A weekly selection of design links, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.
Lots of youtube lives could be a tweet.
- On writing → Can writing make me a better designer?
- Cumulative shift → Avoiding sudden layout shifts in UX.
- Dark patterns → How to convince others not to use them.
The UX Collective newsletter is an ad-free newsletter read by over 134,900 designers every week. Curated by Fabricio Teixeira and Caio Braga.
Stories from the community
I am the user; I am not the user →
By Michael McWatters
The good, the bad and the ugly of A/B testing →
By Andy Budd
20 psychological principles applied to product design →
By Lucas Didier
Top stories this week:
- Neumorphism, visual accessibility, and empathy → By Tammy Taabassum
- Why the Bauhaus lives on as the most influential design school → By Michelle Chiu
- A new concept for usable touch interaction in cars → By Casper Kessels
- The 8 levels of focus for building successful products → By Alana Brajdic
- The lying eye and its accomplice → By Andres Zapata
- 8 deeper truths of working from home — what all the tips aren’t telling you → By Benek Lisefski
- How to use desk research to kick-start your design process → By Teisanu Tudor
News & ideas
- Antijustified day → An international celebration, May 8th every year.
- Kinetic type → A 36-day typographic experiment.
- Icon system → Developing open-source icons at Microsoft. By Joline Tang.
- Tech adoption → How new tech is adopted year by year in the US.

Tools & resources
- Chair times → Full doc about chair design, available for free.
- Micro-typography → How to space and kern punctuation marks.
- Blush → Unsplash, but for illustrations.
- Octopus → A lightning-fast visual sitemap builder.
We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. So we created the design newsletter we have always wanted to receive.
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