What I built
Smile Catcher recognizes the smiling faces and counts how many time smiled by the user while watching a given funny video.
Category Submission:
Random Roulette
App Link
- Visit the app using a web browser
- Allow camera access
- Watch the video
The app will show how many times you have smiled during watching the video.
All of the face detections and expression detections are handled by the face-API.
Link to Source Code
Permissive License
I inspired by the Web Dev Simplified's face detection project
and also curiosity about the face-API.
How I built it
My App is a simple static app. I deployed this using DigitalOcean app platform and it was very quick. You can build and deploy 3 static apps for free.
Tech stack
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- face-api
Top comments (10)
This looks really interesting and is a very innovative idea. I tried the app out but when I attempted to play the video I got the error shown in the snapshot below. I have completed my entry in the #dohackathon also. If you get a chance, check it out and let me know what you think. thx

Edit - Just thought about it and it probably failed because on this computer I don't have a camera connected.
Thank you for your feedback. I think something wrong with your browser. Did you try incognito mode or another browser?
If you can check again using a mobile phone, It will be a pleasure for me.
And I have checked your app. It's great. Good luck with the hackathon.
I tried it on my Android device and it worked fine. Also, my desktop browser warned me that there was an update. I updated and now the site works on my desktop browser too. 😊
Ohh. Happy to see this feedback. Thank you once again.👊
I'm using FireFox 83.0 64-bit running on Ubuntu 20.04. I'll try it on my mobile here in a bit also and let you know. Thanks for taking a look at my app.
Thank you!
2020 needs more smiles. Amazing job!
Yeah, 2020 needs tons of smiles 💔
Btw thank you for the feedback.
Super cool!
Thank you!