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I made English a programming language

Have you ever had a great idea for an application, tried to make it, and then gave up two hours later? If you have, there's a solution! Just speak English. Yes, I made English a programming language. Why? Because I was bored. How does it work? It uses GPT-4. Now with this the possibilities are endless, so I made a flappy bird knockoff... If you want to try this yourself, I've set up a GitHub Repo

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It's a programming language, but there's a twist, you program with english


It's a programming language, but there's a twist, you program with english.

Yes, no more dumb programmer errors (most of the time) and a easy to read syntax (Ignore how low quality it is)

Setting up

Go into src/.env and add you're OPENAI Key. Then drag all files in the folder into the directory of you're project.

Then run and follow it's instructions. Tip: it's based to leave Project Path blank unless you need a more specified path then you're root folder.

If using GPT-4, make sure you have access, if not, then change the gpt4 variable in you're config.json file and replace the y with n.


Go into main.en and start typing away. Everything is in english (no weird programming syntax here), look at the example programs if you're still confused on how to write programs.

Then to compile you're program, run

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