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Welcome Thread - v141

Radish saying hello

Welcome to DEV!

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. πŸ‘‹

Great to have you in the community!

Top comments (246)

xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli

Hello to everyone! I am starting my way up hill in programming in JS, adding some HTML and CSS. The pandemic force me to change careers and I will be glad to have the support of the community when things donΒ΄t seem to work and become a block in the way of becoming profficient in the area.
IΒ΄ll be glad to have any input and ideas on how to grow on this field and feel free to talk to me.

shaksy_boy profile image
Shakeeb Shahid

Hello Pablo, good to hear. I am a beginner too. Let's do it.

xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli

Thanks @shakeebdroids Definitely!

baseely profile image
Shady Baseely

Hello Pablo,

Keep learning and reading new stuff everyday. Moreover you have to build things on your own. If I will give you an advice it would be TRY and don't be afraid this is how we typically learn and grow about new things.

Enjoy and keep in touch!

crypticwisdom profile image
Nwachukwu Wisdom Ndubuisi

The real fact. πŸ’―

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xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli
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crypticwisdom profile image
Nwachukwu Wisdom Ndubuisi

Hi @pablo Carli

xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli

Thanks for the advice! I will try my best @baseely !

thriledlokki983_8 profile image
Nimoh Gideon

Hello πŸ‘‹

xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli
anekantsinghai profile image
babe eliza

Hi pablo . How are you?

xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli

Hi @babe eliza! I'm overwhelmed at the amount of info there is about JS, it's hard not to fall into a rabbit hole... Any advice?

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anekantsinghai profile image
babe eliza

Bro I literally recommend you to go deep down that rabbit hole ...things you'll experience are way way more surprising and cool than the mad hatter's dance . Also if you feel a bit lost we're here lead the path...just stay away from the evil queen called java for now πŸ˜‚ just kiddin

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xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli

Will follow your advice!

adesola2110 profile image


xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli
ultimatecrypto1 profile image


xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli

Hey @ultimatecrypto1 ! What's up?!

preshmorgans profile image


xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli
6dev profile image
Hok Kittichai

Hello πŸ‘‹

xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli

Hi @hok!

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6dev profile image
Hok Kittichai


iamshreyas931 profile image


xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli
emmaisa59135261 profile image
Emma Isabella

Hi Pablo Carli

xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli
inasse255 profile image

hey pablo ! what project do you have in mind lately ?

xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli

For starters my portfolio and edit my LinkedIn profile! Then to start working on basic algorithms to gain practice...

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inasse255 profile image

That's great idea to start with and also link your Linkedln profile with your github account so you can perfectly present your projects.
Good luck !

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xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli


sathwik14 profile image
Wagle Sathwik

Hello, I am also learning js, html, css along with other front-end frameworks to carve my career path in Front-end dev.

xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli

Hi @sathwik14 , how are you choosing frameworks? I have been told to focus on JavaScript and just keep an eye on frameworks because there's always a new one coming up and it's hell to update a system from one to the next one, it's like toss it and start from scratch. Which is very expensive and time consuming in developing a web app.

ayoolaaliyu profile image
Aliyu Ayoola


xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli

Thanks @ayoolaaliyu !

zachjonesnoel profile image
Jones Zachariah Noel


xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli

Hi @jones !

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zachjonesnoel profile image
Jones Zachariah Noel

Hi @pablocarli. How's going?

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xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli

I am beginning to receive interesting articles in my feed, they are really helpful! Any advice?

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zachjonesnoel profile image
Jones Zachariah Noel

Awesome! You can follow up the tags like,,, you will find some brilliant articles. If you are looking for AWS related with JavaScript, VueJS, React then you can take a look into my posts also.

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xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli

Thanks for the advice @zachjonesnoel will do!

xpsk8 profile image
Pablo Carli


xapuu profile image

Hey guys, today I got my 3-years anniversary badge, for being part of the community. So I just wanted to brag about that :D

rabj_ profile image
Rob β™ˆοΈ

Congrats on 3 years mate!

abenj4404 profile image

Hey Xapuu, congrats on 3 years! :)

piratax007 profile image
Fausto Mauricio Lagos SuΓ‘rez


moraym profile image
Moray Macdonald

Hi! I'm an experienced senior developer but I'm always looking to learn more. I want to be able to index all the notes, tips, and tricks I've made over the years in various text files, wikis and even physical notebooks, and by making them public I can hopefully help out someone else!

amrobobo profile image


thriledlokki983_8 profile image
Nimoh Gideon

Hey everyone, after finally investing 8months in self study to become a web developer I finally landed my first contract as a front end developer. Now I spend 30mins of my mornings reading articles from the Dev Community to keep the knowledge 🧐

abenj4404 profile image

Hi everyone! My name is Alyssa and I've been seriously programming for two years, seriously teaching myself software development for the past year, and am just now finding this great community.

I worked as a design engineer in the civil engineering industry for five years before realizing my true passion is in programming, which is why I'm here now!

My language of choice is Python, but I like learning new languages as well. I'm currently learning React and Javascript. I'm also looking for other devs to work with on some fun projects. Looking forward to connecting and working together!

thumbone profile image
Bernd Wechner

If you love Python, Django and tinkering with UI skinning and designing I have project you'd be welcome to play with and try and make look nice ;-).

shreshtab profile image

Hello everyone! I've been learning web development, mainly backend, for a little over a year. I'm looking forward to getting more involved with the community and to learn from all the awesome people here! I am also looking to start writing and hope to contribute where I can!

emmaisa59135261 profile image
Emma Isabella

I am happy to join the community,
Building quality websites and applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

xapuu profile image

Nice to have you here :) , what made you start your developer journey.

zachjonesnoel profile image
Jones Zachariah Noel

Hello! πŸ‘‹πŸ‘‹

I'm Jones, developer turned Cloud Architect. I'm enthusiastic about AWS and I blog about AWS Serverless tech and architectures and AWS offerings.

Feel free to connect for any AWS brainstorming.

zachjonesnoel image
div685 profile image
Divyesh Patel

Hi Everyone,

I'm a Full Stack Web Developer specializing in building dynamic web applications proficient in Ruby on Rails, React, Redux, JavaScript, and Python. I'm very excited to join this community to create some valuable content and expand my knowledge. I'm currently learning Docker, and expanding my knowledge of Rails, React, and Redux. I'm looking for a new opportunity and also looking for other devs to work with on some fun projects. Looking forward to connecting and working together!

sepalr profile image

Hello everyone!

My name is Sepehr. I've been a Front-End web developer for two years now, Focusing on JavaScript and React.js. I've been amazed by the web environment from the start. Thinking about all the things you can implement using only code just blows my mind and makes me want to get better at it every day.

I hit a speed bump when the pandemic started. I was not motivated anymore and I couldn't bring myself to work or study.

Now I'm getting back on my feet again. Trying to recollect all the stuff I forgot and improve my knowledge. Doing so can be difficult sometimes, so I was looking for a community to keep me motivated and help me push forward when I stumbled upon community.

I'm looking forward to being an active member and experience the learning process of Front-End development with you guys. I'm also open to any collaboration on fun projects with other devs, so always feel free to contact me.

digitallyatanu profile image
Atanu Das

Hey Guys!

I am the newest member of this awesome community. I am really glad to be a part of it. I hope, I can make some values and create some valuable content, that will be helpful for our fellow members. Let's keep this community SPAM FREE and safe! Happy networking!

Digitally Atanu

yohanlimapo profile image
Yohan Lim-Apo

Hello to everyon! I'm a recruiter and I come here when I saw this website on a profile wich I'm search for a client. I liked the layout and I'm checking to see if it's worth posting the jobs here. Will I be welcome here? e.e

rabj_ profile image
Rob β™ˆοΈ

Hi everyone, I am new in the coding world. I’ve been working on html, css, and starting Java soon. All this can be a little overwhelming, I really want to find a mentor to get me through this journey. Happy coding :)

1tolv2 profile image
Sofia Johnsson

I'm a previous art student turned IT support and got a taste of the programming world. I'm a month into my full stack developer education and I'm so excited for these coming 2 years! πŸ₯³πŸ˜

thumbone profile image
Bernd Wechner • Edited

Many hats, many skills a classic jack of all trades master of none. This may take a paragraph or two ...

I started with BASIC, and then Pascal and machine code, stripped copy protection of a few games in the '80s under the banner "Destroyed by the Releaser" after playing one that was "Released by the Destroyer". At the time this involved single stepping disassembled machine code to reverse engineer the security implementations.

They were all fairly simple up until they got very complicated. The first popular effort was encrypting the machine code, and running a little decrypting loader. Alas was easy to disassemble the decrypted code. The started making it much harder by distributing parcels of decryption across the run time and peppering the code base with checks. They won ... the aim of security is of course not to make something impenetrable, nothing is ... it is to make it so costly, expensive and time and resource consuming to penetrate that no-one can afford to ;-).

Long story short then I was a engineer working on steel production machinery, automation systems thereof, working on PDP 11/73s, MicroVax machines and an HPUX minicomputer for some while, then for a decade or so a globetrotting vagabond blogging under the moniker "The Thumb" for some years in the mid '90s (before the word "blog" existed really) moving into telecoms in the process and working on Windows NT systems and servers and a bit of Debian Linux, coding various solutions over time in FORTAN, Pascal, ASM, C, Ada, Perl.

Started building websites around then too, basic HTML with Perl CGI backends mostly and ended up working in the Telephone sector for a while, modelling GSM cells for find tuning in mountainous regions and then delivering, installing and training customers in telephone network management systems.

Have been working in support of Fisheries research for a good while now, since the arrival of children, and commitments, and debt and so on. And over that whole story have worked in mathematical modelling, liaison, technical writing, programming, customer support, quality assurance, project management, sales and more oft times managing teams in those disciplines.

With three children now, and reduced work hours (because I love my kids and want to spend time with them, unlike my dad) I have also come to recycle discard IT kit from various work places as web servers and more in my basement and deliver modest services therefrom for my various clubs and interests while I maintain treasury for a bike kitchen and a games club.

On the side, we have a quarter acre block close to town and a shortage of time to maintain it so I have for a long time hosted travellers on WWOOF,, and in recent years airbnb on the side and coordinate block and house maintenance.

My main interests in development at present are Python, Django, Microsoft TrueSkill and of course Javascript client-side and I run and host mainly LLUPP stacks (not LAMP or any other fashion as as I invented it worth clarifying that is Linux, Lighttpd, Uwsgi, Python, Postgresql - could throw a D on there for Django but hey I have a Bottle site too). Given all that I consider myself not a full stack but a super stack developer if you will, as I embrace not just the server up in my basement but the switches and routers as well and hence work a bit with OpenWRT, and maintain the local DNS, DHCP, DDNS and SSL needs as well.

I landed on for reasons lost to time. I think to be honest some of my searches which normally hit Stack Overflow pages (where I've contribute a good few questions and the odd answer) but increasingly on posts, and so over time have found more and more useful posts here that I've bookmarked and in time ended up pinning the site along with my other pinned sites that I keep an eye on in the background because interesting things waft by.

xroydestroy profile image

Wow, what a history you have! Thanks for sharing all of that! I too bookmarked this site because I found a lot of answers here in addition to stack overflow.