Open-source mods for your next project
Everything below is open source and free to use on any website, web app, or anywhere else. Anymod has hundreds more like these.
Click a mod to see it along with its source code.
Customer social proof
Show off your customers & partnerships.
Responsive table
Editable table that changes layout at different widths.
Team carousel
Show off your team in an interactive format.
Laptop overlay image
Upload an image and it's cropped to the laptop's screen.
Ripple link
Click to cause a ripple effect on the button.
I post new mods here every (Module) Monday -- I hope you find them useful!
Happy coding ✌️
Top comments (4)
Nice collection. Btw, Team carousel has the wrong link.
Thanks @dhavalwd ! Updated with the proper link:
Awesome! Thanks for these!
how can i change the pictures and content of the carousel