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Cover image for Episode 23/25: ng-conf, Signals with Ryan Carniato and Ben Lesh
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Episode 23/25: ng-conf, Signals with Ryan Carniato and Ben Lesh

ng-conf published two recordings (keynote and Signals) on YouTube. The ModernWeb Podcast discussed the difference between Signals and RxJs with Ryan Carniato and Ben Lesh as its guests.

Ng-Conf Recordings

ng-conf, one of the largest Angular conferences, took place in mid-June, and the first two videos from the event are already available on YouTube.

During the conference keynote, Minko Gechev and Jeremy Elbourn, both members of the Angular team, provided an overview of the current developments in Angular and shared insights on what to expect in the future.

Additionally, the conference marked the official go-live of two new Request for Comments (RFCs) that introduce changes to the authoring format, bringing a new syntax for control flow and deferred loading in Angular templates.

The second talk, which is also available on YouTube, was presented by Emma Twersky and Alex Rickabaugh, also part of the Angular team. They delved into Signals and explained how to utilise them in Angular 16.

Ben Lesh & Ryan Carniato - Modern Web Podcast

In a recent episode of the ModernWeb podcast hosted by Rob Ocel, Ryan Carniato, the creator of SolidJs, and Ben Lesh, the maintainer of RxJs, were featured guests discussing Signals.

Ryan highlighted that Signals, with their synchronous nature, are better suited for addressing templating and rendering challenges. He drew a comparison to spreadsheets and their formulas to emphasise the simplicity of Signals.

Direct Link to Ryan's statement

Ben mentioned that one of the worst things that happened to RxJs was the pipe operators. If it would be just the Observable and nothing else, he argued that RxJs might have been used to implement Signals in all frameworks. So RxJs would act as a kind of foundation.

Direct Link to Ben's statement

From a technical perspective, it was quite an advanced discussion as both are not application developers but framework and library authors.

Joshua Morony - Is Angular Changing TOO much?

If you have concerns about the rapid pace of Angular's advancements, Joshua Morony's latest video will likely alleviate your worries as he addresses this topic.

New Releases

Several new releases were announced as well, including version 16 of the RxAngular suite, along with minor releases for Cypress, Ionic, and Nx.

RxAngular | RxAngular

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