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What JavaScript Is Used For

JavaScript, which is often abbreviated as JS. It is a subject-oriented programming language that programmers use to make the webpages interactive. It also allows programmers to create dynamic updating content, for example using animations or, pop-up menus, clickable buttons, control multimedia, etc

JavaScript can be used on both the client side and server side. While HTML and CSS provide structure and style to web pages, JavaScript adds interactive elements to engage users. Without JavaScript, the majority of Internet web pages would be static.

What JavaScript Are Used For

JavaScript has many applications in modern technology. Below are some of the most common uses.

Web Development

  1. Web Development

JavaScript is a scripting language used to develop web pages. To make webpages interactive, web developers use JavaScript to create drop-down menus, form validation, and display data in real time. In other instances, JavaScript use enables dynamic content by allowing scripts to run in the background.

  1. Game Development

JavaScript can be also used to develop games for web browsers. The combination of JavaScript and HTML5 plays a major role in game development using JS. Some JavaScript game engines such as PhysicsJS, and Pixi.js help us to create a web game. We can also use the WebGL (web graphics library), and the JavaScript API to render 2D and 3D images on browsers.

  1. Server Applications

Just so you know, many web applications include a server-side component that handles a variety of operations. Content creation and the management of those fancy HTTP requests are handled by our good friend JavaScript. But, guess what? JavaScript is more than just a one-trick pony because Node.js allows it to run on servers. We have a welcoming playground with all the tools required for JavaScript to show off on servers thanks to Node.js. How awesome is that?

  1. Mobile Apps

One of the awesome uses of JavaScript is to create apps for non-web contexts, or in simpler words, for things off the internet. With everyone practically glued to their mobile devices these days, JavaScript frameworks are here to make mobile app development a breeze across different platforms like IOS, Android, and Windows. Say hello to React Native framework, your best friend for cross-platform mobile app building. It lets developers use a one-size-fits-all front end for both Android and IOS platforms. Isn't that cool?

  1. Web Servers

You may create a web server using JavaScript by using Node.js. You never have to wait around with Node.js because it's event-driven. Without waiting to see the previous call's response, it jumps right into the next one. Here, there is only rapid data chunk transfer—no data buffering. And with its convenient createServer() method, the HTTP module is your new best buddy when it comes to creating a server.

Top comments (2)

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Fatemeh Paghar

Another important use of JavaScript, as discussed in the article, is its ability to visualize data. JavaScript tools like D3.js, Chart.js, and Plotly help developers make interactive and attractive charts and graphs for showing information on websites. This feature makes it easier for users to understand complicated data and helps them make decisions. So, JavaScript isn't just for building websites; it's also for presenting data in a clear and engaging way.

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