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Tsiry Sandratraina
Tsiry Sandratraina

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Streamline Your GitLab CI Configuration with Fluent GitLab CI - A Deno Module


When it comes to setting up and managing GitLab CI configuration files, developers often seek simplicity, readability, and efficiency. Imagine a tool that allows you to generate GitLab CI configuration files with ease and fluency. Enter Fluent GitLab CI, a powerful Deno module that simplifies the process of creating GitLab CI configurations. In this article, we will explore the features, benefits, and usage of Fluent GitLab CI, along with code examples to demonstrate its capabilities.

Introducing Fluent GitLab CI

Fluent GitLab CI is a Deno module designed to simplify the process of generating GitLab CI configuration files. With Fluent GitLab CI, you can effortlessly create CI/CD pipelines by defining stages and jobs with custom scripts. This module brings ease and fluency to the creation of GitLab CI configurations, making it a valuable tool for developers looking to streamline their CI setup.

Getting Started

To get started with Fluent GitLab CI, you need to import the necessary classes from the module and define your stages and jobs. The Job class represents a single job in a GitLab CI pipeline, while the GitlabCI class is used to construct the overall CI configuration. By chaining methods and setting properties, you can create a comprehensive CI pipeline.

Exploring Fluent GitLab CI Features

Fluent GitLab CI offers several powerful features to simplify the creation of GitLab CI configurations. Firstly, you can define stages using the stages() method, specifying the order in which jobs will be executed. Each stage can consist of one or more jobs defined using the addJob() method.

Each job can have its own custom script, which is defined using the script() method. This allows you to include commands and actions specific to the job's purpose, such as compiling code, running tests, or deploying applications. Fluent GitLab CI also supports specifying dependencies between jobs using the needs() method, ensuring proper execution order within the pipeline.

To obtain the final GitLab CI configuration, you can use the toString() method, which returns the configuration as a string. This string can then be outputted or saved to a file.

Code Example

Let's take a closer look at an example that demonstrates the power of Fluent GitLab CI. Suppose you have a project with three stages: "build", "test", and "deploy". Within each stage, you want to define specific jobs.

import { GitlabCI, Job } from "";

const build = new Job().stage("build").script(`
  echo "Compiling the code..."
  echo "Compile complete."

const unitTest = new Job().stage("test").script(`
  echo "Running unit tests... This will take about 60 seconds."
  sleep 60
  echo "Code coverage is 90%"

const deploy = new Job().stage("deploy").script(`
  echo "Deploying application..."
  echo "Application successfully deployed."

const gitlabci = new GitlabCI()
  .stages(["build", "test", "deploy"])
  .addJob("build-job", build)
  .addJob("unit-test-job", unitTest)
  .addJob("deploy-job", deploy);


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In this example, we define three jobs: "build-job", "unit-test-job", and "deploy-job". Each job is assigned to a specific stage and has its own custom script. The stages() method is used to define the order of the stages. Finally, we call the toString() method to obtain the GitLab CI configuration as a string and output it to the console. The write() method can be used to save the configuration to a file.

Benefits of Fluent GitLab CI

Fluent GitLab CI offers numerous benefits for developers. First and foremost, it simplifies the process of creating GitLab CI configurations, reducing the time and effort required. The fluent and expressive syntax of the module makes the configuration files more readable and maintainable.

By leveraging TypeScript and Deno compatibility, Fluent GitLab CI provides type safety and robustness in the CI configuration generation process. This helps catch errors and ensures that the configurations adhere to the expected structure.

Fluent GitLab CI empowers developers to create comprehensive CI/CD pipelines easily, improving their productivity and enhancing the overall development workflow. With its intuitive API and flexible features, Fluent GitLab CI is a valuable asset for any project utilizing GitLab CI.


Fluent GitLab CI provides developers with a powerful tool to generate GitLab CI configuration files easily and fluently. By leveraging the capabilities of this Deno module, developers can streamline their CI setup, improve productivity, and enhance the readability of their GitLab CI configurations. With Fluent GitLab CI, managing complex CI pipelines becomes a breeze. Give it a try and experience the efficiency and simplicity it brings to your GitLab CI workflows.

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