Welcome to DEV!
Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.
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Top comments (238)
Hi everyone, I'm Katie the #welcome moderator.
My unofficial title: DEV cheerleader 😊
I want to welcome all of you to the DEV community and let you know that you'll find lots of help and support here for all your coding needs.
Don't hesitate to ask questions or contribute new ideas with your own post.
If you are interested in posting, be sure to read my post:
A Comment is not a Post
Katie Nelson ・ Dec 20 '19 ・ 3 min read
My name's Macaulay
A frontend designer...
And working towards becoming a full stack developer....
I'm already working with Java as my Backend language... And it's cool and fun..... OH! forgot to mention.... I can build Desktop apps with Java also....
Hey Macaulay, welcome to DEV!
Which GUI library are you using for your Java Desktop apps?
I've used Swing, but I think things are moving towards JavaFX.
Yeah you're right.... I make use of JavaFX.... It's flexibility will make everything easier for you....💯💯
Thanks Katie, i undestood
Here is my new project - rater.in/
Hello everyone,
My name is Anas, I'm learning by working on an app project using React-native, it will be finished soon (I hope :), I've got my new IT dev degree this year.
My firstname is Guillaume, I'm student
in Open Class Rooms (Java developer ) in France.
Hello and welcome to Dev.to Community ! 👋🏼😉
Hello thanks
Bienvenue chez DEV! 👋
Hey Hey
hello Guillaume. I like open classroom tutorials. They are free and high quality.
Hi Guilluame, nice to meet you. Welcome to the community!
Hello! I started the self-taught journey to become a web developer a few months ago. I made an dev.to account initially to document my progress and share insights that might be of use to others in the community. When I'm not learning, I'm playing with my dogs, reading something sci-fi/fantasy, or writing short stories.
Hi Zach, nice to meet you. Good luck on your journey.
Hello there Zach and welcome to Dev.to Community! 👋
Welcome Zach - good luck on your self-taught dev journey! Are you applying for jobs yet or still learning? I'm also self-taught and have been coding for work since November. Happy to help if I can!
Hi all 👋
My name is Bobby and I'm from Bulgaria.
I work as a Linux DevOps engineer. I am an avid Linux lover and supporter of the open-source movement philosophy. I also help with the DigitalOcean community forum and I work on various web-based projects including the Quiz API (you should check it is free for developers!).
I try to write tutorials for my own blog, dev.to and for the devdojo.com website!
Hi, Bobby! Welcome to Dev.to Community! 👋
The QuizAPI seems cool! 👍
I've been on dev.to for a while but just recently started to get more active on the site. I'm currently using dev.to and hashnode while I decide where my primary platform will be. I just found out about dev.to's stackbit integration so I'm really torn between the two but already started posting to hashnode, so I'll see what happens.
I'm currently learning JavaScript. I previously learned a bit of Python but never used it for a real-world application. I switched to JavaScript because I felt it fit more with what I eventually want to get involved with, and that's cross-platform apps. I haven't decided on a field yet but I recently started reading up on civic tech and that really got my interest. I just bought a physical copy of Eloquent JavaScript to have something I can read without being tied down to the PC, and to see if learning with a physical copy will provide any additional benefits.
Casually, I enjoy gaming and primarily play FPS games on PC. I'm active on Instagram and Twitter, and used to actively stream on Twitch.
If anyone has played with hashnode and dev.to, I'd love your feedback. Otherwise, feel free to connect with me for any other reason. Thanks! :)
Hi all,
I'm Kalin, by day I'm a Linux System Administrator, by when I have time I'm a Web Developer, mostly using PHP and Laravel . This has been both my job and my hobby for the past 5 years and I dare say my hunger for knowledge hasn't dried up yet.
My recent achievement or at least how I feel it is, is starting a small websites with two of my friends. It's about quizzes on various tech topics like JS and Kubernetes - Quiz API . It ain't much but we put our heart and soul in it. I'm sharing it as I feel this is how everyone's hobby should make them feel, awesome!
Anyway, happy to be here, in such a positive community!
Hi all,
I'm Johnny, a full stack developer. I've been reading quite a lot of the articles from this site, so I thought it just makes sense to join the community.
I have been freelancing in the last couple of years, which enables me to live an amazing lifestyle from my chosen home, Barcelona ☀️.
I'm the biggest loser when it comes to games, but it's for fun anyways 🕹.
Besides tech, I'm always up for chatting about guitars, extreme sports, or pop culture.
My goal is to start writing some articles, meet new people from around the world, and contribute a bit to this awesome community.
Hello! 👋
I'm Jeff Jadulco, I'm a game developer for 5 years and now I'm dipping my toes into web development. I like open source and I plan to write and share my journey while learning web development. 😬
Is developing games delivers as much fun as playing them? :)
Yes it is! And it works both ways. When I play other games, I became more appreciative of every little details in the game 😄
My name is Alex and I’m from Bulgaria! I’ve been working as a SysAdmin for the past 5 years and I’m looking forward to many more. I love Linux and everything related to Web Development and in my spare time I try to improve my skills and knowledge.
Whenever I have time I work on side projects that include web development. The latest one is Quiz Api which you can check out! It offers free subscription for developers! There are a lot of interesting quizzes including Top 10 Linux, Kubernetes, Docker, Bash interview questions and a lot more!
Hello there Alex and welcome to Dev.to Community! 👋
Hello everyone,
My name is Lev and I am happy to join this community. I'm currently leading the solutions engineering team at LaunchDarkly. I love people, python, and continuous delivery. Right now, I am working on a handful of random open source projects in my free time. In addition, I re(started) #100DaysOfCode this week.
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