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Trinmar Boado
Trinmar Boado

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The Fullstack buzzword

The concept of fullstack has become a popular buzzword in the last few years. It is used to describe a developer capable of both front-end and back-end development, as well as other skills such as DevOps and/or design. However, the whole myth creates a false sense of security and career growth.

Fullstack is a myth because it implies that one person can do everything, but in reality, no one can be an expert in every area of ​​development. There are too many elements to be an expert in each. Additionally, becoming a fullstack developer requires knowing how to work with different technologies, programming languages, and tools. It's not just a matter of knowing a language or framework. You also need to understand how different technologies and frameworks interact with each other to be successful.

The fullstack myth also creates a sense of servitude to career growth. This causes many developers to think that they need to know all the latest technologies and frameworks to be successful. This often leads to burnout and frustration as developers try to keep up with the ever-changing technology landscape.

On top of this, the fullstack myth creates a false sense of security. Many developers think that because they are fullstack dev, they can get any job they want. This is not true. Companies are looking for developers with experience in specific technologies and in specific roles. Being a fullstack developer does not guarantee you will get any job.

To truly create a healthy IT workforce, we must abandon the entire myth. We must recognize that no one person can be an expert in all aspects of development. Instead, developers should focus on developing expertise in certain areas of the stack and then use that expertise to create value for their companies.

In addition, we need to create a culture of career growth that is more realistic and sustainable. Instead of chasing the latest technologies, developers should focus on learning the basics and building a solid foundation. This will create a healthier and more sustainable career path.

being a fullstack developer does not guarantee success. Companies are looking for specific skills and experience and no one person can get them all. We must remember that true success comes from hard work and dedication, not from chasing the latest trends.

The fullstack myth creates a workforce that is stressed and struggles with mental health issues. We must abandon this myth and create a healthier and more sustainable IT workforce. We need to recognize that no one can do it all, and focus on developing skills in certain areas. We also need to create a culture of career growth that is more realistic and sustainable. By doing these things, we can create a healthier, more productive IT workforce.

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