DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v55 staff on January 08, 2020

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
clairec profile image
Claire Collins

Hey. My name is Claire. I am 39 and a Python novice. Currently studying to become a full stack developer. I've been reading Dev for a while and thought it was about time I joined. I am looking to learn all I can to progress my journey. My new path. I love everything tech and value any advice or knowledge from experts or novices alike.

mazarzycki profile image
Marek Zarzycki

Hi Claire, I'm 38 and started studying front-end technologies few months ago.
I wish you good luck!

istealersn profile image
Stanley J Nadar

Hi Mazarzycki, I am 36 with grit to pick up some mastery around python, nodejs & php

clairec profile image
Claire Collins

Best of luck to you too Mazarzycki :)

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mazarzycki profile image
Marek Zarzycki


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_mohanmurali profile image
Mohan Murali

Wow, you guys are inspiring. Hope you achieve your goals. All the best.

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mazarzycki profile image
Marek Zarzycki

Thank you!

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saminegash profile image


phm200 profile image
Peter Miller

Kudos to both of you for taking on a career and path change. Can be scary, but will be exciting to learn so much

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mazarzycki profile image
Marek Zarzycki

Hi Peter, thanks. It's been almost 10 months since the day I started and every day I like it more. It may sound weird to you but I feel comfortable being uncomfortable and learning programming gives me this opportunity so it feels like a perfect match :)

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson • Edited

Hi Claire, I'm Katie, and I'm not saying how old I am 😊.
It's great to see more woman who code here on DEV.
Welcome to our community, and I look forward to seeing your contributions.

andrewkurilo profile image
Andrey Kurilo

Developer has no sex, I’ve met a lot of women who code just perfectly! As for me it’s even easier to work with developer women 🙂

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trulybappy profile image
Nazmul Hasan Bappy

Really @andrey ? :P

sanjay2000 profile image
sanjay kumar


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snopkowski profile image
Wojciech Snopkowski

Hi Katie!

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katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hello Wojciech, welcome to our community.

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snopkowski profile image
Wojciech Snopkowski

thank you!

oluchi profile image
Oluchi Orji

Hello Claire, welcome to the community , guess what , you already on the right track to be a badass Dev😊

lifeice profile image

Hi Oluchi, please can you teach me python? Please

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oluchi profile image
Oluchi Orji

Hello Collins, thanks for reaching out and considering me a good fit to teach you python.
I would be happy to help but before that I would refer some good materials that could be of help.

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praiselordson profile image
Lordson Praise

Me too Ma

moonthekid9066 profile image
thousand two

Hi, I want you to teach me too.

vishuenc profile image

Me too. However i have started going through YT Python videos and started learning Python. Everyday practice with simple code makes you perfect in coding. Try to implement your own simple code samples. Thanks

raj6583 profile image
Rajasekar J

Everyday practice...That's a perfect quote...

pjforguk profile image
🦉🚴Peter Fairbrother🎸🌅

Learning through videos feel a good approach?

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ashishk1331 profile image
Ashish Khare😎

Until unless it has a good content too.

darmolar profile image
Imorhoa darlington

Wow love to work with you

trulybappy profile image
Nazmul Hasan Bappy

Hey, I am Bappy (28 years) and I am a full stack web developer. Work with PHP, JavaScript & MySQL generally. Joined here while redirected from LinkedIn for a post. Looking forward to learn things as well as having fun time. That's it. Thanks.

quannv132 profile image

Hi, I wish you good luck.

thuli_lao profile image

Hello Claire

olenake profile image
Onkgopotse Lenake

Hello Thuli and hope the future is bright with all your endeavors.

mondaywilliams1 profile image
Ndionuka Williams

I love this...

davestech profile image

Hey claire. Very much welcome

sabotaylord profile image
Sabo Taylor Diab

Good luck Claire!

nikemiller3 profile image


clairec profile image
Claire Collins

Really kind and positive comments. Much love to the community. Looking forward to learning from you all x

wise1993 profile image

Hi Claire, I'm 27 and a fronted developer. Good luck.

kennethsly6 profile image
Kenneth Sly


viperasscreed1 profile image

i took so long period like you always aiming to be a great developer congratulation for we achieving our dreams

wens32 profile image


kctripathy profile image
Kishor Tripathy

Best of Luck !!!

geekyamitesh03 profile image
Amitesh Mani Tiwari

I am Amitesh Mani Tiwari. I am a 2nd year student of B.E Cse in Chandigarh university. I am passionate to learn machine learning , quantum computing and love to solve the competitive programming. My hobbies are like I loves to writing poem and recite it . I love to interect with new people.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Amitesh, I'm Katie, one of the basic moderators here on DEV.
My unofficial title: DEV cheerleader 😊

I want to welcome you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.

Don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas.

abiatop profile image

Hello, nice area of interests

hyguesmiles profile image

Thx you where are you located

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abiatop profile image

Toronto, what about you ?

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hyguesmiles profile image


sanju1989 profile image

Hi Amitesh, i also want to learn machine learning.... nice to meet you here

geekyamitesh03 profile image
Amitesh Mani Tiwari

Nice to hear about u are interested in machine learning.

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geekyamitesh03 profile image
Amitesh Mani Tiwari

Are you from?

tutoreye profile image


hyguesmiles profile image


dheerajmpai profile image

Into quantum comp? Can you connect to me or may be on Github

webdevggn profile image
Kunal Singh

Hello Amitesh, I am Vikas Vimal from Gurgaon. I am a PHP Developer and would like to be in touch with you.

adityasoni25 profile image
Aditya Soni

Hey bro

kunlegboye1 profile image
Ajagboye Kunle

Yes,introduction,I'm interested in machine learning too

bajata profile image
Antonio Bajivić

Good luck with your search and enjoy trying.

kernashim profile image
Kernashi M Daniels


geekyamitesh03 profile image
Amitesh Mani Tiwari


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hyguesmiles profile image


hyguesmiles profile image


badoorxp profile image
Bader B

Hello everyone!!

I'm Bader (it's an Arabic name which means Full moon), I've been working as a Support Technician for 3 years and a half now (since I graduated actually) and honestly, I hate how my job can be done by a trained monkey and how everyone on my team can be easily replaced regardless of experience because there isn't any actual skill involved,Plus the pay sucks. (Sorry if I offended anyone xP)
Also literally no one wants you to learn and nobody wants you to improve (or even improvise and think outside the box) because "We already have tasks divided by Teams and we do everything by certain procedures" (which is all gibberish and kills your brain cells because of how messed up in reality the situation is) and that thing has literally caused me embarrassment in many interviews because my CV is literally nothing to be happy about - Naturally I can't brag about Paper Jams cleared .

Anyway, I stumbled upon a couple of days ago while looking for something to help me out of my current closed-end path and I hope that this'll be the push that gets me on the right way and into a career that I actually love, which is programming.

I am a beginner in lots of aspects, but I hope to learn from you guys and share whatever knowledge I have.

itzsrv profile image
Saurav Singh

You are not alone bro. What you said I literally felt it. Its good to see someone trying despite all the odds. Keep on moving ahead.

medi4tor profile image

Welcome Bader,

I am new too here!

Everything has a START ;)

maryiabalbachan profile image
Maryia Balbachan

Hi Bader,I feel your pain:)). A beginner myself in this field, looking to change my career direction. Best of luck!

muyasser profile image
Muhammad Yasser

Welcome to DEV Bader!

phm200 profile image
Peter Miller

You are doing the right then to chase your ambition on your own. Showing that initiative means so much

mrwindwaker profile image

Hi, I´m Andree. I a fresh web developer, and i have read a lot of articles here. I like to study programming, and hope one day make awesome video games.

josmithua profile image
Joshua Smith

Hi Andree! Have you started using any JS frameworks yet like React or Vue?

mrwindwaker profile image

Not yet but it on my study list, thank for asking.

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josmithua profile image
Joshua Smith

That's actually good, it's good to start with the basics. Check out freecodecamp if haven't already :)

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mrwindwaker profile image

Thanks, I will check it out

global_codess profile image
Faith Mueni Kilonzi

Hello, My name is Faith Kilonzi from Kenya.
I describe myself a curious software engineer, with passion for problem-solving through implementation of high-quality software products especially back-end and web-applications using a variety of programming languages and technologies.
I hold a bachelor’s degree in computer science from Ashesi University in Ghana. I love to learn and teach everything technology and data.

phm200 profile image
Peter Miller

Happy learning. Awesome to see folks from all around the world!

vivekv3rma profile image
Vivek Verma

Happy learning and coding.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Faith, welcome to the DEV community! I see you have already jumped in and made your first post, congratulations!! I hope you find all your needs met as you go through your coding journey.

global_codess profile image
Faith Mueni Kilonzi

Hopefully! Thank you @katie :)

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katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Just as a note: in DEV, each user is assigned a name in the system. Yours is kilonzif and you refer to them with the @ sign. Mine is @katnel20 so using katie referred to someone else.

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global_codess profile image
Faith Mueni Kilonzi

Well noted @katnel20

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katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Just hover over someone's profile image and you can see their username in the URL. (Should of said this earlier, but couldn't do it on my phone LOL)

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daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady • Edited

I wonder how hard it would be to add a performant "insta-search" feature to DEV for usernames while typing them 🤔 a lot of tools with large userbases seem to use something like that. Could be fun.

Anyways, welcome Faith!

okrohan profile image
Rohan Salunke • Edited

Hello everyone,
I'm Rohan, I've been into web development for more than 2years. I usually work with React/JS,Java,Spring and elastic search. I love coffeee, code and sleep.
I'm available for moderating and helping newbies
Hit me up on twitter

adityasoni25 profile image
Aditya Soni

Hey bro!

okrohan profile image
Rohan Salunke


tierbolg profile image

Hello Rohan, nice name, remmeber me LOTR

okrohan profile image
Rohan Salunke • Edited

Sure! following... Never watched LOTR though🙈

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tierbolg profile image

What? is mandatory, a lot of battles, revenge, epic names

mparthasarathi429 profile image

hello Rohan

okrohan profile image
Rohan Salunke


larswww profile image

Hi fam! I'm a fullstack dev of 5 years and I love the process of taking my idea to a real thing on the internets. I did a CS degree, but have learned sooo much from all the various tutorials I've found. So now I have finally written my first (of many!) tutorials, and posted it here on dev!


mikaelsu profile image
Mikael Sukoinen

Hi and welcome! I'll keep an eye on those tutorials

tutoreye profile image

Hi. How are you?

iontiberiu profile image
Tiberiu Ion

I'm Tibi, a designer and wannabe web developer. Coding skills have saved my skin and helped me secure jobs in the past so am forever grateful for that. Forever trying to improve, I've picked up javascript many times but without much success. I've no idea what this site is. It looks like stack exchange and Medium had a baby? Anyway, I came across a few good articles on here, so I'll stick around. Love the front end. :)

sabotaylord profile image
Sabo Taylor Diab

Good luck with the career shift Tibi! I did it few years ago but still dreaming of becoming a developer. Writing the future with code is a breakthrough to human kind :)

iontiberiu profile image
Tiberiu Ion

Thanks. I need all the luck in the world. Every so often I get overwhelmed and think I'll never be able to learn anything but then I see the cool things people do with code and get back to it. :)

_mohanmurali profile image
Mohan Murali

Lol, thats a funny way of describing XD

iontiberiu profile image
Tiberiu Ion

it's the most accurate way I could think of :D

ericj90 profile image

Hi I'm Eric. I work in the healthcare field but want to become a developer of some sort. Currently I'm taking classes to get an associates in web design and development in my spare time. I already have a bachelors in psych with a focus on neuroscience. Hopefully I'm on the right path.

I feel like this transition might be a little challenging because i make a good living as a surgical neurophysiologist and cant afford to take a huge hit on my salary during the transition. I'm also locked into being close by to where I currently live (south central PA, USA). So there's that! HELLO WORLD!

practicingdev profile image
Practicing Developer

Hi, it seems like you'd have some great opportunities at the intersection of healthcare and tech, as you've already got plenty of domain expertise in the former.

Good luck with your courses and career transition!

ericj90 profile image

Thank you! I’m hoping the associates degree and a good portfolio will land me a starting job with a decent salary. I may be able to get into a place that’s looking for healthcare experience as well

chadiah profile image
Chadi Abdel-Halim

Hey! Nice to meet other health educated ppl here!

ericj90 profile image

It’s nice to meet you too!

libbygt10 profile image

Hi everyone! I'm Liberty. I live on the East Coast and have been programming for 3 years. I primarily use JS (both vanilla & Angular/React) and HTML/CSS, but am knowledgeable in a few other languages. I am getting back into programming more after a hiatus from doing it. Looking forward to being involved on!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Libby! Welcome to DEV from another east-coaster. It's great to see more women who code here. We are all around to help, so don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas.

mrvivacious profile image
Hi, I'm Vivek Bhookya

Vanilla js ayyyyyyy

josuerodriguez98 profile image
Josué Rodríguez (He/Him) • Edited

Hello everybody! My name's Josue David and I'm a Honduran and soon to be Systems Engineer! At this point, I'm about 8 classes away from graduating. What brought me here was a friend and member of the community, David Mendoza. Right now, I'm learning Angular and C# as part of a project I'm working on. I'm a soccer fan and a F1 fan. My favorite bands are Blink-182, Twenty One Pilots and AS IT IS. I guess that's it! Glad to have come to such a great community 😁

itzami profile image
Rui Sousa

Hi! I'm Rui but everybody calls me Tom. I'm a self taught Web dev with a Master's degree in Psychology 🤷‍♂️ I also have a knack for design so I'm also developing my skills in Graphic Design, UI/UX and illustration.
As you can tell, I'm lost!

daniel13rady profile image
Daniel Brady • Edited

Not all who wander are lost! 😀 I have a similar background (and foreground? 🤔) :

  • went to undergrad for Cognitive Science and Psychology
  • got into computing science via the overlap with brain sciences (e.g. AI), and graduated with a degree in CogSci and CompSci
  • but I've been drawing since before any of that, and it's still one of my favorite ways to grow

I have many other interests I try to make time for, like linguistics, architecture, and typography.

I focus on development primarily because it's so satisfying, I happened to find a great set of communities to be a part of, and people pay for it enough for me to support my wanderlust and experience addiction 🙂

Welcome to the fold!

justmakecode profile image

Hello. Justin here. I am 35, have been teaching in school since my early 20s, and as much as I love learning and love music (I currently teach elementary music), I need a change. My current teaching job finishes in June 2020 and from July I'm looking at options including a CS degree and/or a coding bootcamp. This month I'm starting on FreeCodeCamp.

I am looking for support, ideas, mentors, and more in places like
My goal is to move into web development and ultimately full stack or something similar. It be great if I could start getting paid work by the end of 2020, doing some kind of remote / part time / freelance work.
Nice to meet you all. Thank you!

ceg9498 profile image
Emily Gagne

Hi Justin, nice to meet you!

I just finished up on FreeCodeCamp late last year. They offer some really great lessons. Feel free to message me if you ever need help or feedback for them :)

justmakecode profile image

Emily, thank you. Nice to meet you too. I'll be sure to keep an eye out and get in touch. It's still early stages yet with FreeCodeCamp.

callahan71 profile image
Jaime Quirant

Hello, you all! I'm Jaime, from Spain. I'm 48. I started learning web development in 2012 as a hobby. I'm graduated in web apps and multi platform apps. I'm fullstack developer. I like HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, backend frameworks like Symphony or Laravel, and frontends frameworks like Angular, React, Vue. I like too Java, C#, C++, Python, game development, Android development... In this moment I'm learning Progressive Web Applications and Flutter. I like to teach and to help people. I'm friendly and humble. In other way, I'm learning English by myself, it's too difficult to me, haha!

nombrekeff profile image


callahan71 profile image
Jaime Quirant

Thank you! I didn't know this platform. I'm refreshing knowledge. I have a little rusty my programming skills... haha. By the way, I'm also from the province of Castellón.
Gracias! No conocía esta plataforma. Estoy refrescando conocimientos. Tengo la programación un poco oxidada, jaja. Por cierto, también soy de la provincia de Castellón.

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nombrekeff profile image
Keff • Edited

Es una gran plataforma, muy familiar, nada que ver con cosas como reddit :)
Genial, de que parte eres? Capital?

It's a great platform, very welcoming, nothing to do with Reddit :)
Great, where from? Capital?

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callahan71 profile image
Jaime Quirant

No, soy de la Vall. Cerquita.
Yo llevo varios años en SoloLearn. También me gusta mucho.
No me dedico a esto profesionalmente, pero me gustaría.

I'm from La Vall. Very close.
I'm in SoloLearn for a few years. I like it too.
I don't work in programation, but I would like it.

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nombrekeff profile image

Pues este es un buen sitio para mejorar. No dudes en preguntar, aqui la gente es muy comprensiva.

This is a good place to improve your skills, don't hesitate on asking stuff, people here are very comprehensive!

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callahan71 profile image
Jaime Quirant

Gracias. Lo haré.

Thanks. I'll do it.

cpranzl profile image
Christoph Pranzl • Edited

I am Christoph an I am located in Austria. I have an engineer degree in electronics and dropped out of mechatronics. Currently I am a DevOps for Production Applications in a paper mill, which means I write a lot of Middleware for different systems. In my spare time I like to work on IoT devices (ESP8266 and ESP32) which I program in Python or C++. I am an avid Linux user and constantly trying to restrict myself to working with the shell. But I have to admit that VSCode is very tempting. Thankfully there is a vim extension.

tayyabullah101 profile image
Tayyab Ullah Khan

Really nice to see people following their passion. I also have a degree in Electrical Engineering but I love to code.

mrksp profile image
Marcos S.

Hi there, it's Marcos. I'm a Full-Stack developer with almost 3 years of experience. I do mostly Java at work but you will find me working with some JavaScript in my free time. I also like basketball and learn new things tech related.

iamnotalooser19 profile image

hi, i joined here to learn JavaScript. Could you help me

mahrukhsa2 profile image

I am Mahrukh Mirza. I love to code and have my interest in Android Development and Web development and SEO.
I was learning about some JavaScript concepts and gone through this thread. I liked it so I joined it

mlimonczenko profile image

Hello everyone. 👋

I'm Miranda. I've been a front-end developer for over three years and a technical writer for over two. I have a Master's degree in literature and find my combination of skills an enigma to myself!

To bring everything together, I started my blog, Books on Code, and am now seeking out ways that I can contribute to the larger dev community. 😊

falcon721 profile image

How are you?
I work in china, I have great team, we are senior team, we are growing in our business
now we want to work on upwork site
but unfortunately upwork usually suspend chinese
it's our trouble
we need someone to create upwork account and run it for our team
we will pay for it
we can earn money lots a month
every month we will pay it, only what we need is upwork account
thanks for your reviewing my suggestion
I hope we can have good friendship each other.
Best regards

labros_solomos profile image
Labros Solomos

Hello everyone!
I'm Labros, I am from Greece and currently located in Cyprus. New to programming and interested in python and javascript. I found some really interested articles from DEV and here I am, trying to find my way to the world of coding and new people to communicate and inspired of!

desmondekeh profile image
Desmond Ekeh

Welcome. Good to know I have someone like me - a novice in programming. I believe we will make it.

theklayd profile image
Clyde Santos

I am Clyde Santos from Philippines freelance web and mobile developer and currently working in I really love technologies not just it is amazing in so many ways but it can impact on people's lives. Searching fetch API brought me here.

kabcoder profile image

Hi am Khalid a self taught developer and a blogger seeking to learn and impact in dev community

Over the years I learned a lot from other developer and resources around the web which makes me better developer.

I love to teach and impact on other people life to make them better and I hope I will learn alot from here and also teach

larswww profile image

Me too man, the incredible amount of content available from other devs is an awesome thing. It's made learning to program such a great journey.

obucherej profile image

Hello Everyone. I am Joseph. Ready to learn Front end web development. I have html CSS basics. Hope i will get more from here and learn JavaScript as well. Any help from here will be appreciated. Thank you.

aritdeveloper profile image
Arit Developer

Welcome Joseph! We're glad you are here, and look forward to learning from you as well! 😄

zakariachahboun profile image
zakaria chahboun

i'm zakaria chahboun, i'm a software engineer ♥ i'm also a designer and i'm a voice actor in arabic language.

i love tech blogs like meduim and of-course this website!
I like to learn new things and teach it to people!

so welcome to me between you :p

chadiah profile image
Chadi Abdel-Halim

Interesting! What is a voice actor :)

cheekatimala profile image
Rakesh Cheekatimala • Edited

I am Rakesh working as a FullStack Developer in Singapore.

Passionate about building applications with Design Thinking Principles and Edge Cutting Technologies.

Curious & Eager to learn by exploring the dev community. This year I decided to spend more time on learning, exploring best practices, tools & many more interesting things that would speed up my development & team strength and lastly I wanted to contribute to the local community in Singapore some interesting things which I have learned or explored.

_mohanmurali profile image
Mohan Murali

Thats a really nice goal to have. All the best on your endeavours.

olenake profile image
Onkgopotse Lenake

Hello. My name is Onkgopotse Lenake and I love coding with C# for solutions integration. I am currently studying towards being a full stack developer, with the immediate focus being on mobile-first approach, web design strategies and technologies, coupled with DevOps engineering. I have read DEV for some time and gained valuable insights. With that in mind, I was inspired to join the DEV community by the following post: "Get Better at HTML and CSS by Cloning these 10 Minimalist-ish Websites", from: Carlos Augusto M. Filho @camfilho . I look forward to learn more from the community members and also add contributions where I can as well, so to keep the community spirit alive.

I am grateful to join the community.

camfilho profile image
Carlos Augusto de Medeir Filho

I'm glad :)

Looking forward to see some posts of yours! Do you have Twitter?

olenake profile image
Onkgopotse Lenake

The feeling is mutual :)
Yes I have Twitter.
I'm learning the navigation on the platform and will do post some time, where I can.

hisachin profile image

Hello everyone,

My name is Sachin. I am a professional software developer working remotely. I am currently working in the mean stack, blockchain, aws cutting edge technologies and building product using them from scratch.

I am a daily reader of the and like the articles published here. Now I am also sharing my experience in the web development using this awesome platform.

andrewkurilo profile image
Andrey Kurilo

Hi, I’m Andrey, I’m CEO at software development company incorporated in Russia, we do software development worldwide(mostly U.S.) for B2B.

I’m here to stay tuned for latest trends in software development, I’ve been reading Dev for a while and now decided to join.

chrismilson profile image
Chris Milson

Hello, my name is Chris.

I am 23 years old and currently teaching English in Japan. When I finish I want to be a software engineer.
I am learning in my spare time and I look forward to learning and growing with you all!

sebastienattia profile image
Sébastien Attia

Hey, my name is Sebastien and I am 44. I started programming in the 80's with a Commodore VIC20.
Currently I am developing projects in Java with the Spring framework and some tools with VueJS.
I followed almost all the courses from Andrew Ng in AI and I would like apply my AI knowledge in a real life project.

bdubose profile image
Branwin DuBose

Hi! My name is Branwin. I’m a software developer in Birmingham, Alabama. I love what I do, and here to learn more about what I love. I decided to join DEV when I noticed myself popping here repeatedly for a few articles.

moseslucas profile image
Moses Lucas

Hi! My name is Moses Lucas a software developer from the Philippines. Trying out, It seems like medium at first but more community driven. I always use medium to seek help / solution. Now seeing I'm happy to read and share ideas here.

sonia1112 profile image

Hey Moses! It seems like you are quite passionate about being part of a thriving tech community.

Similiar to, you also have the Angat Community, a platform where Filipino developers come to be mentored, share programming knowledge and build their careers with global start-ups. Just wanted to share it with you and thought you could meet like-minded people there.

If this is interesting, please check it out at


nelsonj profile image

Hello, I'm Jack and I joined out of curiosity. Would like to discover what a developer's community is and how I fit it. I write programs (many of them incomplete) only after the a lot of googling. My wish to master the art programming and be able to assist others.

  • I omitted saying I'm from Cameroon.

Thank You for having me.

helenanders26 profile image
Helen Anderson

Welcome to Dev Jack! Great to have you here :D

dangovo profile image
Dan Govo

Greetings. My name is Daniel. I have intermediate skills in Java, C# and PHP. I am seeking to gain more knowledge and experience to help me grow and become a good software engineer. I am looking forward to learn all I can from the Dev community.

usmankamal profile image
Usman Kamal

Hello, I'm Usman from Karachi, Pakistan. Currently working as a Full Stack Consultant for an Australian IT Consulting firm. Been visiting since an year, finally decided to signup. Looking forward to contribute to the community.

djdeejaybaba profile image
Adedeji Adegoke 🇮🇪🇳🇬

Hey, I’m Adedeji. I’m 29 and I’m out here to share my expertises in Data Science using R programming language, SQL, SPSS and other data science tools as well as learning and improving myself through other expert in the field.

neophilety profile image

Hello everyone!
My name is Tyler, I’m 26 years old and studying web development. I’ll be attending Hack Reactors software engineering immersive come March and really look forward to making my leap into STEM. I’m trying to teach myself using freeCodeCamp as well but really look forward to a “boot camp” style course.
I’m a prior-service Army medic and really want to create things to help people by benefiting mental health and physical health. If I can help you out or if you want to reach out please do! Teamwork makes the dream work!

bertilmuth profile image
Bertil Muth

Sounds great. Welcome to!

razhan profile image
Razhan Hameed

Hi, I am Razhan, I am a self-taught developer. I write javascript/typescript most of the time. I am interested in software architecture and system design. Lately, I have started learning NestJS. I hope to meet new people and learn from them.

aritdeveloper profile image
Arit Developer

Welcome to Dev.To Razhan! 👋

jouo profile image

Hi there, my name is Jashua, I'm a junior back-end developer :)

Before I got into coding I used to work as a cashier, warehouse worker, construction worker, but I'm currently working for a startup!

I mainly use Java (Spring), MySQL, Hibernate, and I'm interested in learning Docker, Kubernetes and AWS.

I'd like to work on some little projects so I can apply to bigger companies someday, but front-end development is not my thing.

If there are any front-end developers interested in building little projects please comment or something so I can follow you on GitHub :)

csancs profile image

Hi there, I'm Sandor(26) from Austria. I work with typescript on an angular project. In the past few years I neglected a bit my technical development and chose to improve my soft skills (communication, organizing, documenting, etc..) so here I am, taking a step to get up to speed with the rest of you :)
If you need a hobby photographer to work on a project or just to talk to about photography, let me now :)

krabyoto profile image

I´am Jorge, from Montevideo (Uruguay). Software developer since early nineteen´s, focused in e-commerce business and their ecosystem: Magento, Oracle Commerce Cloud, Vtex, API integration, data migration. PHP is my biggest partner.

brunotag profile image
Bruno Tagliapietra • Edited

Hi all,

Bruno here, currently working full time as an architect on a cloud-based accounting system.
Passionate about efficient and effective large scale web development.
Tech background, .NET C# dev, mainly, on AWS hosting.

Hobbyist musician, salsa dancer, and glider pilot.

pjforguk profile image
🦉🚴Peter Fairbrother🎸🌅

I'm here becoz a note on my tablet caught my eye. I now have the free time to explore whatever I fancy, so my PC will probably work overtime. Prone to reinventing the wheel, less efficient & more colourful

aaronalvagoicochea profile image

Hi, this is Aarón Alva alias Aaronsete from Peru but living in Argentina. Student of mechatronic engineering. my first language is Spanish, my second is English and my third is none.
I used to work as audiovisual editor.

I spect to learn and collaborate with others in dev topics.

xmlpush profile image
Неслыханное Чудо • Edited


My name is Alex, I am a developer and manager. I’m developing cool services for people to make their life easier and more fun.

I live and work in Ukraine. We have the most beautiful girls and the most delicious borsch)))

I am currently working on a yacht rental and sale service that helps people have a good time on vacation.

I am very interested in software development and 3D printing as a hobby.

sid995 profile image
Siddharth Kundu

Hi all. I am Siddharth. A 24 year old software engineer. I primarily work on the front-end, using JS, React and SASS. Currently studying and practicing to be a Full Stack Developer. I make small side projects using NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, etc
I have been reading Dev for a while and thought it was time to sign up and be a member. I love tech and I value any and all advice from novice or experts alike.

techygirl123 profile image

Hello! I am just starting with web development courses. I am 50 years old and have been researching web dev programs and I must say it is overwhelming. I have worked in public schools for 15 years and want a career change. Need help with a career path and what is the best program to start coding. thanks

ceg9498 profile image
Emily Gagne

Hi, it's nice to meet you!

If you're just getting started, I'd suggest trying out

It's not perfect, but it is completely free, starts with the basics, and by the end you'll have a general idea of what goes into making a complete website.

Good luck out there, and feel free to contact me if you want help.

telmo profile image
Telmo Goncalves

Hello all,

my name is Telmo and I'm from Portugal. I started learning PHP in 2007 and have been building my career since then.

Spent a lot of years focusing on Ruby on Rails but lately have been working with technologies such as ReactJS, NextJS, GatsbyJS, GraphQL and so on.

Hope to create great content that can help others as well as learning from others.

le_malix profile image
Daniel Chi

Hi my name is Daniel. I am a fresh graduate of 30 years old (a little late, huh?).
I read about this community In a book called "Your first year in code" so I said "why not?".
I'm something like a full stack developer that mainly uses the MERN stack.
I hope to learn interesting things, meet awesome people and became a good developer.

qwalow profile image
Olawale Abolade

My name is qwalow, a junior developer. I'm really excited to be here. Currently, I work as a freelancer designing website with HTML, CSS and its preprocessors (basically, Saas, less and flexbox). I'm still struggling with Django and JavaScript. In my Python class, I was introduced to Machine Learning and AI, these two really changed my perspectives and I look forward to learning them later. I'd also love to learn from the BEST. Thank you guys for having me :) :)

trulybappy profile image
Nazmul Hasan Bappy

Hey, I am Bappy (28 years) and I am a full stack web developer. Work with PHP, JavaScript & MySQL generally. Joined here while redirected from LinkedIn for a post. Looking forward to learn things as well as having fun time. That's it. Thanks.

helloamandamurphy profile image
Amanda Murphy

Hey there!

I'm Amanda, and I just completed the Flatiron School web development curriculum. I'm currently working on my final project, and getting my resume/portfolio together.

I joined because I want to share my technical blog posts on another site, and am always looking for other devs to connect with.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hey Amanda, congratulations! What an awesome accomplishment. Good luck to you.

pierrelegall profile image
Pierre Le Gall

Hello there :)

I'm a music lover. I like dancing, sleeping and computing. I just hate when things are unnecessarily complicated.

About computing, I’m inspired by the Erlang/Elixir ecosystem at the moment.

See you soon!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hey Pierre, I'm Katie, one of the basic moderators here on DEV.
My unofficial title: DEV cheerleader 😊

I want to welcome you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.

Don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas.

lancemk profile image

Hi, I'm Lance. Self thought web app developer. My interest lies in web graphic rendering application. Love to tinker with hardwares electronics, product design and software development. Also, a life-long gamer. Looking forwards to joining the community!

silviaalexasilva profile image
Aivlis • Edited

I'm Silvia, a UX/UI Designer trying to learn to be a Frontend developer because i need and want to level up my skills!
Always loved working with CSS, but JavaScript and React i hope to learn better with you guys and girls, since it's kinda hard for a visual perception mentality girl :)
I'm an introverted perfectionist, always trying to be better than I am! Growth, learning, contributing and having a positive impact in the world are my mantras and failure is my kryptonite. But never giving up and trying are always my options. Hope to get more knowledge and wisdom with you :)

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Welcome to DEV!

Multiple TV and movie characters giving a thumbs up

silviaalexasilva profile image

thanks :)

manjindersinghhanjra profile image
Manjinder Singh Hanjrah

Hi, all. I'm Manjinder from Northern India. I, currently, work as a freelance software engineer. Previously, I've worked as a Backend Engineer in a low latency crypto trading exchange and have primarily worked on C++, Golang, and Postgres. Have exposure to devops, frontend and some C#.

Apart from my profession, I enjoy playing outdoor games and have recently found some very strong liking towards Mathematics & Atomic Physics, hence finding an opportunity where I can learn both as a software engineer.

Is there anyone else who quit their jobs to pursue any interest? What was your experience with it? How do you balance your career and interests? Any advice for me?

Thanks in advance.: )

staszeksoup profile image

Hello folks! I'm Stephen, 34, been learning front end for the last couple of years. I'm a professional artist and I've been using JavaScript to make a few things. Now I'm stumbling through NodeJS. I love problem solving, I want more coding world and less art world.

calliernie profile image

Hello...I'm Ernest, 27 years. I'm currently a graduate trainee in software testing and verification at Amalitech Ggmbh. I thought it'd be great to have a voice in the developer community thus why I joined Dev. I'm looking forward to networking and learning anything I can from thid great community

talaviss profile image
Tal Avissar

Hi guys, Happy to be a part of the online community here!

njmercado profile image
Nino Mercado

Hi. My name is Nino. I'm a computer science student. I consider myself as a sponge to get acknowlegde. I think i'm little bit geeky according to tech it refer. I wanna become into a big fullstack developer, but i hope to get top acknowlegdes into AI world.

ankurt04 profile image
Ankur Tiwari

Hey, joined here today. I am python developer who graduated to full time organic growth hacker on realizing that:

  1. Building is easy than selling [took me 7 months to get 500+ registered users]
  2. Relying on paid ads as the main growth channel is unreliable
  3. Building organic growth engine is an engineering activity, not a marketing one.

I am researching, experimenting and discovering organic growth methods.

Sharing them too :)

Happy to be here.

easytobeh profile image
Junaid Oloruntobi

Hello everyone, I am Junaid from Nigeria. I write c++ and Arduino codes for microcontrollers. I am an electronics engineer and just started with frontend development and learning React.js at the moment in order to expand my knowledge and create solutions for integrating Software, especially Web applications/services, with hardware that's more like the Internet of Things but I hope to do something better.I am opened to helps opportunities from great minds like you. Here's my email address:

snopkowski profile image
Wojciech Snopkowski

I'm Wojciech. I treat coding as a hobby and I got to admit - I enjoy it. I mean, it can be a little frustrating at times, but I find it extremely rewarding when problems are getting solved (however big or small). Currently looking forward to a career change.

fredrickkemosi profile image
Fredrick Simi

Hi guys. My name is Fredrick. I am 22 and I am passionate about programming in Python. Currently I am really looking forward to becoming a freelancer and leverage my skills. So any help would be great in this path I am onto

romainbraud profile image
Romain Braud

HI, I'm Romain. I used to code in Java and c++ 18 years ago, I have to learn again, it's like riding bicycle but a bit harder I guess :-P
I'm happy to join the community , it looks like there is many talented, nice and friendly people here to help, share and spread knowledge
I'll be happy to meet people specialised in React, Go , Ethereum Blockchain and every tech that can make our life easier :-)

viveks98 profile image
Vivek Kashyap • Edited

Hi! I'm Vivek. I'm 21.. I'm learning various javascript frameworks v.i.z., node, react, vue, etc. Also python & django. My goal is to become a full stack web dev. Hope this site will be of some use to me.. cheers!..

ferrousguy profile image
Ben Gohlke

Hello! My name is Ben Gohlke and I'm an iOS developer and educator. I teach iOS at Lambda School and also run the local iOS meetup here in Orlando. Excited to see how I can help in this super cool community!

frostz profile image
Sourav Singh Rawat

Hello! I am Sourav Singh Rawat, who himself doesn't know where he belongs. I love learning and love to learn everything. I learned things from Mathematics, Programming, Medical Science, and I myself don't know what more. So currently learning web development and specifically making this

gidonleh profile image
Gidon Lehmann

Hey everyone :)
I've been seeing many posts lately from in my google feed (obviously, since I started searching the web for this subject) and liked most of the posts, so decided to join. I've been learning HTML+CSS for about 2 years on and off, now taking it seriously hopefully to find a job soon.

In this community I'm looking to develop my knowledge and learn extra and interesting information, as well as having fun and helping others

kasratabrizi profile image
Kasra Tabrizi

Hey Everyone,
I'm Kasra and I'm a beginner Senior Front End Developer. Even though I'm still a beginner, I would like to have a general knowledge of the whole Full Stack Spectrum, while being an expert in Front End. For the moment, I would like to improve my skills in javascript and learn/work with the popular frameworks.

tapansooryen profile image

Hello, myself Tapan working as Full Stack Software Engineer with an experience for than 5 years, mainly expertise in front end technologies like react.js, angular.js, and javascript

Looking forward to being involved on!

andyjterry profile image
Andy Terry

Hi My name is Andy, i am currently studying Software Engineering BSc and in my final year.

Been a struggle, especially working full time and having 5 children.. but getting there.

Recently started working as a Junior Full Stack Software developer.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Congrats on the job and welcome to DEV! 👋

Spiderman waving

benjyup profile image

Hi! I'm Benjamin, I'm 24 and JS fullstack dev (Node.JS / React.JS <3), just finished my studies at EPITECH in Paris. I did also 1 year of computer science degree in San Marcos, California.
I'm glad to join you all!

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Bienvenue à DEV! Welcome to DEV!

Spiderman swinging by to say hello

kobinaotc profile image
Kobina Otchere

So I have been getting a lot of help from this community and I felt like it would be a good opportunity to take part in this. I'm a full-stack react developer currently working on an app, and I feel this would be the best place for great developer content.

yanikkumar profile image
Yanik Kumar • Edited

Hey! My name is Yanik Kumar. I am 22 Years old Web Developer. Working with different technologies like python-Django, php-CodeIgniter and Laravel, NodeJS and ReactJS and also learning React-Native for Native apps and have some of knowledge with Java and Android too started from HTML/CSS/JS and C,C++ I'm here now making own projects and pushing them to my git repo. I recently found DEV and it is just very much attention seeking to me and I love the way it is designed and it's UI is so cool. Plus the community is so cool that I will learn many things from here with other developers who are much experts in the field of development. I love new technologies and stuffs and work for new projects in new languages to learn. Will become Full Stack Developer.

officialnqt profile image
Nurudeen Qoyyum Timi

Hi, My name is Abdul-Qoyyum, I am 23. I'm full stack web developer with html, css, JavaScript,php,MySQL,SQL as my main skills. I love technology and I like learning new things everyday. I'm currently looking forward to expand my knowledge about software development.

officialnqt profile image
Nurudeen Qoyyum Timi

Hi,I'm a full stack web developer. I currently specialize in php, MySQL, SQL, html, css and JavaScript. I love technology and I'm currently looking forward to expand my knowledge about software development.

tameem92 profile image
Tameem Iftikhar • Edited

Hi everyone, I'm Tameem. I am a full-stack developer with tons of background in DevOps and Infrastructure. Currently, I am on a mission to build my own startup and excited to be a part of this community.

bhupesh profile image
Bhupesh Varshney 👾

Hi 👋 Tameem, looking forward for your posts & experiences

rautaalin profile image
Alin Rauta

Hi everyone! Nice to meet you all. I'm a self-taught web developer who quit his job to go freelance and has a passion for Artificial Intelligence. Right now I'm working on an ebook on the basics of AI.

angelsixuk profile image
Luke Malpass

Software dev been coding since I was 10. Own 4 businesses 2 software, one retail and one retrp gaming. Give me knowledge away freely on YouTube and GitHub. Come here to help with any questions I have knowledge of.

christie profile image
Christiana Olawumi

Hello everyone,my name is Christiana from Nigeria.I desire to be a full stack developer someday, probably soon. I love to network and I hope to learn as much as I can from this community.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Christiana, I'm Katie, one of the basic moderators.
It's great to see more woman who code here on DEV.

I want to welcome you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.

christie profile image
Christiana Olawumi

Thank you Katie

trevor2542 profile image
Jack Sparrow • Edited

Hello dev community, I am Trevor Richard Omondi, I am a rookie web developer. I say this because I have basic knowledge in web development so I'm in the early stages of web development. I am passionate about aviation and it is my long life dream to be a pilot one day. My hobbies are Art, swimming, cycling, exercise and adventure seeking I joined dev community so as to connect with other developers like myself as well as experienced devs and to learn more about code as well to enhance my skills. I joined a coding bootcamp 5 months ago and attained basic knowledge in front end which consists of HTML,CSS,bootstrap,JavaScript as well as its framework react. On the back end side I learned on nodejs, express and MongoDB. I also have been putting effort towards teaching myself through tutorials and practicing concepts. Sometimes I feel like I don't know anything I'm sure there are some who can relate to that but then I realise that its just part of the process of being a developer and that's why I never gave in towards giving up

danielboehm19 profile image
Daniel Boehm

Hey together. My name is Daniel I am 40 - and a Android novice. I worked as testmanager for a automotive company and I also love doing programming e.g. Java but I am still a newbie...hope that this community can help me to get a java-gekko :-)

dariopiopio profile image
dario rodriguez • Edited

I am Dario R. I have a bachelor degree in Science Engineering and major in Geodesy. Now, I am teaching Science-Biology and sponsor of the Quantum Robotic Club.Beside the classroom I spend my time playing with Fusion 360, Onshape, Blender and others apps. Of course, 3D printing my designs. Now, I want to improve my programming skills learning Python.

samibi profile image
samibi • Edited

Hi, My name is Sami. I'm curious person. I just started to learn Python. Wrote few programs that use selenium to automation some procedures that I do. I'm curious to learn what's new in the programming field. I am a Main Frame programmer writing COBBOL, REXX, C, Assembler 370 for few years. I want to expand my knowledge into new areas

iampacesetter profile image
Hammed Adewale

Hi! I'm Adewale 25, I'm a just learning how to code. I'm a newbie, am learning web development.

I hope to learn more in this wonderful community. Please how do I subscribe for daily tips? I'm new here. I'm just navigating this website pages to know more about it..

I'm Happy to be here
Hope am welcomed

dineshvelhal profile image
Dinesh Velhal

I am Dinesh.
I am mostly into Test Automation and I love to explore and learn new technologies. I do a lot of work in Java. I have briefly worked on Python and Machine Learning.
My current interests are JavaScript, Docker and DevOps.

blazeken_ profile image
Toluwalope Oluyipe

Hey. I'm Tolu and a NodeJS novice. Currently studying Electrical & Electronics at the University of Lagos and learning to become a full stack developer. I came across a post about websockets that brought me here. I am looking to learn all I can to progress my journey. I'm so much interested in tech and value any advice or knowledge from experts or novices alike.

krishnaanaril profile image
Krishna Mohan

Krishna Mohan here. I'm a full stack developer and works mainly in Angular and dotnet core. A blog post by Nicholas Jamieson brought me here. Currently I'm learning webassembly and graphql.
Apart from programming I'm a big football enthusiast and Liverpool FC fan.

davidgeisertio profile image
David Geisert

Hi I'm David. I've been a full-stack developer for 4 years. Lately, I've been using C# and Angular. I've found Dev to be very helpful. I joined just now because I was reading a swagger tutorial (thanks @lucas0707 ) and I clicked a link to make to font sans-serif and it led me to make an account. This community looks pretty cool and has helped me in the past so I went ahead and joined :D.

Lately, I've been focusing my learning on things that relate to my career, which is mostly full-stack, dev-ops, and cloud-computing but I'm also interested in learning other coding skills such as AI, Robotics, and game-dev.

baharajr profile image

“Hello World!”

My name is Bennett a JavaScript developer who has been on Dev for about a year now just being selfish and only reading through several articles per day. I think it’s high time I started sharing what I have accrued.

thongiboi profile image
Hai Thong Nguyen

Hello fellow developers! My name is Hai and am currently studying (1st yr.) computer science in Melbourne. I fell in love with the field fairly recently after learning how to write code 6-7 months ago. I and am currently learning about cryptocurrency in my free time (UTXO models and transactions) and ocassionally do smaller java and python projects.
If any of you have any project propositions- hit me up! :)

saralatif99 profile image
Sara Latif

Hello World!
Sara Here, I'm 21, I have a quite a lot programming exposure, but nowadays I'm working on Python and looking forward to Machine Learning and Data Science. Today I was exploring Open Source World, somewhere I found DEV, and I decided to join it. I hope to have a wonderful experience with you all!

phm200 profile image
Peter Miller

I'm Peter, I worked for 10 years in the contact center space, writing software and consulting for customer care projects. I'm now branching out to work on a start-up idea. My experience was a lot of C#, JavaScript and Node recently. Fair amount of AWS. Looking to get a lot better using AWS, Lambda and DynamoDB amongst other tech. My prior job discouraged independent blogging, so I'm excited to get back into the game and share with the community!

drevispas profile image

Hi I am Brad. I am in my middle of 40's. I started from a dba/da and moved to a server developer. Now company is pushing me into a role building CI. I am worrying about new role in this age and moreover concern my career identity. I am curious how often people change their roles.

dvolaric profile image

Hi, Dario (42) here from Netherlands. Studied a now dead language (back in 1996) at school, Macromedia Director Lingo. When that died I moved to Flash ActionScript. When that died I moved to Javascript, HTML, CSS, MySQL and PHP (I hope none of those die too lol). Used to program everything in vanilla Javascript, then started using jQuery and moved to Vue JS a while ago. I love the Vuetify library and Vue JS. I got here by finding the article '15-must-know Javascript array methods in 2020'. Very handy!

ebresie profile image
Eric Bresie

Hello all, my name is Eric Bresie . I’m mainly a Java developer but throughout my experience have done web development of different flavors, worked other languages (Html, css, C, C#, PHP, etc.) including from days of old (ADA), interested in learning new languages (Python, Android, Kotlin, Go, Dart, Rust, Swift, etc.) and Frameworks (Angular, node.js, Spring, etc.).

I’m presently monitoring and participating in a few open source projects like Apache Netbeans, OpenJFX, openjdk, etc.

mikaelsu profile image
Mikael Sukoinen

Hi all!

I'm Mikael, a game design alumni and linguist with a passion for writing text, code and music.

My current position is at Vaadin Ltd as a trainee. I joined DEV to contribute and get inspired on my journey to become a professional content marketer :)

You can find my first post pinned on my profile. I'll write more, but for now I'll catch-up by reading some of yours!


okemonday9 profile image
Oke Monday

Hey! I am Monday. I am 25, anticipated full stack web developer. I join this community after reading the post "who's speaking on your behalf?". I am ready and willing to learn from my level mates and experts here.

kctripathy profile image
Kishor Tripathy

Hi I am Kishor. I am 45 and stays in Bangalore, India. Started my programming journey from FoxBase then FoxPro then VB6 then .NET and now learning React.

Landed in Dev and found it really very interesting

Hope to share and gain IT knowledge with all

iampatosky profile image
Patrick Inyangetoh

Hey, My name is Patrick Inyangetoh.

Skilled technical/managerial expert at increasing work process efficiency through technical analysis, with the ability to attract, retain, motivate and develop team members for high performance. I always bring my passion to make a sustainable difference to any work environment or team in any assignments or task is given.

I am not a developer but I love anything that has to do with technology, I want to improve myself in managerial aspect, thanks.

akazlou profile image
Aliaksandr Kazlou

Hi, I'm Alex. I would call myself the full-stack backend developer (everything from db to deployment, and the code/implementation in between). Polyglot developer mainly JVM (Java, Kotlin, Groovy, Clojure), but also like and work with non-JVM (Go and Python) languages.
Commit to commit every day to my open source projects on GitHub. And do this mostly for already 2 years. Wow :) Might share this experience with the community.
Recently have started to study Machine Learning. So far so good.

nisola profile image
Dele-Adelusi Oluwanisola

hey i'm oluwanisola, i'm interested in tech so far i'm solving an immediate problem, i easily get overwhelmed with lots of details. I'm looking to learn web development mostly because i want to build powerful and scalable blog sites and i'm jst looking for a scheme and pattern of learning that works and is consistent over time.

e5pe profile image
Esperanza Cutillas Rastoll

Hi! My name is Esperanza. I was working as a Full Stack Developer in Angular + Java, but Python, and then big data and data science crossed my path and I am trying it to see if it is my passion.
I would love and value any advice from any of you.

Happy coding for all!

fahadkhan82 profile image
Fahad Waheed Khan

Overall 12 years IT management experience. Ability to manage multiple large-scale projects, large teams of direct reports or cross functional teams with maturity and professionalism.

Successfully completed numerous IT projects including web portal implementations, modernization and migration projects; the development and implementation of n-tiered enterprise wide application development projects; ecommerce sites, datacenter infrastructure projects and datacenter migrations.

Other implementations have included ERP, CRM, SaaS applications, web hosting applications, network migrations, large scale commercial data warehouses and online advertising systems. Proven track record of hands-on management and getting into the weeds to understand complex projects from the bottom up.

Prefers Agile life cycle but understands every project has its own unique needs and objectives.

orhun profile image
orhun • Edited

Hey people. My name is Orhun and I'm nothing more than a open source enthusiast. I like to create tools for GNU/Linux, play old/nostalgic games and rant about the school.
It's good to be here.

vilagedeveloper profile image

Hey, My name is Abimbola. I am 22 and learning to become a fullstack JavaScript developer. I have read articles on for a while and i decided to start sharing my knowledge about various technologies too. I hope i meet awesome people here, learn from you all and grow. Nice to be here

iamsrujal profile image
Srujal Patel

Hey all, I'm Srujal Patel from india. Just few months back I have completed my master degree in computer application. Right now I am full time full stack developer in india and plus point in ♥️ with JavaScript. Having so much passion for nodeJs. Always ready to learn new things and take challenging task.

shinteimai profile image
Steven Hansel

Hi! I'm Steven aka ShinteiMai, currently I'm a freshman studying Computer Engineering at Binus University. I'm interested most in Machine Learning and Computer Vision. But, i also have passion in Web Development and Robotics, PM me for friends :)

cjsmocjsmo profile image
Charlie J Smotherman

Hello fellow developers. My name is Charlie, it feels good to be able to get back involved with the open source community again. Due to events that where beyond my control I have been unable to contribute like I use to. Life has been a little better to me and I am finding I have some extra time to contribute again. A few years back I was involved with the Debian and Ubuntu projects and I found that to be very rewarding work, that was it, it was starting to feel to much like work instead of it being fun. But anyway I'm a self taught golang, mongodb, python, jquery, html css programmer who is teaching himself react. I have an old project that I use a lot that I really need to update and move it off of (I almost hate to say this) jquery-mobile. It's served me well but there are better solutions out there. I love hacking on the Raspberry PI, and a lot of what I do is usually geared towards that platform (a 4 node kube cluster to run an opencv project is in the planning stages). OOOOH wow it's 2:00am guess I better get off this thing. Oh yea I'm 59yrs old just recently moved to Seattle and I'm looking for work. More to come.

Happy Hacking

dheeraj1997 profile image
Dheeraj Kumar Varshney

Greetings fellow devs! I am Dheeraj Varshney, a final year student of IPG(B.Tech+M.Tech) at IIIT Gwalior majoring in IT. I am passionate about development and love to work with Javascript. I have worked on various frameworks such as React, Express, Angular. I am currently learning about React more. Apart from this, I like to play table tennis and 8-ball pool. I am a tech-geek and enjoy reading articles by other developers.

sharadcodes profile image
Sharad Raj (He/Him)

Hey Dheeraj Can you help me with cashfree, Just a suggestion

debbie_adef profile image

Hey, there! My name is Deborah.
I'm more of an outsider-looking-in. I currently work as an architect, designer and content writer.

How did I get here?
Read an article, tried to like and reply a comment and saw that you had to sign up. Paused for a moment, but did it anyway!

You see, I've kind of had a Tech/Software phobia since I was little. Getting over it now, but for years it made me really slow in learning new things and doubtful of my abilities.
This made me just shy away from anything that had the words UX/UI, coding, JavaScript... etc.
So I'm excited to learn...

I love animals, art and talking to people. I love to cook and bake. I also like to read, listen to music, watch movies and explore new genres- although I seldom have the time.

At the moment, I'm right in the middle of some career changes/alterations which I'm really excited about. I'm exploring different and varied parts of the design world - both related and not related to buildings and building interiors. Also started a writing/research internship last month to help me improve in that regard.

Pleased to meet you all!❤

ilber profile image
Ilber Ibrahimi

Hey, My name is Ilber and I'm 36.I'm an Android Developer with a .NET background. Currently interested more into Software Architecture in general and exploring new languages like python/go/rust. I joint the community because I saw a lot of interesting topics published here and a lot of tips/tricks to learn that would simplify my life.

ebenco36 profile image

Hi there! My name is Ebenezer. I am a developer. I joined this community after go through an article "Who is Speaking On Your Behalf?" By Prosper Otemuyiwa. In as much as I joined this community to improve my knowledge and skills, I also need to improve my social connectivity as regarding connecting with people who in one way or the other could be help build my career. However, helping others to get the right connections also. Nice being part of this community. Thanks

kushalkapoor6 profile image
kushal kapoor

Hi , Kushal here from Chitkara University, Chandigarh currently in the 2nd year of my B.E. CSE. I am keenly ineterested in AI, WebDev and Android. I am looking forward to create some mini-projects. Would love to work with anyone who's interested.

shailesh2parmar profile image
shailesh parmar

Hey. My name is Shailesh. I am 26 and Currently studying to become a full stack developer. I've been reading Dev for a while and thought it was about time I joined. I am looking to learn all I can to progress my journey. My new path. I love everything tech and value any advice or knowledge from experts or Developer.

desmondekeh profile image
Desmond Ekeh

My name is Desmond. I am a media and communication scholar and PR practitioner. It's great to locate this community. I am a total techy novice. My need is to learn as much as I can this year - programming, python, Javascript, data science etc. I'm ready to study. I need community support.

lyammichael profile image
Michael Lyam

Hi, Michael here from Switzerland. I am an AI enthusiast, developer and a prolific writer on AI, Data Science. Looking foreword to interact with you. Would like to learn from this community and love to share my write ups.

Thanks in advance!

joselitan profile image
Jose Martin

Hello my José Luis and I leave in Sweden. I went from system ownership to QA testing and I don’t regret it a bit. I like my new job but I feel I should add more value to the table. I learn a lot from reading comments and advice on

josmithua profile image
Joshua Smith

Hey there, I'm Joshua. I'm the lead software developer for a hardware company making energy storage devices. Also trying to be a project manager, which is hard. Wish I could just code all the time!

I love to learn and help people out. I probably won't be writing articles, but you'll most likely see me in the comments :)

mohammedmagdyismael profile image
Mohammed Magdy Ismael

Hello all, i'm mohammed magdy but all my friends call me magdy.
i'm 28, a Frontend engineer in a pioneering company for Medical Insurance and Health care services. i started my path 2 years ago and really in JS and ReactJs.
i know about Dev as it's my second destination for some solutions after StackOverflow. so i'm sure that i'm in the right place to share and acquire more experiences.

invincible1388 profile image
Vilash Varghese

Hello! My name is Vilash Varghese and a experienced Javascript developer. Dev's feed used to show on my regular data feeds and I started liking it. So now I am here to actively follow it and bookmark the important links for a later time which I was losing it when I didn't have an account.

albertolopsie profile image
Alberto Lopez

Hi, I'm Alberto. I'm 56 and has been programing all sorts of stuff since I'm 15. (my first "stuff" was a 50-bytes HP programmable calculator) YES, you read rigth.. 50 PROGRAM MEMORY BYTES OF CAPACITY.

Now running an IT small-biz designing Linux, Windows and Mobile apps based on .NET, Vue, React Native and Python for Access Control and Time & Attendance in Argentina.

3a5abi profile image
3a5abi 🥷

Hi, my name is Jude and happy to have found and joined this community! I'm a .NET Focused Full Stack developer who takes on a lot of .NET/Azure projects. Love working with other stacks as well. Always looking to learn/collaborate more through taking on fun innovative projects. I also love Star Wars =)

Social Handles:
Twitter: @judescripts

tsuriu profile image
Tulio Amancio • Edited

Hi, I'm here for curiosity, knew the community right now. I'm 29 years old, working with telecom since 2013, python programmer with automation and monitoring focus. Novice to industrial and home automation, eletronic lover.

ceg9498 profile image
Emily Gagne

Hi, I'm Emily 😊

After reading posts here for a couple weeks, I figured it was time to sign up. Unfortunately I tend to be very shy, so it wasn't easy to make this leap.

I got a degree in CS back in 2012, but the knowledge I had gained from school was definitely lacking. Last year I decided I wanted to try development again, and decided to focus on web development - which is how I originally got into dev way back in 2003(ish).

My main focus in front-end, with my stack typically being JavaScript, React or Angular, CSS/SASS, and pure HTML when needed. My CS degree background was in C languages, so I enjoy TypeScript a lot, even though it can get confusing at times (specifically in React's errors and input types).

I'm also trying to get into back-end development more, at least within NodeJS. This has been a bit more of a challenge for me to wrap my head around, but I think I'm starting to get it!

Recently I've been wanting to work with others on a project, but I can't seem to find an open source project at my level. I'm open to suggestions if you have any.

It's nice to meet everyone! 👋

kohichi_hirai profile image
Kohichi Hirai

Currently, frozen accounts are increasing in Japan. As far as you can see, there is no tweet that violates, and I think it is a normal expression. However, to a certain extent, there has been political remarks that have been reported to dissidents and frozen. First, I want to know the procedure of account freeze. please tell me.

paulm profile image

Hey dev community! My name is Paul and I'm 29. I've always been big into tech and computers but couldn't ever find a coding curriculum that stuck. I finally found Treehouse and finished their Front End Techdegree in December and I love it! I'm interested in user interfaces, detailed animations and simplifying the web. I'm currently trying to get a job with our dev team who works in the adjacent building. Best of luck!

masteramuk profile image

I am Haszeli Ahmad. My nickname will be Antenno Lie (but my twitter nick is masteramuk). I am now full freelance developer with 20 years of experience in software engineering from various industries. Looking forward to share many things. You can check my blogs @

kingmathew_07 profile image
Ubong Mathew

Hey guys. I hope I don’t have to sound like a stranger here in the midst of coders. Lol
My name is David Mathew.
I’m a 3months old trainee in UI-UX Design 👨‍🎨
I look forward to meet with other designers here
And the experience here sounds so perfect
Still, I would love to learn some badass Machine Language as time goes on because learning is constant
Cheers 🥂

lrose07 profile image
Lauren Rose

Hi, I'm Lauren. I'm one semester away from graduating with a BS in Computer Science, and currently in the job search process, hoping to be a full-time software engineer. I do my best personal work in Java, but have workplace experience in Python Django and Rails. I'm passionate about command line git, programming language theory, and fun (and useful) tips/tricks. I'm interested in a variety of topics that I have yet to do deep dives of, including Android dev, microservices, cloud infrastructure, and machine learning. I'm hoping to explore these topics during this next semester as I prepare to finish school.

austindeccentric profile image
Austin • Edited

Hola! I'm Austin, I think is about time I came out of the shadows and joined this awesome community. I'm a beginner in python and leaning towards data analysis and machine learning engineering. Hope to learn more from everyone here! I would love to help with any projects leveraging these technologies.

josephalebiosu profile image
Joseph Alebiosu

Hello community, I am Joseph and a starter in terms of coding. I just want to learn, unlearn and relearn. Hoping the community will help me accomplish this. I have interest in Data science, Data analysis, Big data and all that concerns Data. Learning a programming language would be a great help in the learning process.


lucafmarques profile image
Luca F. Marques

Hi! I'm Luca Marques, a Brazilian developer on the hunt for more knowledge and better experiences. Currently working with Golang + React (TS) building tools to help coworkers be better and faster (but not stronger :c) at what they do. Came here to #LearnInPublic, cheers!

proschu2 profile image
Sanzio Monti

Hello, Sanzio here. I have a past as a data scientist but I recently changed my career toward software development. I decided to subscribe after a look at several posts that I found truly useful. I am still a beginner in terms of app and web development but I am so eager to learn!

oreoluwade profile image
Oreoluwa Aboluwarin

Hi. I am Oreoluwa. Started my development journey in 2017. I got on here after reading an article published on I love the high that comes with working with new technologies, I love solving problems, and I love to study the approach of others to solving problems.

manjumjn profile image
Manjunath G

Hey Everyone, I'm Manjunath,Called as "MJN" online 🤪. I'm basically an all-rounder who keeps experimenting with languages or code i feel interesting to know more about it. I'm here to share my experiences and also learn many new things along. 😁

safaiyeh profile image
Jason Safaiyeh

Hello! I am Jason Safaiyeh. I currently work at Sumo Logic as a Frontend Engineer. I'm building out their mobile app in React Native from scratch.

I been creating mobile apps since I was 16 years old from native Android and iOS to React Native.

Currently interested in React Native, Svelte, and Go.

joejazdzewski profile image
Joseph Jazdzewski

Hey All, I'm Joe Jazdzewski and I love consumer facing applications (Web Development and Application Development). I am current looking into Jetpack Compose for Android Development but love learning about new front-end frameworks

aduke_tee profile image

Hi I am Rayo. I am new to programming and I'm still having trouble figuring what to learn. I love game and virtual reality as well as developing apps and web so I am thinking C#. Am I making a good decision please?

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Rayo. I’m doing C# right now along with SQL for a back-end application. I’m really enjoying it and there’s so much info online to help. Get the latest preview of Visual Studio 2019 community edition from Microsoft (it’s free). You can write a .NET Core forms app and use the new designer to build nice looking forms.
Just ask if you need any help.

lielvdh profile image
Liel van der Hoeven

Hello fellas 👋️ I'm Liel, a 25 year young developer. I've boarded the programming train at a young age and finished my B.S. in CS a few years ago. I picked up web programming a couple years back and decided to make it my area of expertise. Excited to finally be apart of the DEV.TO community, as I've read numerous posts which helped me throughout my journey. Cheers and hope to hear about y'alls programming adventures soon!

iamarinzevictor profile image
The Tech Guy

My name is Arinze.
Been a php programmer for about 3 years. Decided to stop and delve into javascript. Started learning node.js and react.js.
Feels like I am blind folded walking a road filled with thorns.

But I am not stopping.

iamarinzevictor profile image
The Tech Guy

My name is Arinze. Been a php programmer for about three years. This year I decided to delve fully into javascript. Just started learning node and react.
Feels like I am blindfolded walking into a path filled with thorns.
But I don't think I'll stop.

arjun15x profile image

I am passionate about leveraging portable computational power to find solutions to real-life problems in defense and industrial automation to ultimately diminish development gaps. With having a raging interest in computer vision, microcontrollers and photography I aspire to keep improving at them and apply them for practical use with supporting electronic systems.

Spent more than 4 years chasing the bliss of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) studies and realized my belonging here. As a student, I keep on with my need to learn, apply and someday perfect the skill of advanced robotics and develop IoT based systems to promote and redefine the reach and efficiency of connected devices.

extracttable profile image

Hello All,

I'm Saradhi, representing, a data scientist and a full stack developer. Certainly, astonished with the community's activity, so we thought it would be great to have our presence here, to actively involve with the community to know and solve the problems in our domain.

julepaumard profile image
Ounissi Anis


I’m Anis from Education Ecosystem, a project-based online learning platform that teaches professionals and college students how to build real products from fields like blockchain and cryptocurrencies, I love everything tech and value any advice or knowledge from experts or novices alike.

darmolar profile image
Imorhoa darlington

Hi. Am Darlington. I am a web developer majorly backend, i love to develop solution to problems

pro9ram profile image
Andy Pickering

Hi all! I'm Andy - C# 'n stuff full stack developer currently working for a non-profit in the UK. Been programming since the early 80s, commercially since the late 90s. And somehow I've never bumped into this site until today!

I'm a big fan of semicolons(!) but I'm willing to let people change my mind!

Searching for Haxe stuff brought me here - just about to start my journey there.

sabotaylord profile image
Sabo Taylor Diab

Hi everyone!
My name is Sabo and I joined to learn and discuss the challenges in developing and deploying a cloud-native application. Happy to take part in #cloudfirst #cloudnative #edgecloud discussions.

virtualairwaves profile image
Robert Swirsky

Hello! I'm Robert Swirsky from Virtual Airwaves. We're building an service based on WebRTC that turns your browser or mobile device into a walkie-talkie. You can push-to-talk to people near you. It feels just like radio, but works over the IP network. Large groups of people can talk to each other.

You can try it now, there's no download or registration for the Web app at

We also have an iOS application:

And you can

Our servers are built in Python, Erlang, and CUDA/C++, and our applications are written in Elm and Swift.

We'd love to talk to other WebRTC developers, other people doing network programming in Erlang, and others doing audio signal processing on GPUs.

acobrerosf profile image
Abel Cobreros

Hi there. My name is Abel, I am 30 years old and live in sunny Spain. I work as a back-end developer and also studying a Computer Science degree in my spare time. I know this site for a while but now I have decided to join the community and try to be more active. Ready to learn more and more from you guys!

zmajcek79 profile image
Ljubomir Kostin

Hi! My name is Ljuba. I'm 40 and I work as a school teacher. I've been studying web development, on and of, for a year now. I just love learning new things. Currently studying Javascript and I'm hoping to become full stack developer.

raj6583 profile image
Rajasekar J

Hi, I am Raj, working as a Software engineer for a decade. I am looking to learn all new technologies and improve my coding skills... My search ends here. Hopefully, I will improve my skills through this community. Thanks to all.

felipep31a profile image

Hello, my name is Felipe Cantalice. I'm from Brazil. I've been working as a Web developer. What brought me here was to be able to meet new people, technologies and grow in the job market through experiences already witnessed by others, and to share my own experiences.

isabellewagenvoord profile image
Isabelle Wagenvoord

Hellooo! My name is Isabelle, and I'm a junior in high school. I joined to learn from this community and to share my learning publicly. I'm mainly interested in web development and AWS, but I'm totally open to exploring other technologies. Coding, and learning to code are my favorite pastimes. It's exciting to meet you all!

harishagrawal profile image
Harish Agrawal • Edited

Hi, I am Harish. A polyglot having worked primarily with C, C++, Perl, Python, SQL and most recently learning Go and doing everything around Docker and Kubernetes ..
I am glad to be part of this community and look forward to learning and sharing.

Excited to share that my company is building a desktop app for easing the journey to adopt cloud and build cloud-native applications.


lorman profile image
Eugene Lorman

Eugene. Have been developing for 20 years in mostly for the web with PHP, JS, and now Ruby/Rails. Just looking expand and maybe put some of my learnings onto a page for others to hopefully benefit from.

_mohanmurali profile image
Mohan Murali

Hi, my name is Mohan. I live in India. Working as a software developer. I use .Net web services for most of my job. Recently started learning React and was introduced to the huge javascript community through react. I am trying to be a better developer. I usually see patterns that help me in becoming better in programming also helps me in becoming better person. I love to learn new things and latest technologies. I would love to meet more people with same tech love as me.

jay__j__ profile image

Hello! My name is Jackson, I'm 23 and a beginner in programming. I would like to learn C# as well as Python. I've been reading Dev for couple of weeks and I found some interesting discussions that could be helpful to me as a beginner. So I thought it's wealthy joining and begin to learn more and proceed with my journey. I'm glad to be here and I wish to get to know more. Thank you.

clairec profile image
Claire Collins

Best of luck to you on your journey Jackson :)

seanjohnston2020 profile image

Hello, all. Happy to be a part of the online community here!

xanderyzwich profile image
Corey McCarty

Welcome to

zenity profile image
Daniel Borgmann

Hi! I'm Daniel, 37, and... Uhm... I like cats.

I've learned programming with BASIC on a Commodore 64, got involved with Open Source, then went through various career stages until realising a childhood dream by becoming a game developer (freelance & indie).

It was an exciting eight years, but for the sake of my sanity, I have recently decided to switch (back) to web development. Then I discovered Flutter and fell in love with it, so I guess I'm also planning to be a mobile app developer now. The lines were already blurring with PWAs, and in many ways, Flutter feels to me like the logical evolution of the PWA vision.

I'm also an avid Go player, so my portfolio project is a modern app to learn and play Go (online). Currently, I am updating old profiles and getting ready to apply for web/mobile related work. During the mad times of making games, I haven't had much of a mind for any of this, but now I am looking forward to being a bit more communicative again. I've come across quite a few posts since, and while I originally thought it looked a bit dated, there is just something comfy about its appearance that made me want to give it a try (in all honesty it was probably the unicorn that sold me).

One thing I realised as I was preparing job applications is that I had totally forgotten much of what I've done over the years... if it wasn't for an old WordPress blog that I literally hadn't updated in over ten years. This made me realise that there is immense value to journaling even if barely anyone reads it, so that's what I intend to do. Primarily I expect that I will write about my experiences with Flutter and progress on the Go app.

So here I am, no idea what to expect, but cautiously optimistic about the next decade and upcoming adventures :)

liampc profile image

Hello, my name is Lia. I’m 23 yrs old and a newbie in webdev. I’m currently teaching myself thru the odin project and hoping that this career change is finally it. I love reading books, playing ukulele, and watching Formula 1. Can’t wait to learn a lot from you guys!

vivekab profile image

Hi. I am Vivek . I am 23 a go beginner currently writing apis in go and willing to learn frontend development. I have been reading Dev for a while and looks like its a good place to learn and code. I would love advice from the community and knowledge from anyone.

ndungajr profile image

My name is Allen Mwandunga from Tanzania.I'm a Software Developer.This year is my 3rd year of my carreer in Full Stack Web Development.I would like to interact with various people here so that we can take our Web Development Community to the next level as Technology contiues to grow as days goes.Thanks guys.Love you all.

olawanle_joel profile image
Joel Olawanle

I am Olawanle Joel, a 3rd year student of Ondo State university of science and Technology, Ondo State, Nigeria. I am passionate in learning new php frameworks like laravel and also boost my programming skills.

kushkatoshk profile image

Hello guys! I'm Ankush Lakkanna. I am a Data Scientist, currently working at Cron Labs. I'm into Analytics and Machine Learning. Currently learning about Luigi and have built a scheduled batch processing pipeline, and I would love to share my findings. I follow musicians like FKJ and Tom Misch, watch a lot of TV shows and anime, but importantly post memes and game. Also a gourmet, I visit a new place every week to try their food. I would love to know about you guys too. Happy to be here! Cheers!

mandelak profile image

Hi folks. I'm Keith, and I'm a lead developer at a startup yet I have only 1 year's experience doing professional coding. Needless to say, imposter syndrome is killing me. I have been enjoying a lot of the content posted here and thought it's high time I joined, and maybe challenged myself to give back in whatever way I can.

ivanovbg profile image
Krasimir Petrov

Hey, I'am Krasimir from Sofia, Bulgaria.
I have been professional programming for 3 years and as a hobby for 10 years - PHP, Symfony, Phalcon :).
For a few months, in my free time, I've been learning Android(Kotlin).
Master's degree in Computer systems and technology :).

khellafrania profile image
Rania Khellaf

I am Bachelor of science, BS- physics
I've been always cusious about computer science and everything related to it, and since I need it in my field and my career I decided to start learning this fabulous science.
I'm so gratful for being a part of you!

koushikrsk profile image

Hi. My name is Koushik. I am working in the web platform for past 5 years. I have been reading dev quite a lot in recent days, so thought of joining it. I am planning to write tech blogs to learn and share the knowledge.

jebadar profile image
Badar Ahmed

Hi, My name is Badar. I am 25 and a JavaScript Enthusiast. Currently working as a Full Stack developer at Spot n LLC. I didn't know about Dev community and now joining this amazing people to collaborate on the boat we are all sailing in :)

ghxst023 profile image
Jorge Andres

Hi my name is Jorge , im 27 and a front-end jr developer.
Actually im working with different technologies, and im lookin' to improve my skills and learn a lot from other people!
I hope to acquire a lot of new things and share my skills with others.

iamrake5h profile image
Rakesh Raveendra

Do not read this untill you're something interesting.
I don't usually intro myself but I'm here to put a big step even the foot size is small.
$Im a Full stack developer (beginner tbh) growing myself and running with a vision towards changing the world with Entrepreneurship +_+

All the best everyone for your dreams, goals and career.


clifford_ouma profile image
Clifford Ouma • Edited

Hi,I'm Clifford. I'm studying front end web. I've been reading articles from Dev and they've really helped me on this journey. I'm also interested in IoT and arduino and would appreciate of I would get some advice on things to do with IoT. I like connecting with new people,sharing what I know and learning more from experts.

amieg22 profile image
Amie Gibson

Hello everyone! My name is Amie and I’m from NE Oklahoma. I look forward to getting to know everyone and learning along the way. I am currently working in Python on my own time so any paths, resources, or advice would be most appreciated.

ablanca4 profile image
Aaron J Blancaflor

Hey all, I'm Aaron. Currently working as a Dev in a company that uses vanilla JS for most things. Looking forward to learning about all the things in the now (react, angular, etc.). When I'm not droning at my desk, i enjoy going outside, and hiking, or climbing, or boarding!

hedaro profile image
Héctor Daniel Rodríguez Gutiérrez

Hi, im Daniel. I´ve been a programmer more than 6 years, and although i've made some test with different tools and engines, only recently i decided to purse seriously my dream of becoming a game developer. I just started learning Unreal Engine, and i´ve already learned a lot not only about game dev but stuff like version control and server administration, just to start working in a project with a friend. I hope to share some of my stories and experiences in here.

misterpaul4 profile image

Hi, My name is Paul and I'm 25. i am a graduate of civil engineering. I am really passionate about learning programming and intend to make it my lifelong career. I've been on and off for months mainly because I've been dealing with a lot of personal issues but all that is behind me now and it's game on. My hobbies mainly revolve around regular guy stuff, videos games, reading random articles on the internet, following the news obsessively and all things tech related.

codeloopy profile image

Hello y'all! I'm Pedro a Sr. Multimedia Designer currently enrolled in App Academy's online software engineering program with the goal to be proficient enough to soon be employable as a jr dev. This stuff is so addictive, what started as a cool curiosity to extend my after effects scripting skills became an obsession.

Glad I found this place, any advice, resource(s)? Tnx in advance.

flawedhomosapien profile image

Hello, my name is Endiong I'm 21 I'm a kind of a self taught web designer, so I'm a rough on the edges, I just need guidance and advice...............
Let's not forget encouragement, I also need that too😁

mrdiegodev profile image
Diego Hernández Navarro

Hi, My name is Diego. I am 23 years old mexican coding newbie. I want to become a Full-Stack Developer. Currently I'm studying - practicing in CodeCademy and TreeHouse courses. I'm looking for a mentor who can advice me on the upcoming challenges.

torfluor profile image
Tor Øyvind

Hi! My name is Tor. I'm a 41 year old programmer from Norway. I got fascinated by programming when I followed the examples in the Commodore 64 manual when I was 10, and have never looked back. I've been a professional programmer for the last 15 years, and in my "spare" time I make educational iOS apps.

sahushivam profile image
Shivam Sahu • Edited

I am Shivam Sahu. I am a B.Tech CSE final year student. I do competitive programming on codeforces, Atcoder, and codechef on which I go by handle sahushivam. I joined this community because Every day I want to be a better version of myself and help others in becoming the same.

michalmaminski profile image
Michał Mamiński

Hi All. My name is Michał. I am fullstack mobile developer. I develop backend with a help of .net and c# and play with swift on iOS. Now I'm gaining skills from web aspect of programming, mainly using react with typescript. Great to discover this part of awsome dev space.

practicingdev profile image
Practicing Developer

Hi, I'm Gregory Brown.

I'm super-interested in learning, teaching, and helping other software developers improve their own learning and teaching.

I've joined finally because I've always been meaning to do so for years now, and... wow, there's so much cool stuff and interesting people here!

lampgram profile image
lampgram • Edited

Hello, my name is Rostislav. I am 19 and I am the owner of a software company, I have been programming in JavaScript, Python, C++ for 5 years already. Currently, I enjoy being on top of the industry. Visit to get several digital products for your personal use or your company - explore the stablecoins marketplace. Thanks.

mateenanjum profile image
Mateenanjum • Edited

7 years of hands-on experience in creating and implementing software applications, and the ability to troubleshoot and solve problems in a timely and accurate manner.

I have been involved in numerous large-scale software releases and understand the importance of time management and open communication. While it may be easy to focus on the technical side of work, I’ve found that being able to express concerns, roadblocks, and alternative solutions to colleagues of varying technical backgrounds has been invaluable in my professional development.
Over the course of my career as a software engineer I have:
• Developed applications that expedite the efficiency and effectiveness of organizational success.
• Become a confident communicator, strategic thinker, and innovative creator to develop software that is customized to meet a company’s organizational needs, highlight their core competencies, and further their success.

ianboddison profile image
Ian Boddison

Hi I'm Ian,
My development is pretty casual. My partner and I run a property business. Most of my development is to support our systems and team. Web based backed by Perl and MySQL. There's also some Android apps thrown into the mix.

zubayerhimel0 profile image
Zubayer Himel

Hello I am Zubayer Himel, a Software Engineering student. I came to know about DEV from twitter. After reading some blogs I thought to join the community. Currently I am learning React. I have interest in Machine Learning and IoT. Love new technology and value any tech related knowledge.

abhijitl profile image
Abhijit Leihaorambam • Edited

Hello, my name is Abhijit. I am 18 years old I started learning programming from age 14. I love programming, especially in python. I am interested in mobile app development, 3d graphics engine, and animation.

lucasjg profile image

Hi, I'm Lucas.
I work as a development lead for a startup company in Korea.
I'm curious about the technical content of the development, but I joined this community to talk in English.
I want you to be generous. Even if the sentence I wrote was strange

nunciobitis profile image

I'm Jim and a longtime software engineer. I've mostly worked on embedded devices (radios, wifi, medical devices, radar systems, RaspberryPis)
I've done everything on an embedded system from boot code, home-grown RTOS, applications, user interface, on single and multi-processor systems. ARM, PIC, it's all good,.

raphbibus profile image
Ralph Cibis

Hi everybody, my name is Ralph and I'm working as agile coach at Thomann in good old Franconia, Germany. I've been a PHP developer for years, with some detours along Java & Spring. I love Laravel, startups, and a chance to help people find great solutions on their own. I'm here to not leave my interest in programming behind while coaching teams processes or organizational development :-)

codenakama profile image

Hi, I'm Ricardo, a Software Developer from Portugal but living in London for the last 6 years. I have a passion for good UX and UI and love working with React.

Lately I've been trying to join together my two passions: software development and music.

Most of my music releases are in the "lo-fi' style beats - you can check it at or in any of the major platforms (spotify, youtube, soundcloud, etc).

michaelduregon profile image
Michael Duregon

Hey. My name is Michael. I am 52 and a StartUp novice. Currently learning ReactNative, Laravel and API’s along with a few other associated bits... I've learnt enough to be dangerous and looking to promote a couple of MVP apps to the app stores in the next few weeks, exciting times.

It’s been a few years since I left the IT world behind and ran a couple of businesses... was in the right place to work out a few offerings and have ideas to distribute...

The next 18 months should be very interesting... the test is how sharp I can make the learning curve!!!

nazg00l profile image

Hi my name is Malaz and I am a 36 .
Computer world is my life "also love cars", C++ is my love, game development is my passion, been a while with OpenGL.
Starting web development "for the fifth time" :) trying to find a decent job.

Now I started with React and laravel ,just like clicking on "I am feeling lucky" button on Google's page.
Love the community,and hope to get the most benefit out of it and be a productive part of it.

jstone17 profile image

Hey everyone - My coding journey began as the result of administering ServiceNow at my job. Realized after getting into it, and wanting to further my career in the ServiceNow sphere, that most employers are looking for people with JavaScript knowledge. So far I've learned basics of HTML/CSS, now onto JS. Happy coding!

mikecase profile image

What's up guys (and ladies) I'm not new to web development been doing it for years as a hobby. But now I want to really learn. I'm teaching myself python cause it seems to be the cool kid in town but it's not easy especially the web dev part. I get so flustered trying to learn so many technologies at the same time. Vue, python, wsgi, proxy servers, css... It's frustrating. I want to learn and be proficient I know it takes years of hard work but I have a hard time really narrowing down what to do. I'm not a ui/ux Dev I'm a back end dev but when your writing stuff by yourself you're kinda doing it all.. anyways I just want some guidance and I figured actually getting involved in the community would be a good place to start.

medi4tor profile image

Hi folks,
I am glad to take part of this community!
I read some articles and decided to join.

I am a PHP dev, and novice in a lot of things....

Let's keep sharing, answering and questioning !


phillipecw profile image
Phillipe Calmet Williams

Hello to all. My name is Phillipe Calmet Williams and I am a Front-End Developer / Graphic Designer / Web Designer / Web Developer / WordPress Developer.

I'm also a Vegetarian, Hero (in the eyes of my sons) and Faithful husband (even when my wife has doubts about it).

pupsette profile image

Hi. I'm Matt living in Germany. I've been a C/C# backend developer for a while now. I just started to put my own spare time open source project onto github and I'm here to learn about open source projects.

falcon721 profile image

Hi! Nice to meet you.
I work in china, I have great team, we are senior team, we are growing in our business
now we want to work on upwork site
but unfortunately upwork usually suspend chinese
it's our trouble
we need someone to create upwork account and run it for our team
we will pay for it
we can earn money lots a month
every month we will pay it, only what we need is upwork account
thanks for your reviewing my suggestion
I hope we can have good friendship each other.
Best regards

singwal_mohit profile image
Mohit Singwal

I Mohit singwal currently pursuing engineering in computer science. I hope this community will help me in becoming a perfect programmer and developer. I am crazy about new technologies and always try to find alternative solutions of problems.

kenmoini profile image
Ken Moini

Howdy, gang! Come hang out with me if you wanna jive around containers, Kubernetes, OpenShift, microservices, Javascript, security, and a bunch of weird stuff here and in between. Gonna kick the tires on this here tech blogging community, try to have some folk keep me on track and honest. Holler!

alhussain0 profile image
AL hussain ALdhuhli

Hi there, I am Alhussain. I am 23 and in last semester of college. My background start with c++ then I start to learn about Java, VB, full stack web development with Php background, then I try to start developing android mobile applications.
I am not expert in any field now but I am searching for my interests by try the different fields of development and designing.
Hope I will do well in next years and benifit each other.

codegirl_ profile image

Hello! My name is valentina, I'm 28. I have been learning Javascript for long now but I still don't have a working knowledge of it. I don't know why I still find it difficult. I'm here to learn from the community as my final year project will commence soon. I will need guidance. Thank you.

jimmyco99079587 profile image
Jimmy Coleman

Professional developer, keen of coding, learning and trying new things.,
Working on a few freelancing sites. Hard working person.

This is all about me. :)

bapro profile image
Baptiste Prophete

Hey. My name is Baptiste Prophete I'am happy to join this community. I'm a php developer for back end and know javascript, jquery for front end. How ever I always consider myself a learner. For this new year I set me to learn nodejs.
Thanks to everyone that will help as we help each other.

tomzyapp profile image
Tomiji Suzuki(トミ爺)@【Booth同人誌販売中 60歳からアプリ開発を目指す若者へ】

Dear friends. I am 84 years old Japanese iOS developer. I started studying cording (Objective-C) initially when I was 74 years old. However, I feel I am still a beginner of coding. I publshed a Japanese book last September named "Tomzy Swift guidebook for young people over sixty who wish to start cording". I am challenging to write 2nd guiide book for SwiftUI to be named "The easiest guide book in Japan for SwiftUI". Thus, I am studiyng SwiftUI. Occasionally I found "How to Make a Button with SwiftUI" by Maegan Wilson-san in DEV, by which I was so excited that the explanations are so easy to understand for foreign begginers. Then I registered as a member of DEV.

rhartness profile image

Hello everyone. I'm a developer, who's been working with Microsoft tech since 2004, but I've been coding since I was a kid in the mid-90's. I've been given a couple of articles to review on this platform, but I like the collaborative nature of it, so I figured I'd join and maybe write some articles.

_oyinmi profile image

Hey. I'm Oyin, a React developer and a software tester. I'm learning to become a backend developer in Node.js and Python. I'm looking forward to learn all I can to progress on my career path. I'm glad to join Dev.

chasecooler profile image
Robert Penamon

I’m Robert. ... Currently studying cloud computing (AWS, Azure, GCP) and DevOps. Keeping an eye on the Dev community, because it plays a part. At some point, I’ll need revisit Java, JScript snd Python.

zachtownsendnet profile image

Hello! I'm Zach, I'm from the UK but now based in Berlin. I'm a WordPress expert but I'm trying to get more involved in a React/Node.js-based stack :) I joined this forum so I can ask questions as I learn - looking forward to getting to know you all and learning for you

odyssey2247 profile image

║║╔║║╔╗ ║
╠╣╠║║║║ ║
║║╚╚╚╚╝ O
My name es jose luis, I hope we can be friends and share a lot of knowledge with everyone, I love technology and I want to increase my programming skills. thanks to everyone

cristian97r profile image
Cristian Romero

Hi! I'm Cristian (Yes without "h" and not Grey 😂), i'm passionate software developer (self-taught), I've been learning for the past 2 years with some of the amazing tutorials that the software developer community has made! i got tired of being an internet ghost and decided to join this awesome community and give back something! looking forward to meet you guys and feel free to ask me any question! 😊

manliketeetos profile image

Hello Dev!
I'm Ade-ojo Toluwanimi, but you can call me Teetos. I am learning and improving on my PHP and MySql programming skills.
I have a background knowledge of HTML and CSS. I see coding as the Universal Language of the World and i'm ready to dive into more complex vocabularies (Python,React, e.t.c).
I'm open to advice and constructive criticism from anyone and everyone.

mateenanjum profile image

Hi This is Mateen Anjum with 7 years of hands-on experience in creating and implementing software applications, and the ability to troubleshoot and solve problems in a timely and accurate manner, I confidently express my interest in to help others. :)

carolargentina1 profile image
Carol Argentina

Yo, how's everyone doing. My name is Carol and I'm currently wading through the world of test automation, Ranorex and continuous integration of tests for my company. Anyone here a selenium/ranorex wizard, teach me your ways!

tgera profile image

My name is Tania.
Studying Swift wannabe a full-time iOS developer.
Interesting, real live knowledge articles brought me here.

ablanca4 profile image
Aaron J Blancaflor

Hi Tania! best of luck with Swift!

nandomaciel profile image

Hello, my name is Fernando and I have been studying some technologies like python for some time now. Now I am looking to learn some fremeworks so I can have more opportunities and become a full stack developer.

davidcorrigan1 profile image
David Corrigan

Hi All. I’m David. I’m a mainframe programmer for the last 20 years and I’m now studying for a Higher Diploma in Computer Science in Ireland. I’m upgrading my skills for the new decade! Learning JAVA, JavaScript, HTML, And CSS this semester.

jdhall75 profile image
Jason Hall

Hey Everyone! My name is Jason. I am a network engineer working on Ansible mostly these days. I'm looking to document what I am learning and share with the community.

I came to DEV after hearing one of the creators on a podcast that I listen to. They were talking about the platform and that you can write in Markdown on here. It all sounded really interesting, so here I am.

vivekinfosys profile image
Vivek Kaushik

Hi everyone, I'm Vivek Kaushik. I'm 23 and currently working in a IT company based in India. I am Java Developer but currently working on an Android app project for a US firm. I've been following for about 2 months. It's good to be here finally!

mousetail profile image
Maurits van Riezen

Hi, My name is Maurits. I will finish my bachelors Computer Science in two weeks time, so exciting times ahead. I mainly do webdev, running a couple webapps on the side. Excited to join this community!

meidikawardana profile image
meidikawardana • Edited

Hi I am a fullstack mobile developer from Indonesia. I am now a fulltime remote dev, working from my home in Bandung, Indonesia. nice to meet you all.

I am into Flutter projects, with node.js as backend. I can learn everything new relatively fast

bajata profile image
Antonio Bajivić

Hello everyone, my name is Antonio Bajivić. I am 4th year student of Computer Science in FERIT Osijek university. I am finally ready to put 100% of me in learning back-end and I also want to study Database Science. My hobbies are gym and movies.

webdevggn profile image
Kunal Singh

Hello, I am Vikas Vimal, owner of DesignoFox Web Development Agency in Gurgaon.
I love programming and learning new technologies to create some useful and fun stuffs. I am currently pursuing my MCA in Gurgaon from Maharshi Dayanand University. I am a PHP Developer and loves to work on WordPress and Laravel.

tclna profile image

Hi folks, I'm Thomas, 3rd year junior dev. Happy to join the party!
My hobbies are wandering for sweet salty code, playing games aand i think that's all! I also climb blocks some times.
I'm quite a newbie still, but I hope I can contribute as much as I learn around here. Looking forward to see grow and become a reference, you guys are wholesome!

nelsonj profile image
Nelson-J • Edited

Hello, I'm Jack and I joined out of curiosity. Would like to discover what a developer's community is and how I fit it. I write programs (many of them incomplete) only after the a lot of googling. My wish to master the art programming and be able to assist others.

-I omitted saying I'm from Cameroon.

Thank You for having me.

fr_an_c_is profile image
Francis Emmanuel

Hello everyone glad to be here, 4th year computer engineering student passionate about software looking forward to a career in DevOps, Java based developer, beginner level GCP, look forward to meeting new people and learning a lot on here.

denstevie profile image
Den Stevie

i'am here because i see this Blog everywhere the internet and i did read some articles and found its very helpfully.
i just started to learn Coding about 30 days ago and i love it very much
the sad thing about it im 29 years old and i afraid to be started late

saymy__name__ profile image
Jordan Engstrom

Hi! My name is Jordan, and I'm a Python developer! I'm currently working for a local fintech SaaS company in Idaho. I use Python, SQL, and Jenkins to automate our manual processes and build small GUI tools using tkinter for ad hoc tasks. Since I don't really utilize web frameworks at my job, I enjoy building things with Django in my spare time. I'm excited to start engaging with the community! 👨‍💻

vivekv3rma profile image
Vivek Verma

Hello Dev, I'm Vivek, a software developer who loves to work with core technologies like C/C++.
Currently looking for something exciting in my career to work with. I joined dev to get mentors and help fellow devs to become better at development.

abrahamkeleta profile image
Abraham Keleta

Hi. My name is Abraham. I teach computer science to high school students. I've referenced Dev for my personal side projects and realized that it's much more than a tutorial platform. I am hungry to learn as much as I can to solve problems that I come across. Thank you for providing this platform! Good to meet you all.

troybtech profile image
Troy Brown

I have done some basic coding the past few years. Very basic. Since the end of 2019 I decided to take it to a serious level and learn advanced coding. I heard about this place and thought I would check it out.

maryiabalbachan profile image
Maryia Balbachan

Hi everyone. My name is Maryia, I'm based in Ireland and am after just starting a completely new path in my education: computer science and programming. Coming out of business background, I am an absolute beginner in this field and looking for any help and information to get me somewhat to speed. So, please, be patient:))). Looking forward to new knowledge,new skills and new opportunities!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Maryia, I'm Katie, one of the basic moderators.
It's great to see more woman who code here on DEV.

I want to welcome you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs. Look around, make comments and ask questions. You will find that everyone is really helpful here.

deepesharoras profile image
Deepesh Arora • Edited

Hi, I am Deepesh Arora from India having 6 years of experience in PHP+Drupal.Currently working with an IT company as Lead Engineer.I love to code and solve complax programming issues.Now I am also learning AWS and docker myself that how to deploy the applications on that.My hobbies are singing, cooking, partying and watching movies.For a long time I have been reading posts on the but now I have decided to register myself on it.

eateren profile image

Hello. I'm a data analyst looking for a job. I'm new to coding outside of my work environment where I would automate reports and tasks. I'm okay at scraping the web and I could really learn to code better. I love probability and statistics and would like to continue being a data analyst but I am open to being a entry level coder. Just looking to be able to grow more :)

kamalesh profile image

Hello everyone, I'm kamaleshvarma found this while searching to get the path of becoming software developer from scratch need guidance with resources to start career in IT/product-based companies and my present status is finished graduation in electronics and communications not satisfied so still in Hope of good career as I said above need guidance from scratch like what to start with, where, how. The dream is to get into one of the top companies(Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc). I hope someone would help me who already know how to, I feel you understand the situation I'm facing right now (state of confusion and lack of guidance to become a software developer from scratch and shape into a better future). Please help me by leading the way in the right direction towards my goal. Thanking you all

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi kamaleshvarma. Welcome to DEV
I'm Katie, one of the basic moderators here on DEV.
My unofficial title: DEV cheerleader 😊

I see you commented 6 times already which means you need more information on how things work here. Fortunately, there is a post I made already which should explain things. Just click below.

Take look at it and leave a comment if you have more questions. I'm happy to help with anything you need.

davidvine profile image
David Vine

Hi, I'm Dave and I've been supporting AMX control systems in Australia and New Zealand for the past 15+ years. AMX's hardware-based NI and NX controllers are programmed with AMX's proprietary language, NetLinx, as well as Java.

The control and integration space is evolving and a number of software/web based control systems have come to market which are now reaching maturity (e.g., Utelogy). These systems require knowledge of modern non-proprietary programming languages and frameworks, security technologies, and web platforms.

Exciting times and always lots to learn!

fabian profile image

hi, i´m fabian from hamburg and i want to join the wonderful world of coding. at this point im at a distance learning university for 1 year for webdevelopment. one day, i hope i can get money for hobby / coding.

i hope we have fun at

would be nice to meet people around hamburg or interact with nice people all over the world.

best greetings.

hayden profile image
Hayden Rouille

hey there, i've been a ruby on rails + react developer for 3 years and i'm here looking to hone my skill set and learn with like minded people! i have a current interest in elixir & phoenix but anything in the coding realm interests me!

themohitpapneja profile image
Mohit Papneja

Hi, My name is Mohit Papneja .I am 19 and an Information Security Student, who also loves to work on Android and Web. I have completed several minor projects. I am currently polishing my skills. My hobbies include Open Source and theatre.

nkwoemezie profile image

Hey, I'm John a beginner,I've been learning about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Though still struggling with frameworks, I believe it's just a matter of time and all of it will make sense to me.

I'm glad to be here and hope to get all the help I can and also offer the ones I can.

keomatherapper profile image
Keoma Mallett

Hi everyone. My name is Keoma. Currently, I am re-learning and teaching JavaScript, using simple, small projects to focus more on 'doing' (making amends for my many missteps - see tutorial hell - before).

I am also a freestyle rapper. Yes. Hip-Hop is the love of my life. I also love videogames and titles such as Tetris, Final Fantasy Tactics, Final Fantasy VII-X, Pro Evolution Soccer and Tekken are the dearest to me, though I could probably list a few more.

I stumbled across DEV while searching on a topic and was fascinated, so here I am.

godspowerime1 profile image
Godspower Ime (prince)

Hello everyone I'm Godspower Ime and am much interested in Front end Web. I am learning currently to be better than I am. I'll appreciate every advice and tutoring from both the senior devs and novices like me. thank you.

dgrebenin profile image
Dmitry Grebenin

What's up guys, I'm Dmitry Grebenin. Studying Computing 2nd year at UCLan Cyprus. Love programming and tech in general. Found DEV while researching for a uni project and it would appear in my Google feed constantly. Decided to join.

Memes yes

prabhsinghb profile image
prabh-singh-b • Edited

Hello, I am Prabhjot Singh,from India. I am 18. I have just started learning to code. I am learning java. I really enjoy learning more about programming and i hope i get really good at it.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Prabhjot, welcome to our community. Java will be fun to learn. I use the Eclipse IDE which helps tremendously. Don’t be afraid to ask for help here. We are all around for support.

gckime profile image
Gaston Cusimano

Hi! I'm Gastón Cusimano, I'm 23 y/o and I'm from Mendoza, Argentina. I was a full stack developer on Ruby on Rails for 3 years,ç now I am working with React improving my front-end skills. I love music so much almost every musical genres(yep, even the bizarre ones), I play guitar, ukulele and now I'm learning piano.

ufombajr99 profile image
Judelima Nazario

Hello I am new here and my Name is Jude

nicolasmdf profile image
Nicolas Reboredo

Hi everyone, my name is Nicolas. I'm a musician by trade but I love coding, been doing it for about two years as a hobby.
I would love to get better at it and ultimately be able to contribute to opensource in a meaningful way, but I am still quite the beginner.
Looking forward to interact with all of you here and perhaps find some help in terms of leveling up my skills. Thanks!

hackedmind1 profile image

Hi, I'm raric. I'm currently dabbling in some web development. I hope to gain some insights through my conversations here. It feels good to be a part of such an inviting and thriving community. Thank you for having me.

cecilelebleu profile image
Cécile Lebleu

Welcome! I hope you meet lots of amazing people with similar interests.

saiguruk profile image
Saiguru Karthikeyan

Gamer and a game developer
Love to learn new and exciting stuffs

ahad profile image
Ahad L. Amdani

Hi! I'm Ahad.

I've been in technology since I was pretty young (does 6-8 count if it's hacking around with HTML with view source/notepad?), and I sort of focused on that in junior high, high school, college, and of course now for my career. A lifelong student, if you will, of the software authoring craft.

Heck, if you count it just from when I was working as an intern at Lockheed the year I graduated from college, I've got a little over a decade of experience in software development. If you count it from when I was a kid, you can pretty much double that up.

I do some fun Ruby/Rails work on the side, including for an EHR SaaS app I'm working on currently. From a career perspective, I've been delving further into the more recent DevOps culture and mindset over the past 3 years, getting into things like containerization, cloud-based app architecture, design and development, and integration work for larger enterprises. I'm fully remote (finally!) as of December.

Honestly, I'm just okay at the code part. I'm better at solving problems with technology, and executing fairly fast. That's allowed me to "level up" from a career perspective pretty decently over the past 13 years.

Really, though, my passion and the whole reason I went down this path is essentially video games. I want to get more involved in independent game development, which I'm a complete novice of. I've been experimenting with Unity 3D and C# and loving it, but there's only so much time on a guy's plate. All that other stuff is to get enough financial freedom in order to not have a boss and work on video games, so if you guys have good ideas on how to do that, I'm more than interested :)

Looking forward to joining this new community, specifically around developers! If you guys have any advice, I'm pretty receptive! Or if you are seeking any advice when it comes to career moves, negotiating, soft skills, etc. then I can try and provide some nuggets from my own meandering experience, but of course, take any and all advice with a grain of salt.

flamezalcaeus profile image

Hello Everyone, I am Williams A.Beloved and I am a Prolific Blogger From Nigeria with flair in technology and its related industry, I started coding last year but here I am this year to ensure my coding experience goes wide.

jkmdroid profile image

I am maina joseph currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in maths and computer science and in my final year of study. I joined to associate with other developers and in the process learn more about new skills in development. I love web development using python, PHP, and app development using java. I look forward to learning more.

pristakos profile image
Ioannis Nikolaos Pappas

Hello friends!
My name is Ioannis Nikolaos and I am located in Athens, Greece. I am an ECE graduate of NTUA, starting to learn about Machine Learning and Data Science!
Except for the above I love playing and learning about basketball!
Hope you all have a great day and I am looking forward to becoming a member of the DEV community!

timoriedo profile image
Timothy Oriedo

Hi devs, am Timothy Oriedo a data scientist based in Kenya running labs acriss Africa.

iamnotalooser19 profile image

I am a learner. have some idea about web development. know some basic thing of the languages like html, css, javascript. long before in college day, i had study c++. currently understand that the concept is almost samne in javascript. so it not more difficult to understand. but difficult where to start from.

jkmdroid profile image
jkmdroid • Edited

I am maina joseph currently a student pursuing a bachelor's degree in maths and computer science. I wanted to join a group of developers to learn more about various programming languages and development skills. I also want to gain more skills in data analysis, automation using python, and back-end development

amieg22 profile image
Amie Gibson

Hello everyone! I’m Amie from NE Oklahoma, it is exciting to be joining your Dev community. I look forward to getting to know everyone and learning along the way. I’m working on Python currently on my own time so any advice as far as paths, resources, etc. would be very appreciated.

acushlakoncept profile image
Uduak Essien

Hi, My name is Uduak. I am 34, looking forward to be associated with great tech guys. Looking forward to being a Full Stack Developer, past 3 years has been more of networking. Yah! I want to code now. Took a few self-taught lessons last year with Laravel, was able to build Hotel Management System and IT Equipment Inventory for my department. Recently been taking up few challenges at HackerRank to improve my JavaScript skills. Your advice will be greatly invaluable.

clifford_ouma profile image
Clifford Ouma

Am Clifford Ouma. I am learning JavaScript. Really interested in learning IoT and Ethical hacking and would appreciate if someone would advice me more. I want to learn more about tech to create solutions to my homeland and help many lives. I love tech, I love learning, I love meeting new people and listening to what they do and am good at listening. Thanks for this opportunity

tmantman profile image

Hi all, I'm Tielman Nieuwoudt, a developer located in Cape Town, South Africa. I got into programming by building a web-calling application with Ionic and WebRTC in 2014, and I'm currently with the Aerobotics team - we scan farms with drones, have machine learning that processes the images to determine tree health, and then provide tools for farmers to monitor and maintain their farms. Our stack is mainly React Native, Angular + Django. Looking forward to taking part in the community!

bauneaustin profile image
Austin Baune

Hello, my name is Austin Baune. I am a software engineer out here in Montana focusing on web dev and front end technologies, but becoming more and more full stack over time. I've been in the industry for 3+ years and enjoy learning new tech, working with others to create amazing things, and most of all coding.

Looking forward to joining this community!

ohheyitskc profile image

Hey everyone. I'm KC and I am new to this wonderful world. I'm located near Chicago and looking to start a career in webdev. Currently studying with freeCodeCamp, Udemy and some books. Really hoping to move into/find an entry level position by the end of May.

Looking forward to utilizing this page as a resource and hopefully find some friends!

shikharsubedi profile image
Shikhar Subedi

Hello, I am Shikhar Subedi, a full stack developer working with javascript. I like to learn about web development and recently made the switch from backend to full stack development. I also worked with PHP, Mysql in the past

bhagvank profile image
Bhagvan Kommadi

I am Bhagvan Kommadi.I have founded Quantica Computacao, the first quantum computing startup in India. He has 20 years of experience in product and IT Services companies.Markets and Markets have positioned Quantica Computacao in the ‘Emerging Companies’ section of Quantum Computing quadrants.I have published papers and is a speaker in pycon, genomics and biotechnology conferences.He has been contributing to open source , blogs , latest technologies stack like go, python, Django, node.js & java, mysql, postgres, mongo and cassandra. I am an Individual member of Oracle JCP. I have written Packt Publishing - Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Go and Payment Technology Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs and Fintech Visionaries. I have presented in PyCon before on topics such as Adaptive Learning etc.,

dhruvilkarani profile image
Dhruvil Karani

Hi! I am Dhruvil. I am a Machine Learning Engineer (self taught). I graduated in 2019 with a degree in Chemical Engineering. I mostly like to think about Systems, Math and who really was the Scranton Strangler. I'm here to be a part of this awesome community. Would love to help y'all :)

izzykreie profile image

My name is Izzy; I'm a freshman majoring in software engineering at Indiana Tech. I've messed around with HTML5, Python, Java, and C#, but my main focus has primarily been C++. I'm currently aiming to improve my problem solving (and of course coding) skills so that I can land myself an internship for this Summer. I understand the probability of that happening is very, very low but I'm still hopeful. Any advice/tips on landing an internship would be great!

mparthasarathi429 profile image

Hello everyone
I'm Mani and been into software development for little over 12 years. I predominantly work with Java, Vertx, Docker, Kubernetes and elastic search. I love snooker and decent club player representing my local town in leagues

weezysbox profile image
weezys-box • Edited

I am Mohammed Ayodeji. This is my first outing here. I made my first post on hashnode today and someone somewhere on the planet got interested in my write-up and said he was going to market my piece here or something like that which I really liked.

Well, I have been coding for over a year now so I wouldn't call myself a novice neither will I call myself an expert. I am just here to share my experiences, learn and if possible unlearn all of the gibberish in my head lol.

My goal this year is to be the best programmer I can be and use my skill to upgrade my standard of living in the real sense of it.

I hope to start blogging here also right away!

juliodotcom profile image

Hi! my name is Julio Anzures im form Mexico city. Im a 4th year student of Tecnologico Nacional de México University. If you speak spanish leave a coment in spanish i dont want to feel alone

deciduously profile image
Ben Lovy • Edited

Estoy aprendiendo, y hay algunos usuarios que escribieron en español - por ejemplo:

Podrías escribir tus propios artículos para agregar tu voz!

codewilliamson profile image
Mark Williamson 🇨🇦

Hey Everyone,

My name is Mark and I work as a full-stack developer for a regional municipal government in Ontario, Canada. I've worked with many tech stacks over the years including Salesforce, Microsoft (.NET, SharePoint, Power Platform), Oracle (Java and APEX) and everything opensource (JavaScript). My passion now lies with JavaScript. I've been a consumer of great dev communities for many years and I think it's about time I start to give back.

I've been really proud of the work I've been doing both for my job and personal hobby over the past couple of years and am eager to share some things I've learned along my journey.


bgm profile image
José Benavente • Edited

hi, i'm new

orhun profile image


ivanfretes profile image
Iván Fretes

I worked as an independent / external consultant for several companies from different sectors in Paraguay and South America (Hotels, Travel Agencies, Universities, Real Estate, Political Parties).

With more than 9 years working, they have given me the experience to analyze, design, build and integrate software. Without any inconvenience I adapt to the technology to be implemented. I love being self-taught, learning new things and improving day after day.

lewitje profile image
Lewi 🏳️‍🌈

Hey I'm Lewi 👋

I like to call myself a creative coder.
I currently work at a small company in the Netherlands where we build a platform for mystery shopping.

alexjoh37665440 profile image
Alex Johnson

I am a professional developer, enthusiastic about coding, eager to learn something new.
Just started my freelance career on Fiverr. If I am needed for any work, I am here 24/7.

That's all from my side


Alex Johnson

omarkshan profile image

Hi, my name is Omar. I am 21 years old, currently studying software engineering. I have been a Full-stack web developer for nearly 2 years, studying and practicing the development of decentralized apps for more than 2 months..

crbelhekar profile image

Hi Dev folks, my name is Chaitanya. I am from India. I have recently started exploring Data Science field. I am currently working in patent analytics domain, however, looking wide opportunities I decided to start learning python and try to learn data analytics. This is my first time in such a computer science related community. Looking forward to learn from all you folks. Kudos!

kretaceous profile image
Abhijit Hota

Hello everyone!

I'm Abhijit. 19, a student of IIT Madras.
I love to solve problems in C and C++.
I have also made some really cool front-end stuff in Codepen.

Currently starting to learn Python.
Hope this community will help me learn a lot! 😁

sanjay2000 profile image
sanjay kumar • Edited

Hello everyone, my name is sanjay from Delhi (india) i am self programer, And i have learnt python language and javascript Nodejs from itself, only i completed 12th

arcanedrag0n profile image
Taryn • Edited

Hello everyone. I'm Taryn from Cape Town.
I work, I study, I blog, I code, I write.
Further, I am fuelled by coffee.

amosshuaib profile image
Shuaib Amos

Amos chatting from Lagos.
Am learning HTML and CSS...

Am open to suggestions and directions from the gurus

appliaison profile image
App Liaison

We Build Apps, We Build Stacks, We Do Devops. We are an apps and stacks design, architecture and development shop.

arturt profile image
Artur Trzop

Hey, Artur here, I'm from Kraków, Poland. I'm Ruby developer and I created open-source knapsack gem for CI parallelism testing. Hi all!

msrani16 profile image


vewapps profile image

Greetings earth creatures.

sabotaylord profile image
Sabo Taylor Diab

Hi everyone, I joined the community to learn more about the challenges of building and distributing next-gen application in the cloud. Would love to discuss and learn from you all!

klewzyadeeh profile image

Hello people it Good to be here I would love to learn

iampacesetter profile image
Hammed Adewale

Hi! I'm Adewale 25, I'm a just learning how to code. I'm a newbie, am learning web development. The first website I build is

I hope to learn more in this wonderful community. Please how do I subscribe for daily tips? I'm new here. I'm just navigating this website pages to know more about it..

I'm Happy to be here
Hope am welcomed

7baig profile image
Saad Baig • Edited

Hello all! My Name is Saad. I'm 19. Currently studying to become a Cloud Native & MERN Stack Developer and seeking to learn more in dev community. I'm also interested in learning Artificial Intelligence in future. I also love blogging and reading books. Technologies i've learned so far are:
Docker, Kubernetes, HTML/CSS and now i'm learning JavaScript.
It feels good to be a part of such an interesting and inviting online community here!

dev #javascript #discuss #beginner

didd profile image

Hello Everyone, great to be part of the community! I'm Didd. I am into building microservice oriented apps using containers. I enjoy getting my hands end to end -- front end, back end, cloud configuration, setting up CI/CD pipeline and project management. So far it's working out quite well.

Other than that I enjoy exploring places to eat, I do voluntary service over the weekend and I take pleasure in travelling.

finrodfelagundll profile image

Hi all, I'm Marko but I use the alias finrodfelagund. I'm 35, and honestly, I consider my self a complete beginner when it comes to tech stuff and software development. I'm interested in becoming an Android developer but I'm also attracted to web development & still believe that it's possible to do both. Except the tech related topics, I like to read about everything, listen to music & play a guitar - but lately I'm not playing much - I had enough of electric guitar, my acoustic one needs a service & I actually want to play on a classic guitar again. Oh, and... I needed about 2 years to join this community.

ramblinggeekuk profile image
Wayne Taylor


My name is Wayne, 43.. been dabbling in coding since a young age...

My name is Wayne. I don't code for a living, I consider myself a hobbyist programmer.

I've been programming as a hobby since I was young. My path is as follows

Specturm >> Commodore 64 >> QuickBASIC >> VB4-VB.NET >> C# >> JS (a little)

I started streaming on Twitch a year ago and then got invited to be part of the LiveCoders Team.


vgeldash profile image
Valery Geldash

Hi! My name is Valery, I'm 33 and I'm working in marketing and business development department. As I'm working close to developers my aim is to get as much knowledge about tech as I can. I've found that the community here is very mind-opened and collaborative so decided to follow you. I hope to code soon!

coryse2 profile image

Hi,I'm Coryse from France. I'm 36 and I'm studying to become a back end web developper(symfony). I'm happy to join the community , my goal is to learn more and more about dev.

79man profile image

I also do dabble in Laravel.

sniperglass profile image

Been learning development for about two years now and loving every minute of it!

Looking to connect with and learn from devs, no matter what library/framework/program it is.

perryblunt profile image
Perry Blunt

Hi my name is Jerome, Im an aspiring web developer currently learning to code from Udemy. I currently work as a it support in Stamford CT.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hey Jerome, welcome to the DEV community. I’m Katie, one of the moderators here and also a fellow New Englander. You will find lots of great articles and plenty of people to help you on your coding journey. Don’t be afraid to jump in and ask questions or even contribute articles of your own. We are all here to support each other.

damilareolaniyan profile image

Hi, My name is Oluwasegun, I just started studying front-end technologies a few months ago.Thank you

allandereal profile image
Allan Dereal

Hi Everyone. Allan here. An aspiring fullstack Dev and a php diehard.

helenanders26 profile image
Helen Anderson

Welcome to Dev Allan!

alpacatron3000 profile image

Hi! I'm Paige, an SRE interested in sharing ideas about cultivating sustainable on call practices, the evolution of platform teams at startups, bringing more newbies into tech, Go, and career development on the IC track :)

mutakindev profile image

Hey I'm mutakin, i am Indonesian and currently still learning javascript and what brought me to dev is medium website that very much article that have dev. To on it

j_saikiranreddy profile image

Hi, I am Saikiran. Looked at a couple of google cards from and fell in love with the site. Good at Python and interested in Computer Vision for now. I also love playing Video games. My gpu is helping me in both tasks😜. Props to the people who create posts and maintain this site, it's one of the best I have ever come across!

yelmartinezseo profile image
Yel Martinez - Consultor Seo

Hello everyone! I'm passionate about code and black screens ... so I try to learn (or at least read) about programming languages, server optimization and seo. You will try to contribute as much as I do. It's a pleasure to be here!

tejumadeadetun2 profile image
Tejumade Adetunji

Hi my name is Tejumade.I am 17 and still learning.

webspresso profile image
David Chadderton | Webspresso

Just joined. Wannabe full stack developer and Linux-lover. Currently working through a bootcamp but work keeps getting in the way. Looking to connect with people in a similar situation!

blazer125 profile image

Good Morning! Joined DEV because of the many informative articles I've seen over the past few months. I'm an Old Fart about to retire from the fire department. I need a second career and have always been interested in computer science. I've never felt like I was intelligent enough to get into the field but now I see so many resources these days to help people learn that I feel like I may have a chance. It has been a blast to jump on my coworkers computer and change the look and titles of the web page they were viewing.
That being said! I've been on the webdev track and understand HTML and CSS but JavaScript takes me back to a time where I felt like this is not for me but I will continue to fight!

79man profile image

Hi. I'm Manoj. Glad to see so many ppl trying to learn tech that's out of their comfort zone. Makes me feel like I'm not alone. Best of luck to all of us. I'm a C and C++ guy, and now getting to know python. I'm interested in ML and data analysis. My current goal is to learn and start tackling kaggle challenges.

crypton42 profile image

I am Sagar Kumar. I am a student of B.E CSE. I am passionate to learn web tech, quantum computing and love to do competitive programming. I am here to interact with new people having technical knowledge.

ideal_josh profile image

What's up, Im Joshua, im here to learn and for inspiration. I'm an aspiring web developer.
You know that community feeling? thats what im hoping for.

cristiandi profile image
Cristian David Ippolito Carrillo • Edited

Hi guys, my name is Cristian. I'm passionate code developer from Cali, Co. Currently working and using nodejs, Reactjs, MySQL, PostgreSQL, AWS and GCP and I also had exprience with JAVA, PHP, Laravel, Oracle and PL/SQL I'm interested about data science and learning new good things. :D

ramtastico profile image

Hi, I'm Ramon.
I'd like to leave de "beginners" zone, gain expertise and become and advanced programmer. I mean, years before I started to learn Vbasic, C++, Java,... Have been hard to advance to next levels to finally become a PROgrammer

j_saikiranreddy profile image

Hi. I am Saikiran. Looked at couple of google cards from and fell in love with the site. I am good at python and interested in Computer Vision. I also play a lot of Video games and my gpu is hard at work for both tasks😜. Props to people who create posts and maintain this site, it's one of the best I have ever come across!

akasrai profile image

while(isAlive) {

Hey! I'm a Akash, a fullstack web developer who 💓 Javascript the most. Dev has been my favorite platform to read and know new things. I'm looking forward to learn more from here and share what I learnt 😊🍻.

amidkhan4696 profile image
Amid Khan

Hey. My name is Amid. I am 23 and a Python novice. Currently studying to become a full stack developer. I've been reading Dev for a while and thought it was about time I joined. I am looking to learn all I can to progress my journey. My new path. I love everything tech and value any advice or knowledge from experts or novices alike.

gregorybarille profile image
Gregory Barillé

Hi there , I’m Gregory a 36 years old bearded French dude. Recently I moved to a developer within a small team. Currently working on Django project and would love to move to a bigger team in the future.

tilakmaddy_68 profile image
Tilak Madichetti

Hey Everybody ! I am 18 years old and i currently code iPhone apps . I wanna change the world one day with code and over here i am looking for some guidance in swift programming for iOS as its become quite a challenge for me to understand the apple docs. (I refer iOS 13 programming by Matt Neuberg) and SwiftUI book by Ray Wanderlich. But just looking for some help to get through the mid capstone

I will one day give back to the Swift community. I used to be involved in web dev before and i have a 1600 + reputation on StackOverflow but i dont get to freely interact there so really looking forward for for help

Thanks for taking time to read and hope you have a great time

ramtastico profile image

Hi, I'm Ramon.
I'd like to leave de "beginners" zone, gain expertise and become and advanced programmer. I mean, years before I started to learn Vbasic, C++, Java,... Have been hard to advance to next levels to finally become a PROgrammer

jessadaggs profile image
Jessa Daggs

Hi! I'm just beginning to learn to code through Operation Spark in New Orleans. Excited about learning and growing in the field like a little baby flower.

mekusprogramer profile image
Amadi Chukwuemeka

I am Augustine Chukwuemeka Amadi, a java programming lover, happy joining this great community of great minds. I wish to learn new skills here, network new ideas and meet with new people.

monicamakes profile image

Howdy Y'all I migrated here from medium (a bit late to the game!) I'm a self-teaching aspiring web developer from Houston TX!

naveedkumbhar profile image
Naveed Ahmed


This is Naveed ahmed, passionate DevOps engineer from Pakistan. It seems great community for dev related stuff

mrsaeeddev profile image
Saeed Ahmad

Welcome to The DEV Community Naveed! Feeling good to see people from my city joining in.

fahadkhan82 profile image
Fahad Waheed Khan

Overall 12 years IT management experience. Ability to manage multiple large-scale projects, large teams of direct reports or cross functional teams with maturity and professionalism. Successfully completed numerous IT projects including web portal implementations, modernization and migration projects; the development and implementation of n-tiered enterprise wide application development projects; ecommerce sites, datacenter infrastructure projects and datacenter migrations. Other implementations have included ERP, CRM, SaaS applications, web hosting applications, network migrations, large scale commercial data warehouses and online advertising systems. Proven track record of hands-on management and getting into the weeds to understand complex projects from the bottom up. Prefers Agile life cycle but understands every project has its own unique needs and objectives.

Scrum Certified, #Agile Development, #Project Manager, #Scrum Master

seck85 profile image
seck ibrahima

Hello I'm Ibrahima web dev. And I study to become a ful stack developer. I'm looking to learn javascript angular and React. Happy to join you

mauricemaks profile image
Maurice Maks a new developer in the platform. Glad to interact in the future within this great community!!

thatguymeen profile image
El Meen Balogun👑💻

Hello,I'm Remi and I'm a database analyst with a little knowledge of Java

focusoncoding profile image
Siyabonga Dlamini

The more i learn programming is the more i realise the power of (words).

ayoakpata profile image

Hello world! I'm Ayo, front end dev. Studying to become a fullstack JavaScript Engineer.

Right: 70; center: 10; left: 20

Looking forward to learning opportunities and creating value here.


oluwaseunmi profile image
Idris | Titanium

Hi everyone, I am Idris, a full stack dev, glad to join this community!

apexzy profile image
Uchechukwu Ajuzieogu

Hi I'm Uchechukwu Ajuzieogu is a Nigerian Author, Blogger, Researcher, Entrepreneur, and Educationist with vast experience in Technology Applications.

brajeshkanungo profile image

Hi my name is Brajesh. I am currently working on reactjs based project for both mobile and web platform. I looking for some good basic stuff to learn python.

ianramsi profile image

Hello, I'm Ian from Indonesia. I'm new to software development things even though I'm not young anymore 😅. Guess there's no too late to learn something new.

senisinsane profile image

I am Arun Sen from CSE branch in engineering ,18 years old . I am an intermediate web developer and competitive programmer. I have solved nearly 100 questions on Project Euler.

dheerajmpai profile image

Hi I am Dheeraj a full time programmer. I have been following Dev for quite long time. I thought why not join

lucaspalmieri profile image
Lucas Palmieri

Hello, my name is Lucas Palmieri, I'm a web dev from Brazil, passionate for JS and what brougth me here was a post about dev that you would recomend to follow from @helenanders26 and I just create my account to follow @lydiahallie and her posts about visualized JS.

linarm06 profile image
Lina Renteria🌞

I'm Lina, I'm from France. I'm a beginner and hope to learn a lot from you guys! :)

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Bienvenue Lina

dashingdaniel profile image

Im a junior software developer build apps on mean stack. Just now started building my personal brand and going to do my portfolios and stuffs like that. Happy to be here 😀

hixdevs profile image

Hi guys.

We're a team from Poland who write stuff related to Ruby on Rails - tutorials, guides, best practices etc.

We're responsible for Hix on Rails - and bunch of tutorials already -

Follow us for a zero-bullshit pieces on web development.

Cheers Devs!

fabraga profile image
Fabricio Luiz Braga • Edited

Hi! I'm a passinate code writer. I know about 20 programming languages and 4 spoken languages. I'm bachelour in both, Computer Science and Marketing. Then M.Sc. in Information Systems with Computing. So, I guess I could say I am a Software Engineer. I like sharing and collecting, building and re-creating, socializing, assimilating or adapting. The best is going along with Nature: experience, discover, transform.

Obs: I logged in with my GitHub account but for a long time I don't update it. I should say I even forgot I had that account. Now I see I should update it.

quirinoneto profile image


My name is Antonio Quirino. I'm 44 and I live in Brazil. I love everything about technology and web development. I currently develop projects in Angular.

It's great to be here with you.

Greetings from Brazil.

thehoneybadger profile image
Aniket Gade

Hello folks! I am Aniket. I recently graduated from university and am looking for jobs.

Discussion forums like these were always my go tos when I started and as I have some free time now, I am looking to help people who are new to the programming and tech world in general. Cheers!

And yes, always wear your seatbelts :P

ahaanpalo profile image

Hey! I'm Ahaan Kashyap currently in high school wanting to pursue my career in CSE with AI. Having worked with Google in the GCI'19 was very important for me. I kind of feel like I can do what I want.

nikemiller3 profile image

Hi everyone!

nikhilkumaran profile image
Nikhil Kumaran S

Hey all. I'm Nikhil Kumaran from India. I'm currently focussing on ReactJS and NodeJS. I completed my college last year so I'm fairly new to the Software Engineering field. I'm very eager to learn various design principles and architectures in Software development. Also, willing to share my knowledge by writing posts on DEV

mustafakhaled profile image
Mustafa Khaled

Hi there,
This is Mustafa, software engineer, interested in Android development. I'm here to spread and gain knowledge ⚡️ .
Welcome all, hope to communicate and get in touch with new ideas 🎉🎉.

michaelog88 profile image
Ogbebor Michael • Edited

Hi guys, please I just started python and wrote this code and not output. What is wrong here?

def add(a,b):
print("The sum of", a, "and", b, "is", a + b)

add(a = 4, b = 6)
add(b = 6, a = 4)
joaogabrielmp profile image
João Gabriel

Hello there!
My name is João Gabriel. I am 26 and like to developer with JS, mainly NodeJS, ReactJS and React Native.
I've been reading articles at Dev and enjoying a lot.
I hope to help anyone ever I may and to learn more and more with people this community. Thanks!

sugayathri profile image

which jdk version is suitable for eclipse IDE kernel SR2 packages? can anyone please post it .I have tried jdk8 and jdk6 but it shows log error before that it is worked properly.After that what happen i donno but it doesn't working and gives log file error.

kvnshikuku profile image


surajbi72804568 profile image
Suraj Bisht

My self suraj bisht. I am 2nd year student of bca in ipu. I am from india. i want to be software developer. I love to code but i am beginner. need a gud path and guidance .😁

mehmetb profile image
Mehmet Baker

Hi, I was brought here by Stackoverflow's newsletter, The Overflow. I wanted to like a comment on the post I was reading but I had to sign up first! :)

I am working as a javascript developer for the last 5 years and I love web technologies.

michaelfranklin profile image
Michael Franklin

Hi All I'm Mike and I'm glad to be here to learn something new.

michaelfecher profile image
Michael Fecher

Hey folks,

my name is Michael and I was a passive reader w/o an account for at least two years.
So I made a promise to myself this year to publish at least one article. ;-)
So here I am with an account and still thinking of what to write - heh.
Luckily the year just began ... :P

Last year I started to freelance as a cloud solution architect (AWS, GCP) after being a senior software engineer + architect employee in several smaller and bigger companies.
I am still working with Java (since version 5) & Spring (with old school MVC, but also with the newer stack), but had very joyful moments with Python at a few customers.

Finding super perfect solutions are not that important to me anymore.
I found more joy in interacting with people to build them up to be better in their team and be more responsible for their artifacts.
That brings more value to me and my customers.

If you want to know more, feel free to reply! :)

carmonaag profile image
André Garcia Carmona

Olá a todos, sou André e faço engenharia de computação.Gosto de aprender desenvolvimento e desde já agradeço por fazer parte da comunidade Dev

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Olá André, sou Katie, uma das moderadoras básicas aqui no DEV.
Meu título não oficial: DEV líder de torcida 😊

Desejo recebê-lo na comunidade DEV e informar que você encontrará aqui muita ajuda e suporte para todas as suas necessidades de codificação.

Não hesite em fazer perguntas ou contribuir com novas idéias.
(Graças a Deus pelo Google Translate 😆)

abhi71714708 profile image

I was reading an article on journey of a network engineer into javascript and i kinda related to that because i am in same phase now . Want more of the story and all that the community has to offer . I will try to share some of my experiences as well.

salamipizza profile image
Adriana Rosas

Hola a todos, soy Adriana. Hace 8 meses empecè a estudiar programaciòn en un curso intensivo de 6 meses y hace 2 conseguì mi primer trabajo. Estoy muy emocionada y estoy aprendiendo mucho. Me da mucho gusto ver el apoyo y el estìmulo que hay en la comunidad para los que vamos iniciando.

sagit2002 profile image

I am Bhagwant, a banker by day and coder by heart. Hope to meet a lot of interesting people here

Hello Devs

gauravkkush profile image
Gaurav Kushwaha

I am Gaurav Kushwaha. I am a 3rd year student of diploma CSE in Government Polytechnic Shahjahanpur. I am passionate to learn .NET and software development. I like to write stories and poems. I love to talk with people and share thoughts on different technical and knowledgeable topics.

anasmeenal profile image

Hi i'm meenal and i'm a student.I'm a football fan and wrestling fan as well. I want to be a lawyer in the feature.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Meenal, welcome to DEV and thank you sooooo much for your ❤️'s.
I'm a student too, but I'm not sure what lies ahead for me. I'm pretty sure lawyer is not on my list.

Football and wrestling sound like fun thinks to watch (men jumping on each other 😆). I do gymnastics and ballet which have little contact involved.

kamalesh profile image

Hello everyone,
I'm kamaleshvarma found this while searching to get the path of becoming software developer from scratch need guidance with resources to start career in IT/product-based companies and my present status is finished graduation in electronics and communications not satisfied so still in Hope of good career as I said above need guidance from scratch like what to start with, where, how. The dream is to get into one of the top companies(Google, Microsoft, amazon, etc). I hope someone would help me who already know how to, I feel you understand the situation I'm facing right now (state of confusion and lack of guidance to become a software developer from scratch and shape into a better future). Please help me by guiding me in the right direction to achieve my dream. Thanking you all

kamalesh profile image

Hello everyone, I'm kamaleshvarma found this while searching to get the path of becoming software developer from scratch need guidance with resources to start career in IT/product-based companies and my present status is finished graduation in electronics and communications not satisfied, so still in Hope of good career as I said above need guidance from scratch like what to start with, where, how. The dream is to get into one of the top companies(Google, Microsoft, amazon, etc). I hope someone would help me who already know how to, I feel you understand the situation I'm facing right now (state of confusion and lack of guidance to become a software developer from scratch and shape into a better future). Please help me by guiding me in the right direction to achieve my dream. Thanking you all

kamalesh profile image

Hello everyone, I'm kamaleshvarma found this while searching to get the path of becoming software developer from scratch need guidance with resources to start career in IT/product-based companies and my present status is finished graduation in electronics and communications not satisfied so still in Hope of good career as I said above need guidance from scratch like what to start with, where, how. The dream is to get into one of the top companies(Google, Microsoft, amazon, etc). I hope someone would help me who already know how to, I feel you understand the situation I'm facing right now (state of confusion and lack of guidance to become a software developer from scratch and shape into a better future). Please help me by guiding me in the right direction to achieve my dream. Thanking you all

kamalesh profile image
kamalesh • Edited

Hello everyone, I'm kamaleshvarma found this while searching to get the path of becoming software developer from scratch need guidance with resources to start career in IT/product-based companies and my present status is finished graduation in electronics and communications not satisfied so still in Hope of good career as I said above need guidance from scratch like what to start with, where, how. The dream is to get into one of the top companies(Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc). I hope someone would help me who already know how to, I feel you understand the situation I'm facing right now (state of confusion and lack of guidance to become a software developer from scratch and shape into a better future). Please help me by guiding me in the right direction to achieve my dream. Thanking you all

kamalesh profile image

Hello everyone, I'm kamaleshvarma found this while searching to get the path of becoming software developer from scratch need guidance with resources to start career in IT/product-based companies and my present status is finished graduation in electronics and communications not satisfied so still in Hope of good career as I said above need guidance from scratch like what to start with, where, how. The dream is to get into one of the top companies(Google, Microsoft, amazon, etc). I hope someone would help me who already know how to, I feel you understand the situation I'm facing right now (state of confusion and lack of guidance to become a software developer from scratch and shape into a better future). Please help me by guiding me in the right direction to achieve my dream. Thanking you all.

thrishname profile image

I'm Thrishna, pursuing bachelor's degree in computer science. I started loving cse when I came to know how it can change one's life. I started learning android and want to go deeper into it. I love to explore places, things and cse stuff. Glad to be a part of this community.

quangvuk profile image

Hi everyone, I'm Vu - an IT Administrator for over 4 years. Now I'm learning Python and Django by myself. Nice you meet all of you! I hope to learn from everyone. Thanks a lot :D

clairec profile image
Claire Collins

Good luck and happy learning Vu :)

itsrockyy profile image
Abhijeet Saxena

Hello all. I am Abhijeet, a Software Developer at BookMyShow. I <3 coding especially love for design, UI and Front end development. My favourite language is Javascript. is my favorite resource (tied with Medium) for discovering new trends and learning something new everyday. I want to be a part of this massive Coding community and give back to help others. For this I'd love to write some articles/guides etc. I am already looking at others' posts to get some tips. Any pointers are most welcomed :)

Have a nice day..!!!

jessejohnsohn profile image
Jesse Johnson • Edited

Just here to check this out! Been programming now for a few years. Mostly C# and Angular.

srikanth profile image
Srikanth Kumar

Hey! This is Srikanth.

thuli_lao profile image

Health information student
Art gives me hope and so does music
Also its whatever right💛

chadiah profile image
Chadi Abdel-Halim

Hi!! 🙋🏼‍♂️ I'm Chadi, 30y medical doctor currently working towards a doctorate's degree. I'm currently learning Python in my free time, thinking about how I can implement it in my clinical daily work. I have always been interested in coding and used to do websites in my teenager days in HTML, CSS and PHP. Didnt have time for it during medschool and now I feel myself as a novice again 😅
Excited to be here and ready to learn a lot of Python stuff!!

sk_jatin profile image
jatin • Edited

Hi all,

I'm a Software Tester on my way to becoming a web developer. I am currently learning Python.


priyasingh589 profile image


github7691 profile image

Really feels great to be a part of the community and trust me I am here to learn.

bioluwatife2 profile image

Hey there, My name is Bolu, I am a beginner in Python and I am happy to discover this community of devs.

nicksoph profile image

Doing graphics with excel and illustrator, looking for illustrator scripting things that actually draw things as opposed to automating processes. Moving from VBA to js

ansubkhan123 profile image

Hi, everyone, I hope you all are well as I am, My name is Ansub Durrani, and I am a beginner in lots of aspects, but I hope to learn from you guys and share whatever knowledge I have.

raphaelcavalcante profile image
Raphael Cavalcante

Hi, i'm here to learn new content about tecnology

jones80_jones profile image
steve jones

Hey all, joined this after seeing various links via Twitter. Hope to learn and meeting some new friends!

hyguesmiles profile image

Hi everyone i have started learning JavaScript about 1 month and I would like to get more help from u guys thanks

izzatziedan profile image


dozy0 profile image
Nnadozie Amadi • Edited

Hey. My name is Nnadozie Amadi. I am . Currently studying to become a full stack developer. A friend referred me to Dev. I’m glad to be here

tabithakavyu profile image
Thabitha Kavyu

Hello. I am Tabitha, CS Student at the University of Nairobi.
I have developed a keen interest in JavaScript and I'm looking to learn more about it from this community. Fun Fact ...[I love Chelsea]

abiatop profile image


My name is Vitali and I am currently studying webdev on my own, planning to switch my current career .)

guimilleo profile image
Guilherme Milléo

My name is Guilherme Milléo, I live in Brazil and I'm 28 years old. I am here to learn more about php, angular and nodejs. Thanks!

vardanabhanot profile image
Vardana Bhanot

Hey hi, I am Vardan and I am learning Go and Flutter other than that I have worked with PHP and JavaScript as a webdev and I am 21

rbala006 profile image

Hi I am Bala, a passionate full time programmer, interested in learning anything, I want to get engage in here.

rajdeepc profile image
Rajdeep Chandra

Looking forward to share knowledge on JavaScript Ecosystem and learn more

sammykapienga profile image
sammy kapienga

Look forward to some nice programming experiences

amitmojumder profile image
Amit Mojumder

Hello, devTo community,
I am Amit Mojumder, from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I am a UX/Product Designer who is very curious about coding. Solving real-world UX challenges is my real passion.
Glad to be here.

abhi3494 profile image
Abhishek Singh

Hi,I am abhishek.i am a java developer.I am working as java developer from last 4 year.i am here to enhance my skill and learn some new era technology related to java.

dav3_jay profile image

Hey devs, I'm Dave, a novice in front-end technologies and designs. I'm so soo passionate about tech and UIs. I'm looking to use any help and knowledge I could get. Thanks😜😜

pierminatorq profile image
Pierre Quinttero

I am Pierre , i'm trying to learn ruby. i'm from chile. if you have any advice for a noob ,, pls leave your msg.

faviobecker profile image

Hi, I’m Favio, 39 and currently studying front-end development. Love tech and love the whole process of learning. I’m hooked!

tutoreye profile image

Hi. I am Ritika Sharma a Digital Marketer at TutorEye.

samuelfamolu profile image
Samuel Famolu

Hello, I'm Samuel, a tech lawyer

tawaliou profile image

hi. I'm student in 4th year at energetic and process engineering. I love to program, C++ and Javascript and want to make one : Power engineering and programming

adityasoni25 profile image
Aditya Soni

Hey there, I'm Aditya Soni. I came here to be a part of the super friendly community that shares a lot of ideas to support others!
Still exploring, I think competitive coding would be fun.

vidito profile image

Hi all. I'm learning web development. Already know fine html, some CSS and learning JavaScript now. I live in the Netherlands and I'm glad to be here.

shiponkarmakar profile image
Shipon Karmakar

Hello, My name is Shipon Karmakar. Currently i'm a full stack developer and server Administrator also learning.

sulivanancilotto profile image

Me chamo Sulivan Ancilotto estou estudando Python e quero e vou aprender a programar em diversas linguagem, escolhi Pynthon por ser uma linguagem fácil e dinâmica, espero poder contar com a colaboração de todos...

abraços a todos

Sulivan Ancilotto

lifeice profile image

Hi, I am Collins and I am interested in programming and would like to learn all i can to be a professional programmer

kesavanselvaraja profile image

Hey i am kesavan.a beginner who loves to code.

reamshack profile image

Joseph from Nigeria and I am an intern dental professional with specialization in restorative dentistry. I am learning how to code with special interests in #webdev and using python to build things.

tawaliou profile image
Tawaliou • Edited

hi. I'm student in 4th year at energetic and process engineering. I love to program, C++ and Javascript and want to make one : Power engineering and programming

ilanl profile image
Ilan Levy

Hi All, glad to join. Looking forward to sharpen my javascript/node/react skills. Strong interest in rapid development technics, design patterns, pipeline to test and deliver.

osejudith profile image
Judith ☁ Oiku

Hi, my name is Judith, am new here. I love reading and learning new stuff. Hope to meet new friends and also learn.

pradeepchinwan profile image

Hello to all

aitorsol profile image
Aitor Solozabal

My name is Aitor
I'm programmer in almost any language available from 1980

fullstackgjj profile image

Hi, my name is Hank. I am 32, a primarily a back end engineer. I'm currently trying to learn more to become a full stack engineer. Hope I have the knack for it.

surajpanker profile image

hi I am Suraj

suren40 profile image

Learning Python

gonzalfaro profile image
Gonzalo Alfaro

Heey! I'm New here! Now studying some about Frontend and little backend. Interested in AI, ML and Python.🐍From Bolivia to the world. 🇧🇴🌎

john_jeffri profile image
John Jeffri

Hi, I'm Jeffri. I work as a Unity developer. Making games is my passion and I joined here to learn and share with fellow developers.

gopinathsgn profile image

Hello everyone

hakeemibrahim profile image
Hakibro IV

New kid on the block. Yay! I'm very much interested in learning phyton. I believe I'm in the right place

asyard profile image

Hi everyone,

I'm a senior SW developer, mainly focused on java technologies. Nice to meet you.

maheshchinni96 profile image


rishitsaiya profile image
Rishit Saiya • Edited

Have a great day!!

tomas1998511 profile image

I I am web and mobile, software,(C++, C, C#, java, python Etc...) developer and little designer.
I am working in my team with full time.
Good Lucky.

spongle5000 profile image

Sicf typing. Will add stuff later...

wwasuu profile image
Wasu Winitmontri

Hi, My name is Wasu. I'm 27 and live in Bangkok.

destinynwosa profile image
Nwosa destiny

Hey, my name is Nwosa Destiny, I am 28years and currently learning Laravel, php framework.

melvinmanni profile image
Melvin Kosisochukwu

My name is Melvin, i am 20 ... web development/JavaScript Developer path. I am currently in school studying Computer Science.

mkansi_finest profile image
Mkansi Finest ® ™

Hi Everyone,

Emmanuel Here

ciobanu_patrick profile image
Ciobanu Patrick


raveeshdadheech profile image

Bravery is to write first dirty code and then go for lavishing it's beauty

andresdev4 profile image

I'm Andre Antonio. I am 24 years, Programer Junior in Quarksoft, i'm student english, My hobbies are wacht anime.

francinaction profile image

Hi, I am francis from Kenya, I love programming, started with learning python and I join this community hoping to contribute and get support on my path to getting better at it. Glad to be here

gregorrodrigue2 profile image

Hey I'm Greg I'm 20 and currently begining to learn python I'm majoring in computer cience also like some web dev

aslisachin profile image
Sachin Sharma

Hey, My name is Sachin. I am a Programmer, CEH and Tech Enthusiast who loves to use my creative skills to solve complex problems.

lucasestevao profile image
Lucas Estevão

Yooooo!!!! I'm Lucas, Brazilian UI dev living in California, working inside Apple, and eager to learn from everyone here! Cheers!

jonathanfrida14 profile image
Jonathan Friday

I learn a lot about HTML and CSS. Please what else should I learn?

cameron89813325 profile image
cameron risner

God mode

tttony profile image

Hi, I just registered here to keep learning code

jgolebiewski profile image

Hello. I'm a Software Developer, the most of the time I work in front-end (UX/UI) but it happens that also in back-end :-)

frioss profile image

Hello, I'm Fredy Rios, happy learning...

michaelsam profile image
Joshua Michael Samuel

Hello, I'm Samuel, I'm a tech blogger with some knowledge about WordPress and other CMS. I run a tech site and I am open to learning anytime any day.

emmayawson1 profile image
Emmanuel Nketsia Yawson

Hello, I am Emmanuel, a software developer(Java, Python) not an expert yet, still working out to get there.

Great meeting you all. Looking forward to learn more from DEV and share as well.

tomyzon1728 profile image
Ajayi Raymond Tomisin

Hi,I’m Tomisin.A python developer currently studying robotics .looking forward to learning and networking with great minds

hadeel profile image

Hello! I am Hadeel. I love coding!
here I'm trying to improve more. Currently, I'm trying to learn more about AI and machine learning.

Hope to learn new things and meet genius people!

bobv profile image
Bob Vargas

Thanks for the warm welcome!

vialvera profile image
Vera Egedeye

Hello Everyone, my name is Vera Egedeye. Am new and I love programming. I will love to learn from you. Am just at the "teething stage". Regards to all

dskystar09 profile image

My name is Anirudh, I'm quite interested in python, k8s, docker and various devops tools. I'm looking to learn my progress journey with Dev Community.

jhanelmartinez profile image
Janeth Martinez

Hey, My name is Janeth I am a web developer and passionate about learning, besides I am taking some online courses to continue learning.

rajatdiwate profile image
Rajat Diwate

Hey Guys! It's Rajat .I am CDAC Certified Developer .I am Currently working as a Java Developer in Mumbai .I like Web development ,coding(full stack),
I love to play football....😀😃

saminegash profile image

Hello, I am Samuel, I am a developer and currently learning to build a website.

xkill9 profile image
Jorge Ivan Morales

Hi! i'm super late for the party but here i am :D, i'm Jorge, a 29 year old front-end dev based in Colombia, always excited about teaching and learning JavaScript stuff.

quannv132 profile image

Hello!My name is Quan. I'm 22 and new in Go.I am grateful to join the community.:)))

kdezine profile image
Kunal Sindhi

Hi My name is Kunal. I am a HTML/CSS Engineer. I am up to learn more about front-end development and take my skills to next level. I am really curious about learn more on

kolaolori profile image

Hi Guys I am Samuel a junior developer still learning python and also looking for a remote Job

jcodel profile image
Jerry Le


rishabhkushwaha07 profile image


rafasotogtz profile image

I'm new with at coding
I like business, sports and meeting new people
And looking forward to develop web pages

yelmartinezseo profile image
Yel Martinez - Consultor Seo • Edited

Hello everyone! I'm passionate about code and black screens ... so I try to learn (or at least read) about programming languages, server optimization and seo. You will try to contribute as much as I do. It's a pleasure to be here!

vishalarora7774 profile image

I am a full stack developer and willing to learn kubernetes and docker

tayyabullah101 profile image
Tayyab Ullah Khan

I'm Tayyab, Web Designer turned UI Developer. I'm really interested in learning React and the words DIGITAL NOMAD fascinate me a lot !!!

theshahzaibc profile image
Shahzaib Chadhar

Hello Hi, Shahzaib Here. I'm here for own benefits and to help others. Cheers!

mutengwatinashe profile image
tinashe_brighton mutengwa

Hi..l am Tinashe Mutengwa. l am eager to learn python, ruby, machine learning, data science

florent0589 profile image
Florent Shomora


ashishk1331 profile image
Ashish Khare😎

Twitter brought me down here. It's all interconnected. Well, why not we replace other languages like javascript with our best python?

tijn73 profile image

Hello! Im Tijn and Im Dutch. I would like to learn how to make web apps but I just don't have the time and money for it :/ . But Im very interested in it. Especially Progressive Web Apps. Thanks!

utibeobong_ekpo profile image
UtibeObong Ekpo • Edited

Hi, I'm Utibe, a product designer, UI/UX.

I enjoy making things simple and easy.

A post by Prosper Otemuyiwa made me aware of this cool platform

hack_neon_ profile image

Hey I'm Miracle, I'm 22, a python armateur and I'm currently studying to be a machine language programmer. I joined this community to meet intelligent minds and also to challenge myself to do better..

zroger95 profile image

Hello World :)

gitsmaster profile image


neoclsc profile image

Hi all, I am almost intermediate into R programming and Python. Very interested in soccer (Liverpool FC) and movies/tv shows - I hope I can enjoy learning using my interests!

benguo1987 profile image


abhishekd08 profile image

Hi, I am working as bigdata engineer. I am very interested in Java,Nodejs and any type of programming.
I joined this to get to know people with similar interests.

asish13 profile image

Hey guys I am new to programming and I want to learn Python and about ethical hacking.

sunflower profile image

seems like a pretty cool place

bresha profile image
Hrvoje Brešić

Hi all! My name is Hrvoje and I'm a new coder. I know some basic html and css and the next thing I'm going to learn is javascript. Hopefully I'll find good resources here.

mauroquinteroos profile image
Mauro Quinteros • Edited

Hi My name is Mauro, I'm 20 and I'm web developer. Currently I'm learning about Javascript, CSS and Python

cjreads665 profile image
Shahid Alam

Hi! I'm Shahid Alam. I'm a novice in Java and trying to get hold of c++. I've loved technology and the power of web and knowing the ways it works. I'm envisaging to become a full stack developer.

eriksjaastad profile image
Erik Sjaastad

Ran Lottem's article on creating a generic typeGuard in TypeScript brought me here. I'm about a week in to learning TypeScript and it's pretty exciting so far.

tapansooryen profile image


rnagarajan96 profile image
Nagarajan R

Hello..! My Name is Nagarajan. I am from Tamilnadu, India.

bicci34 profile image

Hi, I am Francesco, I actually studying for become a fullstack dev, actuality my target is understand c# and js framework

joshi87 profile image

Hi Dev community

muyasser profile image
Muhammad Yasser

I am Muhammad, I use Dart and Flutter to make mobile apps, welcome everybody!

sakshis28 profile image

I am preparing myself to began my career as Front end developer and eventually a Full stack developer.
hope to learn here more.

_th1nk3r profile image

Hiya! Known as Th1nk3r. Gradually digging in to Python as time allows.

demyansson profile image

Hey, I'm Backend Developer. My primary programming language is PHP, but I also use NodeJS sometimes. Currently, I'm learning C#(.NET).

iamnotalooser19 profile image

i want to learn JavaScript. can someone help me?

praiselordson profile image
Lordson Praise

Hi. I am Tope and 39 yrs. I love programming but need helping hands. I want to learn python, Java, C, web design especially web GIS and database management. Hoping to have a great time here. Thanks

blessingreube11 profile image
Blessing Reuben

Hello my fellow team please I have a question. Can I create a website with Bracket Software?

praiselordson profile image
Lordson Praise

Hi, i am Tope in am 38. I love programming languages but I'm still a novice. I wish to develop my self in python, Java, sql and web GIS to be precise. Thanks for helping.

lahkurb profile image
lalith kumar

Hello All. My Name is Lalith. I work as a Cloud Devops Engineer. Currently learning Python to do system administration task and Infra. Automation.

shujaatpakistan profile image
Shujaat ali

Hi I am Shujaat ali, I am studying computer science and I wanna become an Android app developer. I joined dev to learn how I can learn Android app development.

rikkus profile image
Rik Hemsley

Hi, I'm Rik. I write some code for fun and enjoy challenges. This looks like a great community so I'm looking forward to getting involved!

kunlegboye1 profile image
Ajagboye Kunle

I'm Daniel, I read electrical engineering in school,but I much interest in IT and programming since but don't know how.Now I'm taking a python class to begin with.I want a change of career!

paanowis profile image
Paa Nowis

Hi, I'm Simon from Ghana...

codethag profile image
Newton Kyari

Hi, My name is Newton Kyari and I am a developer from Nigeria that works with C# and dabbles into mobile development from time to time.

thapelochabala1 profile image
Bad face😒shangani

I'm still learning

escobar1314 profile image
Escobar Pablo

Am new so taking my time 😘😘😘🤣🌞💞

cameron89813325 profile image
cameron risner


jamjam_long profile image
Jam Long

Hey all, Great to join this community to learn more.! I'm designer and doing react, react-native now. Trying to solid my nestJS. Let's connect to learn more nestJS together .

ninjakutti profile image
Dinakaran Gunaseelan

I am here to explore the codings and upgrade my skills and yes, to share

prince17080 profile image

Hi, I'm Prince Sachdeva, BTech Student. I want to practice competitive programming and learn to contribute and build cool and intuitive dev projects. And I am positive that I can achieve my goals.

ravikiran5 profile image

Hi, I am Ravikiran, A JavaScript lover/ninja. Loves to share/Learn new things about JavaScript(and it's frameworks / library ). Working as a JavaScript Developer with 5 years of exprience

togoldr profile image
Togoldor • Edited

Hi. My name is Togoldor. I am from Mongolia. Novice with* CS.

duhufortunatus profile image
Fortunatus Uchenna Duhu


portolucas profile image

Hi, my name is Lucas. I'm from Brazil. Now, I'm cursing grad school in web full stack. I learn every thing I know online. So, I'm a self-taught.

kennethsly6 profile image
Kenneth Sly


mikeisah profile image
Michael Isaiah

Hi everyone! I'm a graduate of Geoinformatics and surveying with a keen interest in GIS dev. Currently studying to master the relevant programming skills to get at the top of my career.

rogerioaf profile image
Rogerio Antonio Ferreira

My name is Rogério, I'm developer that wants to improve knowledge!!
Nice to meet all!!

dikoleisaac profile image

My name is Isaac.

I am interested in Learning Web Development or Programming.

mondaywilliams1 profile image
Ndionuka Williams

Williams by name.... I'm from Nigeria. I'm here to learn JavaScript.

akiyamasho profile image

Hi there! I'm Sho, a full-stack engineer who also does direction/2D animation in Tokyo. Nice to meet you.

kharviraviraj profile image


dhonig profile image
Daniel Honig

I'm a veteran developer and skilled in many languages. I'm looking forward to honing my skills by writing and making contributions to the Dev.To community.

elouisramsey profile image

I'm Louis, currently learning JavaScript and Flutter, hoping to develop myself daily by meeting and interacting with people that have the same goals.
Really happy to be here

nnisar88 profile image
Naveed Nisar

Hello everyone. My name is Naveed. I am 32 and currently studying to become a full stack developer.

dheerajmpai profile image

Have a fantastic day

mhasan profile image
Mahmudul Hasan

Hello, I'm Mahmudul Hasan, Front End Developer from #Bangaldesh :)

chonz0 profile image

👋 Hi there!
I'm Gonzalo, I live in Argentina, I'm 35 yo. Been working as a full-stack engineer for over 10 years now.
Currently working with React (Next, Gatsby), Express and GraphQL

gonzalfaro profile image
Gonzalo Alfaro

Hello Gonzalo! I'm Gonzalo too! Saludos colega!!

emmaadesile profile image
Adesile Emmanuel • Edited

Hi everyone. I'm Emmanuel, a frontend engineer. I've been following for a while and finally decided to join. I want to contribute my bit to the community and learn from everyone here.

jatin682 profile image

Hello guys

aroaming profile image

hello everybody

crazydecent profile image

I m Tayyab and i m doing frontend development for an IT firm for one year now i want to move in advance framework... Kindly suggest me a good framework for frontend

zerocrick profile image

I am 27 year old and started studding physiotherapist.

rupinr profile image
Rupin Raveendra Nath

I am Rupin. I am a SDET. Currently I work with Espresso and Android.

msmohamed2018 profile image
Mohamed Saeed • Edited

Hi, My name is Mohamed saeed, I am software engineer and work as an Android developer. I want to add to my experience and help other developers also

issmailnaim profile image

Thank you so much

fivedomain profile image
FiveDomain • Edited

hi i write in rust (also writes in c ++) and i am interested in gamedev

vdale profile image

I'm Mohammad, 36 from Kuwait. It's nice to be with a group of codding geeks 😊

oquantumdecayo profile image

Great to be here

kiranmahale profile image
Kiran Mahale

Hello Everyone, I am Kiran Mahale, a Ruby and React developer working actively from 2016

metelliandrea profile image

Hi There! Happy to join the community!

princewhyte2 profile image
Princewhyte Dabotubo • Edited

Hello world my name is Princewhyte Dabotubo and am a Nigerian.

mutengwatinashe profile image
tinashe_brighton mutengwa


krishnadaspls profile image

Hi I am Krishnadas, interested to learn & code in frontend Techs, mostly React JS & Angular ;-)

sonulaldeepak profile image

I am SoNu. Currently working in Metaoption LLC, Noida as Software Developer. I work on ASP.NET domain.Learning Angular 8 .

iamkramrit profile image

Hey. I am Amrit. I am a undergrad and a techlover.

hotheadhacker profile image
Salman Qureshi

Hello world!

osoraa profile image

Student at covenant university, aspiring webdev, love to learn anytime too!

dhwajsharma profile image
Dhwaj Sharma

Hello peeps

regisbafutwabo profile image
Regis Baf

Hi am regis, a software engineer with a focus in web dev and I’ve been reading many of the articles with no account.. I guess it was time that I register

liquorink profile image
Idan Kazom

Nice to meet you people. I'm Idan, 23 and Learning python & Django.
Will be nice to be part of the Dev community.

shivajangra03 profile image
Shiva Jangra

Greeting for the day team!

I am J Shiva, i'm passionate to learn all time trends languages and wish to learn ML and advanced react.

starpebble profile image

Hi. I'm just trying this out.

stanimirski profile image
Stanimirski • Edited

Good morning you all. I am here because I am lost. I dont know what I have to learn, so I can get hired.

marsbars profile image


handuy profile image

My name is Nguyễn Hàn Duy. I'm a developer and also a trainer at Techmaster Việt Nam. I mainly code in Golang, JavaScript. I also know about Docker, Git

clintonic19 profile image
clintonic19 • Edited

I am Clinton and am here because I want to learn React anybody willing to help will really appreciate it.

lucky9_v profile image

HI, I am Pavan. Currently learning Full Stack Web Development and Want to start my career a Web Developer

wens32 profile image

wens ...I' m python developer .

charleyvibez profile image
Williams Charles

Hi am Charles a newbie python/django developer.
Hope to learn and benefit from this community

bhupesh profile image
Bhupesh Varshney 👾

Hi Charles 👋 nice to have you here, btw a nice Python series to follow

alexisat3 profile image

Hi. My name's Alex. I live in UK and working in IT has become a big part of my life. Have been reading a lot of articles on so finally decided to join the community.

jserve profile image
Jan "Jani" Serve

So, that's me... Jan. Just found about this place today.
I earn my money with helping our employee with the daily IT troubles and with our own coded application.

innominepatris profile image

I am always seeking for new ways of implementing different technologies. My main goal is to accept new projects within a different types of scope and implement new technologies and innovations.

danystatic profile image
daniel villarreal

Hi every one and hi Claire. I'm 37, just joined, and been reading here for a while, great tips, its about time to join. lets get back to work

topbem1 profile image
frk_ozbk profile image

I am Faruk. I am not good at writing something so I will keep it short. I am a junior frontend developer in a commerce site in Turkey. I am learning React, Vue and Typescript at the moment.

gregorrodrigue2 profile image
{Future-dev}_greg • Edited

Hey I'm Greg I'm 20 & Sort of new to programming
Currently studying computer cience looking to learn python for ai and data science also web dev

binhhuynh profile image
Binh Huynh

I am learning Software Engineering at University. I like programming and technology. I want to learn programming because it really cool and fun. Thank you reading 😊

mrvivacious profile image
Hi, I'm Vivek Bhookya
  1. Hi, I'm Vivek Bhookya, web / voice / mobile developer. Student. I made an account so that I can use the dark theme. Hobbies: poetry, dancing, code.
ddimitra2 profile image

Hi 😀

deuboe profile image

Hello everyone, I'm learning java for Android and maybe a little Kotlin, please cooperate

shnap profile image


I'm Sahana. Front end developer with almost 3.4 years of experience. I like to do DIY arts and learn to new things in my free time!

shileykumar profile image

I want create a project, give idea please

lalit707 profile image

Hello I am tribhuwan. beginning the field of web development. Desperate to learn .

best_for_babies profile image
Best for Babies

hello guys
visit on my website

marwasali47 profile image

My name is Marwa Ali. I am a senior software engineer in orange labs Egypt.
I am a backend developer working with java , springboot , micro services and docker

ifeoluwapojimoh profile image
Prince Ifeoluwapo


darionnaj1 profile image


sugayathri profile image

why people thought development as in short form #dev community🤔?

erulhunt21 profile image

Hello everyone, I am Kamarulzaman from Malaysia. I am a digital marketing freelancer. From Google, I drop here because I try to learn bootstrap. Easy Platform, I kinda fall in love with it

flatronus profile image


sharma130588g profile image
sunil sharma


hobim profile image

Hi my name is Victor from nigeria i am a 2nd year student in ondo state University. I am very interested in studying cybersecurity and hacking and i also have a little interest in quantum computing

matiassala profile image

Hello! :{)

riteshprog profile image
Ritesh Kumar

How to get GitHub API link

best_for_babies profile image
Best for Babies


balkisshue profile image

Hello! I am Balkiss. Had a 2 weeks training as a front end developer and I hope to learn more on this platform as I delve into the field

rambo1897 profile image
John Rambo

Here for quality content. Hope I get to read many and post few. Backend dev is fun. Trying to build stuff that matters. Cricket, Tennis and Sleeping favorite things to do. Ambivert.

vanribeiro profile image
Van Ribeiro

Hi! My name is Vanessa and I'm 32. I'm a Web Dev under construction and I'm trying to entry on this job area. I love to learning new things and share it! 😊

srivaayush profile image

Hi guys!
I'm Ayush Srivastava, 19 years of age... I'm pursuing B.Tech currently and I'm in first year. I just love to code... Can't wait to learn!!!! :-))

vermarajesh profile image
Rajesh Verma

I am Rajesh Verma undergraduate student in Computer Science and Engineering.

shanansari003 profile image
Shan Ansari

What to build programming concepts.

yakuptunc01 profile image
yakup tunç

Merhaba ben yakup

hermon1238005 profile image

Hi my epic name in fortnite is Hermon1238005 i'm will have aimbot please now

vanshkr profile image

Hello..My name is VANSH.I'm a college student,currently studying to become a web developer ,i'm on front end technologies and also learning cpp for competitive coding..

joshi87 profile image
Joshi • Edited

Hi to the community.I am passionate learner and create hobby projects with friends

michaelsam profile image
Joshua Michael Samuel

Hello, my name is Samuel I'm a tech blogger with some knowledge about WordPress and other CMS. I'm open to learn anytime any day.

tierbolg profile image

Hi, I'm Gilberto, recently begineer in Python but completely enthusiastic, really want to increase my skills in Django, scrap and IoT

adsdefault profile image
Default Google Ads Profile
Datar Lom channel - YouTube

aymanelshehawy profile image
Ayman Zayed Ali

Hello, My name is Ayman. I'm 27 and a PHP Dev. Currently studying to be a full-stack.

grandpa44997 profile image
Daniel Freitas

hello my name is Daniel and I'm a hard user of public transportation and i want to help tech companies to develop better apps for tracking buses oround the cities

nisha0324 profile image

Hello,i am nisha. I am doing btech from cs and i am in 1st year. and i am here to learn and observe how to do blogging? Also to improve myself in coding.

mthomps4 profile image
Matthew Thompson

Software Engineer - Elixir / Node / React / GraphQL / AWS

mthomps4 profile image
Matthew Thompson • Edited


defamationdefenders profile image
Defamation Defenders

We are Defamation Defenders: Protectors of Reputations and Removers of Negative Content Online

hackernextdoor7 profile image


An article drove me to the DEV community.
It was on coding skills.

mitochondrium profile image

I'm Namrata. A software engineer in making. Love for python brought me here.

uzodike profile image
Uzodike Oguejiofor • Edited

I am Reeny Davidson a python and Javascript developer. I've been receiving resourceful notifications from dev and would love join the community to help me grow