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Thomas Bnt ☕
Thomas Bnt ☕

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What are the differences between each databases solutions?

For a project that requires a lot of requests to a database, which one would be the best, and what are the differences between them?

Top comments (5)

dmfay profile image
Dian Fay

Databases are designed to handle "a lot of requests". Your data model is the most important determinant of what database to use, not your throughput, and if you don't have any reasons not to stick with a relational database, the answer is probably Postgres. If your needs diverge from the relational model, this is a good starting point for your research into NoSQL offerings.

ben profile image
Ben Halpern

I guess it depends what a lot means.

I would err on the side of not overthinking this. Most mainstream databases are pretty damn good at what they do.

We’ve been more than happy with PostgreSQL.

lisamathew14 profile image

DBMS software (Database management system) is the software that manages a database. Though with different names (Microsoft, Oracle, MySQL, IBM DB2, Sybase). Get the best dbms software in the industry from us. compare price, reviews etc at one place.

jheijmans profile image
Jeroen Heijmans

As the others have mentioned, you'll be safe picking any of the four big relational databases (Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL, PostgreSQL). It's worth noting that, if you've really picked the wrong one, it's relatively easy to switch. With NoSQL, this is a bit harder as even with similar database models, there's often no shared query language.

softwaredeveloper profile image
Tarun Jain

A database is a collection of data or records. Database management systems are designed to work with data. Sometimes referred to as database management systems (DBMS), database software tools are primarily used for storing, modifying, extracting, and searching for information within a database.

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