DEV Community

Upali Khanduri
Upali Khanduri

Posted on

Top 10 things you should know as a Programmer

Top 10 things Every Programmer should know

  • As a Developer you should know these things........
  1. Write a code fancy nor longer Fancy means take care of your code quality ,less number of lines , use built and new version methods
  2. Ready to solve unexpected "Bugs"
  3. Always use to write a meaningful names It means give meaningful names to variables, functions , class, packages. It helps to understand others as well
  4. Write short Functions Keep your Functions as short as possible which you can easily reuse and understand
  5. Always ready to ask Questions to your partners or leader Don't be shy just ask
  6. Drink water as much as you can and take break after work
  7. Test code
  8. As a Developer you should know the knowledge of maintenance, migrating, deployment, scaling your code on different platforms like Heroku, AWS, Netlify, cloud
  9. Problem Solving Attitude Play games in your free time like puzzle solving Problem solving skills through build small projects through data structures or algorithms
  10. Googling Beginner, Intermediate, advance, Experienced everyone is Googling Don't be shy just Google it You cant learn everything so just google it

Please drop your points

Top comments (4)

omerr profile image
Omer Rosenbaum

Documentation explains not only what the code does, but also how it does it. Something you might forget down the line...

upali123 profile image
Upali Khanduri

Yes @swimm_io

alfredocu profile image
Alfredo Carreón Urbano
  1. Ser parte de una comunidad, compartir conocimientos, ayudar a los demás programadores y pedir ayuda si es necesario.
upali123 profile image
Upali Khanduri

well said @alfredocu