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Fluent Icons

I would like to introduce my project, Fluent Icons, developed with Vue 3. This project aims to streamline your design and development processes by offering functionalities to export, customize, and manage icons in various formats. Here are the features that Fluent Icons offers:

Multiple Export Options

  • PNG: Export your icons in high-resolution PNG format.
  • SVG: Export as vector SVG format for scalable use.
  • Webfont: Export your icons as a web font for easy use in web projects.
  • Vue and React: Export as Vue and React components for quick integration into your projects.
  • CSS: Export icons as CSS classes to include in your style sheets.
  • Base64: Copy icons as Base64 encoded code to embed directly into HTML or CSS files.

Customizable Icons

Each icon can be individually colored, allowing you to easily apply color palettes that suit your design needs.

Favorite and Bulk Download

Add your favorite icons to a list and download them in bulk. This feature helps you keep your frequently used icons organized.

Advanced Search Functionality

Separate your favorite selections in the search section for a faster and more efficient search experience. This feature helps you find the icon you need more quickly.

Automatic Updates

Fluent Icons is designed to stay up-to-date continuously. The library automatically updates with the latest icons and features after each update. This ensures you always have access to the newest and most functional icons.

Fluent Icons is a comprehensive icon library filled with features like exporting in various formats, customization, and favoriting icons. For more information and to try the project, visit

I hope this post will increase your interest in Fluent Icons and that I'll receive your feedback. If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact me. Happy coding!

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