased Programming Elixir by Dave Thomas and hope to get started with it soon.

And I will keep monitoring your twitter for the update & looking forward to your articles :)

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jpyamamoto profile image

That's an excellent book. Great purchase. Also, you should read Metaprogramming Elixir once you finish.

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dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

I now know the next book to read 😎

karenbvh profile image

I had a quick look at your blog and I found it quite interesting !!
What are some Korean TV shows that you'd recommend ??

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim • Edited

Thanks @karenbvh for the interest 🤡.
I've been trying to blog once a week for few years 😎.

Korean 📺 shows?
Here are some I watch weekly (preference in ⬇️ order)

  1. I Live Alone (나 혼자 산다) - Airs on Friday Night.
  2. Knowing Bros (아는 형님) - Airs on Saturday Night.
  3. 2 Days & 1 Night (1박 2일) - Airs on Sunday Night.
  4. Running Man (런닝맨) - Airs on Sunday Night.
  5. My Little Old Boy (미운 우리 새끼) - Airs on Sunday Night.

There used to be a show called, Infinite Challenge, which aired for 10+ years but ended a few months ago (To whet your appetite, check out some Jack Black eps) <- this will always be my favorite TV show ever.

For now, my current fave ♥️ is "I Live Alone", which is a show about people living alone. It's the chemistry between each participants that's really enjoyable (not to mention their daily lives).

robotjulia profile image

I am also an Anime fan! Please post a few favorites :)

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim • Edited

Hi @robotjulia .

Here are my favorite animes.

  1. Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - The very fave ❤️
  2. Mobile Suit Gundam 00 - DNot a fan of Gundam series but this was great.
  3. Darker than Black - Mysteries & Actions
  4. To Aru Majutsu no Index - Story is great with this one
  5. Uchuu no Stellvia (the main protagonist, She can write code overnight without a single bug! Wow! 😲)

I didn't mention other classics like GTO (Great Teacher Onizuka), Cowboy Bebop, and Evangelion as they are liked by all in general

If you want to know more (such as my first anime/manga) I will list as well

I've been tracking my list on MAL since 2009
(MyAnimList) but it's been locked out after a week long shutdown (been trying to recover).

I've also written a .NET Frame library, MyAnimListSharp to call MAL library but can't update it as I have no access to it any more.

And here is the YouTube playlist of my fave anime songs.

Now, it's my turn to ask YOU 😛.

What are your favorite animes/mangas?

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robotjulia profile image
RobotJulia • Edited

My favorite series has to be Ghost in the Shell. I also enjoyed Darker than Black :) To tell the truth I haven't really tracked all the anime I have watched... I used to watch a ton. Let's see, I also liked Attack on Titan but it does get tiring chain watching too mank episodes. Lucky Star is best comedy but not every guy thinks so.

Thank you for posting your anime list! I started watching Uchuu no Stellvia ;)

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dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

All animes mentioned are great.
It's just that we don't have enough time to watch'em all 😉.

Stellvia might be old (15 yo) but I hope you enjoy it 😎⭐️

tumee profile image
Tuomo Kankaanpää

Hello! I have a friend who has been working with elixir for few months now and he has said nothing but good things about it!

ps. Your blog looks great!

dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Hi there, Tuomo.

That makes me want to ditch learning Docker and dive into Elixir
Any problem your friend ran into while working with it by chance?
AFAIK, Functional Programming requires a brain-rewire for OOP programmers

And thank you for checking out the blog, mate 🤡

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tumee profile image
Tuomo Kankaanpää

Nothing specific problems AFAIK but you are right, he said the same thing that it requires a brain-rewire :P And also that at first it might be a bit hard (especially if you are coming from OOP world) but once you "get" how things are done in Elixir, it's just gets so much better!

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dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

Ah, it sounds challenging (but I wouldn't run away from one).

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rickmutua profile image
Erick Mutua

lol you don't really need a complete brain rewire. started learning elixir a month ago and coming from oop (python) it has been great. the syntax ain't that bad and you can always get help from the elixir forum whenever you stuck

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dance2die profile image
Sung M. Kim

I was reading a chapter on List & Recursion (Programming Elixir by Dave Thomas).

Implementing map wasn't so bad but reduce required some change in thinking. (And mapsum doubly so 😛)

But it's been a fun experience.

vigneshwar1990 profile image
Vigneshwar Raghuram

Hi, I am Vignesh :-)

I am a Software developer and currently working for Logistics Company.

I am primarily a backend JAVA developer working in Spring Boot, Docker. I am currently learning React and I would like to spend time with it.

My favorite activities are drink coffee, code and ride my motorcycle.

gopidoshi profile image

Hey Vighneshwar, I am also Backend Java Developer. Could you suggest me some good place to start learning Docker?

tumee profile image
Tuomo Kankaanpää

Coffee, code and motorcycles. Sounds great!

dyachenkosg profile image
Sergey Dyachenko

Hi, guys!

I'm appreciated you cut me in!

I'm a front-end developer from Ukraine. In general, I have a knowledge and experience in the maintainable CSS and OOP JavaScript.

Now I am working on the project by using Angular. So, that's why I interested in this framework. Also, I want to improve my skills in the animations by using SVG or Canvas.

In my free time, I write the songs and play the guitar. But the most beautiful time I spend with my girlfriend by playing the table games or walking through the downtown or sea. I have a cat. She is very clever and scheming ... as my girlfriend =)

What is the best place in your city that you can recommend to take inspiration from?

divinedevops profile image
Devon Artis

Hello name is Devon I would like to call myself Automation Engineer/Cloud Architect vs DevOps Engineer as I think the term is over used. I have a background in Java Development but I would not call myself a Java Developer but my focus is to become better at Node.js and Golang ..

gopidoshi profile image

Hey Devon,Could you tell me what path you folloed to become Cloud Architect?

4hathacker profile image
Nitin S

Hi ! I am Nitin.

I am currently working as a Security Analyst (Python Developer) in a service based MNC.

I have keen interest in Cloud Computing and Information Security. I usually tweak around Python and Linux.

My hobbies include jogging, fitness exercises, blogging(

I am actively learning about DevOps Principles and Strategies.

linkinnation profile image

Hi everyone, my name is Harish , from India, and I am a full stack developer with 3.5 years experience in building web applications using Node, React, Loopback and J2EE .

I have seen a lot of posts via Twitter and found the community very kind and helpful.Guess, it's time for me to jump in and learn from you all and whenever possible to contribute to the community.

Having done projects in data analysis and modelling during my college days using MatLab, I have been exploring python and R ecosystem for data science for the last 6 months. I am also a prospective masters student in data science at Northeastern starting this fall. I hope to share the analysis and the models that I create,here forth, with you all.

Hobbies include singing and playing football ( or soccer for US folks).

P.S - sorry for the long post .

carnotweat profile image
s • Edited

I am Sameer .
Primarily, I make machines.
I switched to fossil[1] since acquisition of Github, but scripts I use to organize and process my code are still there. Some cut and dry , some original, some buggy.

I use a shell account, to telnet to my c64 ( and at times to write random stuff, since I am no longer active on Quora.

[1] I am also experimenting with p2p and shifting most content from server client model . If you are in to that, checkout
and a test repo :
git clone localhost:43110/1HzjtGpGskdCz492xH...

mafuyuk profile image
Mafuyu Kamono

Hi, I am Mafuyu.
I am back-end developer from Japan and developing web services using Golang and Node.js.

I like anime and I am watching it while coding my hobby after work.
My recommendation is The Familiar of Zero!


souvikhaldar profile image
Souvik Haldar

I too am a backend engineer and I mostly use golang. cheers!

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