Welcome to DEV!
Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you're learning, or just ...
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Hi Everyone :)
I currently work as a film producer, and I started to study code during the quarantine and found myself completely fascinated with this world.
I still have a long way to go before I can call myself a developer, but I'm very determined and I expect to learn a lot from the community here on dev.to.
I'm doing all of my studying online (mainly on Codecademy PRO, and Udemy), and I plan to spend some months completely immersed in code to pursue a career in web development in the future.
Welcome :) I can totally feel you, I worked for 9 years in video and cinema, doing it all: grip, shooting, editing and eventually cinema mastering. After a transition time as a sysadmin now I'm happily hacking things together with Ruby (or perhaps breaking things apart) since two months.
Good luck!
Wow, Nicolò! How did that happen?
I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one making this change!
Thank you :))
I longed to get into development for a long time, so after quitting I used what I knew about Linux system administration and started from there. I tried to soak up everything I could learn from work and online like a sponge. What helped me the most was building a little web app based on a pain point found during my sysadmin role: ugly code, but it worked. At least I learnt what I shouldn't have done 😅 After that I aimed to a Junior developer position, and finally got it. It's never too late to be a junior, it matters your willingness to learn and adapt
Welcome to DEV!
Welcome Julia! i also recently started learning to code and cant wait to be immersed in this. If you want some free good tools to learn code I recommend: Freecodecamp.org and Sololearn. I use both. They are good for starting with web dev and javascript. :)) lets coooode!
Vou dar uma olhada, com certeza <3
Hey, Julia. Welcome to DEV!
I can relate to that, I dropped out of an Arts degree to pursue a career in web development and it worked quite well.
Let me know on Twitter if you need any help or tips 👋
Hey Vitor!
I'm happy to hear you made that change and that it worked out for you, I'll definitely reach out for some tips :)
Thank you very much!
Well check that out! We may or may not be able to help each other (you may be helping me more than I can help you. lol) I am not just a coder, but a graphic designer and video editor as well. Currently jack of all trades master of none. I'm becoming efficient at Javascript and all aspects of editing.
Hi there David!
Well, I'm in Brazil, but let me know if I can be of any help from abroad :)
Now, in regards to coding, you'll help me more than I help you. I still don't know anything about JS.
Thank you!!
Film producer to a Developer, that'll be an amazing journey.
Do you plan to write about your journey here on Dev?
Yes, I plan to! Its probably gonna be a tale of blood, sweat, and tears though.
Wow, I'm looking forward to it then.
Hey.. we are on the same page !
Hi Julia, welcome !!
Welcome and good luck with your online classes!
Thank you Matthieu :)
I Am A Full Stack Developer if you need any help just message me
That's my goal. Trying to get proficient at JS now. I've been doing the exercises on Freecodecamp and Codeacademy. I'm on Promises now. ugghh..lol
ok if you need any help just send me on Instagram @mouradsherif76
Alright. Thanks.
Thank you, Mourad! I'll definitely write to you with my doubts.
ok here is my Instagram account @mouradsherif76
Hi all! I’m new to DEV as well as web development. I’m looking forward to growing my experience and knowledge as I pursue a new career.
I’ve got a lot of work in front of me but I’m loving every minute I spend working on development. Currently I’m working on simpler front end projects with a focus on HTML/CSS.
Hey, Ryan. Welcome!
You have a long road ahead of you and I'm sure it is going to be a joyful journey.
A solid understanding of HTML and CSS goes a long way so you're on the right track!
Hi Ryan! Welcome to DEV! I'm new too, but am an experienced web dev (10+ years), so feel free to reach out to me if you need anything/get stuck on anything!
Hi Patrick, thanks for the offer! I just posted a solution to a problem I worked through on frontend-mentor. They offer some experience working through design documents and trying to layout a site/page and give the opportunity to post for feedback. I'm really working towards writing clean code and I'm sure I'll improve as I get experience. I'm open to suggestions on improvement, ideas on how to promote myself and anything else that can help me succeed. frontendmentor.io/solutions/single...
I started taking C classes when I was 14, and have been coding my own fun/useful projects ever since. I worked in the digital marketing industry for some years, but I am now focused on my true passion, coding, learning full time.
In order to refresh knowledge I have enrolled in Harvard's CS50. At the same time, I am learning new stuff on The Odin Project and FreeCodeCamp. It's a lot of stuff, but I'm confident in myself.
My current goal is finding a job as soon as possible in a company where I can find myself comfortable while still learning and expanding my skills.
Hi Kaplyak,
I too am looking for that first opportunity. I really like how you worded that part of your post. I’ve struggled to put that into words myself. Good luck!
Thank you Ryan! Best of luck for you too!
I am happy for you. My ultimate goal would be an entry level job that continually challenges me And provides the opportunity to develop and enrich my skills.
Hello, I am Senior Android Dev from India.
Hi-5 to all the techies out there. It's been more than 5 years since I am part of the developer's team.
It feels like home to be here with people having the same thought process. Where I can shoot out my thoughts without giving a second thought that if people would understand me or not. :D
I am enthusiastic to learn, grow, inspire, and stay motivated with the tech community.
Currently, I am brushing up my DS and Algo skills, along with the latest Kotlin 1.4.0.
Would love to hear from all of you.
Stay Healthy.
Keep Coding.
Hie everyone.
I am currently working in sales and marketing in the telecommunications sector. I started to study to code as a hobby three years ago. Though I have some knowledge of Javascript, HTML, and CSS I cannot really say am a developer.
I have recently embarked on a more serious approach to studying and I mainly use udemy for my online study. Am gearing myself towards full stack javascript and python. I also have an interest in data visualisation using Power BI, Tableu and D3.
These days everyone on Earth can call themselves a developer, so can you. 😊
Thanks Sergei for the encouragement. Maybe the best term would be apprentice developer!!!!
I suggest you take a look at this website: amiarealdeveloper.com
It's the authority in the question of someone being a real developer. 😁
You've come to the right place to learn more about these technologies. Welcome!
Thanks Arik willing to learn and absorb as much as I can
Thanks Arik hope to learn and absorb as much as I can!!
I'm a recent graduate in an unrelated area, but want to switch fields to coding. I've learnt a little bit of Python through online resources and courses, and will be taking up the #100DaysOfCode challenge soon.
I am going for my 2nd round of 100DaysOfCode. Have already completed one , let's connect on insta @iuxair
Hello! Does the time I spend researching for code count in the daily hour of coding?
Reading, watching tutorials, etc count as time for challenge. But it's preference as well,
Apologies, but I haven't set up my Instagram account yet. Would you be willing to connect via Twitter instead? @importhuman
I don't have a twitter account yet, START the challenge and will be here if you need me :)
That's alright, and thanks a lot!
Namaste everyone.
I am shivam here, A final year undergrad passionate about Data and Technology.
I have good experience in python and ML and am looking forward to learn react and integrate my models with react and learn some deployment.
When not on laptop I roam around places and eat and play video games.
Hello guys, I'm currently a leather artisan who focuses on making leather bags and wallets. I started learning about how websites and apps work after coming across an udemy ad on Facebook and people were arguing about how programming is hard and some even said its impossible to learn, others say it's a continuous process, but then I got so confused about what these guys are even arguing about and decided to follow up the link on the ad which landed me on the udemy website and it was a course on web development, after watching a preview, I decided to enroll and it's been fun since then, I mean I'm still a beginner, but I just love the problem solving aspect of it which makes me come back to it even when I get frustrated...anyways I'm aspiring to become a well experienced web developer in the quickest time possible and I know I could get a lot of help and inspirations from you guys here on dev.to THANK YOU GUYS🙂🙂
Love this story! Welcome to the DEV community, Hamza 🙂
Thank you Gracie Gregory
Hi Everyone! I'm drilling engineer with 6 years of experience, who has been studying for the last 2 years coding. Preparing myself for the change of the career. Mainly build asp.net core projects and have done a lot of mistakes by going too long through sets of training and courses, looks like finally understood that the practice is the main one.
Hello everyone!
I'm (or were) a pharmacist who decided to quit my job in a drugstore to start learning about web development. Now I'm taking the Systems to Internet Technology couse as a second graduation. I've taken an EDX course about CSS and HTML and now I'm starting to learn JavaScript. Hope we all can learn with each other here!
Awesome! Welcome to DEV 🙂
Hi everyone! 🤘
I'm from Peru, I study computer science at the university and I am also self-taught, I take online courses in #Platzi. I currently lead a community in my city, where we talk about technologies and invite speakers to tell us about their experiences and learnings.
I am very excited to be a part of DEV.to, and I look forward to learning a lot from all of you. Thank you! 💎
Hello folks, I'm Fidel from Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm newbie in this amazing world of web development. I'm very interested in CSS, SASS, Node, JS and libraries like React. I would really appreciate all the advises and feedbacks you could give me in this path.
Thanks y'all 👍💻
Hello everyone! My name is Sarah and I am new to web development. I recently quit my job as a proposal writer so that I could deep-dive into this world as it's something I've been interested in for a long time. I'm currently at Mayden Academy in Bath studying their intensive 16 week full stack web developer course. 2 weeks in and we have learnt a lot about front end technologies and built our own portfolio site. I'm looking forward to getting stuck into the back end world next :)
Hello !
Welcome to Web Development ! Having done bit of backend development, I think it's quite fun, and hope you will find it interesting as well 😃
Thanks! We have started on PHP this week and JavaScript is comig up soon. I can't wait to master these powerful programs and build awesome applications with them!
Hi all!
I am a space researcher and a founder of a scientific publishing startup. We are an early stage and I do most of the coding. Dev.to helped me quite a few times during the development but there are also lots of unique technical problems that I had to solve myself. I would like to give back to the community by sharing how I solved them. I used to post on Medium but I find Dev.to to be a more appropriate place for technical stuff. Cheers!
Hello Everyone !
I am a 2nd year Computer Science Student and I started my Web development career since starting of this year. I'm always happy to learn new technology stacks and currently learning reactjs.
I hope I can gain a lot from this community and can share my experience too :)
Hi Friends!
Excited to be here :) I have used Medium for the past few years, but as the founders of Dev know all too well, they are not friendly with their paywalls. Excited to get to know some of you!
I work as a Software Developer at SAP through their SVNT rotational program. It's been a quick few months since I've started and certainly feel like I am learning a lot. In my downtime, I've recently been exploring serverless frameworks such as Vercel.
Have a good one ✌️
I used to be a teacher of English as second language before switching careers for development. It happened some time ago and now I work as a software architect at a quite big company.
I came here to share my experience and thoughts. I'll mostly write about software/solutions architecture, javascript and typescript, and probably something else.
I hope someone will find my writings helpful. 🙂
Hello Great Developers, my name is Josie I am a week away from graduating from Bethel School of Technology, I feel I barely know anything about coding, I have a desire to learn more of React.js, Javascript, mysql to start. Am honored to part of this group.
Happy you're here!
Hi, I'm new to coding and am trying to bring my ideas to life. I'm working on building a "toolbox" and am looking forward to learning from others!
Welcome to DEV! 👋
Hello everybody,
Ivan from Italy here. I'm a freelancer software developer and system integrator and my main business is industrial applications and medical devices.
In the last period I often use Qt/QtQuick as my main framework, but I also use other frameworks and languages (Python, js, C).
I love Free Software and Open Source projects and I'm a GNU/Linux user for about 15years. I'm a maker too, and I like IoT solutions and MCU
I found dev.to following a webinar from KDAB, where Vasily Pereverzev talk about Musescore. Then I found articles by Vasily in this site and I liked it.
Hi! Recently joined Dev.to, and couple days ago made my first contribution. I'm fullstack dev (Java, TypeScript, JavaScript, React) at a large IT company in Eastern Europe. In love with TypeScript, working on some personal projects available on GitHub; from time to time contribute to other open source. Cheers!
Hi everyone, I'm Rowaa, I'm 42 years and start to learn programming two years ago.
I learned Java, Angular and vue.js. want now to go deeper with JS it self.
Happy to be here, hope to learn from you all and get support as well 🙂
Hello World !
One of the twitter poles brought me here, poll was about best open source developer blog sites ..
I work at Thermo Fisher Scientific and graduated with a CS degree last year, I am more of a application oriented guy, believing problem should be solved in an efficient way - underlying what technology you use doesn't matter for me!
Would be happy to pitch in to collaborate or help on a open source project or startup :')
Sadly I don't have any open projects to share my github link here.. but will do in upcoming months :)
Hoping to meet new people and collaborations here, cheers!
I'm a hobby programmer trying to learn Rust. I am mostly self taught, except for a basic JS class I took ages ago. I really enjoy OS and game dev, but I'm not very good at it yet. I am also a huge linux fangirl. My github is amberisvibin.
Nice to meet you!
Hello Everyone,
I'm working as a software developer. Been using dev for a while but i just realized that i'm using it more often but not signed up for the account. So, did just that.
looking forward to get more knowledge and spread knowledge.
Hi all! 👋
I currently work in IT, but am looking to make a move back to my true love, software. I'm but a fledgling developer, but I have a good foundation from my associates degree in Computer Science many moons ago.
I love JavaScript, and am starting to make the jump into Typescript. I love building things that improve people's lives and I'm excited to be a part of this community!
Hi everyone :)
I'm currently working with Low-Code, No-Code tool building internal systems in Japan.
I'm a newbie in the world of programming and coding, and I'm doing my best to improve my skills set to expand my future career.
I'm learning about Python and Django. I'm interested in working with 3D models in the future.
Hello Everyone :)
I currently working as a Senior Developer at KrishaWeb Technology, Ahmedabad.
I have 5 years 2 months of experience in Laravel and in Node JS 2 years of experience as well. Happy to see community like dev.io.
Happy Coding.. :)
Hey everyone!
My name is Mike. I'm a physical therapist who has had an interest in software development for a few years but never did anything about it until this year. I'm focusing on Python and loving every minute of it. The dev community is so welcoming and have been super helpful early in my journey. Can't wait to get to know many of you too!
Hi, my name is Ephie Oyedoh. I'm currently enrolled on a Fullstack Javascript Bootcamp run by Founders & Coders. I'm enjoying my coding journey so far and hope to keep learning and progressing. I initially was interested mainly in front end development but now I'm getting interested in full-stack development.
I enjoy creating pretty things but I also like getting stuck in a tricky problem ;)
I live in London but I hope to maybe work abroad and get involved in dev communities all around the world.
Hi! I'm Matthieu, 30, from Paris.
After working in HR Communication and Marketing, I worked one year towards the social and professional integration of excluded young adults in South East Asia. Back in France I decided to follow my passion for coding and joined the fullstack web development training at Le Wagon, which I just finished.
I'm here to keep on learning and developing new skills to launch my career in web dev, nice to meet you all!
Hi guys, I'm Sedrick. I'm a Telecommunications Engineer by profession.
I've always had passion for designing stuff since kindergarten. I loved art but my Papa was against that, so I then ventured into Telecommunications Engineering with the hope of becoming a Network Designer. During my University years before graduating, I started to learn Front end web development from scratch so as to tackle the problem my institution had (a terrible website). One thing led to another and after graduation, I got employed by my University as Software Engineer. I've done quite a number of projects for them, management systems, e-learning, accounting, HR systems etc and projects for myself included, but really looking forward to enhance my skills (React, Laravel).
Thanks for welcoming me.
Lets Code!
I am passionate about programming and development, I am closely watching new things.
I worked continuously from 1994 to 2013 in three large companies as head of the IT department.
I started with AS-400, UNIX SCO and after Windows NT as operating systems. As for the languages, I used Visual Cobol at the beginning
to program payroll management in text mode, general accounting and multi-agency commercial management then I developed with
Q- Basic, Visual C ++, Windev from PC SOFT, .Net (C #), Java, I claim to be multi-card in software programming.
After a jolt in my personal life, I fled programming to immerse myself in teaching math, algorithmics and networking.
now i am a freelance developer and trainer.
I am happy to find my family of coders who speak the same language.
your encouragement is dear to me to contribute to the development of the whole community.
Merzaq Said, Ifrane Morocco.
I have been doing software for 30+ years, and still have the itch :)
I am based in Tampa, FL but love traveling and working from nice places.
Nowadays mostly interested in react, tensorflow.js, typescript.
Hello, Andrea here! I am joining this community because I am 6 months into my programming journey and have read a bunch of useful articles on this platform, so I decided to finally join. I'm interested in a career in web development. My twitter handle is @andreahtml please give me a follow if you'd like. :)
I'm 24 and I'm studying web development on OpenClassrooms and I plan to make it my job later. I've always wanted to become a dev and the web is pretty interesting, I don't have a lot of projects as I didn't start that long ago but I have some certifications, I'm having fun learning about it :)
I'm pretty bad for that kind of introduction posts so I'm going to cut it short haha
Hello everyone!
Currently, I'm working as a software engineer at a startup company in Indonesia.
I have around 6 years of experience in the engineering fields and still learning.
A lot of times I've stumbled upon dev.to but never really give it a try.
I like to post my thoughts and things in the Medium, but I found that for the developer, dev.to might be the best place to share and read through stuff. Will start to contribute soon.
Happy to join this community!!
Hello everyone , My name is Cornelius.
I am an inspiring software developer with skill in python. My journey as a software developer started accidently three years ago after spending hours scouring the web for help with my car. Without any luck and no idea where to start, I began searching for help on blogs and watching youtube videos. No one had definity solution to my problem, until I watch one particular video that completely changed my life. It was a video about a guy programming computer chip using an arduino.. That's when it clicked in my head! I could not believe what I was watching! It was so amazing ,so inspiring, and most of all, It was the missing piece to the puzzle I have been searching for my entire life ! Every since that day,I have not look back and have been very determined to make it in this industry as a software engineer.
I am very experienced in Python, but also know other languages and frameworks like
I am also currently enrolled in the Harvard CS50 Web Development Course to further my skills in Web Development.
I have been studying very hard everyday for the last past 2 year to prefect my craft.
Although I still have a lot to learn, I believe I have what it take to start my career in this profession.
My dream is to start my career as a software developer and I have been searching for job everyday without any success (yet). Any pointers or ideas on how to land your first job as software developer will be very appreciative and helpful.
Thank you for reading this post!
Hello folks!
Year ago I made a career path switch to programming. Got into '42 Network' school in Helsinki and now I'm close to finishing the foundations part and then its internship time.
Besides the C we study in the school I've dabbled a bit with Python and Java and currently I'm learning Full stack programming with React to be more versatile and actually have higher chance to find a job.
On side I play guitar in a band. We do occasional gigs around Europe and got few releases out so far.
What you've started is what I'm starting now.
I'm working on a project and I'm yet to finish it. It's just simply writing the code for a static website prototype and I'm stuck, but I'll not quit till I get it.
Keep it up
I'm a software developer that recognized in this platform a great way to learn and share a little experience that I got!
Almost I forgot, lol, but today is the 2^8 day of this year (2020)!
Happy programmers day to everyone!!!
I'm happy to join here to this community!
See ya!
Hi everyone,
I just started HTML and is planning on becoming a full start dev. I am thoroughly blown by what i have learned so far(html). I will soon go into CSS and Javascript. It is an interesting world to be in.
I saw dev.to on Twitter and decided to join after learning it's for developers. I'm not one yet but i am encouraged to see people who have achieved what i am aspiring to.
I feel very blessed being here.
Hello everyone,
I am a final year computer engineering student.
I am interested in web development, data science, python and cloud computing.
It's great to be here!
I am a passionate blogger and here is link to my blog:
Thank you!
Hello ! I am a Student with interest in Operating Systems, compilers and Love of Physics 😁 I have learned a lot from DEV and looking forward to learn more and hopefully give something back 😅
I am currently looking for how I can combine these two area of interests, but so far it seems there isn't much common areas in these fields , so looking to learn more about them.
Thank you DEV team for developing such awesome platform !
I am a model and an entrepneur. i studied public health in school and found myself loving tech, i heard about technical writing and decided to join a community.
hopefully i can get to incorporate tech into public health someday
Hi all! I’m new to DEV as well as web development. I’m looking forward to growing my experience and knowledge on full stack web development. I started learning HTML and CSS last year but I just learnt laravel not quite long and doing JavaScript tutorial now, would to grow very fast as to pursue a career in web development
Greetings... I'm a fairly seasoned (medium-well done) front end web developer with a lot of experience in eCommerce, interested in Svelte/Sapper, as well as developing some online training courses for newbies switching to a career in web development.
Hello (or Dzień Dobry in Polish)!
I 'm Front-End Software Engineer from Poland, interested in JavaScript around 10 years now. I have Master's degree in Computer Science and atm I am taking part in one year postgraduate studies in Software Engineering. I worked with Angular, React, Node.js and native JavaScript (or TypeScript).
I joined dev.to to share my knowledge (I plan to be active "blogger" here) and to make some dev friends. It is pleasure to be here :)
Hope to keep in touch.
I am a political analyst. In the mid-1980s I dabbled in Apple Basic for fun, but I also wrote a small business accounting program in dBase II. But life happened. So now I am trying to learn programming for some ML and NLP so that programs can start to analyze news text and speeches. I am starting to familiarize myself again with the math (vectors, kmeans), but I am also interested in the debates on object oriented and functional programming. I did work in procedural languages, so getting a conceptual grip on the new language paradigms means some adjustment (but intellectually interesting). I find Go and Julia interesting just as languages, but I guess I will have to go the route of Python.
What up :)
I'm Larry, a self-taught developer with over 25 years of hands on experience.
Not just dev, but design, branding, marketing, devops, network engineering, and on and on and on... :) I've coded software, websites, mobile apps, integrated solutions, kiosks, browser extensions, interactive projections, and much more.
Had two software patents by the age of 23. I've got my own side-company, HERETIC, but am looking to replace my regular job with something less marketing and more tech (pretty tired of making WordPress websites)
Currently completing online courses as a refresher to what I already know, and to learn about new changes to technologies I've not used as often as I would like :)
Hi everybody!
I'm a student and I'm learning to program in the most known languages. I'm very well at Web desing (HTML, CSS and Javascript). I'm learning C# in this period to make an application or a videogame.
I'm a Computer Science student. I started web development and coding since first semester of mine. Besides ,Web Development i'm also into competitive coding and android development. Being involved in all these i'm yet to choose my main field. Looking forward to increase my connections and enhance my experience and skills.
Hello! So, I am an operations research analyst, and I taught myself to program in several languages back in the day. But I couldn't tell you how to code a game, a mobile app, or a web app. But that's what I'm looking to learn in order to change careers. I'm very comfortable with OOP, data structures, exception handling, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, separating content from presentation, and on and on. But I don't have a good handle of JavaScript/TypeScript, PHP, SQL, databases, server-client dynamics, or how all of these technologies can be put together in a stack for any particular use. My experience has been in creating purpose-built desktop applications for various reasons (at first, just to learn and then for graduate school work).
As far as real-world, mobile-ready, data-driven, cloud-enhanced, responsive design and implementation, I'm a newbie with the basics covered. I just found this community through a newsletter in my e-mail and thought it would be a good place to connect with others in my situation. Happy to be hear!
Hello there. I'm Alejandro from Cuba, currently living in México. I'm still going to university but I've been coding for almost 2 years. It isn't like I know about everything but I have been trying out some things like Game dev, Data Science, Web Dev, Mobile Dev and even Network Security but I finally found my thing, it is Mobile Apps dev. Due to quarantine I've been learning iOS apps Development. What major am I taking right now? Computer Engeneering. Hope we can work togheter sometime or meet you guys after quarantine.
Hi, my name is Ephie Oyedoh. I'm currently enrolled on a Fullstack Javascript Bootcamp run by Founders & Coders. I'm enjoying my coding journey so far and hope to keep learning and progressing. I initially was interested mainly in front end development but now I'm getting interested in full-stack development.
I live in London but I hope to maybe work abroad and get involved in dev communities all around the world.
Hi everybody.
I'm a student at University of Rouen in France. Learn computer science. I have a big passion for code, due to what I'm willing to push my skills more and more higher. I'm willing to be on date with the new technologies at every time, the best way to to things and have a lot of skills as necessary
Hello World!
Tech enthusiast, Currently learning python Django. Hav been programming for about an year now, Loving it, as it gives me the freedom to create something.Here to learn from the community and be a part of it.
Hi guys
Working as Tech Specialist pursuing a degree on Informatics Computer in Costa Rica and also trying to get a Associate position where I work.
Around 10 years ago I knew were I wanted to go to learn and at 28 I started my journey. I've learned in my life with my inconclusive degree in Advertising Design that: following trends will kill your life, stick with some technologies, develop a carrier with them and enjoy the ride. The worst thing you can do is trying to learn everything and knowing a few things, but better to learn a few things with more understanding.
Yo People!!
I have been coding for past 3 years now, self-taught and still kicking. I love this crap and am pretty deep into creating elegant (maybe boring) systems.
I love how different components work together to seamlessly do some stuff, all under the hood, in a symphonic organization XD
PS. I hate webFrameworks so, I only use vanilla JS. Although, I might try using Kotlin for web?
Hello hello,
Junior web dev here who is also into graphic design, web design, video editing, and playing the keyboard. I'm about to get off this computer now and go practice. lol I'm trying to get JS down pat so I can begin learning the MERN stack and be a full stack developer. I'm trying to do a lot, huh? I am, but ti's all fun AND marketable. :)
Hello everyone, Im Clau, glad to be joining this friendly community! I started coding at age 12. Even though I didn't even know what I was doing, I loved it, but then I stopped cause I never had any incentive from school or parents and I didn't know what to do with that. Now, 12 years later, with a new mindset, I'm back again rescuing the inner child who refused to go to bed until she saw her anime gif posted on her colorful html blog. I have a new fire in me and I can't wait to trail this journey and become a fullstack developer! I am a Python fan, but I am currently dedicating myself to learning JS, which is also cool. Nice to meet you all! Let's code!
Hi all!
I currently work as a HUD certified housing counselor at a housing agency in Chicago. I recently entered the Data Analytics bootcamp at Thinkful and am loving it so far. I am excited to join and share with the community here.
At this point, I am focusing on getting through the bootcamp, doing my own supplemental studying and research and learning about the possibilities for work and also projects I could potentially take on my own.
Hi everyone. My name is Bernardo. I'm a computer scientist based in Portugal. I'm a machine learning enthusiast and a web development pationate. Looking forward to always learning more and better. Cheers to everybody.
Hey there. Been a hobbyist coder (web tech, unity3d) for about a decade. Looking to make a career shift at the young age of 37 to full-time web development. Heard about this site on SEDaily podcast and thought I'd check it out.
So...hello Dev.to world!
Hello Dev community,
I am a recent graduate studying human-computer interaction from Vancouver, Canada with experience in web development and system administration.
I have a keen interest in development operations and am actively seeking a role in it.
My hobbies before lockdown were hackathons, board games, and just building stuff with my hands (recently knit my first stuffed Totoro).
Please feel free to reach out if you need anyone to talk to during these perilous times!
Hey everyone, I am currently dealing with a tough job market to find a developer job. I am spending my week watching coding training videos on Udemy through Zero to Mastery and doing practice projects. Looking for advice to improve the number of job offers I get in the future.
Hello everyone!! nice to meet you here in DEV!. Currently I am learning Angular! so if you have any advice will be welcome 😅.
I have to say that I am a business man! I've been working in different sectors like retail, banking and consulting! in all of them in positions related with technology and Data analytics. Really good experiences working in Latin America and Europe!.
Right now I want to learn in deep to code cool stuff ( one goal is to code a Project Management App).. we will see whats next! 👋
Hello everyone!
I'm a self-taught full time web developer, been learning and doing it for well over 10 years now. There are always new things to learn though and that makes it super interesting.
Looking forward to participate and contribute to the community :-)
I'm desktop application developer using C#, I've developed some websites using asp.net but it was many years ago, now I'm learning Flutter to develop mobile apps, so I hope to be helpful person in the community.
thanks for reading
I am the Founder of TechUltra Solutions Company, working on the ERP systems and Mobile Technologies. With the expertise on ERP System customization and consultation, I have given the best solutions to more than 110 customers and counting. I have taken the company to the leading ERP service provider in the world. TechUltra Solutions is now trading with the top 50 ERP Solutions providers.
Howdy! I took a couple years of sabbatical from software development to explore farming & sustainable agriculture. This is still my passion, but ultimately working in software will give me the resources to pursue it - and I’m so glad jobs are remote now! I’m studying hard to land another front-end or full-stack web development job.
My name is Daniel, I’m 20 and from New York.
I’m interested in being a software engineer,
Right now I’m in a 12 week coding bootcamp and starting week 2 tomorrow, very nervous but excited at the same time about the process!
Hi Everyone👋,
Happy to join this awesome community! After 20 years of Marketing - last job: Project Manager - I decided to change career! Never too late! So I am on my journey to become a self-taught Web Frontend Developer woman. After CodeCademy Pro Web Dev path, many Udemy Courses and practice, I am now developing the projects for my portfolio. I'd really like to connect with others, to discuss about dev... but also on street art festivals, fantasy and steampunk art and much more 😊 I speak French, English and Italian. Have a wonderful day 🌞
Hello world!
I've been working as a software engineer for the last two years, after my bachelor's and master's degrees in computer science. I've worked a lot with Java in the past, and I'm currently working as a frontend developer with React. I hope I can learn a lot, especially on the frontend side of things, and eventually be able to give back to the community :)
Hi everyone, I'm Tim, full-stack web developer (ruby & JS) and a surfing enthusiast from France.
I learned coding at the start of this year through Le Wagon bootcamp and I have been a teacher assistant there ever since. After a few freelance missions, I would like to join a team and find new challenges as a web developer.
I'd like to be part of a broader community so I hope dev.to will help!
Hey people , I'm an engineering student . I'm very interested in Technologies and development . Currently working on backend with flask .. I'm not proper frontend type person. I love to work on behind the scene stuff . I choose flask because Python is love ❤️😉
Welcome Ayushi!
Hello everyone!
I have been working as a literature translator for the past six years while learning to code on online platforms :), this year I joined the Google Africa GADS2020 program to learn Android dev; I am hoping I can learn a lot from this community and others to become a developer. These past three months have been the toughest so far, but I think it's worth it!
Hi all,
I'm a french self-taught web dev, I study at Webstart School.
I write lines of code from my 10 yo.
Sometimes I write posts on Medium or Quora
Bienvenue Charly! A+ pour s'abonner à DEV!
Hey you nerd, i am final year graduate Computer Science student learning Web Development , JavaScript is what i want to focus mainly. Recently completed 100DaysOfCode by learning JavaScript.
This week going for 2nd round of 100DaysOfCode by learning Node, Express, MongoDB. More at my Instagram @iuxair . Let's connect and talk Tech.
Hi Everyone :)
I have always been fascinated with the internet and the web. I started learning HTML and CSS with my Nokia 6085, a notebook, and a pen in 2008. It's been an eventful journey! I did quit many times, but the passion just kept pulling me back. After college, I just couldn't picture myself doing anything else. So, slowly, passion turned to determination. I read every book I could, visited a lot of sites and now, I enjoy every bit of it!
I'm a self-taught full-stack web developer. I currently teach beginner-level web development courses at upskillnetwork.org and also developing therecordunn.com with Laravel and vue.js.
I want to learn more about web technologies and everyone involved in it. It's a wonderful community.
Hi Dev World!
I'm Ben, a freelance motion designer.
After working with developers on a project, I downloaded an app to my phone to learn more about programming and I loved it. For over a year now, I've learned on my own, I did a bootcamp, I did an internship. I'm addicted to development and ready for a brand new career! 🤩
Hi Devs,
I am new to this platform.
I have been working as a software engineer in startups for about 3 years now. My experience is entirely on web technologies like JS, JQuery, PHP. Currently I am working with NodeJS, MongoDB etc.
I want to interact, engage and help other devs through this community. 🙋🏻♂️
:Ice Breaker Alert:
I'm Kushal and I'm an active part of the Developer Student Clubs of my university. I'm based in India.
I'm currently exploring the field of Back-end Web Development and before that, I've done some exploration in the domain of Machine Learning and iOS Development. I am also familiar with the concepts of Front-end Development and have worked on projects.
I'm a highly self-driven 👨💻 sophomore who loves to meet passionate developers across the globe and strongly believes in the power of community and sharing knowledge.
Feel free to star some of my repositories on GitHub:
Hope you stay safe and learn something during this pandemic!
Hi all!
I currently work @ebay as a front end engineer, but I hope eventually to create more and more content on here and other platforms in hopes of turning into a Developer Advocate of some kind :D. I love working with end users, getting feedback and improving products!
I love doing side projects that directly relate to my hobbies (home gardening, saltwater aquariums, etc) and maybe in the future some DIY home automation with Arduino/Raspberry Pi/Other Microcontrollers that I'm into!
Nice meeting ya'll :D
Hello Everyone 😁👋
Hello there, I'am a novice fullstack web developer! Just started couple weeks ago my study. I think I found my life work! I'am looking forward to meet alot of people and share knowledge together! Good luck to us all and may the force be with us!
Hi Everyone,
I'm a pretty experienced developer and long time lurker around here. I've decided I should be more active and share the tidbits of information or tips about development that I encounter to the community.
Happy to join you all :)
Don't have a lot to say at the moment, but glad to be here :)
Hello There!
I have been working with Drupal since December, 2007. I started with core PHP and then was asked to work on Drupal. I never looked back.
Unfortunatly, I did not hear about this dev community until now! But since I am part of this dev community, I am feeling happy!
Hey, new here )
I work as an SRE in Google Ireland, I am really interested in Rust, WebAssembly, Serverless, BaaS, Flutter, recent developments in Chrome OS and Stadia. After a long time of virtually no public presence now I am considering to start blogging about my experiences with Rust, maybe writing some tutorials and interesting discoveries.
Glad to be here!
Can anyone read this post? I wrote an introductory post and submitted it earlier...perhaps it didn't take, or it's under review?
Yes, have the same problem.
Hi! I'm Bobby. I'm currently working as a .NET developer for a shipping/logistics company. I value good code over trends and flashy products. That is, while trends and flashy products are fun to explore, I believe that the way to create good programs is by refining what you currently have instead of porting bad code to a new product.
Things I'm getting into: Rust, Kubernetes, Serverless architecture.
Favorite speaker: Stefan Tilkov
Favorite language: C#
Favorite color: pink
Hey Dev Community!
It's Saksham here. I'm a second year undergrad student who loves writing blogs and coding in Python. So..... that combo gave me only one address to satisfy myself, the DEV community.
So that's why I'm here. :-)
Hello Everyone!,
I am a backend developer and have been in working in the IT industry for almost 5 years now. I really like this platform and have been here for a few days now. Looking forward to learn new things and share my experiences.
I am very proud to be part of this large community to learn and contibute. I`m currently learning to develop mobile apps with Flutter.
Hi All,
I am a Product Manager at Packt Publishing, a developer skills platform. We have published nearly 4000 books and videos so far, providing IT professionals with the actionable knowledge they need to get the job done. I am here to discuss book ideas and also look for authors who would be interested to write books on these tech. We are trying our best to develop/deliver high quality content focusing on the expectations of tech communities. I came across DEV community through one of my authors and I am excited to discuss alot of things.
Reach out to me in case you want to discuss.
Hello world !
I am presently going through the backlash of "information overload".
I started learning html an css but I'm yet to finish my first project.
I need help to move on..
You came to the right place! Welcome! I suggest posting some questions and challenges under the #help tag to get some input from the community on specific questions :)
hi everyone:)
I am Amol and I'm a sophomore. I am keenly interested in HTML, CSS, js as of now and want to learn them
I am a computer science master's student. I stumbled upon this community while looking for resources on the internet.
I have a bit of experience with development. 2020 will be the 11th year since I wrote my first piece of code.
Right now, my focus if distributed systems so learning erlang and elixir. On the side, I am also learning react. Let's talk if you think you have anything to say. I am open to learning and discovering new things. Who knows, we might end up being friends.
Hello Friends \0/..
I'm from INDIA been working as software developer in SAAS based company. I find DEV very useful and friendly community. Hope i and community will help each other. Thanks for having room for me.
Cheers |_|]
Hi everyone 👋🏽
I quit my job to study code and be fully immersed in it. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for years but never really get to stay consistent. I guess you could say quarantine lockdowns became my catalyst for taking this leap 😄. I started studying on my own 2 months ago and currently learning Javascript. I use udemy and freecodecamp as resources but I found building my projects from scratch suits best for my learning style. Currently working on building a weather app using openweather API and mapbox API. I get stuck on problems all the time but nothing beats the satisfaction on getting it solved and working. It’s been an exciting trip so far and I’m hoping I can learn more from you all some day!!😁
Hi Everyone
I am currently studying web development. Am just a beginner and am determined to learn a lot from this community.
Welcome to dev.to @owusuharriet
ABL - Always be learning. You will do great!
Hello Everyone.
I am Saif, I am a student at LAGCC. I am here because I want to start my own blog and start a journey of self-learning and self improvement. I am still pretty new to the programming world and learning new things as I go.
I love seeing a community that enjoys helping each other and that is why I am here.
I primarily wanted to get in to Software Engineering, but I enjoy Web Development a lot too.
:) Look forward to learning a lot of great things.
hello i am an engineering student started web development just for fun . but as i started learning things i get into love with the web . I try to learn and do something new every day and the web world surprises me everyday with new interesting things . it is just the start , the journey still remains : )
Hi Everyone
I currently work as a full-stack developer. The willingness of contributing to open source brought me to this platform. I am very enthusiastic to learn more from the community here.
Hi All,
I am beginner in Web dev. I want to make customized websites/Applications where I can deploy ML , AI models. The amount of various frameworks, tools and tutorials that are available is overwhelming. Can someone give me a direction?!!
Hello, I am a 20 years old mexican web developer. I started this beautiful journey 4 years ago. I work as a freelance and i also make digital marketing. But now i want to get deeper into more advance backend. I got a marketing-programming perspective so i want to build some free and open source landing page, payment and tracking tools. Im here because i really liked this community and i know i can learn from you. Maybe my english is not very good, sorry.
Hi beautiful programmers over there :)
I am currently studying medicine in INDIA. But the passion to code was present in me since childhood when my teacher saw me that how can we design a web page with some piece of html tags. I was amazed at that time and started getting more and more curious. I completed JS in 8th standard and built a couple of projects. Soon due to lack of knowledge the curiosity began to fade. Again after getting into college when i got an wifi installed in my room, suddenly while surfing internet i found TRAVERSY MEDIA youtube channel. Once again i fell in love with javascript and its still continuing. Now I became a MERN stack developer.
I’m a Newbie looking for knowledgeable & Gain Experience. Find some Great people to Learn from. Build a great Portfolio also.
Hi Folks :)
I've decided to make a career switch from being Fashion Graphic at my 40 and go into the wild :) now I'm studying JavaScript and I really love it
Hello Everyone. Just got my first job as a front-end web dev. and i might as well join the community to keep learning and discuss about cool stuff!
Hi! I'm Sebastián, from Argentina.
Came here to learn new things, and translate knowledge to teach cool stuff for people that are starting to learn how to code.
Thanks to everyone!!!
I do code and code does me..
Hi every one!
I'm new to dev.to and looking forward to explore this amazing community.
Hi Everyone,
I am currently a student studying Computer Science, I like to learn about web technologies with some low level stuff. I hope to contribute in the community :)
I like to learn how things work. I like to experiment and always search for answers to 'what if's, and how to. I appreciate beautiful code.
hi everyone
i am kedar from india i am student now studying in engineering (Computer science).
i took a loot at u r one of u r article of covid dashboard that was intresting and it took me here
Hello guys, I am working as a Marketing Manager. I always love diving into tech ocean. That's why I am here. Great to be on dev.to.
I’m in path to master front-end development. Currently learning vanilla JavaScript. Created a few simple projects on same.
Looking forward to get some new experience here :)
Well, i am a newbie in the programming world. Lots of lots of things to learn. :)
Hi Devs!
Looking to learn and share knowledge, become a better dev and make friends, meet new people. Get mentored by the awesome devs here and give back to the community.
Hello, Guys I Am Full Stack Developer if anyone needs a website or help in something and a product designer
I am here to learn and have fun while coding
Hello, my name is Esvin. I am from Guatemala. I am passionate about technology. I am interested in being a backend developer, the language I currently use is php.
Hi everyone :)
I am happy to join us
Hi, I'm Matt and I like programming.
Hi everyone, great to be here. I am here to interact and learn the different Web technologies that makes a full stack.
Hello, from Brazil 🖖🏻 I will try to write about C #, ASP.Net and Xamarin. Let's code!
hellow friends aim new here my name is makame hassan how are you doing
Hi i am mussab bin shahid. I am a new member in this group. I have to learn alot to become web developer. Looking forward to learn from all of you and by helping others
Hey there! This page might help you navigate the site over these first few days. Let us know how we can help.
WuLaLa, I am here because I am looking for a way, to debug iOS command line tool with Xcode.
WuLaLa, I am here because I am looking for a method, to debug iOS command line tool with
Hi DEV! I am a student in my junior year. Can't wait to get started on learning from and contributing to the community!!
Hey, Everyone.
I'm a Frontend developer, and I just came across this platform, so I decided to check it out.
Any tips? 😀

Hi All,
I just joined this wonderful community. I am fullstack developer. Just added my first post dev.to/foolish/color-your-vs-code-...
Hi Everyone :D
Hello Wooorld!
;D Just kidding...
Hi there
Great website!
hi everyone! An article made me register here, hope to have fun with all of you in this great community.
Hello everyone :”)
I just found this awesome place, and I’m so excited to learn new things from here
Love you all ❤️
Hi, i'm an indie gamedev that works with C# and JavaScript, I joined DEV because it has a lot of cool people and guides. I hope i'll learn some new stuff here!