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Cover image for Hacktoberfest 2023 event
Tran Nguyen Thuong Truong
Tran Nguyen Thuong Truong

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Hacktoberfest 2023 event


This year, I have contributed to many open-source projects and joined Hacktoberfest 2023 and I have completed after contributing 4 Pull-requests

✨Highs and Lows

In the development stage, I face-to-face with many kinds of problems, bugs... However, solutions were found rapidly by searching on the GitHub open-source community, so I resolved them easily
Some achievements I have earned through the event:

Hacktoberfest 2023 - big badge board | Holopin

View their avatar in the 2023 Hall of Fame.


Hacktoberfest badges


In this event, I also learned many skills on how to contribute to any project or resolve difficulties

Let follow and connect with me to cooperate in the future

thuongtruong1009 (Tran Nguyen Thuong Truong) · GitHub

👋 Hi, I'm Tran Nguyen Thuong Truong • 🧑‍💻developer • ✍️blogger • 🤝open-source contributor from VietNam. Hope to learn from you, guys! 🥰 - thuongtruong1009


Top comments (1)

michaeltharrington profile image
Michael Tharrington

Awesome stuff!

Just a quick reminder to make sure to link to your PRs if you're hoping to score those DEV Hacktoberfest badges mentioned here.

To make sure you get the badges you deserve, please just follow these steps:

  1. Share a post that includes direct links to the GitHub PR you committed to help us verify your contributions. (You can just update this post!)
  2. Connect the GitHub account you used for Hacktoberfest to your DEV account. It's crucial for validation. (You can connect the two here in your settings!)

Do all these things and we'll be sure to give you the honored contributor badge. In any case, we'll still give you the pledge badge for writing this post up. 🙌

Thanks so much for participating in this year's event. By the way, you can refer to this post for full contributor completion instructions.

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