Original cover photo by falconp4 on Pixabay.
Original publication date: 2020-05-21.
The Deno CLI is a batteries included executable with everything you need to develop, lint, test, and run Deno code.
CLI commands in Deno version 1.4:
deno bundle
deno cache
deno completions
deno doc
deno eval
deno fmt
deno help
deno info
deno install
deno lint
deno repl
deno run
deno test
deno types
deno upgrade
In this article, we'll briefly discuss each command.
Tip: You can use the
option to get information about each command, for exampledeno run --help
Common CLI options in Deno version 1.4 supported by all commands:
: Display usage and example information about one or all commands. -
--log-level <debug|info>
: Filter output based on log level. -
: Disable most intermediary output. -
: Enable experimental Deno APIs, commands, and options. -
: Display the versions of Deno, V8, and TypeScript included in thedeno
Other than these, some commands support permission options such as --allow-net
. We will not discuss these in this article.
Bundle JavaScript module
The deno bundle
command is used to bundle a module and its dependency tree into a single JavaScript module.
deno bundle [options] <source-module> [output-file]
where additional options are:
--cert <file>
: Use specified HTTPS certificate for resolving remote modules. -
--config <file>
: Use specified TypeScript configuration (tsconfig.json
) to compile the module and its dependencies. -
--importmap <file>
: Use specified import map for module resolution. See Deno manual 4.4. Import maps. Experimental feature. -
: Download and recompile all or the specified remote modules when bundling.
Let's compile and bundle a Hello World HTTP server using an import map that references the standard http
We have the following workspace structure, files, and folders:
├── dist
├── src
│ └── hello_world.ts
├── import_map.json
└── tsconfig.json
Workspace structure.
"//": "import_map.json",
"imports": {
"http/": "https://deno.land/std/http/"
Import map.
"//": "tsconfig.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"noImplicitReturns": true,
"noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
"noUnusedLocals": true,
"noUnusedParameters": true,
"strict": true
TypeScript configuration.
// hello_world.ts
import { serve } from 'http/server.ts';
const server = serve(':8000');
const body = new TextEncoder().encode('Hello, World!\n');
async function main() {
for await (const request of server) {
request.respond({ body });
Hello World HTTP server.
With the files above, use this command to bundle the Hello World HTTP server into a single module:
deno bundle --unstable --importmap import_map.json --config tsconfig.json src/hello_world.ts dist/hello_world.js
Bundle file:///C:/projects/sandbox/deno-cli-app/src/hello_world.ts
Emit "dist/hello_world.js" (68.99KB)
Bundle the Hello World HTTP server.
We're now left with a single JavaScript bundle that uses a Map
to keep track of sub-modules and dependencies.
When using this command, be careful when using features that are not supported by V8, such as top-level await. However, top-level await works with the V8 flag
Cache remote Deno modules
For any module, we can cache (download) the module and every dependency if they're remote modules.
deno cache [options] <source-module>
where additional options are:
--cert <file>
: Use specified HTTPS certificate for resolving remote modules. -
--config <file>
: Use specified TypeScript configuration (tsconfig.json
) to compile the module and its dependencies. -
--importmap <file>
: Use specified import map for module resolution. See Deno manual 4.4. Import maps. Experimental feature. -
--lock <file>
: Consult module hashes in the specified lockfile for caching purposes. -
: Create/update the specified lockfile. Specify the lockfile with the--lock
option. -
: Disallow remote modules. -
: Skip type checking. -
: (Re-)download remote modules. Option to specify one or more patterns for which remote modules to allow.
We have a Hello World HTTP server. We want to cache its remote dependency and lock their hashes to prevent unintentional updates.
# Initial run to produce lockfile
deno cache src/hello_world.ts --lock deno-lock.json --lock-write --reload
# Later run by you or your colleagues
deno cache src/hello_world.ts --lock deno-lock.json
Cache and lock remote dependencies of a local module.
Example output of deno cache
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app> deno cache .\src\hello_world.ts --lock deno-lock.json --lock-write --reload
Compile file:///C:/projects/sandbox/deno-cli-app/src/hello_world.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/encoding/utf8.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/io/bufio.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/async/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/http/_io.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/encoding/utf8.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/http/_io.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/io/bufio.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/async/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/io/util.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/io/util.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/mod.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/win32.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/posix.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/common.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/separator.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/interface.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/glob.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/win32.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/separator.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/glob.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/posix.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/common.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/interface.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/_constants.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/_util.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/_util.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/_constants.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/fmt/colors.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/testing/diff.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/testing/diff.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/fmt/colors.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/path/_globrex.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/path/_globrex.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/async/deferred.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/async/delay.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/async/mux_async_iterator.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/async/delay.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/async/mux_async_iterator.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/async/deferred.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/textproto/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/http/http_status.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/http/http_status.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/textproto/mod.ts
Download https://deno.land/std/bytes/mod.ts
Warning Implicitly using master branch https://deno.land/std/bytes/mod.ts
Here's the generated lockfile:
"https://deno.land/std/async/mod.ts": "bf46766747775d0fc4070940d20d45fb311c814989485861cdc8a8ef0e3bbbab",
"https://deno.land/std/async/delay.ts": "35957d585a6e3dd87706858fb1d6b551cb278271b03f52c5a2cb70e65e00c26a",
"https://deno.land/std/fmt/colors.ts": "fb95dda634050be373eb0b154b75967e90ccc4063b0928f9e3c692f401be3908",
"https://deno.land/std/path/posix.ts": "b742fe902d5d6821c39c02319eb32fc5a92b4d4424b533c47f1a50610afbf381",
"https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts": "1dc683a61218e2d8c5e9e87e3602a347000288fb207b4d7301414935620e24b3",
"https://deno.land/std/path/separator.ts": "7bdb45c19c5c934c49c69faae861b592ef17e6699a923449d3eaaf83ec4e7919",
"https://deno.land/std/textproto/mod.ts": "aa585cd8dceb14437cf4499d6620c1fe861140ccfe56125eb931db4cfb90c3b2",
"https://deno.land/std/path/win32.ts": "61248a2b252bb8534f54dafb4546863545e150d2016c74a32e2a4cfb8e061b3f",
"https://deno.land/std/path/glob.ts": "ab85e98e4590eae10e561ce8266ad93ebe5af2b68c34dc68b85d9e25bccb4eb7",
"https://deno.land/std/path/_globrex.ts": "a88b9da6a150b8d8e87a7b9eef794f97b10e709910071bb57f8619dd2d0291dc",
"https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts": "d2b977c100d830262d8525915c3f676ce33f1e986926a3cdbc81323cf724b599",
"https://deno.land/std/async/deferred.ts": "ac95025f46580cf5197928ba90995d87f26e202c19ad961bc4e3177310894cdc",
"https://deno.land/std/async/mux_async_iterator.ts": "e2a4c2c53aee22374b493b88dfa08ad893bc352c8aeea34f1e543e938ec6ccc6",
"https://deno.land/std/http/http_status.ts": "84ae4289053c4f045cd655fd3b05f33ce62c685bdc0eac2210b12d827ffa7157",
"https://deno.land/std/io/bufio.ts": "3dd55426bc8b1e27c7f006847ac0bfefb4c0d5144ba2df2d93944dc37114a6e0",
"https://deno.land/std/path/mod.ts": "a789541f8df9170311daa98313c5a76c06b5988f2948647957b3ec6e017d963e",
"https://deno.land/std/path/interface.ts": "89f6e68b0e3bba1401a740c8d688290957de028ed86f95eafe76fe93790ae450",
"https://deno.land/std/io/util.ts": "ae133d310a0fdcf298cea7bc09a599c49acb616d34e148e263bcb02976f80dee",
"https://deno.land/std/http/_io.ts": "025d3735c6b9140fc4bf748bc41dd4e80272de1bc398773ea3e9a8a727cd6032",
"https://deno.land/std/path/_constants.ts": "f6c332625f21d49d5a69414ba0956ac784dbf4b26a278041308e4914ba1c7e2e",
"https://deno.land/std/encoding/utf8.ts": "8654fa820aa69a37ec5eb11908e20b39d056c9bf1c23ab294303ff467f3d50a1",
"https://deno.land/std/testing/diff.ts": "8f591074fad5d35c0cafa63b1c5334dc3a17d5b934f3b9e07172eed9d5b55553",
"https://deno.land/std/path/_util.ts": "b678a7ecbac6b04c1166832ae54e1024c0431dd2b340b013c46eb2956ab24d4c",
"https://deno.land/std/bytes/mod.ts": "784b292a65f6879bd39d81cb24590be1140fb4cce74bd4a149f67f2b647ad728",
"https://deno.land/std/path/common.ts": "95115757c9dc9e433a641f80ee213553b6752aa6fbb87eb9f16f6045898b6b14"
Example lockfile.
The lockfile is a map over each dependent module and the hash of its source code.
Deno shell completions
We can get shell completions for the Deno CLI commands by outputting a profile script for the shell of our choice.
deno completions <shell>
where <shell>
is one of:
The deno completions
command only supports the common options.
Use this command to put the completions in your PowerShell profile:
deno completions powershell >> $profile
Add Deno completions to PowerShell.
or if you use Bash:
deno completions bash >> /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/deno.bash
# or
deno completions bash >> ~/.bash_profile
Add Deno completions to Bash.
Deno CLI completions in PowerShell.
Now we can write deno
then Tab
through CLI commands.
Inline/online Deno module documentation
Deno Doc is an official website that generates documentation for public Deno modules on-the-fly and caches them for 24 hours.
Deno Doc uses the deno doc
command under the hood to generate its content.
The deno doc
command can also be used locally to display documentation of a module's exports.
deno doc [options] [source-module] [symbol-path]
where symbol-path
is a dot-separated path to the exported symbol we want to output, for example MyServer.port
The additional options support by the deno doc
command are:
--builtin <symbol-path>
: Display documentation for global symbols. -
: Output the documentation in a JSON format that's probably supported by Deno Doc. -
: (Re-)download remote modules. Option to specify one or more patterns for which remote modules to allow.
# Local module
deno doc src/my_server.ts
# Remote module
deno doc https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts
Output of deno doc https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts
Inline docs for
Running deno doc
without any arguments lists global variables and types as seen in the following excerpt.
Excerpt of global variables and types shown when running
deno doc
without any arguments.
Let's try to display the documentation for a couple of global symbols:
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app> deno doc --builtin Deno.Listener
Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:1508:2
interface Listener extends AsyncIterable
A generic network listener for stream-oriented protocols.
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app> deno doc --builtin atob
Defined in lib.deno.d.ts:2849:8
function atob(s: string): string
Documentation of global symbols displayed by using the deno doc --builtin <symbol-path>
Evaluate JavaScript/TypeScript code
The deno eval
command is used to evaluate a string containing JavaScript or TypeScript code.
deno eval [options] "<code>"
where additional options are:
--cert <file>
: Use specified HTTPS certificate for resolving remote modules. -
--inspect <host:port>
: Start a remote debugging server on the specified host and port. -
--inspect-brk <host:port>
: Start a remote debugging server on the specified host and port. Break at the beginning of the specified code. -
: Skip type checking. -
: Output expression value. -
: Enable TypeScript rather than JavaScript. -
--v8-flags <v8-flags>
: Enable experimental and optional V8 features. Usedeno eval --v8-flags=--help "'';"
to list the feature flags available in the version of V8 bundled with your Deno exectuable.
Careful! The specified code has all permissions enabled.
Let's add two numbers and display the result. First we use JavaScript.
deno eval "const a = 2, b = '2'; const result = a + b; console.log(result);"
// Output:
// 22
JavaScript evaluation with deno eval
2 + 2 is 22? Let's try that in TypeScript with the --ts
deno eval --ts "const a = 2, b = '2'; const result: number = a + b; console.log(result);"
// Output:
// Check file:///C:/projects/sandbox/deno-cli-app/$deno$eval.ts
// error: TS2322 [ERROR]: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'number'.
// const a = 2, b = '2'; const result: number = a + b; console.log(result);
// ~~~~~~
// at file:///C:/projects/sandbox/deno-cli-app/$deno$eval.ts:1:29
TypeScript evaluation with deno eval --ts
This time we get a static analysis error which prevents our code from being evaluated.
Example using --print
The --print
option will output the result of evaluating a single expression. The previous example ended with the console.log(result);
statement, so we might as well just use the --print
However, we have to figure out how to turn the calculation into a single expression. We could inline it like this:
deno eval --print "2 + '2'"
// Output:
// 22
JavaScript evaluation with deno eval --print
This is not enough for more complex calculations though. Instead, let's rewrite the previous example by wrapping it in an IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression) like so:
deno eval --print "(() => { const a = 2, b = '2'; const result = a + b; return result; })();"
// Output:
// 22
JavaScript evaluation with deno eval --print
and an IIFE.
Format Deno modules
The deno fmt
command formats modules in an opinionated style. The underlying tool is the Rust-based dprint
, but with no configuration options or plugins allowed.
deno fmt [options] [files-or-folders]
to format source modules.
: Do a dry run to identify source modules with formatting errors, but do not automatically fix them. -
: Ignore source modules from formatting. Experimental feature.
When running the deno fmt
command to automatically fix formatting errors, the affected files are displayed as seen in the following example.
# Format all files in the `src` folder
deno fmt ./src
Checked 4 files
# Format files
deno fmt ./src/hello_world.ts ./src/hello_deno.ts
Checked 2 files
Format files and folders with deno fmt
Example with --check
The --check
option performs a dry run that lists the number of files with formatting errors as well as all of the formatting errors, for example:
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app> deno fmt --check ./src
from \\?\C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app\src\hello_world.ts:
7 | -
8 | - for await (const request of server) {
7 | + for await (const request of server) {
error: Found 1 not formatted file in 4 files
Check source module formatting with deno fmt --check
Display command usage and examples
Deno's built-in deno help
command displays usage and examples for all commands or a single command.
deno help [command]
# Display all deno commands and environment variables.
deno help
# Display usage and examples for the run command
deno help run
# Display usage and examples for the help command
deno help help
Example uses of the deno help
The related --help
option allows us to add help instructions to modules. To see an example, look at the standard library's HTTP file server.
Display metadata and dependency tree for Deno module
We can use the deno info
command to get the path, type, path of compiled code, path of source map, and the dependency tree of a module.
deno info [options] [source-module]
where additional options are:
--cert <file>
: Use specified HTTPS certificate for resolving remote modules. -
--importmap <file>
: Use specified import map for module resolution. See Deno manual 4.4. Import maps. Experimental feature. -
: Output dependency report as JSON. Experimental feature. -
: Download and recompile all or the specified remote modules when bundling.
Let's see the metadata and the dependency tree of a Hello World HTTP server, by using this command:
deno info ./src/hello_world.ts
First, the metadata is displayed.
local: C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app\src\hello_world.ts
type: TypeScript
Metadata for the hello_world.ts
Then the dependency tree is displayed. Every dependency, its dependency, and so on are listed, including remote dependencies.
deps: 13 unique (total 74.09KB)
file:///C:/projects/sandbox/deno-cli-app/src/hello_world.ts (263B)
└─┬ https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts (10.23KB)
├── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/encoding/utf8.ts (509B)
├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/io/bufio.ts (21.23KB)
│ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/bytes/mod.ts (4.34KB)
│ └── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/_util/assert.ts (405B)
├── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/_util/assert.ts *
├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/async/mod.ts (202B)
│ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/async/deferred.ts (1.03KB)
│ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/async/delay.ts (279B)
│ ├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/async/mux_async_iterator.ts (1.98KB)
│ │ └── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/async/deferred.ts *
│ └── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/async/pool.ts (1.58KB)
└─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/http/_io.ts (11.33KB)
├── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/io/bufio.ts *
├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/textproto/mod.ts (4.59KB)
│ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/io/bufio.ts *
│ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/bytes/mod.ts *
│ └── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/encoding/utf8.ts *
├── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/_util/assert.ts *
├── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/encoding/utf8.ts *
├─┬ https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/http/server.ts (10.23KB)
│ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/encoding/utf8.ts *
│ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/io/bufio.ts *
│ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/_util/assert.ts *
│ ├── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/async/mod.ts *
│ └── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/http/_io.ts *
└── https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/http/http_status.ts (5.93KB)
Dependency tree for the hello_world.ts
Example without source module
If we use deno info
without specifying a module, we get Deno's metadata:
# Display Deno's metadata
deno info
# Output on Windows
DENO_DIR location: "C:\\Users\\Lars\\AppData\\Local\\deno"
Remote modules cache: "C:\\Users\\Lars\\AppData\\Local\\deno\\deps"
TypeScript compiler cache: "C:\\Users\\Lars\\AppData\\Local\\deno\\gen"
# Output on Linux
DENO_DIR location: "/home/lars/.cache/deno"
Remote modules cache: "/home/lars/.cache/deno/deps"
TypeScript compiler cache: "/home/lars/.cache/deno/gen"
Display metadata for Deno with the deno info
Example with --json option
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app> deno info --unstable --json ./src/hello_world.ts
"module": "file:///C:/projects/sandbox/deno-cli-app/src/hello_world.ts",
"local": "C:\\projects\\sandbox\\deno-cli-app\\src\\hello_world.ts",
"fileType": "TypeScript",
"compiled": null,
"map": null,
"depCount": 13,
"totalSize": 75865,
"files": {
"file:///C:/projects/sandbox/deno-cli-app/src/hello_world.ts": {
"size": 263,
"deps": [
"https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts": {
"size": 0,
"deps": []
"https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/_util/assert.ts": {
"size": 405,
"deps": []
"https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/async/deferred.ts": {
"size": 1058,
"deps": []
"https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/async/delay.ts": {
"size": 279,
"deps": []
"https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/async/mod.ts": {
"size": 202,
"deps": [
"https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/async/mux_async_iterator.ts": {
"size": 2032,
"deps": [
"https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/async/pool.ts": {
"size": 1614,
"deps": []
"https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/bytes/mod.ts": {
"size": 4448,
"deps": []
"https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/encoding/utf8.ts": {
"size": 509,
"deps": []
"https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/http/_io.ts": {
"size": 11597,
"deps": [
"https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/http/http_status.ts": {
"size": 6072,
"deps": []
"https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/http/server.ts": {
"size": 10475,
"deps": [
"https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/io/bufio.ts": {
"size": 21735,
"deps": [
"https://deno.land/std@0.73.0/textproto/mod.ts": {
"size": 4701,
"deps": [
JSON dependency report for the hello_world.ts
Install Deno module as executable
Using the deno install
command, we can install a Deno module as an executable.
deno install [options] <source-module>
where additional options are:
--cert <file>
: Use specified HTTPS certificate for resolving remote modules. -
--config <tsconfig-file>
: Use the specified TypeScript configuration file (tsconfig.json
) to compile the source module. -
: Overwrite existing installed executable without prompting. -
: The file name of the installed executable. -
: Skip type checking. -
--root <folder-path>
: Installation folder of the executable. If unspecified, the path specified in theDENO_INSTALL_ROOT
environment variable is used.
The deno install
command also supports permission options such as --allow-net
. The generated executable will include all the specified permission options.
We can install the Deno xeval
line parsing utility, using this command:
deno install --name xeval https://deno.land/std/examples/xeval.ts
Install the Deno xeval
If the <user-home-directory>/.deno/bin
directory is in your PATH variable, you will now be able to use it as the xeval
command, for example:
# Display name of current Git branch
git branch | xeval "if ($.startsWith('*')) console.log($.slice(2))"
Example command using the Deno xeval
The generated executable is just a shell script with a deno run
command, for example on Windows:
% generated by deno install %
@deno.exe "run" "https://deno.land/std/examples/xeval.ts" %*
_ xeval
executable on Windows. _
or on Linux:
# generated by deno install
deno "run" "https://deno.land/std/examples/xeval.ts" "$@"
_ xeval
executable on Linux. _
As Deno caches remote modules, it will be available without internet access. Alternatively, we can produce a standalone executable by using the deno bundle
command and creating a shell script ourselves.
Linting Deno code
Deno version 1.1 introduced a built-in, experimental linter which we can use with the deno lint
Note that as of Deno version 1.4, the linter must be run with the
deno lint --unstable [options] [source-modules]
where additional options are:
--ignore <source-modules>
: Exclude files from linting. -
: Output lint report as JSON. -
: Lists the active lint rules. -
: Lint input fromstdin
, for examplecat ./src/hello_world.ts | deno lint --unstable -
. Experimental feature.
Additionally, we're able to use the comment annotation to disable lint checking for all or certain rules:
// deno-lint-ignore [rules]
: Disable all or specific lint rules for the following line. -
// deno-lint-ignore-file
: If located at the top of a file, disables all lint rules for the entire file. -
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any no-empty
: Deno CLI also supports ESLint ignore annotations.
Navigate to a folder with Deno source file and run the deno lint --unstable
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app\src> deno lint --unstable
Checked 2 files
Lint your code for potential errors with the deno lint
Let's introduce a questionable change to our code:
import { serve } from 'https://deno.land/std/http/server.ts';
const server = serve(':8000');
const body = new TextEncoder().encode('Hello, World!\n');
async function main() {
for await (var request of server) {
// Replace const with var 👈
request.respond({ body });
Introducing a potential error in our code.
Now we run the linter again.
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app\src> deno lint --unstable
(no-inner-declarations) Move variable declaration to function root
for await (var request of server) {
at \\?\C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app\src\hello_world.ts:7:13
Found 1 problem
Checked 2 files
Human-readable lint report with 1 issue detected.
Example with --json
The --json
option outputs the lint report in a JSON format which can potentially be passed to tooling.
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app\src> deno lint --unstable --json
"diagnostics": [
"range": {
"start": {
"line": 7,
"col": 13
"end": {
"line": 7,
"col": 24
"filename": "\\\\?\\C:\\projects\\sandbox\\deno-cli-app\\src\\hello_world.ts",
"message": "Move variable declaration to function root",
"code": "no-inner-declarations",
"hint": null
"errors": []
JSON lint report listing 1 issue.
Example with --rules
To list the active lint rules, we use the --rules
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app\src> deno lint --unstable --rules
Available rules:
- adjacent-overload-signatures
- ban-ts-comment
- ban-types
- ban-untagged-ignore
- constructor-super
- for-direction
A list of active lint rules.
Deno REPL (Read-eval-print loop)
If you want to take Deno for a spin or do some ad hoc scripting, the REPL is what you're looking for.
We can simply use the deno
command or use the deno repl
command with options to enable experimental Deno or V8 features.
deno [options] [repl]
where additional options are:
--cert <file>
: Use specified HTTPS certificate for resolving remote modules. -
--inspect <host:port>
: Start a remote debugging server on the specified host and port. -
--inspect-brk <host:port>
: Start a remote debugging server on the specified host and port. Break at the beginning of the specified code. -
: Skip type checking. -
--v8-flags <v8-flags>
: Enable experimental and optional V8 features. Usedeno repl --v8-flags=--help
to list the feature flags available in the version of V8 bundled with your Deno exectuable.
Careful! The REPL has all permissions enabled.
After starting the REPL with the deno repl
command, we can use close()
to exit it.
# Start REPL
deno repl
# Output and prompt
Deno 1.4.4
exit using ctrl+d or close()
# Example output
> console.log('Hello, Deno!');
Hello, Deno!
# Exit REPL
> close();
Start a Deno REPL with the deno repl
Run Deno module
We can use the deno run
command to compile and evaluate a local or remote module. After running it the first time, the module and all its dependencies will be cached by Deno so that we can run it offline.
All Deno permissions are off by default. We have to enable them with the permissions options such as --allow-net
or enable them all by setting the --allow-all
option (insecure, not recommended).
deno run [options] <source-module> [<arguments>]
where options are:
: Fail if remote modules are not cached. -
--cert <file>
: Use specified HTTPS certificate for resolving remote modules. -
--config <file>
: Use specified TypeScript configuration (tsconfig.json
) to compile the module and its dependencies. -
--importmap <file>
: Use specified import map for module resolution. See Deno manual 4.4. Import maps. Experimental feature. -
--inspect <host:port>
: Start a remote debugging server on the specified host and port. Can't be used with the--watch
option. -
--inspect-brk <host:port>
: Start a remote debugging server on the specified host and port. Break at the beginning of the specified code. Can't be used with the--watch
option. -
--lock <file>
: Consult module hashes in the specified lockfile for caching purposes. -
: Create/update the specified lockfile. Specify the lockfile with the--lock
option. -
: Skip type checking. -
: Disallow remote modules. -
: (Re-)download remote modules. Option to specify one or more patterns for which remote modules to allow. -
--seed <number>
: Seed forMath.random
. -
--v8-flags <v8-flags>
: Enable experimental and optional V8 features. Usedeno run --v8-flags=--help <source_module>
to list the feature flags available in the version of V8 bundled with your Deno exectuable. -
: Recompiles source modules and restarts the Deno process when source module changes are detected. Experimental feature. Can't be used with the--inspect
in addition to the permissions options such as --allow-net
Run a local chat server from the standard library's example module. Enable network traffic to allow it to host the local server.
# Run local chat server
deno run --allow-net=:8080 https://deno.land/std/examples/chat/server.ts
# Output
chat server starting on :8080....
# Chat messages
msg:1 Hello, World!
msg:2 Hello, Deno!
# Chat users leaving
msg:1 { code: 1001, reason: "" }
msg:2 { code: 1001, reason: "" }
Deno test runner
Deno's built-in test runner drives the Deno.test
deno test [options] [files]
where options are:
: Fail if remote modules are not cached. -
--cert <file>
: Use specified HTTPS certificate for resolving remote modules. -
--config <file>
: Use specified TypeScript configuration (tsconfig.json
) to compile the module and its dependencies. -
: Enable code coverage output. Experimental feature. -
--importmap <file>
: Use specified import map for module resolution. See Deno manual 4.4. Import maps. Experimental feature. -
--inspect <host:port>
: Start a remote debugging server on the specified host and port. -
--inspect-brk <host:port>
: Start a remote debugging server on the specified host and port. Break at the beginning of the specified code. -
: Stop test runner on first test failure. -
--filter <filter>
: The specified filter selects which test cases to run based on their test name, for example--filter serve
. -
--lock <file>
: Consult module hashes in the specified lockfile for caching purposes. -
: Create/update the specified lockfile. Specify the lockfile with the--lock
option. -
: Skip type checking. -
: Disallow remote modules. -
: (Re-)download remote modules. Option to specify one or more patterns for which remote modules to allow. -
--seed <number>
: Seed forMath.random
. -
--v8-flags <v8-flags>
: Enable experimental and optional V8 features. Usedeno test --v8-flags=--help
to list the feature flags available in the version of V8 bundled with your Deno exectuable.
in addition to the permissions options such as --allow-read
We have this test suite:
import { assertEquals } from 'https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts';
Deno.test('hello assert', () => {
const x = 1 + 2;
assertEquals(x, 3);
Deno.test('hello throws', () => {
const x = 1 + 2;
if (x !== 3) {
throw Error('x should be equal to 3');
Example test suite.
When we run deno test
, we get the following output:
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app> deno test
Compile file:///C:/projects/sandbox/deno-cli-app/src/hello_test.ts
running 2 tests
test hello assert ... ok (2ms)
test hello throws ... ok (1ms)
test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out (27ms)
Example test run.
Let's target the hello assert
test case with the --filter assert
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app> deno test --filter assert
Compile file:///C:/projects/sandbox/deno-cli-app/.deno.test.ts
running 1 tests
test hello assert ... ok (3ms)
test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 1 filtered out (3ms)
Example with --coverage
We have a math.ts
export function add(left: number, right: number): number {
return left + right;
export function divide(left: number, right: number): number {
if (right === 0) {
throw new Error('You should not divide by zero.');
return left / right;
export function multiply(left: number, right: number): number {
return left * right;
export function subtract(left: number, right: number): number {
return left - right;
Deno module with math operators.
When we have the following math_test.ts
test suite:
import { assertEquals } from 'https://deno.land/std/testing/asserts.ts';
import { add, divide, subtract } from './math.ts';
Deno.test('add', () => {
const expected = 1 + 2;
const actual = add(1, 2);
assertEquals(actual, expected);
Deno.test('divide', () => {
const expected = 5 / 2;
const actual = divide(5, 2);
assertEquals(actual, expected);
Deno.test('subtract', () => {
const expected = 6 - 3;
const actual = subtract(6, 3);
assertEquals(actual, expected);
Deno test suite for the module with math operators.
We get this output:
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app> deno test --unstable --coverage ./src/math_test.ts
Check file:///C:/projects/sandbox/deno-cli-app/$deno$test.ts
running 3 tests
test add ... ok (4ms)
test divide ... ok (1ms)
test subtract ... ok (0ms)
test result: ok. 3 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out (6ms)
cover file:///C:/projects/sandbox/deno-cli-app/src/math.ts ... 68.750% (11/16)
6 | throw new Error("You should not divide by zero.");
7 | }
10 | export function multiply(left, right) {
11 | return left * right;
12 | }
Test report for the math module with code coverage.
Deno type declarations
The deno types
command give us the type declarations of the active Deno executable.
deno types [options]
only supports the common options.
deno types > lib.deno.d.ts
writes the current Deno type declarations to the lib.deno.d.ts
Upgrade Deno executable
The deno upgrade
commands is used to upgrade the Deno executable to the latest version or a specific version.
deno upgrade [options]
where additional options are:
--cert <file>
: Use specified HTTPS certificate for resolving remote modules. -
: Check for the specified version, download files, unzip them and verify them, but don't replace the current Deno executable. -
--output <file>
: Install the specified or latest Deno version to a local file. -
--version <version-number>
: Specify the version of Deno to upgrade or downgrade to, for example--version 1.4.3
Use deno upgrade
to upgrade to the latest version.
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app> deno --version
deno 1.2.0
v8 8.5.216
typescript 3.9.2
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app> deno upgrade
Checking for latest version
downloading https://github.com/denoland/deno/releases/download/v1.4.4/deno-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip
Version has been found
Deno is upgrading to version 1.4.4
downloading https://github-production-release-asset-2e65be.s3.amazonaws.com/133442384/8840da80-057b-11eb-8ffb-0f7c030a844f?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAIWNJYAX4CSVEH53A%2F20201003%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20201003T214219Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=8af910cb8fc97491e833159b4ac5a7c1c4dc974c49e5082421df688be8015001&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&key_id=0&repo_id=133442384&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Ddeno-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream
Version has been found
Deno is upgrading to version 1.4.4
Upgrade done successfully
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app> deno --version
deno 1.4.4
v8 8.7.75
typescript 4.0.3
Example upgrade process from Deno version 1.2.0 to 1.4.4 using deno upgrade
Use deno upgrade --dry-run --version 1.5.0
to check whether version 1.5.0 is available.
PS C:\projects\sandbox\deno-cli-app> deno upgrade --dry-run --version 1.5.0
downloading https://github.com/denoland/deno/releases/download/v1.5.0/deno-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.zip
Version has not been found, aborting
Check for a specific Deno version by using the --dry-run
and --version
options for the deno upgrade
Deno environment variables
The Deno CLI looks up specific environment variables when running its commands.
: The root directory for Deno artifacts. Defaults to<user-profile-directory>/.deno
. -
: Install directory for the Deno executable and installed Deno modules. Defaults to<user-profile-directory>/.deno/bin
. -
: Set this flag to disable console colors. -
: Address of proxy server for HTTP requests, both for downloading remote modules and executingfetch
commands in modules. -
: Address of proxy server for HTTPS requests, both for downloading remote modules and executingfetch
commands in modules.
Top comments (1)
Huge article! Thank you.