Your weekly list of curated design resources, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.
To stay silent is to be complicit.
- Get together → Helping your Black and non-Black friends today.
- White guyde → If you’re a white guy who don’t know what to do.
- A class divided → 1985 PBS documentary on racism. Still relevant.
The UX Collective newsletter is an ad-free newsletter read by over 136,400 designers every week. Curated by Fabricio Teixeira and Caio Braga.
Stories from the community
The design community must not stay silent →
By Harrison Wheeler
Why you should design for a tiny ruined phone →
By Patrick Robert Doyle
Inspiration is for amateurs; the rest of us show up and get to work →
By Benek Lisefski
Top stories this week:
- Which design style are you? → By Diana Malewicz
- Mentoring ‘no-hire’ design candidates → By Drory Ben-Menachem
- Which UI design tool should I use in 2020? → By Poyi Chen
- An underrated UX: Gmail’s undo send → By Jon Lopkin
- SpaceX: Simple, beautiful interfaces are the future → By Michal Malewicz
- What happens when you don’t design for the problem → By Mallory Kim
- Stakeholder interviews: asking the right questions → By Anton Sten
“Rodney King was beaten by design: the design of legal and social systems that empower police to act with impunity, which is the legacy of white patriarchal supremacy. The Rodney King story was also saved by design: the design of technologies that captured evidence for the record, and provided the means for us to broadcast, share and discuss what we witnessed.”
Design, collective action, and American racism →
By Jennifer Rittner
News & ideas
- On design thinking → Design is a talismanic word with many meanings.
- Pandemic priorities → Revising product features and priorities.
- Remote journeys → How remote teams can map the user journey.

Tools & resources
- Figma grid → A grid generator plugin for Figma.
- Aspect-ratio in CSS → A new property that affects how a box is sized.
- Walkie → Real-time voice chat for your remote team.
- Illustrated characters → Free libraries to add more humanity to your site.
We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. So we created the design newsletter we have always wanted to receive.
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