A weekly selection of design links, brought to you by your friends at the UX Collective.
- Inaccessible HTML → Not every part of HTML is accessible by default.
- Undiscoverable UI → The Mac interactions that are hard to discover.
- Cross-Cultural → Using visual systems to eliminate guesswork.
The UX Collective newsletter is a self-funded newsletter read by over 129,700 designers every week. Curated by Fabricio Teixeira and Caio Braga.
Stories from the community
Insanely fast redesign exercises →
By Michal Malewicz
10 principles for ethical UX →
By Danny Sapio
Prototyping: the mother of invention →
By Darren Bennett
More top stories:
- AI vs UX: who wins? → By Maxim Grozny
- How to prevent user’s errors to have good usability → By Tania Vieira
- Designers, stop asking for a “seat at the table” → By Evan Osherow
- Trust models in marketplaces → By Belen Vazquez
- Design Tokens: How to use them effectively → By Ishan Manandhar
- Fiverr: it’s bad, guys — it’s bad → By Geoffrey Bunting
- Your product experience is only as good as its weakest moment → By Joe Johnston
News & ideas
- Twitter’s Fleets → Twitter is testing ephemeral tweets in Brazil.
- BMW’s New Logo → And why not everyone is happy about it.
- Millennial Aesthetic → Will it ever end?
- Horrifying Startups → Stories from an office manager in Silicon Valley.

Tools & resources
- Variable Fonts → A complete guide to variable fonts.
- Box Alignment → Learn box alignment for CSS Grid and Flexbox.
- Type Foundry Index → Loved and respected foundries and designers.
- CSS Simpsons → Simpsons characters made in pure CSS.
We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. So we created the design newsletter we have always wanted to receive.
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