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Top comments (120)
Ohi there! Nice to meet everyone, I'm shiny and new here at dev.to and I'm looking forward to getting to know this platform better and meeting some fellow devs 🤓🇨🇦💜
Welcome to Dev.to !! Hope you have a wonderful time here !!
Thanks! Anything in particular that you recommend on dev.to as a front-end dev? :)
Nothing in particular. Just follow all tags related to front end and you'll be seeing lots of good articles :)
mr. liftoff how can i follow all tags if you tell pardon then may be it would help me.
Welcome to DEV!
Thank you!

Hi Michelle,
Another newbie here at dev.to, nice to meet you!🤓
Hello I love sharing my story with the dev community and seeing other people stories.
Welcome here!
New here, looking to submerge myself into Web3 and Blockchain Technologies. I’m sorta teaching myself how to develop and code, any tips or references would be greatly appreciated thanks guys! I’m happy to be here!
Welcome to Dev.to !! Hope you have a wonderful time here !!
I have been having a great experience learning how things are interconnected, lots to digest!
New here, I want to post about progress on my Discord bot, stuff I'm learning, and more! 👍
Welcome to DEV!
Welcome to Dev.to. Hope you have a wonderful time using this platform !!
gm. first timer.
I never heard of this website before this week. Currently, I am taking a course on Udemy to learn Solidity and to build NFT marketplaces as a start to my portfolio. After just a brief glance and scroll of this site, I quickly realized that being a part of this community and becoming a contributor would help me on my journey to becoming a developer. One of my activities here is to not only be someone who takes information and value but also shares it and provides it to others.
My name is Manny. I am on my way to becoming a Web3 developer.
Nice to meet you.
Welcome to Dev.to !! Hope you have a wonderful time here !!
I was brought here by friends on LinkedIn suggesting a new place for me to write. Love the UI and UX here. From a write's perspective this is hands down the best experience I've ever had for publishing articles, by far! Love the Markdown thing and how it creates a default Open Graph image for me if I don't provide one myself! Wrote my first piece here today for those interested ^_^
I'm looking for a new place to share ideas and constructs about our Open Source tool Magic Cloud. For those interested you can find it here ==> docs.aista.com/
I suspect I'll be spending a lot of time here in the future writing articles for those interested ^_^
Psst, my obsession ^_^
Hi there, I just made a new open-source tool for checking CSS duplications and similarities between classes: css-checker. Wish to learn advice from more developers.
Joined here for an experience among the equals and the professionals. I know Java, C, C++, HTML (+pug), CSS(+sass), JS (+D3), python, Mathematica.
I know a bit of Kotlin, Lisp, etc.
Interested in learning AI/ML, Rust, Gamedev and cybersecurity.
That's quite alot😊
Hello or good evening to the whole community
I can't really remember how I got here, but it was by browsing the internet for research on web development.
I am a Delphi developer. I'm looking for online jobs but I found that Delphi alone doesn't allow me to find what I want. So I decided to increase my skills by learning modern programming languages. Registered at Codecademy where I am taking courses to become a "Full stack software engineer", I am looking for websites to help me reach my goal.
That's why I'm here.
Welcome to Dev.to !! Hope you have a wonderful time here !!
Hello! I'm new here. I actually joined to submit an assignment but while I was preparing the article, I realized that I really enjoyed myself wile writing. So I hope to become an active member and to share the things I've learnt and the things I'm going to learn on my JavaScript and web3 journey
Welcome to Dev.to !! Hope you have a wonderful time here !!