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Tofail Ahmed Sayem
Tofail Ahmed Sayem

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Typescript over JavaScript

Typescript is new javascript with some advanced and useful features added to javascript. Typescript, which is the superset of javascript and becoming a go to language in the web development sector for every large application. The feature of detecting bugs while typing the code makes it unique. As per research, 60% of javascript developers started using typescript.

Providing syntax for types is the key feature of Typescript with its name implemented as ‘TYPESCRIPT". Even tech giants companies like Microsoft are migrating to typescript for its functionalities and features. Communicating tools like Slack and Asana use typescript for their implementation. Developers who work on Angular, React, or Vue use Typescript. For better productivity, Typescript is better for its better collaboration. So, when there is so much about typescript, we should know why we should pick typescript over javascript.

*Points to be noted: *

  1. A .ts extension is used to save a Typescript file.
  2. A javascript file saved with a .ts extension works perfectly as a typescript file.
  3. Typescript is preferred as a server side programming language.
  4. Typescript is preferable for building large scale applications.
  5. It is statically typed i.e. unless you give the type of the variable, the code will not run which makes error detection easy.

Why should we pick typescript over javascript? Let's discuss some points.

1) Best for creating large scale application:
Typescript is considered as the best programming language for developing large scale or enterprise level applications;. Due to its ‘type’ feature it's easy to understand for developers to read, which is not the case of Javascript. Also its feature of detecting bugs while typing makes it less time consuming. For large projects, typescript helps by catching mistakes with its type system which eventually helps to handly develop and maintain projects with less bugs.

2) Classes behave same as C++ , python:
If someone has an idea of C++, Python, then he/she should know that Typescript behaves the same way. Unlike Javascript, Typescript behaves the same, especially ‘this’ keyword and defining method. Typescript supports the OOPS concept and also helps in server-side development.

3) Framework encourages Typescript:
These days various frameworks like React, Angular, NestJS, VueJS support Typescript. Even Angular has its primary language as Typescript. Typescript is javascript with extra features and supports ECMAScript. All javascript frameworks are configurable in working with typescript because of its statically typed and auto bug detecting while coding or development. Implementing the OOPS concept becomes easy with typescript which gives the reason for using typescript over javascript.

4) Type Hinting/TypeCasting:
Typescript follows TypeCasting which brings the reason to use it over Javascript. To resolve the query in no time , it shows the error while coding. With TypeCasting it's easy to convert one variable type to another. TypeCasting allows variable type as per as requirement then and there. Using the ‘as’ keyword or <> operator is suitable for TypeCasting. At the time of development, Typescript displays the compilation error.

5) Promotes a Better Development Experience:
Typescript is very easy to understand and re-write, it becomes easy for developers to work even after gaps. Every line has a comment feature where coders can type comments while coding, for future use. It happens that more than one developer is working together on one application, that can make a mess but with the type feature it can be easy to debug. This also brings better opportunities for collaboration because any developer can easi;y understand the codebases and start making changes as requirements. This, in return, promotes a better development experience and also could return efficient output.

6) Targets multiple browsers:
It’s better to choose a language that is compatible with all browsers, rather than checking the application on browsers one by one. Once code writing is done and Typescript takes care about which browser should be targeted. It follows the process of compiling the Typescript to Javascript and then runs on browsers. So eventually it supports all browsers which support javascript. This is the biggest reason why anyone should choose Typescript over Javascript.

Top comments (3)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

Typescript is new javascript [...] becoming a go to language in the web development sector

Typescript's been around for well over a decade now - it's not really "new" so far as these things go.

tee-hope profile image
Tolu Hope

Very informative, thanks😊

tofail profile image
Tofail Ahmed Sayem

keep supporting