DEV Community

Welcome Thread - v72 staff on May 06, 2020

Welcome to DEV! Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi everyone, I'm Katie the #welcome moderator.
My unofficial title: DEV cheerleader 😊

I want to welcome all of you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.

Don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas with your own post.
If you are interested in posting, be sure to read my post:

macaulay profile image
Macaulay Uzu

My name's Macaulay
A frontend designer...
And working towards becoming a full stack developer....
I'm already working with Java as my Backend language... And it's cool and fun..... OH! forgot to mention.... I can build Desktop apps with Java also....

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hey Macaulay, welcome to DEV!
Which GUI library are you using for your Java Desktop apps?
I've used Swing, but I think things are moving towards JavaFX.

Thread Thread
macaulay profile image
Macaulay Uzu • Edited

Yeah you're right.... I make use of JavaFX.... It's flexibility will make everything easier for you....💯💯

marveen profile image
Rodrigo Valenzuela

Thanks Katie, i undestood

maverickmarmot profile image

Here is my new project -

neoanas profile image
Anas Malah

Hello everyone,
My name is Anas, I'm learning by working on an app project using React-native, it will be finished soon (I hope :), I've got my new IT dev degree this year.

gnivet profile image


My firstname is Guillaume, I'm student

in Open Class Rooms (Java developer ) in France.

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt

Hello and welcome to Community ! 👋🏼😉

gnivet profile image

Hello thanks

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Bienvenue chez DEV! 👋

Whale hello there!

gibbets profile image

Hey Hey

sirdev108 profile image
Devarshi Bhojak

hello Guillaume. I like open classroom tutorials. They are free and high quality.

levlaz profile image
Lev Lazinskiy

Hi Guilluame, nice to meet you. Welcome to the community!

ztollef profile image
Zach T • Edited

Hello! I started the self-taught journey to become a web developer a few months ago. I made an account initially to document my progress and share insights that might be of use to others in the community. When I'm not learning, I'm playing with my dogs, reading something sci-fi/fantasy, or writing short stories.

levlaz profile image
Lev Lazinskiy

Hi Zach, nice to meet you. Good luck on your journey.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hello there Zach and welcome to Community! 👋

miksimal profile image

Welcome Zach - good luck on your self-taught dev journey! Are you applying for jobs yet or still learning? I'm also self-taught and have been coding for work since November. Happy to help if I can!

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

Hi all 👋

My name is Bobby and I'm from Bulgaria.

I work as a Linux DevOps engineer. I am an avid Linux lover and supporter of the open-source movement philosophy. I also help with the DigitalOcean community forum and I work on various web-based projects including the Quiz API (you should check it is free for developers!).

I try to write tutorials for my own blog, and for the website!

lyubomiramanova profile image
Lyubomira Manova

Hi, Bobby! Welcome to Community! 👋
The QuizAPI seems cool! 👍

emtr0 profile image


I've been on for a while but just recently started to get more active on the site. I'm currently using and hashnode while I decide where my primary platform will be. I just found out about's stackbit integration so I'm really torn between the two but already started posting to hashnode, so I'll see what happens.

I'm currently learning JavaScript. I previously learned a bit of Python but never used it for a real-world application. I switched to JavaScript because I felt it fit more with what I eventually want to get involved with, and that's cross-platform apps. I haven't decided on a field yet but I recently started reading up on civic tech and that really got my interest. I just bought a physical copy of Eloquent JavaScript to have something I can read without being tied down to the PC, and to see if learning with a physical copy will provide any additional benefits.

Casually, I enjoy gaming and primarily play FPS games on PC. I'm active on Instagram and Twitter, and used to actively stream on Twitch.

If anyone has played with hashnode and, I'd love your feedback. Otherwise, feel free to connect with me for any other reason. Thanks! :)

dimitrovk profile image
Kalin Dimitrov • Edited

Hi all,

I'm Kalin, by day I'm a Linux System Administrator, by when I have time I'm a Web Developer, mostly using PHP and Laravel . This has been both my job and my hobby for the past 5 years and I dare say my hunger for knowledge hasn't dried up yet.

My recent achievement or at least how I feel it is, is starting a small websites with two of my friends. It's about quizzes on various tech topics like JS and Kubernetes - Quiz API . It ain't much but we put our heart and soul in it. I'm sharing it as I feel this is how everyone's hobby should make them feel, awesome!

Anyway, happy to be here, in such a positive community!

johnnyfekete profile image
Johnny Fekete

Hi all,
I'm Johnny, a full stack developer. I've been reading quite a lot of the articles from this site, so I thought it just makes sense to join the community.

I have been freelancing in the last couple of years, which enables me to live an amazing lifestyle from my chosen home, Barcelona ☀️.
I'm the biggest loser when it comes to games, but it's for fun anyways 🕹.
Besides tech, I'm always up for chatting about guitars, extreme sports, or pop culture.

My goal is to start writing some articles, meet new people from around the world, and contribute a bit to this awesome community.

jeffjadulco profile image
Jeff Jadulco

Hello! 👋

I'm Jeff Jadulco, I'm a game developer for 5 years and now I'm dipping my toes into web development. I like open source and I plan to write and share my journey while learning web development. 😬

geext profile image
Denis Karpovskiy

Is developing games delivers as much fun as playing them? :)

jeffjadulco profile image
Jeff Jadulco

Yes it is! And it works both ways. When I play other games, I became more appreciative of every little details in the game 😄

alexgeorgiev17 profile image
Alex Georgiev


My name is Alex and I’m from Bulgaria! I’ve been working as a SysAdmin for the past 5 years and I’m looking forward to many more. I love Linux and everything related to Web Development and in my spare time I try to improve my skills and knowledge.

Whenever I have time I work on side projects that include web development. The latest one is Quiz Api which you can check out! It offers free subscription for developers! There are a lot of interesting quizzes including Top 10 Linux, Kubernetes, Docker, Bash interview questions and a lot more!

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev • Edited

Hello there Alex and welcome to Community! 👋

levlaz profile image
Lev Lazinskiy

Hello everyone,

My name is Lev and I am happy to join this community. I'm currently leading the solutions engineering team at LaunchDarkly. I love people, python, and continuous delivery. Right now, I am working on a handful of random open source projects in my free time. In addition, I re(started) #100DaysOfCode this week.

ogprogrammer_25 profile image
Joshua Copeland

Hello community,

Read a few great articles here and just wanted to start contributing myself. I'm an experienced PHP developer and a bunch of other cool dev/ops tech.

What would be a good article to write up in the PHP realm?

zohla profile image
Maren Lilleberre

Hi! I'm from Norway and I'm learning web development in my free time as I have a full time job in another field. I also have three kids age 2, 4 and 8, so my free time is limited(understatement of the year) , but my motivation is high as I love to learn something new all the time!
It's great to discover new rescources like DEV!
I'm currently learning JavaScript and hope to pick up some great tips on that and web development in general:)

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hi Maren, I'm Katie, the #welcome tag moderator.
It's great to see more woman who code here on DEV.

I want to welcome you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.

krishnakakade profile image
krishna kakade

Hi everyone I am Krishna learning MERN stack developer and I love opensource and mostly do things related to web development and I completed #100DaysofCode
Read me #100DayOfCode story🔽
Hello to all i hope my #100DaysOfCode Journey will motivate you🙏
I started my #100daysofcode journey on 19 December 2019
and I completed my overall challenge on 26 April 2020.
My Whole Life Story from child to Code
hello there good morning/afternoon/evening/night when I was a kid mostly not able to stay at the home. but my after my schooling started and I was bullied by many folks/students in school and colony also after that I mostly spend time with my grandparents and mother and I always like to go the holidays to my mother home and today also .so without further wasting your precious time here we go.I find my interest in technology because I mostly like to play with mobile and gadgets pc and after 10th school, I joined basic computer classes and I knowing computer since windows XP, I joined science program after that my life change many things happen to me but never regret I studied well that is good .and after that I joined Computer Science and Engineering program after all 18 years of mostly lonely life I don't have too many friends and connections I am depressed, sad young boy but one thing I do from childhood that is I love my Mother & God and like to visit temples and pray for a good life. so one first day of college I visited the temple and prayed for my good day and life but in the first year I realized most of the things in college we have to do by ourself at that time I realized the self-taught thing after clearing all subjects in the first year I entered in second year of my college 18 July 6:30 PM I got a gift from as laptop Lenovo Ideapad 16GB ram 2TB HDD 4GB NVIDIA GRAPHICS CARD pretty good and we bought it for $900 =64,000 INR and my mother gifted me by her savings and she is a hardworking women and best women in my life. after that our college has HTML and CSS and js basic intro classes but I am not able to understand those things firstly by good way but after that I realized I love things related to visual then I started exploring the web for that I learnet from w3schools and tutorialspoint after that I started using FreeCodeCamp and then good start I got after doing basic certification I started exploring things related web development and I started using twitter since 2015 and new one 2017 August and after so many things I ended with MERN stack and as I said before started my #100DaysOfCode on 19 December 2019 and I completed on 26 April 2020 and in that contributed few opensource organizations and I built 22+ small projects and i made few friends also and those friends are very good to me and that's all I hope my journey to code will inspire you to thank you all.😊 and I walk regularly 10,000 steps for going college and coming home I visit temples daily.
and Nowadays I mostly spend my time computers and 60's music The Beatles and mostly on twitter & I happy with that. below I am adding some resources and links related to me feel to check it out.
You can find all days details on my twitter handle and thank you for reading whole things best wishes for good life 😊🤗 Thank you all and please ask questions I will definitely try answer Questions and Avoid grammatical mistakes I am not pro. all the best Guys .tell me your thoughts in suggestions
My Final Tweet for #100DayOfCode Day 100🔽
krishna kakade🔯🌍 on Twitter (
*** Gitlab Free Resources for A To Z of Web Development 👉ArticleLink**
*** Free Learning Resources 👉 GithubRepo**
*** Follow Me Here👉 For More My Regular ThoughtsMytwitter**
*** Follow Me Here👉 For More Projects MyGitHub**

davidwbranco profile image


I'm David.
I'm an engineering manager working from an awesome company with an outstanding team. However, I have a strong background in development, and I hope to use to help me stay up to date in what is trending and some of the new best practices. Also, I'll try to help you guys if I can.


ruairimactiern1 profile image
Ruairi MacTiernan

Im Ruairi from Ireland.

have about 10 years in Software Testing but looking to try to make a move to WebDev sometime in the near future, and lockdown is giving me some time to be able to try to learn. between working and family that is.

I actually posted in a different post as well because I think the other welcome thread wasn't letting me add anything for some reason.

you'll find me on twitter, Instagram, facebook, github .. the usual spots as well as my fitness blog (old one be it) and trying to get my portfolio site put together properly.

ruairimactiern1 profile image
Ruairi MacTiernan

meant to say, if i can ever help anyone please let me know :)

khalilpreview profile image
Khalil Preview

Hi everyone, I'm Khalil Preview, I'm a Full-Stack Python Developer, I create awesome and effective open-source software and platforms of all sizes.
I want to be part of this community and try to help and learn from you :).
So don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas.

tplive profile image

Hi all!
I'm Thomas, I'm working on a mobile game, building in Flutter! 👋

In the daytime I develop business software in .NET and I also have experience with Java, Kotlin, Elm, Go, Python, Powershell, Bash, git, blah, blagh, snore, zzzzZZZ... 😪

See you around!

geext profile image
Denis Karpovskiy

Wow, and how is it developing using Dart/Flutter?

tplive profile image

I must say I'm enjoying it immensely! Dart is a modern language, reminds me a lot of modern Java or Kotlin, and with everything laid out so great by the Flutter team, getting help is really easy!
With Flutter hot reload and visual test runs, building super-fast UI is a walk in the park, and with experience from other modern languages, you'll feel right at home coding reactive, asynchronous code.. 😄

sachithmayantha profile image
Sachith Fernando

Hi everyone.!
I'm Mayantha Fernando from Srilanka.
Currently, I'm reading B.Sc.(Special) in Information Systems.
I'm using Java technologies and frameworks for my development.
These days, I'm looking for an Internship.
LinkedIn :

alanparadis profile image
Alan Paradis

Hello everyone, I'm Alan, I'm French and I'm 19

I'm a student in Créajeux, in Programmation.

let me tell you a bit about me, I learn programming on my own on my free time 4 years ago, I quickly was interested in game development. I learn C++, Lua, and C# and made small projects in my free time during high school and I learn Python in class and made a game with friends as a school project.
When I've got my degree I know that I wanna make video games so I joined my actual game dev school.
You can check the small games that I made on my page

I'm glad to join you and share with you 😁

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Hey Alan, welcome to DEV!

klayton profile image
Klayton Cavalcante

My name is Klayton and I'm a lurker from a while now.
I see that this is a amazing community with nice people and everyone seems happy to help each other.
Helping others is a core value of mine, so I felt happy and created my profile.

I'm a experienced developer, with most of my career focused on C#, SQL HTML, CSS and JS.

Thanks and see you later!

nakabonne profile image
Ryo Nakao

Hi there! I’m Ryo Nakao. I’m a software engineer, quite interested in reducing the cycle time between an idea and usable software.

Nowadays, I've been enthusiastic about the development of a continuous delivery system, and static analysis tools in Golang. I just recently made golintui, a TUI tool for Golang linters, so I hope you can try it out.

I'm glad to be a part of such a positive community anyway.

ugurtekbas profile image
Ugur Tekbas

Hi there!
I'm Ugur, an early follower of and finally created an account 😄
I'm here to follow awesome articles closely and also share my experience.

I'm a huge fan of basketball 🏀 and building software products ❤️

If you have a great idea or experience building products ping me!

arbsn profile image


Hello everyone — I've been on the site a few times but am wanting to be more active in the dev community. I'm a designer/developer by trade, at the minute trying to focus on generative artwork and interaction design.

All the best,

chepalkalden profile image
Chepal Kalden • Edited

Hello Namaste everyone, I am Chepal Kalden Sherpa. I am a Software Engineer currently working as a Java Developer in the field of IoT. Lately, I have been learning and doing some researches on JavaScript and Python and IoT technologies.
I was going through my IG feed and this wonderful post about JS Async and Promise by Lydia Hallie (@theavacoder) brought me to DEV Community. So, here I am very happy to know about and join this community. Hope to share lots of knowledge and experiences to and forth. Happy coding !!!
PS here's the article by lydia:

moaxcp profile image
John Mercier

Hello! I'm John. I joined because I really like the positive environment it creates. I like to blog when I have an idea and this seems like a really good place to do that. Right now I'm learning a lot about x11 using java. This is a strange combination but it is fun. I also enjoy contributing to nixos and learning the nix language.

qcha0s profile image
Robert French

Hey Everyone!

I'm Robert, an old school geek / dev / architect / hacker / gamedev / adjunct professor / faculty head / human / vibrational essence / etc / etc.

I stumbled on a conversation around Pandoc, Markdown and Apple's Pages while bug hunting for an Apple "Books" not rendering code blocks issue. Looks like a good community :)

divyajyotiuk profile image
Divyajyoti Ukirde • Edited

Hey there, everyone!!
I am Dj, a blockchain enthusiast, and a blogger. I currently work in the frontend team at my company, a fresh joinee there!
I found interesting platform to gain knowledge.

cameronaaron profile image
Cameron Aaron

Hi my name is Cameron Aaron! I am. Currently a student at Connecticut College Majoring in Computer Science and Psychology with a minor in Cognitive Science. I have worked with Tech Companies such as GitHub as a software Engineer and Google as a Product Expert. I am certified in information technology by Google. I am looking to make new friends in the industry if anyone is interested in chatting more please feel free to add me on LinkedIn

leonplata profile image
Leon Plata

Hello 👋

My first name name is Leon and I'm a web developer in Bolivia, I've been for a while enjoying reading articles and I've decided to join the community, My favorite language is JavaScript and its ecosystem (Angular, LitElement, Node.js, Nest.js)

puneethkshetty profile image

Hello everyone , I'm Puneeth .
I'm a student in Sahyadri College of Engineering and Management , Mangalore
My interest involves Web Development(Front-End) and Gaming .
I'm the technical lead of We and tech community where we provide challenges and projects to all other students.
Skills : React and Nodejs (Recently working on such projects)
Happy to connect with you all :)

sirdev108 profile image
Devarshi Bhojak

Hi everyone,

I am Devarshi.

I am learning Full-stack development. I am excited to be part of this community. I hope to learn cool stuff and make new friends.

I just completed #100DaysOfCode and I am now starting 100DaysOfProject.

mouseannoying profile image
Dominic Myers

Hi, I'm Dominic and joined because I saw this as a possible social card on JSFiddle. Seeing as I spend half my life working on stuff there, I thought I'd better join here. Sorry, spamming my feed with stuff from my Blog.

I'm a front-end developer, archer, I have a book about to be published (won't link to it here as self-promotion seems crass) and I volunteer at Code Club in the UK. Enjoying my time here so far! :-)

nicobistolfi profile image
Nico Bistolfi

Hi everyone,

I'm Nico; I consider myself a builder. I built my race-car with my dad and a house out of dry containers with my wife.

I've been working on my own ideas for 14 years now. About two years ago, I launched and decided to go full-throttle.

Because of that I recently moved from Uruguay 🇺🇾to San Francisco 🌉, wish me luck!

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson

Welcome Sohaib.

markosaric profile image
Marko Saric

Hi all! I'm Marko, I work in marketing trying to spread awareness of more ethical alternatives to the mainstream products. I work on Plausible Analytics which is an open source, lightweight and privacy friendly alternative to Google Analytics. I write about things that I care about, think about and work on at my personal site. Will try to publish some of content here too and engage with the community!

emilyworld profile image

Hi everyone! I'm Emily, currently working as a strategic corporate communications planner, and learning Python for data analysis and my career goal.
Fun fact about me is that playing the piano almost every singe day for 2 decades!
Learning Python is so much fun and i strongly believe it has so much potential!!

atif33 profile image

Hello there!

My name is Atif! I have a little familly with my beautiful wife!
I am a senior angular developer, i work for many projects (Js).

I want to be part of this community and try to help and learn from you :).

Best regards,
See you there

foyzulkarim profile image
Foyzul Karim

Hello everyone. Its nice to be a part of this community. 🙂
Recently started working on
Please do check my other pet projects in my GitHub profile. Will be happy to get feedback from you.

dma121 profile image

Hello! My name is Dorian and I'm currently doing a boot camp to become a web developer. With no prior knowledge and experience in coding I find it difficult sometimes, especially with JavaScript. I'll stick around and march on! 🤓

itsshashank profile image
shashank agarwal

Hi everyone, My name is Shashank Agarwal.

I am now working full-time on It is an A.I. powered reading app.
I have previously worked in AWS (AWS Sagemaker), Expedia, Hopdata etc.
Expertise: JAVA, serverless, Large scale ML systems, blogging.

Looking forward to interacting with the awesome people in this community.

zacharydurland profile image

Hello, I'm Zach. I live in Texas. I moved back here from Japan a few years ago and I was recently laid off from an aerospace company. I have been working on Freecodecamp's front and backend courses for sometime now and am finally coming to a close. I'm seeking an entry dev position and am enjoying using glitch to flesh out some of my student portfolio!

I would appreciate frank advice from working professionals on my weak points! :)

elmisaeltovar profile image

Hi there!

My name is Misael. Making the most of my time now taking learning to code seriously!

Glad to be here!

1e4_ profile image

Welcome! What are you currently learning?

elmisaeltovar profile image

Hey mate 👋🏽

I'm learning front end dev through this course.

I've been through several other resources but this one has been the one that's worked best for me.

Thread Thread
1e4_ profile image

I've heard good things from Udemy. How are you finding it? Front end can be so much fun.

Thread Thread
elmisaeltovar profile image
Misael • Edited

Yeah, it’s great. This is the only course I’ve bought. There was a sale earlier this year. It’s great. It provides a great outline to learn current full stack practices. Though it focus mainly on front end stuff.

vicrost profile image

my first name is Abdulrahman. I'm a student.
I recently came across and was amazed by the wealth of information freely available. I know I just arrived but I've been very curious about the text fonts use on their website. They really look modern and eye-catching.

jjkeri profile image


I'm here to learn about coding from coders. I'm hoping people will guide me in the right direction (just starting to learn python).

I'm currently working in finance and trying to change career.


cypher2108 profile image
Praful Sharma

Hi everyone, I'm Praful student of computer science
And a #geek
I really enjoyed to be a self taught programmer and enjoyed learning new stuff anytime 😇
It's a great feeling to be here with you all, 😇

marveen profile image
Rodrigo Valenzuela • Edited

Hello! My name is Rodrigo people call me @rod , i find this site looking for somme dev info on twitter , I REALLY LOVE what you people are doing here ! My respect to all.

I am from chile , little town call Puerto Natales , Try to find on map
I have 8 year of experiencie on IT developer teams and as Project manager the last 4 years .

If you anyone come to my city well tell me, allways we can do sommething
Hope allyou are ok stay safe stay home #safeathome..

Quisera escribirlo en español as well.
Hola soy rod , encontre este sitio web como el resultado de una busqueda a una solucion de un problema, desde twitter llegue aqui y quede impresionado de todo lo que ustedes hacen aqui ! Mis respetos a todos ustedes.

Mi pais es chile y mi ciudad se llama Puerto Natales , intenten buscarla en el mapa jajaja
Tengo 8 años de experiencia en equipos se desarrollo IT y 4 como manager de proyectos

Si alguno de ustedes viene a mi ciudad, siempre se puede hacer algo y pasarla bien.
Un cordial saludo y quedense en casa y seguros


ottowakarimasen profile image

Hi. I have found the link to this social network at a web page
containing a frontend-developer skills map.
My current and any previous job is not connected with programming at all.
I am learning react-redux at the moment. I am not sure why am I here.
Maybe to have a look at a relevant newsfeed. Or to find some new 'friends'.
If someone writes me in English, French, Russian or German,
I will be able to reply, but only one of these languages is my native,
so I hope to be forgiven for the mistakes and probable misunderstandings.
The attached image is to test how this feature looks and works like here.
...ok, the syntax is crear, to insert an image one can upload the file to get its url and then to put it down as follows: ![image's alt](images url). The alt may be an empty string ''. :-)

blkkkbvsik profile image
Enzo Conty

Hi everyone 👋 !
I'm a full-stack developer who user 💙#Flutter & 🎯#Dart as a way to learn cross-platform mobile dev.
I've got a master in computer science 👨‍🎓 and i'm originally from France 🇫🇷 but i've been travelling a lot (Finland 🇫🇮, Russia 🇷🇺, Slovenia 🇸🇮 and much more.)

Hopefully i ll write interesting post ! 📝

nickveliki profile image

Hey I'm Nick from Nürnberg in Germany I'va always been a computer guy but just recently made it my primary job as I was a security guard for 6 years, which I can't do anymore for health related reasons. I started with C# ca. 10 years ago but now JS is my favorite

tsflorus profile image
Thomas Singerlé-Florus

Hello everyone !

I'm Thomas, a full-stack developer from France. I am very happy to be able to post my about my different experiences.
Please follow my profile inn order to never miss a news from me !
Thanks all

jessicaribbecke profile image

Hi all, I'm super new to this coding/developer world. I am still a student and learning the languages so please excuse me if everything seems foreign to me at the moment. I am super excited to learn everything and I'm hoping this community of people will add some structure and support to beginners like myself

thebtm profile image

Hey there, How goes it?

I am Brad, a System Administrator with a passion of writing code by trade and an avid Linux user and gamer. I was introduced to Linux back in 2001 have used it ever since. I have been reading articles for a while now but never signed up until today.

I may not be an expert on one field or another but managed to turn out to be a jack of all trades being able to work in many technologies. If you have need of help and I'm able to help, I will gladly try to do so.

marln94 profile image

Hi everyone,
I'm Marlon, software engineer, currently working as a full stack developer in some web based projects with JavaScript and Python.

Also, I'm doing my best in learning Data Science, I'm really interested in all the stuff you can do with data.

khairina_anuar_ profile image

Hi everyone!!
I'm unofficial programmer so basically I'm a student. My name is Khairina.

I'm here to learn something new and I will share all the new things I have learned here with all of you. In addition, I also a beginner photographer who wants to explore more in the future💕

adalmas profile image
Andrea Dal Mas

Hello everyone, I'm Andrea.
I'm an Italian that grew up in China.
Super interested in Blockchain technology, and starting to pick up web development!
I'm currently pursuing my Master Degree in Peking University.
Let's grab a coffee if you're also in Beijing! Or chat on DEV if you're elsewhere ;)

rodossaenz profile image
Rodolfo Sáenz

Hi There,

I am Rodolfo, here from Panamá country. I am a developer joining to this community to learn and give some knowledges about my expertise.

I work at the most biggest bank in Panamá as backend developer implementing techs sush as java, spring, aws, angular, ionic and a big etc.

Musician, bass player. Father of two daughters. Information Systems Engineer. MBA.

So, Hello World

davidbkay profile image
David Kay

I thought I wrote up a post but can't seem to find it...

Here to learn from others and document some of our organizational transformation from an archaic Oracle/Oracle Forms stack to a more modern Rails/AlpineJS/Vue/Core stack.

Since I work in the education space, time to market and accessibility are huge concerns for me. Rails has allowed us to literally cut months off our development time. AlpineJS gives us just enough interactivity to make stuff cool, and if we need something a little more involved we'll plug Vue in where needed.

We're also big fans of TailwindCSS. If you know, you know. If not, you should ask somebody.

We plan to be the only state education agency in the country with open sourced applications that can be used by any other state agency or district. We'll probably fail, but I'm willing to go down with that ship.


miksimal profile image

Hey everyone, excited to join the community!

I'm a self-taught dev based in London (originally from Denmark 🇩🇰) and have been working full time as a developer since November. Before this, I studied Philosophy/Economics and worked for 2+ years as the first non-technical hire at an edtech start-up, doing enterprise sales, partnerships, implementation etc.

Looking forward to learning with you all ! /Mikkel

rybrockers profile image

Hello everyone it's great to be here. My name is Ryan and I am a front end developer at

I have been a fully skilled welder engineer for 19+ years. Due to unforeseen circumstances I had to retrain to find a different career path. I decided JavaScript was going to be the direction i wanted to head in.

12 months later I am a Lead front end developer for a well known UK clothing company.

I hope to make new connections and share innovative idea's.

Thanks for having me.

jhortale profile image
Joao Hortale • Edited

Hello Guys,

I'm Joao and I work with DEV since 1997, the animated GIFs era, and I'm specialising in Javascript Full Stack (Node and React). I'm based in Rio de Janeiro Brazil and I hope we can support each other soon...

Thanks for having me here

roseg profile image


I have been lurking on for some time and decided to jump in. 😃 I am a new developer advocate with a long background in secops. I look forward to learning and interacting with everyone.

kimberleykelly profile image
kimberleykelly • Edited

Hello! My name is Kimberley! I'm working on my first project and stumbled across DEV.

If anyone is interested in helping solve a testing issue I am having with react-redux using Enzyme - I have a post on stack overflow -

Thank you!! Kim :)

codekeanan profile image

Hi guys, I'm Keanan from South Africa, I've learned some HTML and CSS about a year ago and the desire to become a programmer has not left!!! Currently doing a Full Stack Web Developement course on Udemy(about 60%complete) and enjoying every minute of it. I joined this community hoping to find others like me and to grow, grow, grow!😁(in knowledge 😅 not height, since I'm 6ft 6)

ansgerl profile image

Hi everyone, I am Ansgar from Germany. What brought me here? We are currently working on a fantastic new cross-platform tool for app development called mobileui.
We hope that we can help many of you guys creating apps for iOS and Android with one common Java / Kotlin source and much faster and in better quality than all other tools out there. The project is based on more than 8 years of hard research work and now it's almost ready. Check it out here:

lucky7star profile image

Hi All C. Clary
Chip from South Carolina
Love Linux old school, just getting my feet wet again after a 12 yrs Sabbatical. Building my own small Clusters with good old Xeon(s) backing up the field. Small 80 core to ready to push off into the Cloud hopefully with support of XLAN tunnel. But who know, a ground cloud connections from the high school to the college. Just taking it as it comes, as every day on the right side of the green is a good day;) Worked operations mainly building custom applications, I enjoy the functional side Faas maybe Cloud security my company Spartank9security but still to migrate from the mainly an entertainment design, but hacked and not really set to do anything other than a reminder as to the importance of security. Oh and I do maintain a pack of k9s, amazing creatures.

emysmoura profile image
Emilly Moura

Hi everyone! I'm Emilly and I've been studying development since I was 15 years old, nowadays I'm a dev (who unfortunately hates coffee) passionate about helping and learning.
I decided to be more participative in this wonderful community that we devs have so here I am <3

sidpalas profile image
sidpalas • Edited

Hi folks!

I'm a Mechanical Engineer turned Full Stack Developer with a focus on DevOps and Cloud Infrastructure!

I run (and its companion youtube channel: where I create content and do freelance consulting work.

I'm looking forward to meeting and interacting with this community -- Cheers!

pedrotpo profile image
Pedro Pires

Hello folks!
I'm Pedro, an aspiring full-stack web developer!
I'm currently studying javascript, react, css, html, but I have some background in python. I've been also looking up some stuff on ML and AI!

ermukesh09 profile image
Mukesh Bhakar

I am working currently with AWS SA or AWS Networking Speciality Certification and very much interested in DevOps... I also finish my docker training and so far going good. Now Next working for the kubernet CSA certification.. I would like to know which path will be better for me as there are alot to learn but i want to start with DevOps career asap..
I am thinking to do as below and appreciate feedback--

AWS Associate - Completed 2.Docker- 90% Completed 3.Kubernet Administration - Yet to start and will finish till June End..
what next--- I am thinking for the Google Kubernet and Azure Kubernet....Do i need again google/Azure cloud knowledge or can work without that...

hakkami800 profile image
عبدالله الحكمي

I have a lot of experience in information technology, technical support and customer requests, and now I want to implement ideas and create service programs that have demand in the market, I hope to create an excellent team to start building.
The market we have in the Arab world is very large and needs to be inspired and sacrificed to make better use of it.

amitavroy7 profile image
Amitav Roy


My name is Amitav Roy. Heard about this community on Twitter and came to know about quality content and hence I joined. I am a software developer and I love reading about new technology, it's use case and then try out things which are relevant to me.

fayeloja profile image

My name is Fatai. Love to be called Aliph. I am newbie software engineer. I am currently learning the frontend end technology, VUE to be precise. Next stop is Laravel to learn the backend.
I got here through recommendations of a post I read this is a nice community of Software developers.
I am currently stuck at an Admin job which is Killing me. I want to brush up my tech skills and get a tech job and be happy developing solutions for everyone.

thefullsteak profile image

Hi everyone, I'm Fabio,
I am currently working as a mechanical engineer, but I'm planning to make the switch to a developer career.
My username is the web address of my site, which will be online soon!

geext profile image
Denis Karpovskiy

Hello! My name is Denis, I'm a C# backend developer and also a 3-course student in Russia. I'm currently learning front-end development (js, Vue, GraphQL) for my first big project. I'm happy to become a part of the great community! Hope we will get along :)

mwilly profile image
Matt Willy

My name is Matt, I am a developer in Albuquerque New Mexico, and have been using Elixir at my job for almost a year now. So far I have really enjoyed working with elixir, and am looking forward to learning more about functional programming in general

priyanshrastogi profile image
Priyansh Rastogi

Hello Everyone,

I am Priyansh Rastogi, a Full Stack Developer based in India. I've been reading posts on for a while, but now I have decided to start contributing some awesome posts for this awesome dev community.

Currently, I am working as a Software Engineer at American Express. I love JavaScript and building products with it. I recently built a covid19visuals dashboard that contains lots of insights about Covid19 Global Situation. Do check it out.

Thanks :)

dimk10 profile image
Dimitris Kaitantzidis

Hi everyone! My name is Dimitris Kaitantzidis, and I want to become a web developer, because I love programming! I am currently on the second year of self learning, and things are going quite smoothly. I have learnt the basics of MERN stack ( this is link is my first MERN stack demo app, which I have refactored at least two times, because it is literally everything I know, and since I’m constantly learning new things, I refactor 😁), and I am currently trying to learn PHP and Symfony. Anyways I am happy to be with a group of people that loves programming as much as I do! (I used the word demo above, because I am constantly adding features that exist in the backend, but due to everyday activities I haven’t added yet)

reeazramoly profile image
Reeaz Ramoly

Hi everyone!

I am Reeaz, from Mauritius Island. I've just joined to learn and share my experience as back end developer. I've been working with Php, MySQL since the last few years and am willing to jump into mobile development. I am considering using Flutter/Dart ...

krishan profile image
Krishan Gopal

Hi there, I am a web developer and a competitive programmer
Not much experience but worked on a full-stack project.
A post from this community-led me to join.
Working on my soft skills since last year

escaperoomtv profile image
EscapeRoomEvolution • Edited

Goodmorning everyone.
I'm Oliver and I live in Treviso, near Venice, Italy.
I am an escape room manager and I am looking for a solution to create online games, like quizzes and treasure hunts.
I played a treasure hunt on the site and as far as I understand I think they use Gatsby plugins and tools.
Since I would like to implement treasure hunting games in my quiz mode on your project, can you please tell me which tools and plugins to use.
Can someone please help me.
Thanks so much

wheezykw profile image

Hi everyone, I'm Will. I've been programming for about 15 years in a primarily closed environment doing lots of different types of back end and server side programming. I joined to DEV to spend more expanding my knowledge into front end, AI, and ML. I'm hoping to share my experience while learning from the others within the community while hopefully building a portfolio I can share.

dotnetcrunchh profile image

Hello Devs,
I have a blog named DotNetCrunch, where I share articles or posts related to .NET and related technologies.
Here, I would be contributing/sharing my knowledge and also, learning from you guys.


konstantinkudelko profile image

Hey there!

My name is Konstantin! I have a little baby and fun wife!
Coding with JS and working in Regily!

I like read books, studying theology, but working as engineer 👨‍💻

Best regards,
See you there

noureldineadel65 profile image
Nour Adel

Hello! My name is Nour and I have come here to learn and teach. I am still a student but it won't hurt to try and teach what i am learning so me and others benefit. Take care and enjoy the rest of your day! ❤️❤️❤️

mrzitoun profile image

Hey everyone, I'm Olivier, I live in Paris, France. I work as a product manager for an e-commerce website, and I'm super interested in data-related programming. Looking forward to learning new things with you here!

samuelsmd profile image
Samuel Simeon

I'm Samuel.
I work in an advertising agency in Munich, Germany as J.Art Director. My love for frontend dev. keep growing everyday. So I decided to start learning more about HTML and CSS. Am looking for a mentor, someone who can help me to reach my goal of becoming a real frontend dev. Looking forward learning from you guys. Danke 😉

ndenesene profile image
Ndene Sene

Hello friends my name is Ndéné SENE I studied industrial IT and networks and currently I am an apprentice programmer. Happy to be among you 🤘🏽

harper_dev profile image

Hey, brand new front-end developing noob here! Looking to get into the field, any recommendations on where to start? (Currently learning HTML, CSS & JavaScript).

Just started my portfolio website to work on and develop my skills.

raihanshaheen profile image

Hi there,

This is Raihan from Amman, Jordan.
I am working as software engineer. I am JS lover and interested in UX/UI. Looking to expand my experience by start building open source projects. Found this place suddenly while googling, hope to share, get knowledge and making great connections :)


tkudlinski profile image
Tomasz Kudlinski • Edited

hi guys,

I am Fullstack Engineer (currently React, React-Native, TypeScript, Node.js) with 7 years of experience.

It is nice to be a part of this community.

I am willing to mentor some more junior devs, if you would be interested just ping me.

Here you can find my first post (React topic):

rohitsinha025 profile image

Hi everyone, i am Rohit an automation developer.I like finding bugs in the software and use various technology to do so.I believe automation is the future were we automate stuffs to reduce manual intervention.
I hope the curiosity which brought me here also provides me with all the questions i had in my mind related to various technologies.Also i am eager to learn something new with the help and support of people out here.

adarshgoyal profile image
Adarsh Goyal • Edited

नमस्ते! I am an Autodidact from INDIA love to learn and explore new possibilities in the technology and what i love the most is the open source communities, I ❤️ open source, i am always open for the open source

marigameo profile image
Mariappan S

Hi everyone, I'm Mariappan S
I'm a Web Engineer,Javascript Enthusiast and a Product Aspirant. I love to read, teach, write and speak on tech.

Open for any kind of productive conversations, webinars, open source contributions, tech talks and events.

You can read more about me and connect on -

tizah profile image
David Zagi

Hello, My Name is David Zagi From Nigeria. I am a Junior Developer.

katnel20 profile image
Katie Nelson


jettonn profile image

Hello, My name is Jeton Korenica, I'm a student for CS (currently in the last semester) from Kosovo.
I'm trying my best to finish my internship that I've started at a company, and then hope I will get a job.

hemszz profile image

I was bad at programming and hated coding, and now i want to hunt down my bad skills and committed to code. I am very interested in JavaScript , need directions to start coding and learn how to be better at coding. Till date, i just know very basics of JavaScript. I am here to start JavaScript. I wish i had some helping hands to make me better to near best at coding.

darshanp40 profile image
Darshan Pawar

Hello Everyone,
I am Darshan from India.
I am Software Engineer by profession and is interested in knowing anything and everything about front-end tech.
I am always passionate about learning new things and helping others with whatever knowledge I possess.

salvietta150x40 profile image

Hi! I'm Silvia, Web Developer, Italian expat in Spain, mom of little 6 years old geek, founder of

romeo_chris profile image

Hi, I'm Romeo Chris... it's a nick but I love it...
A frontend web dev...
And working towards becoming really good developer....
It's cool and fun... the Learning process is overwhelming tho

thomasbnt profile image
Thomas Bnt • Edited

Hello Remeo, welcome to Community ! 👋🏼😉

Check that, you can find good posts !

mctraore profile image
Marie-Claire Traore • Edited

Hello everyone! My name is Marie-Claire. In my free time you can find me running, reading, or learning something new.

I'm excited to be a part of the community!

jlauinger profile image
Johannes Lauinger

Hi, I'm Johannes!

I am studying computer science in Darmstadt, Germany. I like security, hardware, web technologies and data science.

I'm interested in Go and Rust, languages ("human" languages :D) and probably more!

Happy to be here <3

adhyriz profile image

Hello All , I'm Adhy
I am a programmer and excited to React stuff, Java Advanced, Mobile Programming and other things.
Hope this dev room got me some new colour in my coding journey

Sloan, the sloth mascot
Comment deleted
luleherll profile image
Lule Herman

I'm Herman Lule, a full-stack web developer. I love JavaScript and currently learning machine learning.

iupriser profile image
deepak sharma

hey, myself Deepak. it's my pleasure to be in such a massive and talented community.

omware profile image

Hi everyone✋✋

abaadir2020 profile image

Hello, my first day here.

esigmi profile image
Habib Sigmi • Edited

Hello everyone,

My name is Habib, I'm a freelance php developer from morocco.
I'm here to learn news things about php and javascript and also to share my experience with the community !

scythektk profile image

Hello I'm Kartike
I'm a high school student and I'm learning python.

nduduzo__ profile image

This is awesome!

kenph4m profile image
Ken Phạm

I am Thanh, I want to learn about dev and find out
I found this website by chance and was very interesting and helpful
Hoping to learn from everyone

olatoyebrain profile image
Sodimu Olatoye

Hi everyone. Olatoye by name, a newbie here and am a Nigerian. Frontend Developer, obsessed with JavaScript and eager to learn more.

lanars_inc profile image
Arslan Tayliyev

I am Arslan. Some words about me: company founder, entrepreneur, working in the IT industry for near 10 years. I have some good knowledge of the IT industry and want to share it

sukeshmarla profile image

Wassup guys......

Hope so you all have seen my Learn Angular series

italorangel profile image
Ítalo Rangel Penaforte Mendes


I'm Italo, and I'm broadcasting from the middle of the Amazônia,

And if you need help with any project, just call!

kamaumbugua profile image
Kamau Mbugua

Hello, nice to be here!

feelhack profile image
Sanjay Kumar Das

I found this is the best website ever

vladyslavkhrystych profile image
Vladyslav Khrystych

Hi, guys, my name is Vlad! I'm front-end engineer. I use to find articles about confused things in Javascript :)

My technology stack: React for main job and React Native for the soul <3

whereispie profile image

Yo to everybody

emarza975 profile image
Emanuele Arzà

Hi everyone!
I'm Emanuele from Italy, 45 years old...
I'm so curious and i have no limits for learning new coding!

dhatababoy profile image
Jyte stanhope

Can anybody here take me on programming

vagueone8 profile image

Hi, My name is Farid and I'm 19 years old. I have just dive into developers life

nsisodiya profile image
Narendra Sisodiya ⚛️ 🇮🇳

Hi, I am Narendra Sisodiya, 11+ yrs in JavaScript.
Love Node.js | TypeScript | React.js. Tech Leadership roles.

zendbit profile image
Amru Rosyada


I am Amru, just ordinary newbie :-)

ayomi_002 profile image

I am Adeoye Ayomide, a passionate Android developer and I really need some remote works.

achjailani profile image
Ach Jailani

Hi, my name is Jay from Indonesia, i'am university student
this time i'am learning Node.js... nice to meet you all

praveensms profile image
Y Praveen

Hi I'm Praveen. Newbie

exotechcode profile image
Jakub Piskiewicz

Hello everyone! I'm Jacob. I develop stuff in JS and Python (right now learning Kotlin and C).

nitinve31819280 profile image
Nitin Verma

Thanks for welcoming.

kryptonhacker profile image

Ok I got this

shubhamthedev profile image
Shubham Sharma

Hi guys this is Shubham and i am actually a mechanical engineer but I'm moving towards more #webdev lately learning some front-end.

golovpavel profile image
Golov Pavel

Hi! I'm a software developer and I specialize in Java, backend and DevOps.

In my blog I will share my own experience. Subscribe to my blog!

ravi221 profile image
Ravi Kumar Kothapalli


I am trying to implement a JSON based complex dynamic form with react hooks, which has multiple sections on UI.
Can anyone help on this.

frankdiaz88 profile image
Frank A. Rodríguez Díaz

Hi there, I am frank a cuban javascript fullstack developer.

arshadayvid profile image
David Asaolu

Hi, I'm a Javascript developer. I joined in order to share projects and meet with like minds. You can follow me and check out my latest story.

amara profile image

Hello Everyone, I am Amara, an aspiring Expert Frontend Developer from Nigeria.

I say aspiring because I'm currently in a complicated relationship with JavaScript.

vosh55 profile image
Salome Gosbert

Hello all👋🏼.

My name is Salome. I'm an aspiring UX designer. I'm excited to be part of this community. Interested to follow topics related to UX design as well as front end development.

vosh55 profile image
Salome Gosbert

Hello all👋🏼

My name is Salome. I'm a beginner UI/UX designer. I'm excited to be part of the community. Looking to follow topics related to UI/UX design and front end development.

traisna profile image
Traisna Kurnia L

hello my name Traisna , wanna try learn new something like linux , kali l;inux, python etc thanks

leapalazzolo profile image
Leandro Palazzolo

Hi everyone! I'm Leandro from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm a computer engineer and I work as a SRE/devops. Also I'm interested in web development.

darrenbutler profile image
Darren Butler

Hi everyone,
I'm Darren, an undergrad computer science major at Philander Smith College from the Bahamas. I'm a total beginner at everything but looking to learn and build some interesting projects.

coordinatecat profile image

Hello! It's nice to meet you all at DEV!!
I work on the front end in Japan.

acure4it profile image


karn21 profile image
Karan Maurya

Hello everyone, I am Karan. I am new member here and looking forward for some great experience.
Just checkout my portfolio.

akashshuklacs profile image
Akash Shukla

Hi, I am Akash from India. I am a software engineer. Here to share my experience learning to code and things that I picked up along the way.

nduduzo__ profile image

Hello everyone, I'm ndu and I'm a #CodeNewbie. I am learning javascript on freecodecamp, I also recently discovered and I'm taking challenges there too

gibbets profile image


my name is Steve, I'm a product owner in an automotive software company in Germany and work on next gen automotive software.

erileff profile image
Erica L. (she/they)

Hello, I'm Erica. I'm an attorney and aspiring developer. :)

andrew_bettany profile image
Andrew Bettany

Hi, I am new to dev. Helping my son (10yrs) get into coding (moving from Scratch to Python). Will probably lurk and learn, and follow the beginner threads in the Community.

geext profile image
Denis Karpovskiy

Wow that's great! Your son is so lucky (if he really wants to do it). But it may be hard sometimes to motivate other people. Wish you luck!

ringbearerramos14325 profile image
Daniel Ramos

Hi Daniel here. Based in Puerto Rico. I'm primarily using JavaScript and React.js right now.

gabecoded profile image
Raji Gabriel

Hi everyone, I'm Gabecoded new to Web Development. Currently learning CSS.

thatwist profile image
Yurii Ostapchuk

Greetings! Just discovered this nice place on the internet, hope here I'll be able to give/share as much knowledge as I can take/learn back, have a nice Friday evening and long weekend ;-)

streuby profile image
Stephen A. R.

Hi, I am Stephen Reuben ....a web developer currently learning python-backend and JavaScript-frontend. I hope to become a full blown developer and a proud owner of an e commerce platform.

azeem_mhd profile image
Azeem Ansari 💻 • Edited

Hello everyone!! I am Azeem Ansari from Dubai,I am working as Front End Developer and currently learning JavaScript ES6 and ReactJs
Any senior developer's advice would be appreciated 🙂

obaino82 profile image

Nice been among great scholars to learn and to develop my new field.

paulsd2020 profile image
paul deauna


raymkindo profile image

My name is Raymond call me Ray.
It's my first time in this platform, and am starting learning JavaScript.

mhabib555 profile image
Muhammad Habib

I am Habib from Pakistan. I love learning about php, laravel, html, css, javasript, angular, vuejs, react and ionic. I hope joining this community will definitely enhance my knowledge.

elemoghenekaro profile image
Bob Indaboski 🇯🇲

Hi everyone, I'm Karo. I just started learning to code with python. It's been an interesting journey so far... Happy to be here!

scifimark profile image
Mark Henderson

Hi, how are you? I'm Mark, becoming an indie game developer here. Nice to meet you.

lucky7star profile image

I’ve written one of these but it’s vanished. I suppose one must have been sufficient.

pkvsinha profile image

Hello, new and excited to be part of this community.

devsaumyadip profile image
Saumyadip Biswas

I am saumya, a software engineer
from India, love to explore things in software engineering create, learn and contribute to the community

lapin profile image

Hi all! A designer here! Trying to pick up a few new skills other than basics. See you around :)

azizfcb profile image

Hi there,

DevOps guy, who hates working with Microsoft technologies and who is a coffee addict.
My main dev stacks are LAMP and MEAN ones and I'm very passionate about the JavaScript world.

d0m1n1qu3_arz4n profile image
Dominique Arzané

Hello everyone, I'm Dominique Arzané Web and mobile developer living in Côte d'Ivoire .

jeanmariejackman profile image

Hello, I'm a software engineering student at Flatiron, NYC

xeniache profile image

Hello, everyone!
I'm Xenia. An architect in the past, currently learning front-end dev.

winstone98 profile image
Churchill Winstone

My name is Churchill Winstone,
From Nairobi,Kenya.

It's my pleasure joining the community.

akhileshwarreddy profile image
Akhileshwar Reddy

This is Akhil Ankireddy.
I am a Software Engineer from India.

sumanhansada profile image
Suman Hansada

Hi Everyone, My name is Suman.
I am a Software Engineer working in Pune, India.
I have 3.5 years of experience mainly in .Net, CSharp.
Also a little bit React/Angular, AWS/Azure

mabusharkh profile image

Hello all, hope you are doing well ; i am a computer engineer , just started with DEV community :)

th3exorcist profile image

Hello, I just discovered this community because of Github Hacktoberfest stickers.
This looks very nice, and I'm exploring the features.

Nice to meet you all

cedev profile image

Hi All,

My name is Cedric, I'm a web developper student. I live in France.

Looking forward to read u

cellou404 profile image

Je m'appel Cellou Cissé, passionné du dev
J'apprend le Python qui ne mord pas et le framework django.
Je suis en l'aise avec le HTML5 & CSS3, Bootstrap, et un peu en JavaScript

saliya1000 profile image
Saliya Wijebandara

hello im saliya from new to here

sergioska profile image
Sergio Sicari

Hi, I'm Sergio, Software Engineer with great passion about coding and technology

skatox profile image
Miguel Ángel Useche


I'm Miguel, I'm a web developer, Mozilla Tech Speaker, and a professor. I've a tech blog for many years, it's on Spanish but now I want to share its content here on English.

rrahul491 profile image


My name is Rahul n I'm from India.

Started learning React JS. Pl guide me how to proceed.

Open for suggestions in the world of @masters of code.

Thanks in advance.

henryarpon profile image

Hi everyone, I'm Henry currently an IT student aiming to land a career in webdev after graduation.

enretro profile image

Great feeling to be mamber of community.
"Follow EnTrue and The En will Follow">

josumung999 profile image
Josue Munganga

Hello, I'm Joshua from the Democratic Republic of Congo, actually i'm learning JavaScript for Fullstack development. Especially the MERN architecture

heynimit profile image
Nimit Patel

Hello world! I'm Nimit

I'm developing web-apps in React Js

I'm Looking a Job/Internship

muyiwamighty profile image

Hello, I am new here to learn and build my programming skills

ajmalmsali profile image
Ajmal Sali


I’m Ajmal Sali

I am a Javascript developer focused on Backend, i have been using for a while as a reader

I work remotely from Kerala, India

Thanks to the community :)

anilloutombam profile image
Anil Loutombam

Hi! Hope Everyone is safe,
Currently exploring into the world of JavaScript.

mankind00 profile image

Hello, I'm new to programming, really interested in learning Javascript and work my way to be pro at it, need the support of the community

elishakay profile image
Elisha Kramer

Hi everybody.
My name is Elisha and my most recent project is:

It enables anybody to scrape their own Amazon Purchase History and share it with their friends.

marveen profile image
Rodrigo Valenzuela

Hi, just here for 1 day and i read a lot of good stuff thanks for be here

amarkum91437649 profile image
amar kumar

Hi Guys I am amar currently working in Amazon as automation Specialist... intrested in learning more about AWS services..

judo58362 profile image

Hello, my 1st Comment on 5/8/20

yashsolankidev profile image
Yash solanki

Hi everyone, I'm Yash #just another web dev dabbler😁
I'm a student learning frontend development.

olaoyevick profile image
Victor Olaoye

Hi, I'm Victor and I'm new here. I'm a front end developer

mi2arun profile image


lightnk profile image
Light Nkemjika

Hello! Everyone, I'm Light
I'm a web developer at beginner level using self taught, I subscribed here so as to get help for better performance.
Hope I'm welcomed?

tesolotech profile image
Vikash Kumar

Hi aliens

soumyabrata1147 profile image
Soumyabrata Bhattacharjee

Hello everyone.I am a student,also a passionate Web Developer.Nowadays I am trying to learn MERN stack.I have lot of interests about the Web domain.😊

inicolas69 profile image
Nicolas Iniesta

Hey! I'm a junior developer on Rails, learning NodeJS. I learned development by doing the Wagon bootcamp in Lyon, France! 😃

hungryoungman profile image

Hi Everyone, A hungry young man here. I just wanted to feed my brain cells something more fun. I was searching for communities where dev can share their ideas & looks like I have hit the jackpot. 😉

vborodulin profile image
Slava Borodulin

Hello, guys!!!

bhakshak profile image
Mayank Verma

Hey Everyone, This is mayank. I am working as Lead Software Engineer at Sling Media.

goran_says profile image


My name's Goran. I'm looking for a new place to write up some k8s articles since I'm trying to switch to something more conducive than Medium. I like Kubernetes.

yankarto profile image
Karthikeyan Viswanathan

Hello DEV community,

Myself Karthi'keyan ,a.k.a. yankarto

I'm Full time Data Science Enginner