A weekly selection of design links, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.
The best UX and design events in 2020 →
A comprehensive list for designers who are looking for design conferences to attend this year. Charge your smartphone, bring some business cards in your pocket, and consider adding one of these design events to your 2020 itinerary.
The UX Collective newsletter is a self-funded newsletter read by over 121,700 designers every week, curated by Fabricio Teixeira and Caio Braga.
Stories from the community
Do today’s design students have to be spoon-fed? →
By Ellen Shapiro
Neumorphism will NOT be a huge trend in 2020 →
By Michal Malewicz
4 ways to prototype a hover state: InVision, Framer, Sketch, Figma →
By Poyi Chen
More top stories in the last 2 weeks:
- Devs before users: how frameworks destroyed web performance → By cheatmaster30
- The bitter truth no one will tell you about being a UX designer → By Mehek Kapoor
- Assessing your user research career level, seniority, and path → By Nikki Anderson
- 7 requirements of a holistic Design System → By Teresa Mira
- The site design that went viral: when failure is not an option → By Lena Dorogenskaya
- Twitter timeline: the worst icon to ever signify a feature → By Fernando Lins
- 13 free plugins to manage colors in Sketch → By Rubens Cantuni
- How can Facebook better design its political ads for 2020? → By Bennett Huffman
- Design thinking isn’t the problem; what it takes to do good design → By Kal Joffres
News & ideas
- Numeric Creativity → Why creativity is a numbers game.
- NYC Subway Map → NY Times report on the subway map’s history.
- No Rebrand → Is the era of major rebrandings over?
- End of Decade? → Well, it depends on who you ask.

Tools & resources
- Aesthetic → Search logo designs by visual similarity.
- Terminal 101 → A designer’s guide to the Terminal.
- RTL Styling → Guide on how to style for right-to-left in CSS.
- Generative Placeholders → Use generative art as your image placeholders.
We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. So we created the design newsletter we have always wanted to receive.
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