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Welcome Thread - v55

lego man hello

Welcome to DEV!

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone's comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋

Great to have you in the community!

Top comments (765)

clairec profile image
Claire Collins

Hey. My name is Claire. I am 39 and a Python novice. Currently studying to become a full stack developer. I've been reading Dev for a while and thought it was about time I joined. I am looking to learn all I can to progress my journey. My new path. I love everything tech and value any advice or knowledge from experts or novices alike.

mazarzycki profile image
Marek Zarzycki

Hi Claire, I'm 38 and started studying front-end technologies few months ago.
I wish you good luck!

istealersn profile image
Stanley J Nadar

Hi Mazarzycki, I am 36 with grit to pick up some mastery around python, nodejs & php

clairec profile image
Claire Collins

Best of luck to you too Mazarzycki :)

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mazarzycki profile image
Marek Zarzycki


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_mohanmurali profile image
Mohan Murali

Wow, you guys are inspiring. Hope you achieve your goals. All the best.

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mazarzycki profile image
Marek Zarzycki

Thank you!

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saminegash profile image


phm200 profile image
Peter Miller

Kudos to both of you for taking on a career and path change. Can be scary, but will be exciting to learn so much

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mazarzycki profile image
Marek Zarzycki

Hi Peter, thanks. It's been almost 10 months since the day I started and every day I like it more. It may sound weird to you but I feel comfortable being uncomfortable and learning programming gives me this opportunity so it feels like a perfect match :)

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson • Edited

Hi Claire, I'm Katie, and I'm not saying how old I am 😊.
It's great to see more woman who code here on DEV.
Welcome to our community, and I look forward to seeing your contributions.

andrewkurilo profile image
Andrey Kurilo

Developer has no sex, I’ve met a lot of women who code just perfectly! As for me it’s even easier to work with developer women 🙂

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trulybappy profile image
Nazmul Hasan Bappy

Really @andrey ? :P

sanjay2000 profile image
sanjay kumar


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snopkowski profile image
Wojciech Snopkowski

Hi Katie!

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katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hello Wojciech, welcome to our community.

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snopkowski profile image
Wojciech Snopkowski

thank you!

oluchi profile image
Oluchi Orji

Hello Claire, welcome to the community , guess what , you already on the right track to be a badass Dev😊

lifeice profile image

Hi Oluchi, please can you teach me python? Please

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oluchi profile image
Oluchi Orji

Hello Collins, thanks for reaching out and considering me a good fit to teach you python.
I would be happy to help but before that I would refer some good materials that could be of help.

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praiselordson profile image
Lordson Praise

Me too Ma

moonthekid9066 profile image
thousand two

Hi, I want you to teach me too.

vishuenc profile image

Me too. However i have started going through YT Python videos and started learning Python. Everyday practice with simple code makes you perfect in coding. Try to implement your own simple code samples. Thanks

pjforguk profile image
🦉🚴Peter Fairbrother🎸🌅

Learning through videos feel a good approach?

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ashishk1331 profile image
Ashish Khare😎

Until unless it has a good content too.

raj6583 profile image
Rajasekar J

Everyday practice...That's a perfect quote...

trulybappy profile image
Nazmul Hasan Bappy

Hey, I am Bappy (28 years) and I am a full stack web developer. Work with PHP, JavaScript & MySQL generally. Joined here while redirected from LinkedIn for a post. Looking forward to learn things as well as having fun time. That's it. Thanks.

darmolar profile image
Imorhoa darlington

Wow love to work with you

thuli_lao profile image

Hello Claire

olenake profile image
Onkgopotse Lenake

Hello Thuli and hope the future is bright with all your endeavors.

quannv132 profile image

Hi, I wish you good luck.

davestech profile image

Hey claire. Very much welcome

mondaywilliams1 profile image
Ndionuka Williams

I love this...

viperasscreed1 profile image

i took so long period like you always aiming to be a great developer congratulation for we achieving our dreams

nikemiller3 profile image


kennethsly6 profile image
Kenneth Sly


wise1993 profile image

Hi Claire, I'm 27 and a fronted developer. Good luck.

clairec profile image
Claire Collins

Really kind and positive comments. Much love to the community. Looking forward to learning from you all x

sabotaylord profile image
Sabo Taylor Diab

Good luck Claire!

kctripathy profile image
Kishor Tripathy

Best of Luck !!!

wens32 profile image


geekyamitesh03 profile image
Amitesh Mani Tiwari

I am Amitesh Mani Tiwari. I am a 2nd year student of B.E Cse in Chandigarh university. I am passionate to learn machine learning , quantum computing and love to solve the competitive programming. My hobbies are like I loves to writing poem and recite it . I love to interect with new people.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Amitesh, I'm Katie, one of the basic moderators here on DEV.
My unofficial title: DEV cheerleader 😊

I want to welcome you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.

Don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas.

abiatop profile image

Hello, nice area of interests

hyguesmiles profile image

Thx you where are you located

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abiatop profile image

Toronto, what about you ?

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hyguesmiles profile image


sanju1989 profile image

Hi Amitesh, i also want to learn machine learning.... nice to meet you here

geekyamitesh03 profile image
Amitesh Mani Tiwari

Nice to hear about u are interested in machine learning.

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geekyamitesh03 profile image
Amitesh Mani Tiwari

Are you from?

tutoreye profile image


hyguesmiles profile image


adityasoni25 profile image
Aditya Soni

Hey bro

bajata profile image
Antonio Bajivić

Good luck with your search and enjoy trying.

dheerajmpai profile image

Into quantum comp? Can you connect to me or may be on Github

kunlegboye1 profile image
Ajagboye Kunle

Yes,introduction,I'm interested in machine learning too

webdevggn profile image
Kunal Singh

Hello Amitesh, I am Vikas Vimal from Gurgaon. I am a PHP Developer and would like to be in touch with you.

kernashim profile image
Kernashi M Daniels


geekyamitesh03 profile image
Amitesh Mani Tiwari


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hyguesmiles profile image


hyguesmiles profile image


badoorxp profile image
Bader B

Hello everyone!!

I'm Bader (it's an Arabic name which means Full moon), I've been working as a Support Technician for 3 years and a half now (since I graduated actually) and honestly, I hate how my job can be done by a trained monkey and how everyone on my team can be easily replaced regardless of experience because there isn't any actual skill involved,Plus the pay sucks. (Sorry if I offended anyone xP)
Also literally no one wants you to learn and nobody wants you to improve (or even improvise and think outside the box) because "We already have tasks divided by Teams and we do everything by certain procedures" (which is all gibberish and kills your brain cells because of how messed up in reality the situation is) and that thing has literally caused me embarrassment in many interviews because my CV is literally nothing to be happy about - Naturally I can't brag about Paper Jams cleared .

Anyway, I stumbled upon a couple of days ago while looking for something to help me out of my current closed-end path and I hope that this'll be the push that gets me on the right way and into a career that I actually love, which is programming.

I am a beginner in lots of aspects, but I hope to learn from you guys and share whatever knowledge I have.

itzsrv profile image
Saurav Singh

You are not alone bro. What you said I literally felt it. Its good to see someone trying despite all the odds. Keep on moving ahead.

medi4tor profile image

Welcome Bader,

I am new too here!

Everything has a START ;)

maryiabalbachan profile image
Maryia Balbachan

Hi Bader,I feel your pain:)). A beginner myself in this field, looking to change my career direction. Best of luck!

muyasser profile image
Muhammad Yasser

Welcome to DEV Bader!

phm200 profile image
Peter Miller

You are doing the right then to chase your ambition on your own. Showing that initiative means so much

global_codess profile image
Faith Mueni Kilonzi

Hello, My name is Faith Kilonzi from Kenya.
I describe myself a curious software engineer, with passion for problem-solving through implementation of high-quality software products especially back-end and web-applications using a variety of programming languages and technologies.
I hold a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Ashesi University in Ghana. I love to learn and teach everything technology and data.

phm200 profile image
Peter Miller

Happy learning. Awesome to see folks from all around the world!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Faith, welcome to the DEV community! I see you have already jumped in and made your first post, congratulations!! I hope you find all your needs met as you go through your coding journey.

global_codess profile image
Faith Mueni Kilonzi

Hopefully! Thank you @katie :)

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katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Just as a note: in DEV, each user is assigned a name in the system. Yours is kilonzif and you refer to them with the @ sign. Mine is @katnel20 so using katie referred to someone else.

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global_codess profile image
Faith Mueni Kilonzi

Well noted @katnel20

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katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Just hover over someone's profile image and you can see their username in the URL. (Should of said this earlier, but couldn't do it on my phone LOL)

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daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady • Edited

I wonder how hard it would be to add a performant "insta-search" feature to DEV for usernames while typing them 🤔 a lot of tools with large userbases seem to use something like that. Could be fun.

Anyways, welcome Faith!

vivekv3rma profile image
Vivek Verma

Happy learning and coding.

mrwindwaker profile image

Hi, I´m Andree. I a fresh web developer, and i have read a lot of articles here. I like to study programming, and hope one day make awesome video games.

josmithua profile image
Joshua Smith

Hi Andree! Have you started using any JS frameworks yet like React or Vue?

mrwindwaker profile image

Not yet but it on my study list, thank for asking.

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josmithua profile image
Joshua Smith

That's actually good, it's good to start with the basics. Check out freecodecamp if haven't already :)

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mrwindwaker profile image

Thanks, I will check it out

okrohan profile image
Rohan Salunke • Edited

Hello everyone,
I'm Rohan, I've been into web development for more than 2years. I usually work with React/JS,Java,Spring and elastic search. I love coffeee, code and sleep.
I'm available for moderating and helping newbies
Hit me up on twitter

adityasoni25 profile image
Aditya Soni

Hey bro!

okrohan profile image
Rohan Salunke


tierbolg profile image

Hello Rohan, nice name, remmeber me LOTR

okrohan profile image
Rohan Salunke • Edited

Sure! following... Never watched LOTR though🙈

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tierbolg profile image

What? is mandatory, a lot of battles, revenge, epic names

mparthasarathi429 profile image

hello Rohan

okrohan profile image
Rohan Salunke


larswww profile image

Hi fam! I'm a fullstack dev of 5 years and I love the process of taking my idea to a real thing on the internets. I did a CS degree, but have learned sooo much from all the various tutorials I've found. So now I have finally written my first (of many!) tutorials, and posted it here on dev!


mikaelsu profile image
Mikael Sukoinen

Hi and welcome! I'll keep an eye on those tutorials

tutoreye profile image

Hi. How are you?

iontiberiu profile image
Tiberiu Ion

I'm Tibi, a designer and wannabe web developer. Coding skills have saved my skin and helped me secure jobs in the past so am forever grateful for that. Forever trying to improve, I've picked up javascript many times but without much success. I've no idea what this site is. It looks like stack exchange and Medium had a baby? Anyway, I came across a few good articles on here, so I'll stick around. Love the front end. :)

sabotaylord profile image
Sabo Taylor Diab

Good luck with the career shift Tibi! I did it few years ago but still dreaming of becoming a developer. Writing the future with code is a breakthrough to human kind :)

iontiberiu profile image
Tiberiu Ion

Thanks. I need all the luck in the world. Every so often I get overwhelmed and think I'll never be able to learn anything but then I see the cool things people do with code and get back to it. :)

_mohanmurali profile image
Mohan Murali

Lol, thats a funny way of describing XD

iontiberiu profile image
Tiberiu Ion

it's the most accurate way I could think of :D

ericj90 profile image

Hi I'm Eric. I work in the healthcare field but want to become a developer of some sort. Currently I'm taking classes to get an associates in web design and development in my spare time. I already have a bachelors in psych with a focus on neuroscience. Hopefully I'm on the right path.

I feel like this transition might be a little challenging because i make a good living as a surgical neurophysiologist and cant afford to take a huge hit on my salary during the transition. I'm also locked into being close by to where I currently live (south central PA, USA). So there's that! HELLO WORLD!

practicingdev profile image
Practicing Developer

Hi, it seems like you'd have some great opportunities at the intersection of healthcare and tech, as you've already got plenty of domain expertise in the former.

Good luck with your courses and career transition!

ericj90 profile image

Thank you! I’m hoping the associates degree and a good portfolio will land me a starting job with a decent salary. I may be able to get into a place that’s looking for healthcare experience as well

chadiah profile image
Chadi Abdel-Halim

Hey! Nice to meet other health educated ppl here!

ericj90 profile image

It’s nice to meet you too!

itzami profile image
Rui Sousa

Hi! I'm Rui but everybody calls me Tom. I'm a self taught Web dev with a Master's degree in Psychology 🤷‍♂️ I also have a knack for design so I'm also developing my skills in Graphic Design, UI/UX and illustration.
As you can tell, I'm lost!

daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady • Edited

Not all who wander are lost! 😀 I have a similar background (and foreground? 🤔) :

  • went to undergrad for Cognitive Science and Psychology
  • got into computing science via the overlap with brain sciences (e.g. AI), and graduated with a degree in CogSci and CompSci
  • but I've been drawing since before any of that, and it's still one of my favorite ways to grow

I have many other interests I try to make time for, like linguistics, architecture, and typography.

I focus on development primarily because it's so satisfying, I happened to find a great set of communities to be a part of, and people pay for it enough for me to support my wanderlust and experience addiction 🙂

Welcome to the fold!

libbygt10 profile image

Hi everyone! I'm Liberty. I live on the East Coast and have been programming for 3 years. I primarily use JS (both vanilla & Angular/React) and HTML/CSS, but am knowledgeable in a few other languages. I am getting back into programming more after a hiatus from doing it. Looking forward to being involved on!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Libby! Welcome to DEV from another east-coaster. It's great to see more women who code here. We are all around to help, so don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas.

mrvivacious profile image
Hi, I'm Vivek Bhookya

Vanilla js ayyyyyyy

josuerodriguez98 profile image
Josué Rodríguez (He/Him) • Edited

Hello everybody! My name's Josue David and I'm a Honduran and soon to be Systems Engineer! At this point, I'm about 8 classes away from graduating. What brought me here was a friend and member of the community, David Mendoza. Right now, I'm learning Angular and C# as part of a project I'm working on. I'm a soccer fan and a F1 fan. My favorite bands are Blink-182, Twenty One Pilots and AS IT IS. I guess that's it! Glad to have come to such a great community 😁

cpranzl profile image
Christoph Pranzl • Edited

I am Christoph an I am located in Austria. I have an engineer degree in electronics and dropped out of mechatronics. Currently I am a DevOps for Production Applications in a paper mill, which means I write a lot of Middleware for different systems. In my spare time I like to work on IoT devices (ESP8266 and ESP32) which I program in Python or C++. I am an avid Linux user and constantly trying to restrict myself to working with the shell. But I have to admit that VSCode is very tempting. Thankfully there is a vim extension.

tayyabullah101 profile image
Tayyab Ullah Khan

Really nice to see people following their passion. I also have a degree in Electrical Engineering but I love to code.

justmakecode profile image

Hello. Justin here. I am 35, have been teaching in school since my early 20s, and as much as I love learning and love music (I currently teach elementary music), I need a change. My current teaching job finishes in June 2020 and from July I'm looking at options including a CS degree and/or a coding bootcamp. This month I'm starting on FreeCodeCamp.

I am looking for support, ideas, mentors, and more in places like
My goal is to move into web development and ultimately full stack or something similar. It be great if I could start getting paid work by the end of 2020, doing some kind of remote / part time / freelance work.
Nice to meet you all. Thank you!

ceg9498 profile image
Emily Gagne

Hi Justin, nice to meet you!

I just finished up on FreeCodeCamp late last year. They offer some really great lessons. Feel free to message me if you ever need help or feedback for them :)

justmakecode profile image

Emily, thank you. Nice to meet you too. I'll be sure to keep an eye out and get in touch. It's still early stages yet with FreeCodeCamp.

callahan71 profile image
Jaime Quirant

Hello, you all! I'm Jaime, from Spain. I'm 48. I started learning web development in 2012 as a hobby. I'm graduated in web apps and multi platform apps. I'm fullstack developer. I like HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, backend frameworks like Symphony or Laravel, and frontends frameworks like Angular, React, Vue. I like too Java, C#, C++, Python, game development, Android development... In this moment I'm learning Progressive Web Applications and Flutter. I like to teach and to help people. I'm friendly and humble. In other way, I'm learning English by myself, it's too difficult to me, haha!

nombrekeff profile image


callahan71 profile image
Jaime Quirant

Thank you! I didn't know this platform. I'm refreshing knowledge. I have a little rusty my programming skills... haha. By the way, I'm also from the province of Castellón.
Gracias! No conocía esta plataforma. Estoy refrescando conocimientos. Tengo la programación un poco oxidada, jaja. Por cierto, también soy de la provincia de Castellón.

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nombrekeff profile image
Keff • Edited

Es una gran plataforma, muy familiar, nada que ver con cosas como reddit :)
Genial, de que parte eres? Capital?

It's a great platform, very welcoming, nothing to do with Reddit :)
Great, where from? Capital?

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callahan71 profile image
Jaime Quirant

No, soy de la Vall. Cerquita.
Yo llevo varios años en SoloLearn. También me gusta mucho.
No me dedico a esto profesionalmente, pero me gustaría.

I'm from La Vall. Very close.
I'm in SoloLearn for a few years. I like it too.
I don't work in programation, but I would like it.

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nombrekeff profile image

Pues este es un buen sitio para mejorar. No dudes en preguntar, aqui la gente es muy comprensiva.

This is a good place to improve your skills, don't hesitate on asking stuff, people here are very comprehensive!

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callahan71 profile image
Jaime Quirant

Gracias. Lo haré.

Thanks. I'll do it.

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