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Hey there! I've been a tech blogger and marketer since 2015.) In my blog here, I share insights into the technology world and software development. I generally cover such topics as programming (web and mobile development, the creation of enterprise solutions, technology overviews, etc.), IoT, blockchain, and so on. Will be happy to discuss tech ideas and issues with you!)
Welcome Diana°.
Welcome to the community, Diana!
Thank you!)
Nice to see you taking an interest in blockchain! Its applications are limitless, and it's fun to ponder the possibilities sometimes. :)
Welcome Diana!
looking forward to read some of your articles / work ! :)
Hello Diana and welcome :)
Welcome ! :D
Welcome Diana.
Thanks Diana, I will came to your page
Wow, nice, I welcome you as well as my self
Wow, your English is great!
Thank you very much!
Hey. How are you?
Fine, and you?
I'm good thanks. Where have you acquired your tech knowledge from or most of it?
Welcome us :D
Indeed, your knowledge will be so handy😎
Thank you!)
hi, Diana
Welcome Diana
wow that's great
Hi everyone, I'm currently pursuing my PhD, on applying machine learning in healthcare. This site looks neat!
Hi! New here too, just wanted to say that I think healtcare is in my opinion the field where I want to see ML succeed the most and I love seeing people doing exactly that! Best wishes and good look with your studies!
What a great application for machine learning! I'd love to learn it myself but don't really know where to start, any tips?
Hey Coner, it really depends on what you're interested in. I think the most common now is image processing, and that's where I started. Wrote an article about image segmentation [towardsdatascience.com/biomedical-...], which is part of the process to detect glaucoma disease.
X-ray and MRI are also pretty popular. There is a survey call "A Survey on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis" if you are interested to find out about other image processing applications.
Sounds a great place to start to be honest. I've always had an interest in medical field although not being professionally involved in it, is there some projects I could possibly contribute towards while developing my skills?
Also, from the perspective of learning machine learning, what language would be best? I know JS has tensorflow but I hear python is great for this stuff. Any thoughts?
There are past competitions on Kaggle such as Diabetic Retinopathy Detection and
APTOS 2019 Blindness Detection, probably many others. Where there are datasets, and codes to learn from others how they did it. That would likely develop machine learning knowledge. Open-source project to contribute, unlikely, not that I know of. Most medical data are not open source.
Python will certainly be the way to go for ML. For me, I use the PyTorch framework. With Python, you get to use the system's resources and GPU. TensorFlow.js is only mainly used for presentation, after training a model (with Python), port the model into a "lite" version, and present model capability in web browser (with TFJS). Although end-to-end training can be done in TFJS, it is very limited to data size and computation. See my end-to-end training article to predict time series with TFJS
Thanks for the overview. As you can expect my knowledge of machine learning at the minute is quite primitive. But, I'll definitely be looking into some of the technologies you mentioned and thr article you linked. Thanks once again and I wish you the best of luck with your work. 👍
Hi Jingles. Good luck with the PhD!
Welcome to the community! I build software for the healthcare industry, so I'll probably run into your work sooner or later. :-)
Thanks Jesse. I am currently working on retina, and my aim is to productionise my research work into the healthcare industry, to help people prevent vision loss.
that's great - i am also very interested in this topic ! :)
Hi All, I am Ravi kumar, I am machine learning enthusiast and would like to explore the world of ML and Data science
Welcome Ravi
I'm pretty sure there's a lot of awesome people here... who also love semicolons!
Anyway, I'm a prof. JS/TS dev who's dabbling in GoLang. Advocate for simplicity, a11y and standardized solutions. Love React, and I am utterly addicted to coffee.
Hi Flemming, nice to meet you!
I'm a dev who loves JS and Python and I'm also dabbling in Golang.
(No semicolons! Muahahaha! 😈)
Would love to chat over remote coffee.
Hey together :-)
I'm a software engineer since 2009, I love speaking on conferences and sharing my knowledge about the web and Angular in workshops. I have never been a tech blogger but I want to get into it :)
My tech stack is JavaScript overall :D Node.js in the backend and Angular in the frontend, but I also use .NET Core recently a lot. For around 2 years I'm also in the WebAssembly community :)
Hello and Welcome Martina :v
Welcome! We're into the same types of things. Dev.to is the best technical blogging community out there. They'll encourage the crap out of you and you'll love it. Glad you're here.
Hi...I'm solomon from Ghana west Africa..a first year student studying information technology at one of the best technology institution in my country, Kwame Nkrumah University of science and Technology (K.N.U.S.T)
I will like to learn more and new things from you, thank you.
Hey Welcome Mate! 😉
Hello Solomon,
I hope you find what you're looking to get here. I'm new too and hope we can all learn from here.
Hello, community!
I am a full-stack JS expert with over 9 years of experience and CEO at CreativeIT, a software house located Belarus. Here I’m responsible for technical consulting, negotiating, and managing our team.
Being an active contributor to open source development, I’m proud that many of our company’s products have a high number of stars on GitHub. Hope, I will become a great part of this community.)
Hi All, Solomon here. I'm a Front-End Developer sharpening my skills in Javascript and hoping to add more tools to my stack.
Hi! I'm frequent reader of dev.to blogs and decided to create an official account today!
I'm a self-taught full stack developer, primarily focusing on backend. I'm an experimental learner, meaning that I've touch (or written a program) in a variety of programming languages and tools. Formerly @SheCanTech on Twitter. I previously interned at Microsoft and The Washington Post and am currently a student majoring in CS and minoring in Mathematical Sciences. I hope to post #100DaysofX and how-to blogs on things like Spring Boot, Scala, Tensorflow.js, WebXR, and whatever else I can think or feel like sharing.
I'm also on the job market for a new job and have my first ever on-site Google interview this Friday. Wish me luck and/or send me pointers, please.
Helllooooo, I'm Alireza, 20 years old from Iran, I'm a Full-Stack Developer working remotely in 2 different companies, I mostly code in Python and JavaScript sometimes, I signed up and I have no idea why, I'm thinking about starting to write blog posts, maybe that's the reason
I use Arch BTW :v
Hey Alireza!
Sounds like you've found a great working setup. I've been tentatively looking at ways to get remote to work here in Sweden for some time but would seem that we're not quite there yet. Do you have any tips on making the remote life work with your private life?
Hey Axel,
Actually I thought there should be more opportunities in Europe
Here in Iran, we mostly use Telegram as the messenger, There are a lot of Telegram groups related to the field we work in, I try to answer the questions and participate in the discussions, I try to gain reputation doing this, People won't pay you to answer their questions, and u have no responsibility, But if you do this the right way, people can understand about your knowledge by reading your answers
Community helped me a lot, I answer questions on Telegram groups, Forums, StackOverflow and ...
I learnt a lot from community and by being active on the community I can gain reputation and help people
So in a nutshell, I recommend u working on yourself as your personal brand.
I'm not a native English speaker, Sorry for bad English
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