Welcome to DEV!
Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
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Hi everyone!
Welcome to the dev.to-community!
I'm Martin, I was a Senior Front End Architect / Manager at one of the world's largest interactive agencies, leading Front End Teams for international accounts. In 2018 I quit and now I'm traveling the world as a professional scuba diver and fully remote Senior Front End Architect / Front End Tech Lead for various international clients.
On dev.to I write mostly about modern Front End Development with react.js and next.js, other topics are design and pure code. I love handcrafted CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. However, a proper framework or library is essential for modern Front End Development.
Currently, I'm publishing the weekly "WebDevDigest: A curated list of the top five web development must-reads from last week" and a library of JavaScript functions in 1 line of code which you can also find on npmjs: onelinecode and GitHub: onelinecode.
If I have enough time, I write more in-depth articles about next.js + TypeScript, for example how to create multi-language pages with next export which is on GitHub:next-export-i18n and npmjs: next-export-i18n
I recommend following the general tags webdev, vscode , career and productivity and javascript, react, CSS. Head over to your Dashboard and adjust the tag weight for to personalize your home feed.
Here's a list of articles to start your journey as an successful developer and a great writer:
If you are looking for your next job, I highly recommend to buy the Book De-Coding the Technical Interview Process by Emma Bostian. It is hands down the best preparation for every technical interview.
If you're interested in my articles, follow me on dev.to/martinkr or twitter.com/_martinkr.
In case you have questions or want to get in touch, feel free to contact me on dev.to/martinkr.
And don't forget to start posting today!
This is impressive. Keep up the good work!
think you
Hi everyone!
I'm Jacob, 13 year-old full-stack developer from the USA. 🇺🇸
Currently, I develop websites and my main focus is my STEM Expo project for this year, OpenDocs.
I love JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, and React. I've been coding for six years.
Have a nice day to everyone!
That is really inspiring, Jacob at the age of 13. I am into React and Javascript too.
Well it was nice to see you post. good luck mate!
Hi everyone!
Welcome to the dev.to-community!
I'm Zig, I'm a Senior backend End Architect / Manager / Developer and open source lovers.
The followings are my main open source projects:
Header-Only C++ Library for Graph Representation and Algorithms
Share on
CXXGraph is a small library, header only, that manages the Graph and it's algorithms in C++. In other words a "Comprehensive C++ Graph Library" An alternative to Boost Graph Library (BGL).
We are Looking for...
We are looking for developers and committer, also at first experience, we will guide you step by step to the open-source world If you are interested, please contact us at zigrazor@gmail.com or contribute to this project. We are waiting for you!
Table of Contents
Python State Machine
PyStateMachine is a Framework that support state machines in Python
How to Run
Work in Progess
Work in Progess
Test Suite
Work in Progress
How to contribute
We are pleased to inform you that this repository is participating in the #Hacktoberfest!
Happy Coding!
E-Mail : zigrazor@gmail.com
GitHub Profile
To support me just add Star the project
or follow me 
To get updated watch the project
Project Info
Multi Thread Library
Multi Thread Library
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Getting Started
This is an example of how you may give instructions on setting up your project locally To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
The following are required to get the project up and running.
Google Test
Hi Everyone,
I am Miklós(Miki) Szeles from Hungary. I am an enthusiastic software developer since my childhood. I work as a Senior Software Engineer in Test (SDET) using Karate DSL and Selenide.
I am here for 3 reasons:
Learn from you
Share my knowledge
Entertain you
You can already find many of my articles here:
Share my knowledge
Selenium or Selenide? - dev.to/mszeles/selenium-or-selenid...
Selenide, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship - dev.to/mszeles/selenide-i-think-th...
Software Testing Weekly - a great resource about testing - dev.to/mszeles/software-testing-we...
Future of Testing frameworks - A virtual event - dev.to/mszeles/future-of-testing-f...
Breaking News - Join the Selenide community on LinkedIn - dev.to/mszeles/breaking-news-join-...
What is SDET? - dev.to/mszeles/what-is-sdet-49j4
A step-by-step guide to becoming an SDET. - dev.to/mszeles/a-step-by-step-guid...
To Test, Or Not To Test, That Is Not The Question - dev.to/mszeles/to-test-or-not-to-t...
Save dozens of minutes daily during writing Selenide and Selenium E2E automated tests using the Selenideium Element Inspector... - dev.to/mszeles/save-dozens-of-minu...
Entertain you
The Story of How I Became a Pet Owner - dev.to/mszeles/the-story-of-how-i-...
How I fell in love with my Amazon Kindle 2020 - dev.to/mszeles/how-i-fell-in-love-...
I am happy to be here. 😊
Hi everyone!
I'm Ivana, I'm a content writer from Croatia with an interest in tech.
I'm also working with developers, creating content for developers, selling to developers so I need to understand - guess who - the developers!
I hope I will gain more knowledge here and also get feedback.
Hi All! 👋
I'm an early career software engineer. I have so many interests and want to learn so much that it's difficult for me to stick to one thing. I'm looking forward to networking and learning/growing as much as I can.
If you have the time, I would love to connect and learn more about our industry and hear your stories/the technologies that you love.
I hope you all have a wonderful day/week!
Hi Everyone!
I'm Alfian, currently I'm an Android Developer at Affiliated Company of the Indonesia's Largest group of automotive parts manufacturing and distributing companies.
The main reason I'm joining dev.to-community is to share my skills and experience as an Android Developer in Indonesia (WKWKWK's LAND).
My passion is creating something useful with technology and solve a problem.
On dev.to I'll write mostly about Android Apps Development, if you interested about the topic you can follow me to get new insight about Android Apps Development.
you can find me on github too, Alfiyansya.
Have a nice day to everyone
Hello Everyone.
I am new to the space of dev.to, love the wisdom skills and jokes every one shares. Your people are so welcoming its amassing. I am Junior front end js developer in SA, with you help I hope you will help me become a senior soon. I want to share what i have learnt so far and also manage to be successful at freelancing.
thank you everyone
Hello everyone! 👋
I'm Oscar Jané, a self-taught frontend developer based in Madrid, Spain, I enjoy building web experiences that meet people's needs. I am committed to contributing to the creation of a simpler, faster and more secure web, I work mainly with React, static site generators, APIs, microservices and CDN.
I am currently delving into the React ecosystem and taking my first steps in building in public, what brought me here is the ability to connect with like-minded people and share my learning and progress to help others.
Thank you DEV.to
I am a UI/UX designer, I have worked on multiple projects related to arts and entertainment and a few with finance. Recently I was introduced to the Web3 and Metaverse Universe and learned how to code and Mint for NFT’s - the basics. Recently surged an idea to implement NFT’s on a wallet application with a innovative feature. Is there a developer to partner up from the beginning?
Great coding!
Thank you
Hi everyone here, kudos, you are moving the world.
I am Mohammed, I am Software Developer with always eager to meet to new techies and giving back to community. Shortly, I am working on Frontend as well as Backend technologies includes HTML, CSS, JS (React & Angular), Laravel, AWS, MySql etc and continuing to develop myself because 'Learning is continuous process'
My motto behind becoming Dev.to member, just to give back to my community. Looking ahead to create great community with you all.
👋 Hello everyone!
I am a software engineer from Cracow, Poland 🇵🇱 working as a full-stack developer at Qualtrics. Apart from my work I love sharing my knowledge with others conducting workshops, lectures and writing articles, especially for tech newbies.
I write mostly about a11y, web and best practices in coding. You can check my first article about improving your scores at technical interviews here: dev.to/domizajac/how-to-improve-yo...
You can also find me on Twitter (twitter.com/domizajac) and Linkedin (linkedin.com/in/dominikazajac/).
Hello world and have a nice day 😊
Hello everyone!
I am new to blogging or writing, I will be writing about my experiences in coding
Right now I am busy learning web3 and I will focus on that, looking forward to learning from you guys
Thank you
Hello! My name is Arman and I’m a front-end developer and team lead, who is experienced working with JavaScript and TypeScript, also I’m using Nuxt.js as the main framework in my job.
However, I worked with React.js and React Native, and had some projects which were built with Capacitor.js.
When I was entering into front-end development, I started learning HTML, CSS, JS as many newbies. Then I dove deep into frameworks. And I just realized that I need to learn computer science to develop more efficient web apps, to easily scale and maintain them.
I believe, that to create a great web application front-end developer has to know computer science, and understand design principles, patterns, because a lot of stuff that we are facing in our job is written and solved by developers.
Every developer can solve any problem, it only depends on time.
I've already wrote couple of articles, so welcome:
Boilerplate generator for Vue.js?
Why do I use Atomic Design?
I am Arnav Vashisth, an award-winning software developer + Student in class 6 + Winner of WorldCodingBee Season 1 Junior Section. I am familar with HTML,CSS,JS,P5JS,ML5JS,TinkerCAD & Thunkable.
I love experimenting crazy ideas with tech. I am working on an emailing service which helps you keep organised(like shortwave & Inbox by Google) , P5js clone named ImmersiveLib & a zuddl clone.
I have a YouTube Channel called CodeFerry(formerly CodingPulse) which teaches coding from scratch. It turns you into an expert by the end of the course.
Link To CoddeFerry - youtube.com/channel/UClFpn_rvi8M2e...
My Portfolio website - arnavvashisthcodingaccountnew.gith... (trust me, it is the BEST portfolio in the market. )
Link to the best 404 page in history! - arnavvashisthcodingaccountnew.gith...
I can advise you in building a successful app: tips & tricks for silicon valley WHITEHATJR.COM
Have a good day, dev(s)!
Subscribe to my channel if you want to learn coding!
Hello everyone
Am solomon chigozie
I am a full stack developer, I work with PHP Laravel, CodeIgniter and JavaScript.
Am interested in building cool stuffs and i have completed a handful of projects over the years.
I hope to learn from everyone in the community and also share my experiences so that others can learn as well.
Hi good people!
I'm just introducing myself to the community. I'm Carlos and what little that I do know about development and technology has been self-taught. I've always been intrigued by all things computer related. Lately I have focused in on learning coding both for myself as a possible career option, and so that I might be able to teach my children enough to encourage them to take a deeper look into a S.T.E.M. career path. I'm equally excited and intimidated by connecting with people in this community. I know that I have much to absorb and learn from the community and I'm happy to have this opportunity. Peace.
hi everyone 👋
I'm abdul rawoof 🇮🇳 I'm a science student but have interest in IT and development so I'm learning on my own currently I'm learning web development html,css, javascript .
i heard that non-CS students need more network to get a job in this field but 🥲
I'm actually an introvert due to this thing I'm unable to network with people and don't know how to
I'm here to learn and connect with people
hope you guys help me😊
Hello everyone,
I'm Michael
An amateur/intermediate to programming, I have little knowledge on HTML and cas, but a lot on python (I love python) and I'm leaning towards the data science, AI aspect
And ive written just one article here
Nice meeting you all, and ill love to follow and connect with fellow python devs
Hi everyone!👋
I'm Ritika Soni from India 🇮🇳
A beginner to programming, I have a basic knowledge on HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
I'm always up to new and exciting challenges and love to learn and I'm here looking to expand my vision towards "Programming World".
Excited to learn new things from you all,
I am happy to be here😊☺️
Hello everyone!
My name is Austin Cuddeback and I am a Full Stack Developer in the United States.
In April of 2021, I graduated a coding bootcamp through Trilogy Education Services and was able to find a job a couple weeks after I graduated from the bootcamp with an aspiring and fast growing E-Learning Solutions company as a Junior Developer.
I have not done too much coding after the boot camp and have been training in Dev-ops and Project Management, with light coding on the side. I have come here to share what I have learned throughout my new career and to learn and interact with everyone else on Dev.to.
Super excited to start this writing journey and to read other peoples experiences!
I am happy to be here , programming is my passion even though I am at the absolute beginners stage ..
I am Mohamed Y Sidibey, a Liberian, Student at William v s Tubman university in the college of engineering and technology reading computer science,
My passion is to become software engineer....
Hello everyone! 👋
I am Jonathan Luis Rodriguez from Cuba. I am an enthusiastic software developer since my childhood. I work as a Freelancer, I'm currently working with Javascript, NodeJS, MongoDB and React.
I am here for 3 reasons:
Learn from you
Share my little bit of knowledge
Entertain you
Hey Everyone!
I'm Wyatt, 26 year old developer from USA. I'm a self taught developer and use Dev.to a lot and have found some great articles, so I decided to make an account!
Currently focusing mainly on PHP and Vanilla JS, I have used Laravel, Wordpress, React and Node to make sites before but I decided to really try to do the most I can without using frameworks and just sticking to the raw code itself.
I wrote my first article that I hope some people can find useful on Multiple drop downs in a navigation menu: Multiple menu drop-downs with vanilla js
Can't wait to meet everyone!
Hey everyone!
I am Shivani, Masters student at Indian Institute of Information Technology Lucknow.
I usually code in C++ or python. I have keen interest in Deep Learning and Computer Vision stuffs.
Have a great day!
Hi Everyone 👋🏼
I'm Egnoel Neto from Angola
I'm a self taught MERN stack developer, learning as much as I can and looking for an opportunity to grow
I hope I can get the best of this community and contribute as much as possible
Feel free to contact me:
Hello everyone!
I am Bo-at, currently residing in New Zealand. I started my coding journey about a year ago through a full stack Javascript course. I am really drawn into DevOps, and web3 and looking forward to learning Python as part of the DevOps roadmap.
I am here to find my tribe!
Hello everyone!
I'm a 21 year old Full-Stack developer from Lebanon🇱🇧
I'm currently a 3rd year computer engineering student + working as a react native developer at a software company.
I love working with Nodejs and react/react-native. My favourite DB is Mongodb and redis.
Looking forward to read and write what I know in this interesting community😊
Hi!, I am Musa from South Africa,I hope that I am in the right space where I can share and learn new ideas and concepts on projects that I am working on.
Hey Programmers,
I am Gopi, a developer from Europe & algorithms enthusiast.
After working for European government projects in Belgium for half a decade, I decided to enter the life of a freelancer, I had roughly 10 years of experience under my belt --
I have already posted couple posts in here. Please do check them out!!
Hi everybody!
My name is Yuriy. I was working in the telecom field for many years in the past, and decided to change career and became front-end developer recently. I am currently learning Ruby, Ruby on Rails and SQL, at Microverse online training program to became a full-stack web developer. Nice to be here.
I'm Brett, a backend developer and operations person for THAT Conference a platform helping geeks help geeks to be awesome. I started as a volunteer for THAT in the Fall of 2013 with a desire to do more for the development community. It seems Dev.to is another place to do that and why I am here now. Let's grow together.
Hey everyone!
I'm Mauricio a Software Engineer at Cisco.
Currently I'm learning and building in public. The reason I started doing this was because I wanted to become a Full-Stack Developer. I'm always doing back-end development at work, and I wanted to get more experience with the front-end in my free time.
I'm also trying to become a better writer. I have been publishing a blog post on my website every day for the past 59 days. My site is a brain dump of what has resonated with me recently. I wanted to shift my focus to writing technical articles and giving back to the dev community.
Can't wait to get more involved in this community. So excited to meet you all!
Hi dev.to!
I'm Alex, Product Owner from Germany.
Besides being a product owner, I am a web & app developer (#Flutter #PHP).
Since 2012 i'm developing different things during my school time, this resulted in training as a developer @ Deutsche Telekom AG.
2018 i decided to do the next step and qualify myself to be a IHK certified IT Business Manager.
Currently I am responsible for the further development of a middleware in the pharmaceutical environment in Germany. (#eRezept).
You can find me online at gruessung.eu & github.com/gruessung
Hey everyone!
I'm Max. I've been a developer at tech at NTT Data Spain for three years now.
I'm currently working on a data migration project using PL/SQL and shell scripting. In my own time, I'm helping create a website for the Metropolitan University School of Computer Science in Venezuela, the country where I was born.
I'm here because I want to be a part of the developing community, hopefully getting to know interesting people and learning from you all!
I am Not New Here Now But Still.
Hello Everybody Newbies 👋
Hello, Dev.to World!
Welcome here Mikhail ! 🎈
Hi Everyone! 👋👋
I'm Agustín, a Computer Engineer from Argentina. I work as a Software Engineer for a company that gives support to multiple products built with different stacks. I have been in the industry for five years and my favorite roles are QA Automation and development.
Currently, I am designing and building a web app to create, manage and track software tests documentation, with MERN stack.
In my free time, I like to explore artistic activities like painting and acting at an independent theatre company. I have passion for visual design and arts.
Here, I would like to start my path in writing, sharing what I know and what awakes my curiosity, and learning from you all.
Hello everyone, I am Emmanuel, I am a social media manager for crypto related projects and also a crypto project ambassador for Crodo.io.
I am open to learning content writing and also master the crypto space.
Thank you
Hello everyone!
I am Bo-at, currently residing in New Zealand. I started learning to code few months ago through a full stack Javascript course. I am currently drawn into DevOps and web3
I am here to find my tribe!
Hi Everyone.
My first day here!
Looking forward to learning and sharing !!
Welcome to DEV community,
where are you from dear
Hello Everyone,
I am saif ur rehman 22 years old. I am laravel developer and now i am trying to get out myself from circle of interview job office looking for better job interview and again and again.
So, i am trying to start my own startup or something from which i start to live again.
I'm also into react. Right now I'm learning React-native.
Have a nice day bro!
Hey everyone!
I'm glad to be here ready to contribute and learn.
hope you're doing okay there
Hey everyone, I am Adeodatus Abdul From Rwanda, I am Student in IT department and i am intrested in software development. so I am really Happy to be here.
Hello fellow nerds
Hi everyone, I'm just a geek who passionates about web development and hope to learn something everyday here. I heard this community is beginners friendly :)
Hello everyone!!!
I'm an intern as a web developer. My senior recommend me about this platform.
Glad to meet you all. 👨💻
Hi, I'm Lisa!
Hello All mates
Hi everyone!! I'm Ricky.
What’s up dev commune! I am here to finish my conquest to build and develop a dapp with special chain technology
Hi Guys. My name is John and I'm currently a FrontEnd Developer looking to transition into Backend And eventually building world class practical solutions with Blockchain technologies.
Hi everyone!
I'm Imran, 14 years
Rediscovering my interest in JavaScript. Took a full stack class a few years back. Only built a handful of websites. None of which are up now. Starting over basically. A lot has changed.
Hey, I'm a self taught coder, who codes mostly in Flask (Python).
I came here to find more players of my game Munity
Yellow AllZ!
hi everyone. im so excited to be here. hopefully i will enjoy it a lot :)
Hi ! everybody
I am sundram Awasthi, I currently pursuing my B-TECH , I am opensource euthusiam , currently learn a devOps .
Looking for next js & prisma experts to follow
Thank you for having me
Looking forward to improving my development skills.
Welcoooome to news members here ! Don't hesitate to tell more about you and what you are doing as a dev right now. 🎈
Hi everyone!
Welcome to the dev.to-community!
I'm Jude Ebeke, I recently started learning JavaScript. The journey has been fun and I hope to recieve your humble assistance as well.
Thank you
Am a Newbie
Am Familiar with Html and Css
Am Currently Learning Javascript and i will like to know what and what to dig into.
Thank You
Hello everyone. Just joined and looking around.
Hello! I'm here now.
No, no need to stand-up...
See you around.
Functional Components in React are Better than Class Components
Hi I recently landed here by a personal recomendation.
I'm a Java developer. Mostly working at this time with spring technology.