DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v51 staff on December 04, 2019

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
dianamaltseva8 profile image
Diana Maltseva • Edited

Hey there! I've been a tech blogger and marketer since 2015.) In my blog here, I share insights into the technology world and software development. I generally cover such topics as programming (web and mobile development, the creation of enterprise solutions, technology overviews, etc.), IoT, blockchain, and so on. Will be happy to discuss tech ideas and issues with you!)

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome to the community, Diana!

dianamaltseva8 profile image
Diana Maltseva

Thank you!)

gobinaga profile image

Welcome Diana°.

timhub profile image
Tech Tim (@TechTim42)


sanneh22 profile image

Nice to see you taking an interest in blockchain! Its applications are limitless, and it's fun to ponder the possibilities sometimes. :)

lericov profile image


kylelaw profile image

Welcome Diana!

apak00 profile image
Mahmud Apak


joshlive77 profile image


muciga profile image


dannypk profile image

looking forward to read some of your articles / work ! :)

pat000 profile image
Patrick Delos Santos

Welcome ! :D

luckynkosi profile image
Nhlanhla Lucky Nkosi

Hello Diana and welcome :)

timhub profile image
Tech Tim (@TechTim42)


007cherukuri profile image


soulweed profile image
Nontachai Yoothai

Welcome Diana.

ronaldhariyanto profile image
Ronald Hariyanto

Thanks Diana, I will came to your page

sabali_eminent profile image
Ebuka Gabriel🐍

Wow, nice, I welcome you as well as my self

rusini profile image

Wow, your English is great!

dianamaltseva8 profile image
Diana Maltseva

Thank you very much!

andrewbudd16 profile image
Andrew Budd


jojosewpershad profile image
Jordan Sewpershad

Hey. How are you?

dianamaltseva8 profile image
Diana Maltseva

Fine, and you?

Thread Thread
jojosewpershad profile image
Jordan Sewpershad

I'm good thanks. Where have you acquired your tech knowledge from or most of it?

arman7878 profile image

Welcome us :D

thomaszsd profile image

hi, Diana

briannyaberi profile image
Ludah bryan

Indeed, your knowledge will be so handy😎

dianamaltseva8 profile image
Diana Maltseva

Thank you!)

aydinbulut profile image
Aydın Bulut

Welcome Diana

danthecm profile image

wow that's great

andilov02400796 profile image


jinglescode profile image
Jingles (Hong Jing)

Hi everyone, I'm currently pursuing my PhD, on applying machine learning in healthcare. This site looks neat!

glics profile image
Giuseppe Careri

Hi! New here too, just wanted to say that I think healtcare is in my opinion the field where I want to see ML succeed the most and I love seeing people doing exactly that! Best wishes and good look with your studies!

conermurphy profile image
Coner Murphy

What a great application for machine learning! I'd love to learn it myself but don't really know where to start, any tips?

jinglescode profile image
Jingles (Hong Jing)

Hey Coner, it really depends on what you're interested in. I think the most common now is image processing, and that's where I started. Wrote an article about image segmentation [], which is part of the process to detect glaucoma disease.
X-ray and MRI are also pretty popular. There is a survey call "A Survey on Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis" if you are interested to find out about other image processing applications.

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conermurphy profile image
Coner Murphy

Sounds a great place to start to be honest. I've always had an interest in medical field although not being professionally involved in it, is there some projects I could possibly contribute towards while developing my skills?

Also, from the perspective of learning machine learning, what language would be best? I know JS has tensorflow but I hear python is great for this stuff. Any thoughts?

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jinglescode profile image
Jingles (Hong Jing)

There are past competitions on Kaggle such as Diabetic Retinopathy Detection and
APTOS 2019 Blindness Detection, probably many others. Where there are datasets, and codes to learn from others how they did it. That would likely develop machine learning knowledge. Open-source project to contribute, unlikely, not that I know of. Most medical data are not open source.

Python will certainly be the way to go for ML. For me, I use the PyTorch framework. With Python, you get to use the system's resources and GPU. TensorFlow.js is only mainly used for presentation, after training a model (with Python), port the model into a "lite" version, and present model capability in web browser (with TFJS). Although end-to-end training can be done in TFJS, it is very limited to data size and computation. See my end-to-end training article to predict time series with TFJS

Thread Thread
conermurphy profile image
Coner Murphy

Thanks for the overview. As you can expect my knowledge of machine learning at the minute is quite primitive. But, I'll definitely be looking into some of the technologies you mentioned and thr article you linked. Thanks once again and I wish you the best of luck with your work. 👍

patrickgrey profile image
Patrick Grey

Hi Jingles. Good luck with the PhD!

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome to the community! I build software for the healthcare industry, so I'll probably run into your work sooner or later. :-)

jinglescode profile image
Jingles (Hong Jing)

Thanks Jesse. I am currently working on retina, and my aim is to productionise my research work into the healthcare industry, to help people prevent vision loss.

dannypk profile image

that's great - i am also very interested in this topic ! :)

ravikumarbalija profile image

Hi All, I am Ravi kumar, I am machine learning enthusiast and would like to explore the world of ML and Data science

meggapixxel profile image
Vadym Zhydenko


cegsuresh profile image
Suresh Prasanna

Welcome Ravi

s1ddok profile image
Andrey Volodin


martinakraus11 profile image
Martina Kraus

Hey together :-)
I'm a software engineer since 2009, I love speaking on conferences and sharing my knowledge about the web and Angular in workshops. I have never been a tech blogger but I want to get into it :)
My tech stack is JavaScript overall :D Node.js in the backend and Angular in the frontend, but I also use .NET Core recently a lot. For around 2 years I'm also in the WebAssembly community :)

darksun profile image
Alireza Ayinmehr

Hello and Welcome Martina :v

integerman profile image
Matt Eland

Welcome! We're into the same types of things. is the best technical blogging community out there. They'll encourage the crap out of you and you'll love it. Glad you're here.

bastardly profile image
Flemming Hansen

I'm pretty sure there's a lot of awesome people here... who also love semicolons!

Anyway, I'm a prof. JS/TS dev who's dabbling in GoLang. Advocate for simplicity, a11y and standardized solutions. Love React, and I am utterly addicted to coffee.

letam profile image
Tam Le

Hi Flemming, nice to meet you!
I'm a dev who loves JS and Python and I'm also dabbling in Golang.
(No semicolons! Muahahaha! 😈)
Would love to chat over remote coffee.

michaelcharles profile image
Michael Charles Aubrey
"prettier": {
        "semi": false
maryredlinger profile image

Hello World!

I am three weeks into my coding bootcamp and ready to record and share my learning throughout the process. I have been teaching the past few years and am ready to hop into the tech industry with my new skills in coding.

I am interested in both front and back end and think I will pick a side once I have gotten a feel for both in the bootcamp.

Happy Hacking!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Mary, I'm Katie, one of the basic moderators here on DEV (unofficial title: DEV cheerleader 😊)

I want to welcome you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.

Don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas.
Good luck in bootcamp!

dannypk profile image

welcome into the coding world !

darksun profile image
Alireza Ayinmehr

Helllooooo, I'm Alireza, 20 years old from Iran, I'm a Full-Stack Developer working remotely in 2 different companies, I mostly code in Python and JavaScript sometimes, I signed up and I have no idea why, I'm thinking about starting to write blog posts, maybe that's the reason
I use Arch BTW :v

axelolsson profile image
Axel Olsson

Hey Alireza!

Sounds like you've found a great working setup. I've been tentatively looking at ways to get remote to work here in Sweden for some time but would seem that we're not quite there yet. Do you have any tips on making the remote life work with your private life?

darksun profile image
Alireza Ayinmehr

Hey Axel,

Actually I thought there should be more opportunities in Europe

Here in Iran, we mostly use Telegram as the messenger, There are a lot of Telegram groups related to the field we work in, I try to answer the questions and participate in the discussions, I try to gain reputation doing this, People won't pay you to answer their questions, and u have no responsibility, But if you do this the right way, people can understand about your knowledge by reading your answers

Community helped me a lot, I answer questions on Telegram groups, Forums, StackOverflow and ...
I learnt a lot from community and by being active on the community I can gain reputation and help people

So in a nutshell, I recommend u working on yourself as your personal brand.

I'm not a native English speaker, Sorry for bad English

krebedev profile image
Solomon Ekrebe

Hi All, Solomon here. I'm a Front-End Developer sharpening my skills in Javascript and hoping to add more tools to my stack.

shannoncantech profile image
Shannon Foster

Hi! I'm frequent reader of blogs and decided to create an official account today!

I'm a self-taught full stack developer, primarily focusing on backend. I'm an experimental learner, meaning that I've touch (or written a program) in a variety of programming languages and tools. Formerly @SheCanTech on Twitter. I previously interned at Microsoft and The Washington Post and am currently a student majoring in CS and minoring in Mathematical Sciences. I hope to post #100DaysofX and how-to blogs on things like Spring Boot, Scala, Tensorflow.js, WebXR, and whatever else I can think or feel like sharing.

I'm also on the job market for a new job and have my first ever on-site Google interview this Friday. Wish me luck and/or send me pointers, please.

raman_andryianau profile image
Raman CreativeIT

Hello, community!

I am a full-stack JS expert with over 9 years of experience and CEO at CreativeIT, a software house located Belarus. Here I’m responsible for technical consulting, negotiating, and managing our team.

Being an active contributor to open source development, I’m proud that many of our company’s products have a high number of stars on GitHub. Hope, I will become a great part of this community.)

kingeuross profile image

Hi...I'm solomon from Ghana west Africa..a first year student studying information technology at one of the best technology institution in my country, Kwame Nkrumah University of science and Technology (K.N.U.S.T)
I will like to learn more and new things from you, thank you.

realabbas profile image
Ali Abbas

Hey Welcome Mate! 😉

goldstein4r profile image
ernest pratt

Hello Solomon,
I hope you find what you're looking to get here. I'm new too and hope we can all learn from here.

greatyom profile image

I love to make the impossibilities possible in ICT.

... to design and develop solutions to ease people and business lives.

"Just want to make the world a better place"

So glad to be in this community of highly influential Pros. Am here to learn and contribute to the growth of Tech world.

Thank you.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome. Community members are here to help and support you!

niamileo profile image
Amir Ehsan Haji Hussaini

That's so nice!

rusini profile image
rusini • Edited

Hello everyone!

I have designed and implemented a practical programming language called MANOOL.

Right now I am writing my first white paper or article about the subject, which I am going to cross-post on as well as on the official Web site (, and it should be complete shortly.

Looking forward for your comments...

michaelcharles profile image
Michael Charles Aubrey

What sets Manool apart from other languages?

rusini profile image
rusini • Edited

Unfortunately, any short answer would leave you with even more questions, and what really matters is, as always, details. That said, on the MANOOL official Web site the shortest description is:

MANOOL is a programming language with the same purpose as Python, Ruby, PHP, Common Lisp, or Scheme but it is designed with one central idea in mind:

  • to maximize the expressive power / implementation complexity ratio.

The author's implementation fits in only 10 KLOC in C++, yet it exhibits competitive run-time performance.

amanullachishty profile image

Hi All,Aman here I'm a tech enthusiast exploring to develop my front-end skills currently started working on reactjs,stumbled here from the react site,excited to be part of the community looking forward to explore,learn and share.Happy learning folks.

hellodonovan profile image

Just started on React too!

simonedesogus profile image
Simone Desogus • Edited

Hello everyone!
I am a Software Engineer Master student currently writing my Master's Thesis in NLP/ML and I am very passionate about technology, and I hope I can satisfy my passion even more with this blog :)

ifebrand6 profile image

Hi, I started my journey into web development in 2016, and it has been an amazing one. currently I am very good with frontend development( just HTML5, javascript and Css). however recently i dive into the deep seas of Backend development( Ruby( rails), PHP(laravel)). I hope to share my wonderful stories of my journey as i swim in the seas of logics.

ivbeg profile image
Ivan Begtin


I am data architect, project manager, Python developer, data engineer from Moscow. I run NGO "Infoculture" dedicated to open data and digital preservation.

I write about Russian government data and IT at

My latest project is about government spending of Russian federation.

Feel free to ask me about government data strategies and govtech.

joviane profile image
Joviane Jardim

Hi everyone!

I'm a backend developer and I used to teach programming classes in Brazil. Now I'm moving to Stockholm and I'm going to use mostly NodeJS and Java in my new job.

I share content in Portuguese but I'm open to talk about anything that involves programming. :-)

letam profile image
Tam Le

Hi Joviane, welcome!
I'd love to hear about your experience teaching programming.

krisglasier profile image
Kristopher Quaife-Glasier

Hello Everyone! I'm an IT student currently working towards a bachelor in Computer and Information Systems with a minor in web development. Started my first project this year in my spare time building a LAMP based website on a Raspberry Pi 3. Few interests outside of development would be reading fantasy novels, SharePoint management, the odd video game, and hiking. I'm excited to talk more with you all.

devlprsocial profile image
John Torres

Hello my nane is John. Basically I'm here to familiarise myself, with developer and technologists. Ihave recently started to learn Blockchain technology. To add more background to my career as a tech talent recruiter.

ricardochan profile image
Ricardo Chan

Hello! I'm a junior developer looking to learn more about the software development world. For now, I won't be doing much posting, mostly reading, but perhaps I'll find something worthwhile to share with you guys soon!

kimberlyleo profile image

Hello world! I am a new developer! I will be sharing and unpacking my experiences as I learn full stack web development. I have been working with Javascript, HTML, CSS, React, and Ruby, so far.
I am so excited to learn and grow as a developer!!

I am learning so this will likely be largely reflective and at times, error-ridden.. But here's to the journey!! :}
Feel free to reach out regarding anything!

maryredlinger profile image

Welcome Kimberly! Excited to see your coding process and learning grow

deeparajasabeson profile image
Deepa Rajasabeson

Santhosh Yadav, my Angular 8 instructor introduced me to this community. I love to follow up with the growing technologies. Want to discuss tech ideas and issues with you all for solutions and sharing knowledge.

ramkumar210699 profile image

Hi there,
I am an Electronic Engineer.
I have keen interest in coding and IOT.
So I joined the community.
In the field of IoT and smart electronic devices Electronic developers and Software developers are engaged, so I think there should be collaboration and knowledge sharing.I wish I could gain more knowledge in this platform.

akinyele profile image
Akinyele Thompson

Hey guys! I'm a many hats kinda developer 😅, I'm always trying something new. I've been doing software development professional for about 3 year, started of with mobile now I'm on the web (front and backend).

I'm trying to immerse myself more into the community. I hope this a good place to start.

chaselangr profile image
Chase Lang

I just joined but wanted to share that I'm a many kinda hats designer/developer. I think its important to try new things with design and dev - its how I learn.

If you ever want to collaborate on something let me know. I'm working on building opensource tools for journalists, maybe you share the passion?

akinyele profile image
Akinyele Thompson

Hey ! That sounds cool 👍! I don't know too much about journalism ( I see myself as a bad writer ). However, I I'd wanna do my open source stuff so I'm not opposed.

Still trying to find where my passion is most strong.

Thread Thread
chaselangr profile image
Chase Lang

Well no pressure at all, but I am working on setting up some tools to help help with collaboration on (a test site which will go live sometime in early 2020 to replace If you want to contribute to the project, join here:

Once joined and logged in, navigate to the WordPress Dashboard and leave a comment in the chat there. There we can discuss new features and ideas (this is open to anyone reading this post too)

no pressure!

nebelgrau77 profile image

Hello everyone, nebelgrau here. I describe myself as an aspiring data witcher, as in "data practitioner" more than "scientist". I have a background in engineering, but I'd never programmed until I decided to learn data science with Python almost two years ago. I'm also interested in embedded programming, to have data gathered from sensors and then ideally implement machine learning on the edge: that's why I started with MicroPython first, but I'm also learning Rust and C, mostly for embedded use on Cortex-M MCUs. I hope to learn new stuff here!

sanneh22 profile image

That's so cool! I love this kind of programming, it sounds so fun. Much has become possible with the rise of Python and we can truly do anything with it now.

My focus is more on web programming. From how websites look and function to the servers that make it all possible.

diogom profile image
Diogo Machado

Hello World! I'm excited for share my experiences here, I know that my English is not so good but is are a more one motive for me try writing here. My skills are with Angular, CSS, Laravel, Usability and Mobile, specially with hybrid apps with Ionic, Firebase and Cordova.

I'm author of the book Cordova Advanced and Phonegap and always that possible, I'm try write in my blog.

I hope share good content.

jmfayard profile image
Jean-Michel 🕵🏻‍♂️ Fayard

Buom dia Diego!
Yes, please share your experience.
I know that a lot of people are confused of what multi-platform makes sense in which context.
Don't worry about not being a native English speaker, I also plenty of "errors". Who cares?

diogom profile image
Diogo Machado

Hi Jean, thanks for the words positive!

rhyn0bytes profile image
Ryan • Edited

Howdy! I am excited to finally join up. I've been working my way back to engineering for 7 years now, and I couldn't be more excited to rejoin the pack. I have spent my career growing as a business person, learning sales, solution architecture, consulting, and leadership. Hopefully, with the help of this community I can resharpen my hard skills and fully polish what I bring to my next team.

Feel free to reach out and discuss any topic you like, but my current focused list includes:

  • Web and Mobile Tech
  • Security and Identity for all
  • Game Development
  • IoT and automation
  • also music and brewing

Glad to be here!

billpalmer profile image

I am curious about what you mean by "Security and Identity for all", can you elaborate ?

rhyn0bytes profile image

Absolutely! I am getting a kick out of learning about security, privacy, and digital identity. Hopefully, we (the collective we) will make these technologies more and more approachable for general use and lead to widespread use.

My current tinkering has me trying to add physical identity to an api using Yubico's technology as well as playing with more end-to-end encryption services like sync or keybase.

avats_dev profile image
Aditya Vats

Hey there!! I am an engineering student and I know basic programming with python and c++. Now I am focusing on being a Data analyst and I am interested in ML and open source contribution.
I just signed up and I am excited for this new journey. Will be happy to interact with you all!!

mateiasul profile image

Hey All, I am a graduate developer currently doing most of my work in c# within CMSs like Sitecore and Tridion while also trying to learn some front-end tech. I only found out about this community a couple of weeks ago through Reddit or the TLDR newsletter can\t really remember which one to my shame. Anyway hello!!

lujianna profile image

Hi there!

Am Anna. Mum to 2 beautiful girls.
Just did a career switch from Math/Finance and entered into coding sphere to learn web development.
My future aim is to be into software path.

I have managed to do HTML5/CSS3, and currently javascript & ruby.

I do freelance work for family and friends and friends of friends making simple website.

After vanilla javascript I will learn the frameworks such as Angular, React, Due etc while am learning the back end with python, also javascript, etc.

My daily target is to build , build and build! thats what makes me happy- to see things happening :)
Nice to meet you all :)

dani_chuks profile image
Daniel Chukwurah

Hi I'm Daniel Chukwurah, a front-end developer. I'm happy to be here.
I'm transitioning from being an agriculturist to a developer. I started coding last year and I hope to find the support I need here.

I'm currently learning VueJs.

umeralt89 profile image
Umer Altaf

I am an Electronic Engineer.
I have keen interest in Computer science and IT.
So I joined the community.
In the field of IoT and smart electronic devices Electronic developers and Software developers are engaged, so I think there should be collaboration and knowledge sharing.

kaidevrim profile image
Kai Devrim

yo IOT sounds so fun!

seejaylamb profile image
CJ Lambert • Edited

Hi all, I have been working in software for around 7 years now. Started as Tech Support and moved my way into QA. I consider myself quite the noob with programming but have written some Selenium automated tests scripts (in C#).

I am an avid gamer who is slowly getting into the modding community. I love open source and support early access games.
I am here to learn and give insight specifically on starting out in the web software industry and/or on Agile teams. Or a may just discuss video games =] really caught my eye, I love the interface and may even try out the mobile app. Plus open source <3

patrickgrey profile image
Patrick Grey

Well hello! A big wave to everyone out there 👋🌊 I've been hacking away for 20+ years now. I've tried many aspects of web development and even a bit of video development. I wouldn't say I'm anywhere near a master of any one element. A glass-half-full-stack developer if you will. I really like the jamstack. Svelte and Sapper make a lot of sense to me. I'm a big fan of ridiculously over-engineered blogs too. Looking forward to being a part of the community!

kravennagen profile image

Hi ! I just finished my master as a developer, I was an apprentice in Cisco France and now I found a great work as Python Developer !
I'm here because I just want to be aware of what's going on ! I'm happy to join you !

thexpand profile image
Tsvetomir Lazarov

Hi there! I am a passionate learner who always strives for improvement. I have been doing back-end development using PHP since 2010. Currently, my focus is domain-driven design and clean architecture. Over the years I did a lot of front-end work, too. Nowadays I am interested in React.js for the front-end part.

It's great to be part of the developers community. Thanks for having the opportunity to be here!

mikelogaciuk profile image

Hey there!
I've been always a mix of data analyst, administrator, pos/it architect and almost an one man army in my IT Department. Still in love with SQL, but started to love stuff around nodejs, JavaScript and so on.

I am happy that I can be here and share my thoughts, ideas and experience with you.

See ya later :)

bjornhollander profile image

Hello everyone! In 2016 I decided to change the course of my career and followed a traineeship to become a Java developer. Ever since I've loved every moment of it and I keep learning new things everyday! My first job in IT was at the Dutch Tax & Customs Administration, but currently I work at a company which creates software packages for Dutch healthcare providers. Sometimes I suffer a little from imposter syndrome since I'm not schooled in IT, but that also drives me to keep learning and celebrate the small successes.
I've always had a passion for education and sharing knowledge and I recently decided I'd like to get more involved in these topics. By chance I found a DEV sticker at my current job and I looked it up out of curiosity, bringing me here. I look forward to learning a lot more, and to share my own experiences!

godogkas profile image
George Dogkas

Hello Honey Bunnies!
Excuse my immediacy, I am excited! Used to do GWbasic and Pascal when I was 8 years old.
Somehow I have this urge to enter into this giving life craft once again.
Playing it solo and practising until my turbos are activated!
Main energy giving material " I wanna make my strategy game and I wanna make it as I imagine it! "
The rest will sum up!

lericov profile image

Hello world! My name is Rico. I'm a junior programmer. I would like to learn more about coding in php, react and java, so that i can build my own crud application with native android front someday. Hope to learn from you guys here.

ahmadzaky profile image

Hallo everone, I am fresh graduated Computer Science student and I started my Master in Technical University of Berlin. I am enteresting in Machine learning so I know in the phase of learning c++ and python which will helps me alot in this field.

sorenz profile image
Hamed ZVand • Edited

Hi, folks.
I'm a software engineer with a passion for software craftsmanship and learning new things. I started (when I was a teenager) with Basic, Pascal, C, C++, and continuing with C# for more than a decade. In my experience in the tech industry, I have worked with companies in areas such as media, healthcare, and telecommunication. My specialty is back-end and database technologies (such as MS SQL, MongoDB, Elastic Search, ...), particularly developing high performance, scalable APIs. I'm a problem solver by nature and strongly believe in open source (community and collaboration)
I'm here to learn an write about my experience...
Such a great community ❤️💙❤️

glazey132 profile image
Alex G

Hey all!

I'm a software engineer in San Francisco who loves using Javascript and React. I'm interested in mastering JS, playing with some new shiny tools/technology, and learning from all the great people here on

arturmamedov profile image
Artur • Edited

Hi guys, i am a joung dev, developing in Laravel, jQuery and begin Vue and also the staff around this languages, here for follow nice topick and nice people, also i search for collaborations. Very nice portal, i also enjoy the design.

sergemathieu profile image

Hi guys! I'm a Java Developer working in Brussels. I have been focusing on Front-end technologies for many years, the last good Framework I've been using on projects was Vaadin 7. Today I'll need to invest more on back-end and micro-services architecture which is brand new for me.
Spring Boot help a lot. I'm busy learning REST API stuff for a new project.
Today I'm looking for good tuto on CRNK for JSON

profgrammer profile image
Prafful Javare

Hello everyone, I am an Indian engineering student interested in algorithms and back end development. I have been striving to achieve a good rating in competitive programming platforms and have had moderate success in the last year. I aspire to become red rated on codeforces and codechef someday. I love listening to audiobooks on my daily commute.

hellodonovan profile image

Hi guys! I'm Donovan and I've been studying some front end stuff throughout 2019. I've recently realized how much I suck at it so I figured I reach out and get involved with the community! I was actually brought here from Hacktoberfest to learn more about version control since all I did was push everything to master for myself.

kid_jenius profile image

Hey all! I have been developing since 2016. I created a fast and efficient REST client called Nightingale. I also created a C++ tool called Sealer that closes gaps in the human genome. I wrote it entirely in vim. I've used C#, python, bash, powershell core, angularjs, cordova, WSL, react native, react, typescript, wpf, uwp, xaml, xamarin, winui, .net core, core, and more. Glad to be here 🥰

letam profile image
Tam Le • Edited

Hi all, I'm an experienced/damaged full-stack developer who wants to become a successful entrepreneur and help others do the same.
I love learning and sharing useful information! Grateful for the community!

Oh, and I'm also really interested in health/wellness and performance optimization, which led me to my insane experiments with fasting.
(I once went 35 days without eating. Happy to share more.)

akuks profile image

Hey there!

I am backed developer and sometimes Fullstack 'with Bootstrap and Bulma frameworks :)' and off-course with React or plain JS. I mostly code in Perl and Python.

For the past 12 years, I am student of Perl and Python. And in the last couple of years I enrolled myself in Data Analysis and Machine Learning.

Also, once in a while, I love to write articles on Perl/Python/Data Analysis/ML.

kyle_rits profile image
Kyle Rodgers

Hello. I am a frontend developer with a good deal of experience working in an agency setting. I'm currently working towards expanding into freelancing as a way to work on more projects I find really interesting and hopefully to supplement my income in the process. I'm still new at this and would really like to learn more i terms of building a client base and small scale marketing.

igabice profile image
Izzy Amazing

Hello, I started programming by creating native androids app. I later ventured into web development using laravel and django. I enjoy learning new technologies and the latest in my radar is flutter. I'm grateful to those that shared valuable knowledge which brought me this far in software development, hopefully I can payback by sharing content on my journey with flutter. ;)

joshmarion777 profile image
Joshua Joseph

Hi everyone!, I am a self-taught dev, I got my interest into mobile development from react-native course on cs50 on youtube, instructor Jordan Hayashi was very cool and later worked on a start up for a span of a year. My interest is to learn best practices and work with a team who's fun to work with.

mrquiz profile image
Maciej Zaręba

Hello, I'm a young developer who started to be more active in the dev community.
As my profile says I would call my self Jack of all trades because of my love for programming and whole development process. My skillset is very wide, but I'm still learning new things.

I've started the development of tools to help developers with boring stuff and automation processes. Thank's to this community I've started to prowl into technologies like WASM, Rust and other cool stuff.

I hope that my work will be helpful to other people.

haluskua profile image

Hi all, my introduction will be small: I am a web developer enthusiast and my purpose for coming here is to sharpen my awareness of my dev environment both technically and in some way, socially. I have had 3+ years of studies and am looking forward to becoming a better and sharper UIs specialist to make visually appealing frontend based products. Oh, and I like (web and mobile and development).

volpatodavide profile image
DavideVolpato [LTC⚡] [BTC] [WP]

Hi guys, here Davide from Italy but living in South Africa! I can contribute with help for wordpress and security

matteotrapani profile image

Hey everybody !
I arrived here by searching to fix some bug, obviously :D

I am Italian and I work in France, I am working as .NET Core API developer, but in my carreer I worked mostly as full stack developer and that's what I aim to do back again .
I am studying the MEAN stack to have the possibility to find a fully remote jobs because my girlfriend wants to be a researcher, so.. :D

Hope to hear from all of you soon !

isaacbatst profile image
Isaac Batista

Hello guys, I'm a dev graduating to teach computing skills and my homework today is to create a little course using ODL. So I decided to create some posts here to use them a resource. Unfortunatelly for the most of you, they should be written in portuguese from now.

ameernormie profile image
Ameer Hamza

Hi Everyone, I am a React Native developer working with javascript since 2015. I am always interested in learning new things in the tech world. I am currently focusing on mastering functional concepts.
I am looking forward to getting in touch with this great community.

joontaekim profile image
Joontae Kim

Hi All! I'm front-end developer from South Korea. I usually develop front-end but, in my project i was developing full-stack. On front-end, i use Vue.js, SCSS and HTML, CSS3 and Javascript on frontend and node.js on backend.

About 4 year ago, I started for solving my curiosity. then, i turned my way in the end of the last semester. Actually my major is Business Management and I had to learn the new world's base knowledge by my-self. Everynight studied for next days and Everyday developed my first project using that i studied at last night.
At now, i don't regret! even though meeting an unexpected bugs, the process and feeling of solving the bugs is excited!

And these days, i was looking for jobs and developing a project kinda the bookmark social network for developer like pinterest or instagram. Its mottos is sharing and sharing for each other's project, knowledge and ideas!

In this year's goal is getting a remote job and launch the project as beta version.

And Thank you all team member for creating this nice group!

mikeott profile image
Michael O • Edited

I'm a web development & design professional with over 25 years experience, and for the past 12 years have led the web development team at a digital agency in Perth Western Australia.

My career initially started out in front-end engineering and design, eventually transitioning into custom solutions for WordPress and occasionally Shopify. I work with PHP and JavaScript (with a preference for jQuery) extensively.

In my spare time I'm product designer/engineer/developer of Rocket Apps, where I created all the premium WordPress products. I also produce music just for fun.

I also served as an official Judge for the Australian Web Awards (2011 - 2017). If that isn't enough geek cred for you, I've also built a handful of WordPress plugins, Chrome extensions, Github projects, and I'm an official ambassador for Gitkraken.

kodekloud profile image

Hi Guys, I am Mumshad and I run KodeKloud, your one stop shop for all DevOps courses, and free hands-on training on Docker and Kubernetes.

I also create videos around the same. My videos rank on top for 'Kubernetes for beginners' and 'Docker for beginners'. I am very happy to be here in the community.

Contact me if you have any questions related to Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, etc

springathing profile image

Hey everybody! I'm a professional developer new to React and I wanted to join the community to ask this question: because there aren't any resources online to help me out here

conermurphy profile image
Coner Murphy

Hey everyone, excited to be here! I came to to learn from devs all over the world, I like to think everyone knows something I don't therefore there's something I can learn. I'm also a keen believer of sharing your knowledge with others to both improve others skills and reinforce your own knowledge. Can't wait to start reading others work and sharing my own :)

mydigitalmind profile image
Melissa Penta • Edited

Hi! I have been coding front-end development for over 15 years. I was a senior front-end developer at my previous job, but recently changed to more of a designer/developer role. I am now working for a nonprofit that brings my profession together with my passion for birds. While I am self-taught, I am struggling with learning new languages. HTML, CSS and custom WordPress themes are a breeze for me; I can do quite a bit with javascript and PHP as well. I am trying to learn React so that I can build custom blocks for WordPress' block editor. It feels like more of a struggle than it should be, but I am determined to learn more and hopefully contribute here.

jh3y profile image
Jhey Tompkins

Howdy 👋

After seeing a lot of good things about, I've decided to finally start posting here too! 😎

You may have seen some of my work on or maybe you've seen the odd tweet from me @jh3yy

My current writing is available to see either on CSS Tricks
or over on Medium 👍

Looking forward to being on board! 😊

jubilger profile image
Julien Bilger

Hey there! I have a business background and worked in growth for a few years now. Want to learn more about software development and work on small projects.
Happy to start this journey with this community :)

spiderbomb profile image

Hi, I'm a self-taught web developer since 2011. I like working on all parts of the stack, but professionally focusing mainly on front-end development, specifically #angular.

As a self trainee (and a dilettante philosopher), I'm encountering the problem of only knowing what I know, and not being aware to the existence of what I don't know. So I'm frequently looking for places to expand both my knowledge and awareness, and this site looks like a great place to start

billpalmer profile image

Hello awesome people! I have recently discovered this community and already learned a lot; I would like to thank everybody here for being so open and caring.

Security is what brought me to the tech world, and I hope one day I will be able to write about it and share my enthusiasm here. I am still a beginner on most topics but, as a huge fan of playing with new technologies, knowledge should come with experience and I am glad I have so much left to discover and learn about.

Anyway, if you have any recommendations for my journey, I will be happy to hear it!

esteimanuel profile image

Hello world, I've never had a blog and decided on a whim to start one, I'll probably write about .net development as I write c# code during the day and have fun with f# at night, but mostly I'll be reading your content so let me know what to read next, cheers!

ajpyoung profile image
Andrew John P. Young

Hello. I've been a Developer since 1997, started with PHP, JS, CSS and now am in love with Node.js, Vue.js... would love to learn Python as well

I saw the articles in via google find/news and found them to be quite interesting, eye opening, and wonderful. I'm a soul that loves learning and am willing to impart whatever little knowledge I have.

davecheez profile image
Dave Cheez

Hi, Im still learning and practicing a few skills in programming and the like. I currently python, and Django framework, I started with the front end web dev, a good few years ago, the $PATH has brought me here!
Thanks for having me ;)

rigelreyes profile image
Rigel Reyes

Hi all! I'm new to tech blogging but I'm looking to get and knowledge related to DevOps mainly and programming. I want to improve my writing skills and I'm looking for some tips to be better. Any recommendation is welcome!

kimberlyleo profile image

My background is in Science and brewing and I love physics and math and general problem solving!

My favorite hobbies are dancing and listening to music and researching stuff on the internet ¯_(ツ)_/¯

hawam profile image
Ahmed Hawam

👋 Hello there. My name is Ahmed Hawam,Egyptian developer, i worked as unity developer since 2017.i found this blog in Google chrome's "article for you". I think it will be great to share my experience in unity in this blog 😁

alanstocco profile image
Alan Stocco

Hi All. I'm Alan from Italy. I'm a Full-stack Developer.
My current stack: Java, Python, Django, Vanilla JS, HTML 5, CSS, Less, Linux server, Shell script(improve in progress), SQL.
Other tools: Puppet configuration management tool, Varnish,

I want to learn or improve in AWS, Docker, Kubernetes, React, Vuejs, Sass, GraphQL and much other stuff. (to be honest, sometimes seems too much stuff XD )

beauwilliams profile image
beauwilliams • Edited

Hey guys, ex-IT sales guy (auth0) turned CS/BA student here. Super excited to take everything I learnt from my early career into being the most super awesome engineer I can be. Have always had a keen interest in engineering and tech starting some years back with some friends and hacking and building stuff on the side my whole life. Really excited to learn as much as I can from you guys on here 🤩

cutemaxi profile image
Oparaononaku maximus • Edited

I am Maximus Enyinnaya Oparaononaku a BSC holder in public Administration, I have had about 6yrs working experience but i decided to go into technology and am just 2months old in it,I will be glad to have a great assistance from advanced developers in JavaScript, react and Nord. Am good with html and a better with CSS. For now am still at introduction of JavaScript

janelbrandon12 profile image
Janel Brandon (she/her)

Hi all! I’ve been a developer for a long time, and a teacher for the past couple of years at a web dev bootcamp in Australia. I love to write, learn, and teach about as much as I love to create with code.

I’m here for opportunities to learn, share, and collaborate.

My motto is that life is to be enjoyed - that drives all of my actions, so I don’t take anything too seriously 😊

andsnw profile image

Hi! I'm a self-taught programmer (since high school) and currently build web apps. I've been looking for a place to discover cool tech that others are working on as well as to find a community to contribute to :)

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hey Andrew, welcome to the DEV community! You'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.

Don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas.

remotelydev profile image
Bartosz Trzos

Hi! 👋I'm Bartosz, frontend developer from Poland.
I want to start writing about my work experience and I think this is the best place to start.
Currently, I'm building my personal site with Svelte Sapper, and I'm going through Wes Bos JS course on fast forward.
First to have a place to store my knowledge and learn in public.
Second to refresh JS fundamentals and do some cool Wes exercises.
I'm also looking for a remote job. I find myself best in Vue, React and Svelte.

jeremyong profile image
Jeremy Ong


I'm an engineering specializing in graphics and have shipped on console (xbox360, xbox one, ps4), desktop, and to a lesser extent, mobile and web. I tend to focus on code close to the hardware (assembly, various GPU instruction sets) and code in C++14 and C++17 for my day job. At night I write renderers and math libraries for computing geometry. Despite my affinity to bare-metal programming, I'm relatively fluent in Javascript and Typescript, and use those in a pinch for various tools, prototypes, and demo projects. I've also started and sold a startup (doing something completely different!).

I tend to have lots of hard-line opinions on technologies, having worked in pretty much every layer of the "stack" (networking, backend, devops, infrastructure, gameplay, business logic, etc) across maybe a dozen or so programming languages in my career, so don't be surprised if I disagree and try not to take it personally. On the flip-side, I welcome disagreement and others challenging my viewpoints.

I'm currently authoring a book "Graphics Engineering for Mere Mortals" on the side. If you're interested in such content, please let me know! It will motivate me to work on it sooner :). I have a similar project in the works for teaching Assembly programming to developers unfamiliar with it.


gobinaga profile image

Hi Techies, I started my career as UI developer (Html, Css, Js). Then I moved with PHP with MySQl followed by some MVC framework and CMS like Cake PHP, DRUPAL.AFTER THAT My focus moved to Cloud like AWS & Salesforce. NOW AM working as Salesforce Developer. My goal is became a Technical Architect so am pritty interested to involve on all sort of technical Discussion. Interested in Machin learning & AI

sharadcodes profile image
Sharad Raj (He/Him)

Hello ! everyone, this is Sharad from India.

I'm a CS student doing freelancing and side projects in API development. Got Google India Challenge Scholarship in 2018. Looking forward to contribute in the FOSS community.

shaikhzubair profile image

Hi, although i have been reading posts from "" for a while. I just recently joined this community to learn more and more. I am a graduate in Computer Systems and currently working as a Software Engineer. I like to read about new things in science and technology.

mishal23 profile image
Mishal Shah

Hi all, I'm Mishal, a final year CSE Student, Interested in full-stack development, networks, databases. Still exploring the amazing world of Computer Science.

tocanto profile image
Timmy Ocanto

Hi, my name is Timmy Ocanto, web developer for several years, currently LatAm Lead Ambassador of Waves Platform, passionate about mobile applications and dApps with the RIDE language. I'm here to share and to learn.

gcetin92 profile image

Hey there!
I am actually a hardware devloper, and changing carreers! Will begin my masters degree next year in software engineeringand design and now I am preparing for it! The main language which is used at the university is java, and now I am learning java and want to get into mobile development(android and ios)!
I am happy to be here and to discuss tech-related topics!

peterkassenaar profile image
Peter Kassenaar

Hi all,

I'm a frontend trainer and author and travel (a lot) to teach pro users Angular, Vue, React and vanilla JS and TS.

I mainly came here for quality dev-articles, now that Medium articles are more and more behind a paywall and therefore not open to the community anymore.

Hope to find valuable stuff here!


kalethenoise profile image

Hello! I started out doing Server Admin/Helpdesk work but I became interested in Coding in college and decided to try to pursue it as a career. I discovered DEV from participating in this years Hacktoberfest

chaselangr profile image
Chase Lang

Hi, I'm a designer, problem-solver... I also know html,css,php, very basic jacascript and a few more languages, but prefer to solve problem collaboratively and work with a team. By day, I'm a creative manager for a public university; on the side I am currently working on building opensource tools for journalists with, creating a social media network for 'People, Not Profits.' and a few other activism related projects. All of them are opensource, and I'm hoping to find collaborators to work with as well as other projects to contribute to where I can. for more on what I'm doing. I'm happy to answer discuss any topic and give feedback if requested.

johnjmihaljevic profile image
John J. Mihaljevic

I just found this site over the weekend, and decided to join today. I'm a Software Engineer in Pittsburgh, PA. I work in C#, but am always up for learning and using new technologies. I'm looking forward to seeing what this site can bring to the table for me.

muciga profile image

Iam Muciga from Kenya a web developer though currently a noob but striving to become a top programmer. Currently learning C#,php. Interested in mastering javascript, python and android.Will be glad to learn from you guys

lexlareo profile image
Alex Lareo

Hi There,
I've been a designer turned developer turned designer turned dev... for the last ... too many years ago. :) Lately I'm kind of obsessed with product design workflow shortcomings, since I've been on both sides: design and development. Trying hard to find solutions. I've so many doubts it would awesome to have conversations and discussions about that. DEV seems like a really good place to have these conversations.

ylvio profile image
Igor Yalovoy

I am a full stack developer working in Blockchain industry at OpenZeppelin. I am passionate about engineering and technology in a broad sense and certainly fond of coding. I have my own tech blog. I enjoy reading and writing tech articles. seems to have nice community and good publications. Would be happy to be a part of the community and post something of my own.

iamprogrammerlk profile image
I am Programmer

Hi there,
I am a full-time freelancer and entrepreneur. I have professional and reliable experience over creative designing and computer programming. mostly I work alone, slow and silent, it keeps my mind calm. like a "Bhavana". as a hobby I'm seeking about interplanetary exploration, extraterrestrial life, and I believe they exist.

The technology is always growing. I'm happy to be part of it. I'm hoping will help me to do so...

malek_ramdani profile image
Malek Ramdani

Hello there !! I'm working in software development for more than 10 years now, and I think it's time to start to share what I learned through these years, "Better later than never" :p
I mainly works with Java and also has some knowledge on telco, so I will share posts about Java and technologies used in day to day devs (Maven, Docker,...) and NFV, 5g...

trippymonk profile image
Blake Stansell

Hello! My name is Blake. I'm currently a CFO for a public school system in NW Georgia. I started playing around with learning some web development just to learn a new skill and really fell in love with it. So now I spend most of my free time (which is not much with two kids) trying to learn as much as I can. Really looking forward to learning from some of you more advanced programmers out there!

ayushmann profile image
Ayushman Parasar

Hey everyone, I am in a learning process with the ultimate aim of being a Full Stack Developer. In this journey, I thought it will be a good thing to document what I learn in a simpler way to make it understandable at the beginner level.

nickholmesde profile image
Nick Holmes

Hello All,

What brought me here: I want to avoid being in an closed echo chamber with no exposure to other perspectives.

What I'm learning: I'm learning Rust, although it doesn't really fit any need I have right now. Project-wise, I'm looking at automating "CFU Enumeration" (microbiology), using machine learning. Having a lot of fun with this!

A fun facts about me:

  • I started my first full time software development job in 1986
  • I've played Cricket at an international level
  • I like electronic music and vintage analog synthesizers

Looking forward to being part of this community,


parfectshot profile image

I just got to know about this community while searching for a way to make eslint work in VS Code. I guess this is a great community and I'm looking forward to learn new things.

The thing about me: I spend most of my time overthinking stuff when I should be out there writing some clean code.


workalicious_yo profile image
David Kaplan

I'm grateful to have found this community. I was searching about Bulma vs. Foundation and landed on post here and decided to join the community. I'm working alone in an office, so this is a nice place to visit.

I studied graphic design, I'm an art school dropout that got into Flash while working as a designer, that's how far back my experience is going.

I consider myself more frontend, but I built a little CRUD PHP/mySQL system that I used to generate XML for Flash a while back. I've also done lots of WordPress theming and some devops. I really like all aspects of dev and consider myself autodidact, but it's really just trying to learn from anyone that teaches. My hope is to always maintain a beginners mind.

I've settled on my stack now. I started learning Laravel, got away from it and heading back, I really like it, love VueJS too. Loving Laracasts again.

Kind regards,

soydulcea profile image

Hello my name is Dulce, I am an illustrator and recently I started studying development. I've found a lot of help here so I decided to join the community :)

bertilmuth profile image
Bertil Muth

Welcome, Dulce!

sangelici profile image

Hey there! I've now just completed my first software engineering immersive course with General Assembly (with almost a year of independent study prior to that) and now I'm excited to put my name out there and join the community!

I've worked in both front and back end languages like JavaScript, React, Express, MongoDB, and much more. As a newbie, I am up to discussing any and all things web development and software engineering related, and would love to explore any projects fellow developers are willing to share.

Non-tech related, I am an artist, cinephile, and video game enthusiast. I'm very excited to have found this site and I look forward to meeting all sorts developers on here :)

devmount profile image

Welcome to the DEV community!

jethet profile image

Hello everyone! I came across DEV so many times now that I knew I just had to join. The articles by Addi Osmani about web accessibility have opened my eyes to an area of coding that I never thought about. I am transitioning into tech, so far mostly Python and Django, and built my first website for an activity here in Spain (, in case you ever visit Barcelona). In January I will be starting the Ironhack Full Stack Web Development bootcamp, which is something I would never have believed if someone had told me this three months ago. Life is full of surprises!

coderabdo profile image

Hello All, My Name Is Abdelmonaem I am a front-end developer for more than 3 years. I like the articles here it is so helpful and rich of informations with simple explaination. i start learning advanced react with redux-saga and graphql with apollo.

wesleysmits profile image

Hi everyone!

My name is Wesley and i’ve been in the online world mostly since 2007 or so. I started doing some black-hat SEO optimizations in my teens as a first job (didn’t know it was shady at the time 😅).

Through this I needed some basic HTML skills to add meta data and sometimes style some things and I rolled more and more into making Wordpress sites at first. After high school i studied computer science, but kept my love for the web and ended up getting my first job ad an employee while maintaining my own gig on the side.

Now about 6 years later i’m still passionately making awesome websites and learning new things.

sanneh22 profile image

Hey. I've come from a "Not-Really-A-Dev" type of developer hacking with php and Wordpress into a real respect for developing once I got into the flow with JavaScript, React and Nodejs. Javascript ignited my love for programming, and it's so much fun! The handbook "Code Complete" is a must-read for anyone that's writing code. I joined this community because it's fun seeing how people choose to tackle problems and I go by the golden rule that everyone will do things differently and that's the beauty of coding, there's no one right way IF your goal is to make a working product. :) I work on multiple projects both as a developer and manager.

palaciosdiego profile image
Diego Palacios

Hey every one! I've been web developer since 2012, i constantly searching for solutions to solve day to day problems, you know it. And i've been struggling for a few days with a thing called docker for a work project and fortunately i found a post in this community and helps me big time, so i joined you!

PD: I'm from Mexico, sorry for my poor english, i'm working to improve it.

andevr profile image

I didn't realize there was a welcome thread 😂 Hello, I'm Andrew, I'm 42 and teaching myself Java. I've written various blogs over the years, and decided to document my learning journey. I've tried (and failed) to learn programming since 2016, but I'm determined to not fail this time! Looking forward to reading all your blogs.

sridevipsg profile image

Hey Dudu, I have one doubt.. Where one block contains one transaction details or multiple transaction details.. For example, A send Amount t0 B, and B sends an amount to C, If A involved another transaction with C.. where these transactions are in the same block or different block

dowar profile image

Hello! I am a developer of desktop applications such as web applications, I am a follower of free tenologies so my operating system is deepin linux that is why the programs that I develop are open source and I consider that knowledge must be free for everyone and I enjoy help others

jrjacobs24 profile image
Jonathon Jacobs

Hey! I'm a Front-end Software Engineer working mainly with React and PHP. Came to the Dev community for some great articles and resources and because I got tired of how many articles are behind the pay wall on Medium these days! Excited to be here to learn and hopefully share as well.

rahuuzz profile image
Rahul Rajagopal

Hello! I'm Rahul
An enthusiastic javascript developer since 2017, love everything and anything in #Reactjs.
I had been visiting and reading on before, and just thought of signing up :)
Looking forward to enhancing my skills, learn and share my knowledge.

idog profile image

Hi, I used to mainly working for banks on quant related stuffs in C++ and Java, now mainly on projects like restful API for web projects using Java and JEE after coming to Canada about 3 years ago. Nice to find this place!

annaclementson profile image

Good morning,

I am a trainee developer from England and I have been trying to teach myself to code for the last year or two. I have been in my new role for around 2 months and I want to learn and immerse myself into as much as I can. Happy to say hello


nciphalucas profile image
Vuyisile Lucas Ncipha

Hi! My name is Vuyisile Lucas Ncipha but many people call me Lucas. I am a self taught programmer, graphic designer, web developer(Django, Html5, css3, Javascript, jquary). I am a very eager person with these set of skills:Html5, css3, beginner Javascript, c# dot net framework, python, Django, SQL queries, dbms, etc. My number of skills is not important but understanding of concepts in the tech world. I am interested in AI, Software Engineering and Robatics. I am freelancer.

johnziss9 profile image

Hello all! I'm leaving my comment on this pretty late (almost a month after joining the site) but it doesn't mean I was not involved! In fact I pretty much love this site. Today I even published my first post (I needed some help).

Well my name is John, I'm a full stack developer and my main objective is to keep expanding my knowledge.

Let's keep in touch!


trailhacker profile image

Hey everyone! My name is Luc and I'm new here. I used to be an avid blogger (, but have since gotten out of writing all together. Anyway, excited to be a member of this community. I read a lot of the articles that comes from here, but had never "joined". Thanks for all the great content thus far. I may contribute soon with some of my dev tips. I promise to be good. :D

saileshkumarsh4 profile image
Sailesh Kumar Shaw

Dear Community Members, I am Sailesh, a software developer passionate about learning new technology and building useful stuffs using those. I have special inclination towards full stack web development and problem solving. I am really excited to be a part of this wonderful community. Hoping to learn a lot from you knowledgeable people and at the same time contributing to the community with whatever knowledge I have.

uzmun profile image
uzmun • Edited

Hello everyone. I'm new here and happy to join u all. I'm a software developer still studying in university. This community is great box of ideas,opinions and opportunities. I'm really excited to join u all.

mabdelkawy profile image

Hello there,
I am a software developer and a former structural design engineer and still working in the AEC industry. I am willing to gain knowledge inn CS and software development and architecture.
I have been a developer for a year now and I am always learning. hope to discuss tech ideas and issues with you.

elletownsend profile image
Elle Townsend🎄

Hello! I'm an undergraduate computer science student in the U.K. who's very new to the tech blogging space, but I wanted to join the DEV community as I have found so many amazing tutorials and resources on DEV.

Thanks for having me!

arman7878 profile image

class Me{
public :
Me() {std::cout << "Hi guys!";}
string name = "Arman";
int y_of_birth = 1999;
string fav_list[5] = {
string life_plan = "";

007cherukuri profile image

Hey there! I am a Web Developer since 2015. I share insights into the technology world and software development. I generally cover such topics as programming web and mobile development, the creation of enterprise solutions, technology overviews, etc.

coorasse profile image
Alessandro Rodi

Hi all, I was looking for a better place to post my articles than Medium and here I am.
I work in Zürich as software developer and I own a Web Agency where we do mainly Ruby / Ruby On rails. I hope to bring some value to the Ruby / Ruby On Rails community and I am planning already my first posts.

kingkami profile image

Hello there, I've been reading dev articles for a while now through google feeds hope to learn a lot more from the source than waiting for google to feed me :)
Feel free to discuss with me about your favorite subjects ;)

s1ddok profile image
Andrey Volodin

Hello, everybody! I've been doing iOS development for 6 years now but mostly focusing on GPU, ML, AR stuff in there. In the past I was a maintainer of cocos2d-objc. Also did a world's first game engine in pure Swift that worked on Android. Joined to share some tips on how to do modern Metal development.

grahammorby profile image
Graham Morby

Hi there guys, I'm a 15-year developer and have had a passion for computing since I was 9 years old! I work a lot in PHP and Javascript and can't wait to hit new languages and learn more.

I hope to write some informative blog posts as I wish to be involved more with that side of the community.

sairajesh profile image
Sai Rajesh Vanimireddy • Edited

Hi:)) I am studying masters in computer science and I am currently working on deep learning and machine projects with various types of datasets. I am here to learn, share and improve my programming skills

aelmosalamy profile image
Adham Elmosalamy

Hey there! @aelmosalamy here, I am an aspiring full-stack developer (hopefully I can say that I am, one day); Originally a Pythonista, and currently catching up with the web development train; I have been working lately on FreeCodeCamp so I can establish some knowledge in the full-stack, I was able to finish the 1st certificate and currently I've almost finished the 2nd certificate, I am planning to go all the way to the end, building some projects along the way, trying to establish an internet identity and struggling to publish tutorials and create educational content, which is something I have always wanted to do, but never had the will, So yeah, well, that's it. Peace.

brandonmcconnell profile image
Brandon McConnell

Hey @aelmosalamy , I found your fibonacci one-liner solution on Reddit while building the exact same thing. Yours is great! I wanted to achieve this myself without recursion or default parameters, and this is what I came up with:

const fib = n => n > 3 ? [0,1,1,...Array(n-3).fill()].map((e,i,a) => a[i-2] ? ((a[i] = a[i-2] + a[i-1]) || a[i-2] + a[i-1]) : e) : [0,1,1].slice(0,n);

fib(0);  // []
fib(1);  // [0]
fib(3);  // [0, 1, 1]
fib(10); // [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34]
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Essentially, hijacking the array clone set by the function. Thanks for the challenge! 🙌🏼

aelmosalamy profile image
Adham Elmosalamy

Wow, I find it rather interesting how you found me here from reddit 😂
Anyways, brilliant solution, took me some time to understand, glad you liked it, keep it up!

wambulwaayub profile image
Wambulwa Ayub

Hello Devs,
Glad to be part of the great team.
Having worked as a Web Software Developer for some time, I've learnt a few things that I believe will be helpful to most of the developers here.
In the next 3 days, I'll be sharing a post on M-Pesa and it's integration on different platforms

achoudh5 profile image
Anshul Choudhary

Hi Community

I work in Network Security domain. It's my initial phase where am trying to learn & understand the system admin, Automation , Monitoring and Security domains. I started programming a year back and I pretty much use python but it would be cool if I can branch out & learn from this community :D

Happy CoDing!

emersonbrsouza profile image

Hello everyone (read it like Spiderman in the Captain America-Civil War, please)! I am a brazilian passionate about software development, especially frontend development! Soon, I want to start writing posts as a way of giving back some of the knowledge the community has already given me!

Curiosity: I am a lover of dull jokes and puns. So, if you know any, tell me now !!

pencil16 profile image

Hi. I have been in the process of learning and establishing myself in my new career as a freelance database developer. I am most experienced with Microsoft products like Access with VBA, but also have developed in DB4, FoxPro, Delphi, and SQL Server as a backend. I have done some work in php to make customizations to WordPress sites, or create Restful APIs, but I am not skilled in php. I can work in pho okay because it seems simular to Turbo Pascal. I am currently learning c# with .net and .net core. I am not sure why I chose c#, but for whatever reason, the journey is underway.

I ran across several articals that have been very helpful, and I am looking forward to reading many more. At some point, I may even be able to contribute something of value.

fuadrafid profile image
Muhtasim Fuad Rafid • Edited

Hi everyone! I am a Software Engineer from Bangladesh, working for Infolytx. I joined the industry March this year. I mainly focus on backend development. I have also worked on machine learning and nlp for my current employer.
I want to use to share my experience and knowledge gained working as a Software Engineer. You can visit my profile and read my first article. I'll keep sharing as I learn!
Thank you!

nyguerrillagirl profile image

Hi, I found this web site searching for a good tutorial on the difference between URI and URL. I started taking an Android Nanodegree at Udacity and am trying to figure out what all the classes related to networking do. This looked like a nice place to find out new things.

plainswalker123 profile image
Qasim AAron

Hi everyone,
For so long I never believed in myself to learn code. But since I spend so much time with people in the industry and have a genuine interest in how code & technology works I have decided to make the dive!

Very humbled & excited to be here :)

clifton893 profile image
Clifton Long Jr. • Edited

Hello everyone! I started studying code and web dev in September 2019. I'm hustling for a career change, having been a chef for almost ten years. I enjoyed HTML and CSS, and now I'm trying to tame the challenging beast that is JavaScript.

I'll mostly be reading and learning here, but I'm excited to join this community and learn from all of you!

gabycodes profile image
Gaby Küpfer • Edited

Hey hi hello! I'm a software developer and bootcamp grad who's been working in the web space for about two years now, mostly with React. Looking forward to trying my hand at tech blogging and learning from the community 🎉

brettjephson profile image
Brett Jephson • Edited

Hi! I've been a web and game developer for almost 15 years. Recently I wrote some chapters for a book called The HTML and CSS Workshop for Packt and I'm hoping to use it as motivation to do more tech writing.

My interests include web technology, accessibility, UI programming and UX. At the moment, I mostly work with React, GraphQL, HTML and CSS.

jharrel profile image
Jason Harrel

Hello all!

My name is Jason Harrel and I join you from San Francisco. I am a new graduate of Flatiron where I was part of their Software Engineering program. It was a great place to learn and I am excited to continue learning every day.

My favorite languages to work with are ReactJS and Rails.

I look forward to being part of the community and learning from each and every one of you!

jeans profile image

Hi all, I'm responsible for quite a few online publications, CMS, Frontend, APIs, SSO, Comments, Data Platform etc. Lots of legacy and a mix of open source components and cloud services. Not coding myself anymore, I'm here to keep in touch with new technologies and occasionally check my software architecture ideas with specialists or the creators of the respective components.

nicolasslusarenko profile image
Nicolas Slusarenko

Hello Devs!

I started programming before the Internet was commonplace, before Linux and before all this way to connect people. I enjoy what we can do today!
Great to be part of this community!


0023sm profile image
Sergio Martín

Hey. My name is Sergio and I've been programming for a good bunch of years. Firstly with C, followed by Java and now focused on web developing and working with Vue. I find sharing knowledge one of the greatest things of our time (thanks to that I could drop what I was studying, focus is what I love -programming- and make a career of it), so I'll try to make everything possible for contributing to the cause.

marksnyder profile image
Mark Snyder

Hello all! I have been writing code (usually C# Javascript) for almost 20 years and have been leading small development teams for about half of that. I have done consulting, startups, in addition to the corporate life. I love working with others.. I have met so many amazing people and have built some awesome relationships - all because I get to code for living.

So I am starting a personal project at with the goal to help developers find other developers with similar interests and skillsets. In my experience the best way to learn, grow, succeed, is to find others that can help you accomplish a common goal.

Thanks for letting me join the community. Looking forward to the interactions!

foxinfotech profile image
Vinish Kapoor

Hello guys! Myself Vinish Kapoor. I am a software consultant, working on Oracle technologies since 1999. I used to post articles/tutorials on the topics I learned from my experience on my two blogs, and

Will love to share my thoughts and experiences with you here on community. Thanks.

marianabeldi profile image
Mariana Beldi

Hello! I'm always learning a lot from and I want to give back to the community sharing some posts with things I've been learning in the last years. I'm a graphic designer / illustrator from Buenos Aires. I've been working with HTML and CSS since tables :D currently in love with SVG and CSS animations. Happy Friday everyone!

swanny85 profile image

Hiya, I'm Steve. I'm a rails developer from South Florida. I created Just Dunning ( that was born when a friend Chris Oliver (@excid3 ) and I were talking about the fact that there wasn't a dunnning (failed payment recovery) option that was affordable to the bootstrappers. I've been working with rails for almost 2 years now and really been enjoying it. Working on getting more into javascript (stimulus, vue and whatnot).

Nice to meet you all!

ferib_34 profile image
Ferib Hellscream

Hello, so today i have received my Hacktoberfest 2019 package with the t-shirt and the fancy stickers and all that, one sticker had "DEV" on it so i thought its short for "Developer" shurg
i was today years old when i found out that this is "DEV".

i am a 20y/old student at Thomas More (Geel) at Belgium where i study computer science. My interests are Programming, Automating software/hardware tasks, Blockchain, AI and Reverse Engineering.

liaowow profile image
Annie Liao

Hi everyone, I heard about during a coding bootcamp campus tour in NYC. A guy from the tour group was an engineer himself, and he referred to as the most friendly dev community out there. So here I am :)

I've worked in news/media industry for almost a decade, including 5 fruitful years at Yahoo Taiwan. In 2017 I left Yahoo (and Taiwan, my homeland) and moved to NYC to help revamp a news website.

As the first and only product manager there, I felt a strong urge to gain solid knowledge of data structure and full-stack development. Plus, I miss creating/building things.

So I left the job, recently got accepted into Access Labs coding bootcamp via WeWork/Flatiron School, and my cohort starts tomorrow.

Let the new journey begin!

cyberjack profile image

Hello. 👋

I just signed up. I am a software developer since 2000 (damn I'm getting old). As my day job I work as a senior backend PHP developer (mostly using Symfony), focus on security, do code reviews and whatever the projects demand (but I stay away from any frontend development).

In my spare time I'm learning Go, try to do some photography and maintain all Linux driven devices at home (and on my vps servers), mostly using Docker.

I'll be happy to discuss software development (in general), dev-ops and security.

geeky_jazzy profile image
Holy Awesomeness

Hiya, been a QA as long as I can remember. Was reading a post about Feedback ( that got me interested in! Hope to learn and help contribute!

dato2003 profile image

Hey There found this interesting Place while browsing discord.Looks good

kasmodia profile image
kasmodia • Edited

Hi all, the reason I decided to join the community is that I found myself reading more of your articles and begin wanting to like and comment on the stuff that I'm reading. I have 10 years of experience in software development mainly in Java, but also I had some adventures in other languages like JavaScript, C++, Python, and some amount of Lisp too but nothing professional. I'm currently learning Data structures and Algorithms and React! They're not for the same purpose. I'm trying to raise my knowledge to the next level as a software engineer (joining a FAANG would be great), and React is for the startup I'm working for right now. We're making an app that's making network management a vendor-agnostic user-friendly experience. I'm a backend developer (fullstack after learning React?) Don't know/doesn't matter. As long as it is about problem solving/development/learning something new. I'm interested in NLP and any machine learning that is related to text processing in general and Arabic language specifically. I have a dream app waiting for me and I have to learn those to do it.
I'm happy with my career and I love what I'm doing. See you around!

niran_jana profile image

That's really cool!

ing_jaycee profile image
JC Torres Fuerte

Hi, it's a pleasure being part of this community,
well, I am interested in learning about software Engineering best practices and I meet this while was looking for software architecture.

I am working as Software Engineer at Mobile (Android Dev) and I would like to confirm that if someone has a question in which I could contribute, please feel free to ask,


daemonsperception profile image
Darth Vader

oO hey people !!

I'm recently graduate and working as a python backend developer on micro applications and an ML,DL learner. I had learned all by myself but I am not self-made because a lot of people helped me out during that phase like people who provide those online lectures and my friends who support me all the time and the community.

cdcosby profile image

Hello everyone, returning to coding after a 26 year hiatus. I am looking at working in web development, since it was the last thing I was involved with back then. However I am interested in learning more about cybersecurity for implantable medical devices such as pacemakers and such. Looking forward to communicating and learning from everyone.

mateinenciu profile image
Matei Nenciu

Hello everyone ! I'm currently working as a frontend developer since 2017, covering everything from design implementations to functionalities. My everyday companions are VueJs (Nuxt), js / ts, vscode and the almighty terminal. I have prior experience as a backend developer with C# ( started to work in 2014, with a project made with Silverlight and then rewrite it with core and VueJs ), some SQL Server and TSQL scripts, and other server misc configs.

I'll be happy to discuss about various dev topics and contribute whenever I can !

armansh82240229 profile image
Arman Sheikh • Edited

Hi everyone, I'm Arman
I'm studying in bachelor degree for BCA 3 semester.
I want to make my life coding, suggest me. And I want to do job in the United States. So let me duggest. But I have to work after the final year.

Suggest me☺️

avsmips profile image
anandvijaysingh • Edited

Greetings to all,
First I got attracted to technology when I was at 15,
I have explore many things and finally decided to be in computer software development field.
I contribute to team as backend development in micro-services using Java, Linux, Spring, Docker etc.
Recently I have developed an interest in open community to discuss ideas, problems and its solutions, And that had made me join this community.

kevinkimdroid profile image
Kipkosgei Kelvin

I am Kev developer @appslab also a developer @Geminia where am doing their Erp sys in plsql have had a lot of fun working with oracle SQL .... Ooo in plsql we have a lot of procedures and specs anyway... My heart still wants laravel

brianramirez profile image
Brian Ramirez

Hello hello! I've been lurking around for a while...finally decided to join in on community. I am a Lead Software Engineer for PetSmart, focusing on both internal and consumer facing applications and services. My background is mostly in iOS development and software architecture and I have been helping build and architect several internal applications with React for the past 2 years.

dcam0050 profile image
Daniel Camilleri

Hi everyone! I'm a humanoid robotics specialist, a golang fan boy and Pythonista with a passion for making robotics easier for everyone.

rimi_yasin profile image
Rimi yasin

Hi everyone. New here.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV! 👋

Whale hello there!

tonygeorgiev profile image

Greetings everyone, glad for having me

thisonuoha profile image
Emmanuel Onuoha

Hey there, i am a budding tech enthusiast who uses the provisions of tech to solve basic issues in my community. Basically, i build innovative tech startups. I am currently working on my first tech startup actually and it's been an amazing ride. I hope to learn and connect with more experienced tech savvy folks who are ready to share knowledge.

And oh, i am deeply involved in front end web development.
I'd love to connect and learn more. Let's enjoy the ride together.

aydinbulut profile image
Aydın Bulut

Hi all, I found while looking for Distributed Systems and it attracted me. I want to improve my skills on the methodologies of developing distributed systems. I am not technology biased instead I would like to pick proper technologies for the solution.

prsharankumar profile image
Sharan Kumar Paratala Rajagopal

Hi All, I am Sharan Rajagopal an Integration desinger and developer well versed with Java/J2EE, Spring, Hibernate, Amazon AWS, Python, React, Mule, Guidewire Insurance Suite, Angular technologies. Great to be part of community and looking forward to share my experience and learn from the community.

desidesign profile image
Desidesign Technologies

DesiDesign is a professional software design and development agency. Its services focus on helping clients reach their target audience and grow their business. The team works closely with the client to define and understand the specifics of their business so that they can create high-quality solutions that drive success and create a competitive advantage.

leonard18 profile image
Leonard Lucky Ojojo

Hey there! I've been an internet researcher since 2014. I can tell you all that there is on whatever you want to do on the internet; starting at marketing, blogging, e-commerce, and the rest.
Plus, I'm a full-stack developer with vast knowledge in JavaScript and Python - don't ask too many questions though.
I love to discuss technology ideas - both old and new.
Also, I coach beginners programmers on the right path to take for safe arrival.

Looking to begin working on Flutter.

But before I go any further, who else loves Flutter?

mokshjuneja profile image
Moksh Juneja

Who I Am? Digital Marketing |

What i would like to be?
Want learn to code | Want to be a product marketer | Want to build problem solving tech brands |

What got me here - - this article - Impressed enough to register

shawn2james profile image

Hi! My name is Shawn James and I am from India.

lijoosh profile image
Lijoosh Choorapra

Hello, I have been listening to a lot of topics here for a long. But just today I created an account to follow some of the interesting topics and post something to the community as well. I am a software developer, basically into backend technologies and always curious to follow the latest trends in technology.

pardsqq profile image
Ryan Ayala

Hi All, I am Ryan, I'm full-stack software engineer/architect from PH, i build/architect software for different domains like Hospital, Retail, Banking and etc with different backbone pattern solution, that i have customized. I would like to explore more about different strategies, patterns and practices in the world of software architecture.

imritesh_3 profile image
Ritesh Yadav

Hi everyone!

I love web development and Competitive programming. I've some experience on Automation testing and also , I have recently started learning ReactJS and would love to explore more and get better at it.

dannypk profile image

Hello fellow coders ! I am Daniel, a fullstack developer based in Munich, Germany.
My main expertise is in Javascript and React world, but i also worked before in C#. I am also very interested in the trends of machine learning and AI and IoT.

I usually spend my free time investing in outdoor activities so I didn't write much so far. But, being a developer for 7 years already, people expect that I also had time to invest in my profile. That's why I thought it would be great to write some articles and hopefully they would be helpful. I'm also aspiring to reach the SF Bay area, so if you read this and know someone who would be interested to sponsor me with the visa, drop me a message and I will tell you more about myself.

Thank you and happy coding!

grsahil20 profile image

Hello everyone, I use to blog like 4 years back on I am rails developer, now interested in NodeJs as well.

Starting to relearn rails the TDD/BDD way. Also, have been thinking a lot about may be I should start writing on blog as well, as I go through this new Journey.

htho profile image
Hauke T.

Hi, looks like medium, but without the stuff I hated about it.

I am here to improve my Programming-Skills.

I want to learn Architecture, Patterns and Principals.

I know async/await and arrow functions (JS). Nothing new here.
I am at a point, where knowing the Syntax won't help me fix real problems.

What about patterns and architectures that leverage the capabilities of JavaScript?

I think you can see where I am heading...

darklinux profile image

I am a 42 year old geek, I was born in school on 8 bit computers, my first PC was under Windows 95, I spent under Linux at the end of the 1990s, I am passionate about the history of Cray Computer and Silicon Graphics, develops an open source ecosystem based on machine learning

xavivzla profile image
xavier gonzalez

Hi, I want to share a library that I am building. If you find a mistake I would like to be told to improve the library and as a developer.

View Repository

---> View Library <---

Test Library

Edit React-Funnel

anohjp profile image


TypeError: is not a function

Hi all

I'm new in react js. I followed this tuto "" and i tried to adapt for me.
here is my code content:

file App.js

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import './bootstrap.min.css';
import Produits from './components/produits';

class App extends Component{



state = {
produits : []

.then(res => res.json())
.then((data) => {
this.setState({ produits: data })


export default App;

File Produits.js

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import logo from './logo.svg';
import './App.css';
import './bootstrap.min.css';
import Produits from './components/produits';

class App extends Component{



state = {
produits : []

.then(res => res.json())
.then((data) => {
this.setState({ produits: data })


export default App;

After compiation, here is error genereted : TypeError: is not a function

So, i need your held.
Thank you!

xthereclusex profile image

Hello everyone, I'm a game Designer and Developer with Reclusive Interactive. I'm looking to make connections with others interested in design and development at all skill levels! I look forward to sharing my knowledge and learning from everyone!

khaleb_dev profile image
Caleb Uche

Hello World, I'm one of those guys that derives joy from reading/writing codes all day(-week-month-year) long without feeling bored (not when I have bugs to fix, trust me, I hate bugs because they make me feel unusual stomach ache but I like bugs too - they give me they chance to prove my knowledge in the field and also expand my experience - it's a two way kind of thing!)....I also do sick things like trying to get into peoples programs, bypass security systems, jump over firewalls, software exploitation, and lots more (don't get me wrong, am not a bad guy, I do those because am too curious about how things work). Am also curious about AI, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Robotics.....

Above all I have said, I LOVE Programming!

omelchenkodmit1 profile image

We introduce to you OOO "LK SINTEZ" a mandate company that is bond by law and authorized to represent a reputable end seller company involved in the selling of various petroleum products: Mazut, D2,D6,JP54, Jet fuel A1,LPG,LNG. Our main goal is to ensure high level of professionalism in all our transactions to satisfy the demands of our seller and buyers alike, to ensure a good business relationship between our seller and buyers.
contact us via our email below for our SCO {SOFT CORPORATE OFFER}and procedure.

Phone: +7-926-80-156-31,
whatsapp: +7-926-80-156-31

thatb96 profile image
Chris Bogan

I’m Xavier everyone currently in school for web development I’m so nervous about it but I’m sure I. Am gonna be the best I can be....😁

ajz profile image

Hi, I was drawn to this community by the numerous inspiring people on it. I'm currently learning Java (just starting out) and JavaScript.

davidedoh profile image
David Edoh • Edited

Hi, Am David. A fullstack web developer and unity3d mobile game developer.

Am glad to be here with you guys. I'd love to learn and share with everyone.

mjach2 profile image

Hello everyone..I am student of Software development trying to learn all sorts of technology.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome mjach!
Community members are here to help and support you.

ekatanata profile image
Dmitry Beltyukov

Hi there! I do a lot of stuff in the past: being a journalist, editor-in-chief, graphical and web designer, co-founder in a couple of projects. Now I happy to write front-end application with React. Doing personal accounts for housing services and soon releasing emotion-driving UI component library. Glad to be in this beautiful community ✌️

tat2ddaddy profile image
Tyler Huff

I’ve been doing static web pages for just over a year now using html, css, and some js but have now started jumping into Django. I love the challenges that come up and love the dev community.

dmitry_42 profile image
Dmitry Shapiro

Hey folks,

Excited to be here. I am a former Googler, CTO MySpace Music, 3 x VC backed founder. I am now working on a democratization of code platform called Koji. This is some press coverage about us :

Basically, we are building a hub / marketplace where developers / asset creators can offer their "app templates", and non-techies can easily "remix" these templates to create web apps. The customization / deployment environment is incredibly easy to use; we have 7 year olds creating games, and even venture capitalists can be app makers ;) . We are just coming out of beta, so feel free and check it out for yourself -

If you need some advice about building startups, teams, raising capital, scalable architecture, please feel free to ping me here or add me on LinkedIn -

Thanks again for creating this amazing place!

codethewebdev profile image
Pinky Lalwani

Hey! I am an aspiring Front-End Developer from India. I've been into Coding for more than a year. I love to share what I know and getting involved with a community is a great way to get connected to people who have similar interest and get inspired.

manishmore18 profile image
Manish more

Actually This is the best site on the internet. Santa banta Jokes Hindi
Non veg jokes
Hindi Funny Jokes

Hindi Funny Jokes

manishmore18 profile image
manishmore18 profile image
Manish more
ajaifeanyi profile image
Aja Ifeanyi™

Wow! That's cool

niran_jana profile image

Hello, there! I am a sophomore in CSE interested in Data Science and a beginner in it.

rusini profile image

Making developers happy is a noble goal :)

tejaswinilakshmi profile image
tejaswinilakshmi • Edited

Hi I am here searching to build a blog in vuejs

neizok profile image

Hi all,

Just graduated and currently looking for more info on different topics, trends and what to focus the most! 😃😃

cam603 profile image

Hello everyone! I am a Full Stack Web Development student at Lambda School. I just finished week 5 (Applied JavaScript) and will start learning React on Monday!

tjclaude1 profile image

Hi Dev community! Thanks for welcoming me.
I came hear to learn. I'm currently learning python and automation.

marina_aizen profile image
marina aizen

Hello from Argentina! I am an illustrator, just starting my path into web development, coding and study very hard every day to become a front end developer this year.

ghedwards profile image
Gareth Edwards

Hi, dev has been a hobby of mine since 1997, though only really the last 16 years professionally. Mostly Web based business applications, SQL, Security, Dev ops and a bit of UX

gregagreen profile image

Hey, I'm a student in Software and Web Development. I really enjoy programming

elwhizard profile image
Elluis Invento

Hi everyone,

Greetings from one of the islands in the Philippines!

I've been coding for over 15 years and for the past 10 years focused on JS and wielding its awesomeness!

the_hackerman profile image

Hey there
Pleased to join this community hoping to grow as a developer
Interested in IoT, android development, cyber security and also learning python
Let's get coding

samwhitedove profile image

I am new,i am a instructor and also a software developer, tho have not work on huge project, looking forward in doing that and i hope i have better experience here. Thanks

flutesai profile image

Hi there, I'm a novice and have a lust for knowledge. I consider this an honor to be with all of you. Thanks to all of you.

neishkb profile image
Chandler™ 🇯🇲

Hi Guys! I'm fairly new to this world. I was brought here by my passionate to learn more and be better at coding.

leonardodungide profile image
Leonard Inuaesiet

Hello everyone! Am completely new to coding, currently learning sequel as part of an IT management module at uni but am very happy to join the community.

swanny85 profile image

Nice! Welcome to the community. Understanding how programs interact with a SQL database is super important and helps everywhere. You're going to enjoy it I'm sure.

junaidiqbalkz profile image

i m Junaid from pakistan and i m a student of blockchain course and i like to funny activites

anjalijaiswal08 profile image
Anjali Jaiswal

Hello I am Anjali, I have been reading a article on unit testing which brought me here and currenly learning spring mvc.

ifetuko22 profile image
Ifenna Diego-Sylvester 🇳🇬🇦🇪

hey my name is Sylvester.
i plead with you guys to hold my hands and show me the ropes in coding.
I`m a newbie.
i feel excited to be here and i look forward to more excitement.

john_sunny profile image

Hello World!

jneutrium profile image
James Okedairo (Neutrium)

Good day everyone,
My name is James
I am Technologically Oriented.
I have a Digital Marketing Certificate from Google. I am currently learning web development. I desire to grow in tech. Thanks

sameer68708643 profile image

I am fresh one here.I am a student and want to stay in touch with the important topics according to my field(IT).I hope u will give me your kind advice and will keep me informed.

fouad profile image
fouad el houdaigui

Hi all, i am a beginner, started learning Python and JavaScript (i was a delphi developer in the past). I would like to be a web developer.

ilhamkaddoruii profile image

Hey I'm a second year student in IT, I tend to whatever has a relation with a web and mobile development! I like to learn new stuff, exercice them and challenge myself!

michaelcharles profile image
Michael Charles Aubrey

My name is Michael and I'm a developer living in Akita, Japan. I'm here because I was frustrated with Medium, and a reddit post suggested checking out, so here I am.

jayrive profile image

Hello, I'm just a guy that decided to choose the web dev as a career. I'm doing the Freecodecamp right now. I hope I can learn a lot with this great community

angelalee_one profile image
Angela Lee

Hey I’m new I’ve been coding for 4 years mostly front end, here to learn

nicfix profile image
Nicola Sacco

Hi all!
Here's Nicola, originally from Italy now living in Germany.
I love to build Web and Mobile apps, between one espresso and the other. Rigorously moka-made :)

kendoll10 profile image

Hello guys, I am an artificial intelligence researcher and enthusiast who is still developing and I would welcome great ideas as regards to artificial intelligence from you guys.

samuelonoja profile image


ronaldhariyanto profile image
Ronald Hariyanto

Alooha, I really want to know about all the piece of web and mobile development. I hope can find and contribute in here.

emmygozi profile image
Ahaiwe Emmanuel

I am a software engineer looking to learn and talk about technology I use every day in a simple and clear way.

viniciuws profile image
Vinícius Marquesini Terzi

Hi! I am Vinícius Marquesini. I am frontend interested in javascript universe and handcraft css

sunnepazzy123 profile image

hi am a web developer in php , JavaScript and i am new here..

soulweed profile image
Nontachai Yoothai

Hi everyone.I’m computer engineer who interesting in a new technology , Software Development and things that made my exciting.I love problem solving so much.
Nice to meet you all. ^

kimberlyleo profile image

very cool!! welcome!

vicenteasoriano profile image

Hey everyone! I'm a full stack web developer with a strong focus on the front end. Skateboarding is also a huge passion of mine!

anroem profile image
Ange N'cho

Hey there, I'm just a new in this community. And I'm just a beginner in programming. I wanna learn.

ayziimiles profile image
Ayoola Oladipe

Hi guys started learning code a year ago it has been fun and I hope joining this will make grow more.

lisahen37395199 profile image
Lisa Hendrix

Hi everyone!

vernissage07 profile image


I'm a student on IT and i'm here for learn. Exemple, find programmer memes :D

See you soon ;)

isabeelvs_ profile image
Isabel Vásquez Solis


devlav profile image

Hi there, I am Toni and now I am focused on Software Quality Assurance and Test Automation.

dc_okeke profile image

I just recently started interacting with the real-world talking with people and realizing how little I am. I love to code, eat and play games

oko_quartey profile image
Jones Quartey

Hi I'm Jones from Ghana. I'm taking a full stack developer bootcamp and although Ive had no knowledge of coding, it's been fun. Read a few articles that were helpful from here and decided to join.

mcesh profile image

Hi there, I am Java coder and currently need help with shell scripting as I want automate git pull for my colleagues. I also want to keep my self updated with the latest trends in programming world.

host510 profile image

Hi everyone. I am a web-developer. Having stumbled into this resource I was astonished by the quality of the material I found here. Thanks a lot to all the contributors.

mphadeuspacy profile image

Hello fellow geeks, so excited to join the community

ags_jug profile image
Java User Group Ags

This is a developers community based on Aguascalientes, México. Willing to learn and share knowledge

bobylito profile image
Alexandre Valsamou-Stanislawski

Hi everybody, I'm finally joining. I'm a software engineer / front-end hacker and has been there for me almost daily. I hope I can give back :D

lindseybradford profile image
Lindsey Bradford

Excited to join a smart growing community of thinkers and learn all the things!

thatonejakeb profile image
Jacob Baker

Hi, I'm Jake and I've no idea what to write about o/

I'm a lead developer (embedded systems + fullstack) and associate lecturer from England.

Happy to natter about anything.

surfdude764 profile image

Hi there, got here through a featured article on my Google news feed. I'm interested in web based scada/hmi for process automation. Is that a known area of coding on Dev?

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes

Welcome, Amy Jo! I'd tell you how you can find help at any level here, but it looks like you're already off to a great start!

lericov profile image

Hi Sergey! Welcome to Dev. What do you think would be the first 5 things i should take in order to start my way learning more to begin learning about front end development.

mohitr1999 profile image
Mohit Ranjan

Hi there! I'm Mohit and I'm a newbie developer, who entered the open-source world this Hacktoberfest :)

pat000 profile image
Patrick Delos Santos

Hi guys, I've been a fullstack developer for almost 5 years using PHP/Laravel. and just want to know more about react js technologies. Hoping for more support in this community.

cegsuresh profile image
Suresh Prasanna

I am a Full Stack Web developer and consultant. My expertise lies in Ruby on Rails and Ember.js. My interests ranges from technology and web development to reading, fitness, and football.

barzi profile image

Hi! I'm a former professor of Japanese that recently changed his career. I'm a full-stack developer for a global security company based in Milan. Right now I am working on my react skills.

lynnie_e profile image
Lynn Eitelman

Soon to complete a Data Analytics boot camp at University of Richmond

antonykidless profile image
Antony Kidless

Hi! I apologize for my poor English. I plan to study python and javascript in detail.

letam profile image
Tam Le

Great story Sergey, glad to have you here!

balli2030 profile image
Baldeep Singh

hello dev family. happy to join this community.

lordjerry profile image
Jeremiah Ajayi • Edited

Hey there I'm Jerry, a backend developer.

I recently developer this sudden interest in blockchain.

Happy to be here

14j123 profile image

Hi, all! I am a fresher in software development. I wish to know more and discuss some tech development ideas. Let's share ideas and happy coding together.

victormaoya profile image
Victor Maoya

I am Web Developer from Kenya for both Front-end and Back-end. Looking forward to improving on what I know. Am glad to be part of this community.

merrhm00d profile image
Mahmud Bakale #DevFest_Katsina19

Hey there I've been Introduce here by a friend i just hope i will love it

_mumelo profile image
Livingstone A. Mumelo

They call me data prophet. I am learning data dashboard development and machine learning, would like to learn more.

ramkrmaharjan123 profile image

Looking forward to broaden my knowledge on Java/Angular/devops/aws

lericov profile image

Appreciate it. Would love to subscribe!

teghoz profile image
Aghogho Bernard

Hi Everyone, I am Aghogho Bernard. I look forward to learning from you all.

nithishkumarkr profile image
Nithishkumar K R

Hey, everyone came here to dev after hacktoberfest event. Happy to be here with this group.

shahrzadgh profile image
Shahrzad GhahvehRokhi

Hi, everyone. I focus on front-end developing since 2018 and now i looking for a real job in this field as a junior.

ehfitrias profile image

Hi all, nice to meet you all techie individual.

joshlive77 profile image

Hi there! I'm Josh Zulett Web developer jr, actually learning Angular, I lovo code and play videogames, my favorite one is gta 5.

btgbenga profile image

Am so happy to be here. I really enjoy location analytics and more

matheusportoo profile image
Matheus Porto

Hey there! My names's Matheus and I'm from Brazil. I work with development web, but a long time ago i was a designer, but since i was young i was liked to write some code for web. I hope learn a lot here and maybe share my experience with you.

Ps: besides code i love to brew my own beer :D

bshah88 profile image

Hello there! I am working as tech lead and geek about technologies.

gentlyawesome profile image
Arc Angelo Ibalio

Heloo, I'm a full stack developer. I just stumble upon this site to know what's happening. :)

arahman1783 profile image
Abdelrahman Elhusseiny

Hi everyone, I am Front-end developer with a strong background as Ui designer
I like Javascript and every thing about, jquery, React, vue,.. Etc

tahseen09 profile image
Tahseen Rahman • Edited

Hi. I am Tahseen Rahman. A python(Django) Developer from India.

Looking forward to learning a lot of new things from the community and hopefully give back to the community.

anathkantonda profile image

Hello everyone, there isn't much to say about me. I am an aspiring web developer and I dream of one day being a "master of JavaScript" :)

mcdonaldibekwe profile image
McDonald Ibekwe

Thanks for adding me here.

heyashh profile image


I'm very new to this industry, and I'd love to learn as much as I can, as well as make new nerdy friends here :)

Have a wonderful day!

purple_monke profile image
Ishant Dahiya

Hi every1,
I came across this platform while surfing. Just entered the world of programming. Heading into web development. Cheers.

vatsal029 profile image
Vatsal Gala

Hello peep's! I'm a beginner into programming and analytics but would love to learn and contribute to this wonderful community!
Cheers! 🍻

lpeterson333 profile image
Lillian Peterson

Hi All!

erickobby profile image
Eric Kobby Lex

I have been developing applications and Api's since 2015. I am mostly found working with C#,React and NodeJS. I really love to learn more about my area of expertise and help others become better.

erickobby profile image
Eric Kobby Lex

I have been a building and developing softwares since 2015 and likes to learn and help people.

adisataiwojosh2 profile image
Adisa Taiwo Joshua

If equals true, I am sure to emerge a good senior dev in no time.
Glad to be here

kenaszogara profile image
Kenas Zogara

Hi guys, I'm Kenas, Love React! Really looking forward developing through this community of awesome people :)

tjclaude1 profile image

Hi Dev Community! Thanks for welcoming me.
I came here to learn and am a newbie who recently started to code. I am currently learning python and automation.

tobycodes profile image

Hi there, I'm Paul Tobiloba from Lagos Nigeria, a newbie in Web development.. Looking forward to learning a lot from the community!

miodragp profile image
Miodrag Petkovic


My name is Miodrag. I'm interested in learning more about web dev. My goal is to get knowledge for frontend and later backend development.

adithyashetty100 profile image

Hey there! It is quite nice to join this developer community.

kizito007 profile image
Kizito Nwaka

Hi guys, I'm kizzy I've been seeing lots of developer articles on this site and I'm currently learning web development. I'm still a student at university though... I hope I'm welcome.

gopikrishnad profile image

Hey I had joined here. I am software engineer worked on application development and deployment process. My skills are python, django, docker Jenkins, HTML, sql, no sql database.

abuyako profile image
Abubakary Kowero

Hello Guys...,
I am a software developer I just found about online I don't know much about it but it seems like a cool place to be. Learning and sharing Ideas. Thanks you.

i_amgwiji profile image

Am opportunistic about what Technology is about to do at the moment and in the future.I love Networking and Programming at large.

alphaeus profile image

I am came to learn, and teach others.

gaylesec profile image
Gayle Berkeley CISSP, GSEC, CISA, PMP

Hello, world! I'm an Infosec person and recovering perfectionist who is learning new things every day.

icanrelate profile image

Hello fam 👋🏻, hoping we can learn and succeed together. Looking forward to giving back to the community. 🤗

pho_enix profile image

Hi there, I am high school student from India.

whendev profile image
Whendel Morais

Hey there! I am a web developer and graduating in computer science. I hope to contribute to the community by passing on knowledge

olubuko06786020 profile image
Olubukola Ogunfuyi • Edited

hey here....learning python flask and new here
wanna grow myself in web design as well

ajaxboy profile image

Hello!< I am the newest addition to the community, what are you guys up to?

I work with the LAMP stack, fullstack dev + some nodejs

ritik5049 profile image
Ritik Raushan

I am a 2nd-year student from IIITDM Jabalpur, currently studying about Django.

hunterco10 profile image

Hello all. I'm new here. Be nice. :)

mechanizzed profile image
Luciano J Guerra

Im from brazil, and i working with ReactJS and React Native developer.

Thank you!

msadiq profile image
Muhammad Sadiq

Hello, my name is sadiq, i'v always loved tech, but i'm new to coding, i'm currently working at being great at web application development using node.js

iftikhar profile image
iftikhar hussain

Hello, community!

I am a full-stack JS expert with over 4 years of experience. I just came here from google, but this site looks too neat.
Hope, I will become a great part of this community.)

sob845 profile image
Sobhan Haggi

Hello, World! My name is Sobhan, I've been into programming for past 3-4 years. I'm mainly interested in Machine Learning with Python and I hope to learn more about React.js in the future.

getnet12 profile image

Hey there, my name is Getnet Mekuriyaw. I am currently a sophomore studying computer engineering, planning to be a software engineer.

shaileshyadav7771 profile image

Hi there!,
I am working as System Engineer and my area of interest is Networking,Python and linux scripting. I like and very much passionate to learn new technologies.

milindtheengineer profile image
Milind Juttiga

Hello! I am a senior engineer with experience in infrastructure and back end applications. I'm currently looking to learn front end development and machine learning. Super excited to be here

vishnuparikh2 profile image
Vishnu Parikh


itzadehere1 profile image


jennife11624491 profile image
Jennifer Sherman

Good morning all!!

jennife11624491 profile image
Jennifer Sherman

I love my daughters and my parents with all my heart.

antonionovoadel profile image

Thanks for reading me. I'm glad to join this community and I hope to learn from you guys and possibly teach somebody what I have learned during my 20 years of software development career.

kibethcodes profile image

Hello friends, happy to be here! Android, kotlin, ci, testing and doggos 🐕

stepango profile image
Stepan Goncharov

Hi, Everyone! Ask me about mobile builds!

josephmusila profile image

New to the community

rsdev30 profile image

Hello, I am a senior dev wanting to connect with others and to keep current in this crazy profession ha.

bobylito profile image
Alexandre Valsamou-Stanislawski

Hi everybody I'm finally joining you. Thanks for being there, you've been here for me this past year, almost daily. Now I want to give back :)

khathwriter profile image
Khath Ourng

Thank you so much for counting me in as a valuable individual new comer into the community.

anujdeepktr profile image
anuj deep

Hi, I am Anuj Deep. I am a computer science student. I love competitive coding. I am happy to join this community.

iroidtech profile image
iROID Technologies

Hey, I am a developer with 5 years experience. I share my coding tips revert me if you find any useful and correct me if any found wrong.

sbogusiak profile image
Sylwester Bogusiak

Hi. Have read the article about algo's in coding.
Anything about hex and asm. Just nothing about proc cycles.

saichaitanyan profile image
Nare Sai Chaitanya

Hello All !

amirbaha2ri profile image

Hello Everyone. I'm here now.(and he know that doesn't make a sens)

isabellabugari2 profile image


worldshero profile image
Mukund Bharti

I like to work on web development, Deploying site , Configuring payment gateway, Socket Programming , SaaS, white Hat and learning quick new technology.

danthecm profile image

Hey everyone am a Web developer and Programmer just came here to find more friends and have fun

mahmoudnoby profile image

Frontend developer

avinashyh profile image

Hey DEV! I've been a Software Test Lead and Trainer since 2017.).I Will be happy to discuss tech ideas and issues with you! which will be helpful for my professional and personal growth)

omoiraborjude profile image

So I have about a week of experience on me and I am so very confused and lost and I just need someone to tell me it'll be okay lmao

zenw profile image


afrazz profile image


vovawed profile image
Vova Pytsyuk

Hi community!

balajiscropion profile image
Balaji Purusothaman

Hi everyone,this is balaji from india. I have been an android developer since last 5 yrs. I'm here to learn new topics and sharpen my skills. Is there any mobile application for this community.

ay2raki profile image
Ali Yusuf Turaki


ttmassive profile image

Is it possible too sl any ide or editor.on an RCA atlas10 quadpad?

oo7ok profile image
Nazmi Tolleni

Why I do have error on this code
let task = URLSession.shared().dataTask

timhub profile image
Tech Tim (@TechTim42)

Hi there, a dev new to

mphadeuspacy profile image

Hello fellow geeks, so excited to join the community..

adelcharef profile image
Charef Adel

Hi I am adel

okumujustine profile image


smileservices profile image
Vladimir Gorea


nitin23 profile image
Nitin Shirsat


shadowcompiler profile image


muralihamsa profile image
muraliyadav • Edited

Hi All, I am Murali Yadav, I am laravel and react developer i would like to explore the world of php frameworks.

franciscoparadella profile image
Francisco Paradella

I started developing this year and I want to improve my skills here.

webfront profile image

I use to be a developer but are now a product manager.

fcakici profile image

Hello I'm here to learn more, to investigate further

chidinma1996 profile image

Hello fam

shenxianpeng profile image
Xianpeng Shen

How extensive used is this site in the developer community? like GitHub?

olaolavn profile image
olaola • Edited

Thanks every body

mphadeuspacy profile image

Hello fellow geeks, so excited to join the community....

zulkar29 profile image
zulkar nayin

Hey there, This is Zulkar Nayin from Bangladesh.

kaidevrim profile image
Kai Devrim

Hello, I am a student with a passion in all things computers!

d3nn15speeddy profile image


saurabh0298 profile image

How we connect Codeignator and Angular

deniper49379381 profile image
Deni permana

new spirit to learning in this community.

isabeelvs_ profile image
Isabel Vásquez Solis

Llegue a aqui buscando un juego

williamswill profile image
Oluwafemi Williams

I promise I'm not a noob

liquidrain profile image

Greetings hoomans! I'm a fe-dev for over a year. I have a passion for React and would love to contribute to the community. />

soydulcea profile image

Hi, I identify with you, I hope you learn a lot here :)

coderhh profile image

hello world

nshefeek profile image
Shefeek N

Hi to all great people here. Myself Shefeek, a wannabee programmer. Excited to be part of community.

darrenyip profile image
zhangyu ye


plancikrobert profile image
Robert Plancik


kylelaw profile image

Hi Kyle here from Malaysia!

satishsh profile image

Please welcome me to DEV!
I am android developer by profession, but a student of DSA, CS fundamentals, Linux, AWS and much more

apak00 profile image
Mahmud Apak

came here from the podcast on stackoverflow

krishnak14 profile image


zymawy profile image

Hi There, My Name Is Hamza Sugaring That Happy To Code.

charlesr1971 profile image
Charles Robertson

Angular 2.x articles on Medium have disappeared. Come here to learn more about Angular!

markowiecki profile image

Hi everyone!

nkkota profile image

Hi! everyone!
I am 29years old
I have programming form 2017
I like makeing webservice and apps.
I want to communicate with many various people!

sdamodar16 profile image

Hey there! I'm a free thought programmer. Looking for a team which assist me to learn more about programming and awesome stuff about programming.

ganguly_sagnik profile image


diprova profile image

Hello! I am a beginner.

hitzz07 profile image
its_hitzz • Edited

Just Want to become Better at coding. Want to learn block-chain currently.

tawsbob profile image
Dellean Santos

Hey pleople, I'm a javascript developer from brazil just trying to survive in this crazy world. 😛
Love you!

hitzz07 profile image

I am B.Tech Undergraduate and i want to learn blockchain now, and some more things afterwards.

syalpha profile image

je suis ici pour partager des connaissances sur le DEV

skm2017 profile image
Sam Madadi

Hello Everyone!

I just signed up here. I'm a full-stuck developer and like to enhance my skills and add more tools to my stack.

syalpha profile image

bonjour, je m'appelle Alpha je suis developpeur web/mobile

soyzatarain profile image
Jesus Alan Ramirez Zatarain

Hello, i am here to read about new technologies and clever ways to use actual ones. My dog is eating grass.

xurunyu profile image

want to be a better programmer!

gulnaazafzal profile image
Gulnaaz Afzal

Hello, everyone! :)

bobaloogans profile image

Hello, brand new to coding, currently enrolled in CS50. Genuinely interested in programming, try to use what little spare time i have to learn.

buriti97 profile image

Hello, i'm from Brazil and enthusiastic front-end technologies and docker :)

andrewbudd16 profile image
Andrew Budd


masterjuan profile image
Antonios Krinis

Hey all! This article brought me here.

So, I began to explore DEV community. :)

ahmedfathy75 profile image

Thank you

meggapixxel profile image
Vadym Zhydenko


pfrenzel71 profile image
Paul Frenzel

Hello World... ah I mean all! Attempt at humor there! Anyway wanted to say hello and what's new?

nlsnraj profile image

hello Dev :)

jeffkeen profile image

Thank you all ! It's my honor to be part of a great team and supporters who love to dream big and get results

mehran523 profile image

Hi dear

greenboy_weed profile image

Hello guys, hope you are having a good time, I am Hycent, co-founder and blogger at 8o8wave, just really glad to be here.

collinsngetich profile image
Collins Ngetich🇰🇪

Am glad to be here, want to learn from the team

anuragchatap1 profile image
anurag chatap

Wow, your English is great!

sivialmanaf profile image
Sivi Almanaf Ali Shahab

I'm interested with this community to grow up my skills. I'm QA engineer

talldad profile image
John Angelico

Hi all! Have been a mainframe software writer, computer auditor (1970s), seller and supporter of an accounting package (90s and 00s).

Now I tend to philosophise on various subjects :-)

stardrop9 profile image
Kurt Starck

Hi, I am StarDrop9 a Full Stack guy and just joined. Let me know if I can help.

llemoon profile image
Sasha Porubaymikh

Hello. Maybe that's all I can say about myself. Yes. This is certainly true. so what? I'm 15 and I still don’t really know anything. Ы.

ashucrab profile image

hello everyone🤣️

myfemi2002 profile image
myfemi2002 • Edited

I will like to develop a robust Tertiary institution management system

I need a PHP or .Net programmer to work with me.

monicka2479 profile image
Monicka Akilan
