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Episode 23/23: Hydration in Angular, Angular Community Meetup

Jessica Janiuk gave an update of Angular's current status in terms of hydration. The Angular Community Meetup took place with four different talks about Bundling strategies, Customising Angular's Renderer, DI, and ngTemplateOutlet.

Hydration and SSR in Angular 16

Jessica Janiuk is the leading engineer at Angular when it comes to hydration. She was a guest at the "Top End Devs" podcast and gave an update on the current status.

She explained the non-destructive hydration, introduced in Angular 16, and gave an outlook on what might come. Maybe partial hydration, where we have a criteria-based hydration. Such a criterion could be that components only hydrate when they are within the viewport.

A quite interesting question was if there is a difference between the Angular version that Google uses internally and the one we got. It is the same framework except for the infrastructure, and Google doesn't keep certain features back. But it should also be mentioned that Google has other frameworks as well that are not publicly available.

The podcast ended with a piece of advice for new developers who want to contribute to Angular. Look out for those GitHub issues labelled with "good first issue".

Angular Community Meetup

Jay Bell presented an experimental approach to bundling dynamic imports into a single file. The bundling happened on the server during SSR, which sent the bundle to the browser. Jay wrapped the webpack.require function.

Chau Tran explained the internal relationship between Angular Core, the Platform and the Renderer, where Angular Core is not really aware of the browser. Still, the renderer in the middle creates the DOM elements. Chau implemented a custom renderer to integrate ThreeJS into Angular.

Markus Ingvarsson took a deep dive into the different possibilities of Angular's dependency injection. He focused mainly on the Injection Token and showed examples from Angular itself. So the HTTP_INTERCEPTOR or some of the multiple tokens we get from Angular Material.

Stephen Cooper did the last talk. He explained the ngTemplateOutlet and especially the possibility of using it in a type-safe way. He used the ngTemplateContextGuard and showed how to make it work for generic types.

Minor Versions

Other than that, we had minor releases.

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