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Jaime González García
Jaime González García

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Boost Your Coding Fu With Visual Studio Code and Vim

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Visual Studio Code is superb. It offers an unparalleled user experience with great support for many languages and development ecosystems. It comes with great defaults and is super easy to use and to get started with.

Vim is awesome. It's modal nature and text editing features make it unique amongst other editors. Vim offers a complete different level of text editing proficiency, speed and accuracy from anything else out there.

The combination of both couldn't be anything less that amazingly superbsome (yep, I just did that).

In the next few minutes you'll boost your Visual Studio editing skills by bringing in lots of incredibly useful tools from the Vim editor right inside the comfort of your favorite editor: Visual Studio Code.

Here is what we're going to cover:

  • What is Vim? And Why Use Vim in VSCode?
  • How to Install Vim in VSCode?
  • Basic Surviving Skills in Vim
  • Moving Blazingly Fast with Core Vim Motions
  • Editing at The Speed of Thought With Vim Operators and Motions
  • Vim's Secret Language
  • Inserting Text a la Vim
  • Selecting Text in Visual Mode
  • Surrounding Things with Vim Surround
  • Moving Even Faster with the Sneak and EasyMotion Plugins

This article doesn't assume any prior Vim knowledge so don't worry if you aren't familiar with Vim. I'll guide you through all the concepts and techniques you need to know to be effective with VSCode and Vim.

What is Vim?

Vi is an ancient text editor, old even before the first age of the world. It was designed to work on contraptions called terminals with the very uncommon yet inspired characteristic of functioning in a modal fashion. That is, it has a mode for inserting text, another for editing text, a different one for selecting text, and so on.

Vi's latest and most celebrated incarnation is Vim (Vi IMproved and formerly Vi IMitation) which works both with text and graphical interfaces, comes with a plethora of improvements over vi and is supported on every platform known to humankind. But the impact of Vim doesn't stop with Vim, Vim's ideas are so very remarkable that they've trascended the Vim editor itself and propagated into other editors. Today you can find Vim-like modes in almost any editor and IDE that you can imagine. Like in Visual Studio Code.

Why Vim? Isn't Visual Studio Code Enough?

Why should you care about learning about an ancient editor in this day and age? Does it really make such a big difference to my VSCode setup?

The truth is that Vim provides a different way of interacting with text from anything I've ever seen, a way that gives you a completely different level of control and fluency when editing code. At the hands of an experienced user, editing text with Vim seems like magic:

  • Vim makes you faster.
  • Vim makes you more precise
  • Vim unlocks a completely different level of control in text editing
  • Vim thins the interface between your brain and the computer
  • It is awe-striking when doing presentations :D

Awesome! But How can Vim achieve all this?

Vim's modal nature empowers your keyboard to control every aspect of your editor. Every mode is a clean slate that gives your keyboard new powers, to edit text at lightning speed, navigate at the speed of thought, select and move text to your heart's content, and more.

With Vim you're no longer limited to inserting text nor subject to the tyranny of the mouse to click, navigate or select text. No. After using Vim for a while, you'll be like a code surgeon that makes expert incisions with surgical precision whenever and wherever it is required, navigating through your code and codebase with the lightning speed and accuracy of a entirely keyboard driven workflow.

So Why would you want to learn Vim in this day and age? Paraphrasing the mighty Drew Neil author of Practical Vim and master of the most obscure arts of Vim:

Vim is for programmers who want to raise their game. In the hands of an expert, Vim shreds text at the speed of thought.


Why Vim in VSCode and Not Just Vim?

You may be wondering... Ok. If Vim is so good then... Why not just use Vim instead of Vim inside Visual Studio Code?

Great question! The truth is that setting Vim to work with a feature set similar to modern text editors is not a trivial task. Features likes code completion, code navigation, in-editor error messages, etc, although supported by Vim don't work perfectly out of the box.

Visual Studio Code and Vim offer a very sweet spot that balance the super rich development user experience of Visual Studio Code with lots of the amazing features present in Vim.

Installing Vim Inside Visual Studio Code

In order to bring the awesomeness of Vim inside Visual Studio Code you'll need to install the VsCodeVim plugin:

  1. Open Visual Studio Code
  2. Go to Extensions
  3. Type vim in the search box
  4. The first plugin named Vim is the one you want
  5. Click on the install button
  6. Epic Victory!

VSCodeVim plugin inside VSCode

Now after the extension is installed you may need to restart Visual Studio Code for the changes to take effect. 1

Have you restarted it? Open a code file from your latest project and look at the cursor. Does it look like a rectangle? Yes? Welcome to Vim

Baby Steps in Vim

If you try to type text right now you'll be surprised to see that nothing happens. Or to be more correct, nothing that you would have expected to happen. That is, as you type there's no characters being typed in the screen. That's because the core mode in Vim is Normal mode and not Insert mode.

In Normal mode you don't insert text, you move around and edit it. This design decision stems from the realization that we spend more time reading, navigating and changing code that we do inserting it in the first place.
These are the very basics you need to survive in Vim:

  • Move around with hjkl
  • Go into Insert mode with i where you can type stuff as usual
  • Go back to normal mode with <ESC> or <CTRL-C>

hjkl are the core and most basic motions in Vim. They allow you to move the cursor by one space in every direction:


     <-- h j k l -->


Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

They are not the most effective, nor the most efficient way to move around in Vim. But they do give you agility and confidence to move around a file in Normal mode. Learning to hjkl effectively is the equivalent of learning to walk, or learning to ride a bike.

After you get comfortable with more Vim motions you won't use hjkl as much, but they'll come very handy for short-distance movements and small corrections.

Mapping Your Caps Lock Key to Control

One thing that comes super handy when using Vim (and any other editor for that matter) is to remap your Caps Lock Key to Control. This means that you can easily reach a super commonly used key such as Control from the comfort of the home row.

If you're using a Mac you can do this directly from Preferences, Keyboard. Otherwise you may need to install some software in your development machine but it should be very straightforward. Google be thy friend. Google it.

Moving Blazingly Fast With The Core Vim Motions

Motions (as in movements) are how you move around in Vim. They are commands that when typed move the cursor around with high speed and precision. There are many of them, and each one is best suited for different types and lengths of movement. I find they work great in tandem with VSCode native Go To features like Go To File and Go To Symbol.

Here's a condensed list of the most useful ones:

Move Horizontally Word By Word

Word Motions allows you to move faster horizontally:

  • Use w to jump from word to word (and b to do it backward)
  • Use e to jump to the end of a word (and ge to do it backward)
  • A word in Vim only includes letters, digits and numbers. If you want to consider special characters like ., (, {, etc as part of a word (called WORD in Vim jargon) you can use the capitalized equivalents of the keys above (W, B, E, gE)

In general, word motions allow for more precise changes while WORD motions allow for faster movement.

Move To A Specific Character

Find character motions allow you to move horizontally quickly and with high precision:

  • Use f{char} to move (find) to the next occurrence of a character char in a line (and F to move backwards). For instance, f" sends you to the next occurrence of a double quote.
  • Use t{char} to move the cursor just before (un*t*il) the next occurrence of a character char

After using f{char} you can type ; to go to the next occurrence or , to go to the previous one. You can see the ; and , as commands for repeating the last character search.

On Notes, Melodies And Chords

Vim is quite special. If you've used other editors you're probably accustomed to typing chords of keys. That is, typing a combination of keys at the same time. For instance, CTRL-C to copy and CTRL-V to paste. Vim uses chords as well but relies even more on melodies of keys.

If you think of keys as notes, a melody is a series of notes one after the other. That's the most common way to work with vim when you're in normal mode. So, when you read that you need to type f{char} to find a character in a line it means that first you type f and then you type the character {char}. This, although unfamiliar and kind of strange, is very convenient as controlling the editor suddenly feels like just typing text. It is also great for your wrists' health.

Move Horizontally Extremely

To move extremely horizontally use:

  • 0: Moves to the first character of a line
  • ^: Moves to the first non-blank character of a line
  • $: Moves to the end of a line
  • g_: Moves to the non-blank character at the end of a line

To Move Vertically

Starting from k and j, we move on to a faster way of maneuvering vertically with:

  • } jumps entire paragraphs downwards
  • { similarly but upwards
  • CTRL-D let's you move down half a page
  • CTRL-U let's you move up half a page

High Precision Vertical Motions With Search Pattern

To move vertically even faster when you have a target in mind, your best option is to search with the /{pattern} and ?{pattern} commands:

  • Use /{pattern} to search forward inside a file
  • Use ?{pattern} to search backwards

You'll see that as you type, the matched patterns are highlighted. When you find what you want, type <Enter> and your cursor will jump to the first match in the search. There you can perform some editing if you want and later use n to jump to the next match (or N for the previous one). You can think of n as repeating a search.

Vim loves saving you time: At any time, you can type /<Enter> or ?<Enter> to run the last search (forwards or backwards). Use * to do a search for the word under the cursor.

Moving Faster With Counts

Counts are numbers which can be prefixed to a command to multiply the effect of that command. For instance, 2w allows us to move the cursor 2 words forward. Use {count}motion to multiply a motion {count} times.

A great way to move vertically is to take advantage of counts in combination with j and k. This works very well when you enable relative line numbers (via VSCode preferences) because it becomes very natural to jump {count} lines up and down to reach a target line.

Moving Semantically

  • Use gd to jump to definition of whatever is under your cursor
  • Use gf to jump to a file in an import

And Some More Nifty Core Motions

  • gg to go to the top of the file
  • {line}gg to go to a specific line
  • G to go to the end of the file
  • % jump to matching ({[]})

Editing Like Magic With Vim Operators

Motions aren't just for moving. They can be used in combination with a series of commands called operators to edit your code in Normal mode. These combos normally take this shape:

    an action to perform: delete, change, yank, etc
       /                  ____ a motion that represents a piece
      |                  /     of text to which to appy the action
      |                 /      defined by the operator
                  \_ a multiplier to "perform an action
                     {count} times"

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

One of such commands is delete triggered via the d key:

  • d5j deletes 5 lines down
  • df' deletes everything in the current line until the first occurrence of the ' character (including the character)
  • dt' would do like above but excluding the character (so up until just before)
  • d/hello deletes everything until the first occurrence of hello
  • ggdG deletes a complete document

Other useful operators are:

  • c change. This is the most useful operator. It deletes and sends you into insert mode so that you can type
  • y yank or copy in Vim jargon
  • p put or paste in Vim jargon
  • g~ to toggle caps

All these operators have some useful shorthand syntax aimed at saving you typing and increasing your speed in common use cases:

  • Double an operator to make it operate on a whole line: dd deletes a whole like, cc changes a whole line, etc.
  • Capitalize an operator to make it operate from the cursor to the end of a line: D deletes from the cursor to the end of the line, C changes to the end of a line, etc.

Noticed How Motions and Command Keys Make a Lot of Sense?

Commands and motions in Vim are generally easy to learn because they make sense and are easy to guess. Want to change something? You probably want to use the c operator. Want to move word by word? Try w. Want to delete something? Try the d operator and so on.

Operators and motions really shine when we combine operators with a special class of motions called text-objects.

Editing Up a Notch With Text Objects

Text objects are structured pieces of text or, if you will, the entities of a document domain model. What is a document composed of? Words, sentences, quoted text, paragraphs, blocks, (HTML) tags, etc. These are text objects.

The way that you specify a text object within a command is by combining the letter a (which represents the text object plus whitespace) or i (inner object without whitespace) with a character that represents a text object itself: w for word, s for sentence, ' " for quotes, p for paragraph, b for block surrounded by (, Bfor block surrounded by { and t for tag. So to delete different bits of text you could:

  • daw to delete a word (plus trailing whitespace)
  • ciw to change inner word
  • das to delete a sentence (dis delete inner sentence)
  • da" to delete something in double quotes including the quotes
  • ci" to change something inside double quotes
  • dap to delete a paragraph
  • dab da( or da) to delete a block surrounded by (
  • daB da{ or da} to delete a block surrounded by {
  • dat to delete an HTML tag
  • cit to change the contents of an HTML tag

Combining text objects with operators is extremely powerful and you'll use them very often. Stuff like cit, ci" and cib is just brilliant.

Let's say that we want to change the contents of this string below for something else:

const salute = 'I salute you oh Mighty Warrior'

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

You type ci'Hi!<ESC> and it becomes:

const salute = 'Hi!'

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Just like that. You don't need to go grab the mouse, select the text and then write something else. You type three letters and Boom.

Noticed How Most Vim Keys Are Placed Near Your Fingers?

The fact that Vim has modes allows keys near the home row to be reused in each separate mode, minimizing the need for slow and contorted key combinations, and heightening your speed and the longevity of your fingers and wrists. This is awesome!

Repeating The Last Change with The Dot Operator

Vim has yet another trick in store for you aimed at saving you more keystrokes: The magic . command. The . command allows you to repeat the last change you made. Imagine that you run dd to delete a line. You could type dd again to delete another line but you could also use . which is just a single keystroke. Ok, you save one keystroke, so what? Well, you can use the . command to repeat any type of change, not just single commands. For instance, you could change a word for "Awesome" like so cawAwesome<CR>, and then repeat that whole command with all those keystrokes by just using .. Think of the possibilities!

The . command works great in combination with the repeat search commands (;, ,, n or N). Imagine that you want to delete all occurrences of cucumber. An alternative[^3] would be to search for cucumber /cucumber then delete it with daw. From then on you can use n to go to the next match and . to delete it! Two keystrokes!?! Again think of the possibilities!!

Vim's Secret Language

As you probably have noticed all these operators, counts and motions make up a (programming) language of sorts. You can think of operators as functions and counts and motions as arguments, or using an even simpler analogy... you can think of operators as verbs, counts as adjetives and motions as objects.

The true magic of Vim is composition. As you go building up this vocabulary of operators and motions you'll find that you can combine them to your heart's content. So that, once you know all the c, cl, caw, ciw, ct. from the previous paragraph and you learn how dl works, you'll not only be able to use dl, you'll know that you can also combine it with all the motions you already have at your disposal and daw, diw, dt, etc.

This is very cool. When using Vim you'll feel you are navigating a meta-universe of text editing, it's like programming or controlling the very mechanism of editing and writing text. If you're familiar with git and how it feels to use the git command line to work with source control, you can think of Vim as the git of text editing. (Putting aside the fact that Vim predates git by almost 30 years). With Vim, you'll look at a piece of text and you'll no longer see just words or text, you'll see the possibilities of an infinite number of operators and motions being applied.

Inserting Text a la Vim

Sooner or later you will have to write some code. In Vim, you write code in Insert mode. You've seen a little bit of insert mode when using the c command but let's look at it some more. There's two core commands that put you into insert mode: i for insert and a for append.

The i insert command puts you in insert mode before the cursor. While the a append command puts you in insert mode after the cursor (as if to append stuff wherever the cursor is placed). From then on you're in insert mode and Vim pretty much behaves like any other editor (welcome back VSCode!).

Like with many other Vim commands i and a have uppercase counterparts that do stronger versions of insert and appending. I puts you in insert mode at the beginning of the current line whilst A puts you in insert mode at the end.

In addition to i and a there are another three super useful commands that I love to use to drop into insert mode:

  1. o inserts a new line below the current one and drops you into insert mode (mnemonic open a line below)
  2. O inserts a new line above the current one and also drops you into insert mode
  3. gi puts you into insert mode at the last place you left insert mode. This is great if you drop of insert mode by mistake and want to go back where you were and continue typing.

Ok, so let's say that now you are in insert mode, typing away and you make a mistake, like a typo. Do you go back to normal mode, fix the typo and go back into insert mode? No! There's a couple of bindings that can help you fix an error right from within insert mode:

  • C-h lets you delete the last character you typed
  • C-w lets you delete the last word you typed
  • C-u lets you delete the last line you typed

Eventually though you'll want to exit insert mode and do other stuff. There are three ways to do it: <ESC>, C-[ and C-C. Of all of this, the easier to type is C-C.

Selecting Text in Visual Mode

Visual Mode is the Vim equivalent to selecting text with a mouse. Instead of a mouse though, you'll use Vim motions. This mode can come very handy whenever you need to select some text because it gives you visual feedback as you do it.

There's three ways in which you can start visual mode:

  • v for visual mode character-wise. When you move around you go selecting character by character
  • V for visual mode line-wise. When you move around you go selecting line by line
  • <C-V> for visual mode block-wise. When you move around yo go selecting rectangular blocks of text

The visual mode can be very helpful for copying and pasting stuff and when operating on blocks of text or code. It works in the opposite way of normal mode:

  • In normal mode you first define the operator and then a motion that represents some text to which to apply that operator
  • In visual mode you select the text first and then you type the operator

Splits, Tabs and Switching Between Them

A great feature in Vim is its great support for splits and tabs. Creating, resizing, rearranging and moving between splits and tabs is incredibly easy and fast in Vim. VSCodeVim offers an OK support for this Vim feature.


Splits are awesome. They allow you to divide your workspace into vertical and horizontal split windows:

  • Use the :sp {nameoffile} command to open a horizontal split
  • Use the :vsp {nameoffile} command to open a vertical split

You can move between them with <C-W> + hjkl.

Splits in Vim

Typing a Command

Notice the : before some of these commands? The colon triggers command-line mode and sets you up to enter a command (also known as Ex command, you'll find out why later in the book when we dive into command-line mode).

To type an ex command you literally type : followed by the name of the command (e.g. :vsp). When you type a colon and a command, the command will be displayed in the lower-left part of the screen.


  • Use :tabnew {file} to open a file in a new tab
  • Use :tabn to go to the next tab
  • Use :tabp to go to the previous tab

Surrounding Things With Vim Surround

VsCodeVim comes with a bunch of useful Vim plugins built-in. One of them is vim-surround which extends Vim's secret language with a new operator: The surround operator or s.

Using this operator we can surround swaths of text using it as you would any other operator within Vim:

  • ds' to delete the surrounding ' (ds{char})
  • cs'" to change the surrounding ' for " (cs{old}{new})
  • ysaptli> to surround a paragraph with an <li> tag (ys{motion}{char})

You can also use vim-surround by selecting a bit of text in visual mode and then using S{desired character}

Moving Even Faster with vim-sneak and vim-EasyMotion

Vim-sneak and vim-EasyMotion are a couple of Vim plugins that overcharge how you move in Vim. Both of these plugins need to be enabled via your VSCodeVim preferences.

Vim-sneak is a middle ground between character search (inside a line) and pattern search (inside a file):

  • You type s{char}{char} and the cursor flies to the first occurrence of that two character sequence. From then on type ; for the next occurrence , , for the previous one. The S{char}{char} works in a similar fashion but backwards.

Where vim-surround extended Vim's secret language with an operator, vim-sneak does the same but with a motion. As such you can use it in combination with other operators:

  • Type {operator}z{char}{char} and the operator will be applied over the text traversed by the sneak motion.

Vim-EasyMotion is a weird one as Vim plugins go. It completely bypasses Vim motions and reinvents them in a curious and mindblowing way. When you trigger an easy motion motion it labels the possible targets in the whole document with a key combination that is shown in an overlay (over the text in question). Type that combination and you're teleported to that location.

For instance, type \\w (the \\ is how you trigger EasyMotion) and EasyMotion will label the beginning of all words ahead of you. Type \\f' and EasyMotion will label all occurrences of the ' character. Pretty nifty, isn't it?

Vim-Easymotion labeling motions

Some handy Visual Studio Code only key mappings:

These are some handy mappings the VSCodeVim team came up with only for VSCode:

  • gb adds another cursor on the next word it finds which is the same as the word under the cursor. Like * but instead of jumping to next ocurrence it creates multiple cursors.
  • af is a visual moe command that selects increasingly larger blocks of text.
  • gh is the equivalent of hovering the mouse over where the cursor is. Super handy in order to enable a keyboard only workflow and still enjoy some features (error messages, types, etc) only available via the mouse.

Where Should I Go From Here?

Awesome! We've covered a lot of ground in this article and I hope you'll find it useful as a guide to Vim in Visual Studio Code. All that remains is for you to practice little by little until you become more and more comfortable and proficient with Vim. Don't try to apply everything you've learned in this article at once. Just pick some of the operators you find more useful and slowly go adding them to your workflow.

Even though we covered a lot of ground there's tons of things we didn't get to talk about:

Go, enjoy your newfound knowledge, improve your skills and productivity and if you ever want to learn more about Vim, I have more awesome stuff for you:

  • Try the Exploring Vim series for more involved articles about Vim
  • Or the 5 Minutes Vim series for shortish condensed articles
  • Or even better get Wizards Use Vim my beautiful book on all things Vim where I guide you step and step in how to be more awesome with Vim

Take care and go kick some ass! :D

Update Feb 10: Hey! I just started a new vlog series to help you get up to speed faster. Enjoy!

(I can't embed playlists in so here are the three first videos and here is a link to the complete playlist)

UPDATE 12th July 2019: This article became a full book on VSCode and Vim!!. Wihooo!!. You can get it on leanpub, Amazon or read it online for free.

Boost Your Coding Fu With Visual Studio Code and Vim

User of VSCode in Windows or Linux? Read this!

@mccabiles brought up the fact in a great comment that when using VSCode on Windows or Linux some shortcuts that you're accustomed to stop working (i.e. CTRL+C, CTRL+V, etc). The reason for this is that Vim usually has more effective means to achieve the same result than these shortcuts (e.g. the y and p commands, etc). If you don't yet feel comfortable with these Vim commands and still want to have CTRL-C, CTRL-V or other shortcuts linked to their original behavior fear not! You can configure which shortcuts are overridden by Vim in your VSCode settings following these instructions:

  1. The latest release of VSCode brought support for plugins working right of the bat, but you never know. :D 

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Top comments (44)

mikaoelitiana profile image
Mika Andrianarijaona

Thanks for the great post!! DO you have some insight about using multiple cursor in VIm/VSCode? I could use some help there!

vintharas profile image
Jaime González García • Edited

Thank you!! 😀

If you are in insert mode it works as usual. In normal mode there's this experimental feature which TBH I haven't tested yet 😁:

mikaoelitiana profile image
Mika Andrianarijaona

Unfortunately, in insert mode, it seems no to work. I used to type ⌥ + cmd + ↓ to add multiple cursors in column down but it doesn't work with Vim enable

Thread Thread
vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

Hmm I'd swear this used to work. 😅 I'm going vacation but I'll take a look when I'm back 😊

Thread Thread
mikaoelitiana profile image
Mika Andrianarijaona

Ok thanks ;). Have a nice holiday then 🏖

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mikaoelitiana profile image
Mika Andrianarijaona

In fact, it works on normal mode and entering in insert mode would keep the multiple cursors.

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vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

Thank you! And you're right, I found this issue on their github repo:

which describes your problem. I'm pretty sure this used to work but they must've had a regression (but perhaps I'm wrong XD)

It looks like the current implementation is somewhat experimental. The flow you describe seems to work pretty well from normal mode. And if you want to add multiple cursors based on keyword search you need to:

  1. cursor on top of something
  2. cmd-d or gb to add another cursor
  3. This seems to put Vim into visual mode (ready to operate on the selection which makes sense)
  4. cmd-d or gb to continue adding cursors until you're done
  5. Now you can perform an action in visual mode (delete, change, etc) or,
  6. go back to normal mode with ESC and do any normal mode command keeping the multiple cursors

There's a feature in Vim that may solve your use case slightly faster than multiple cursors called Visual Block:

  1. CTRL-V to change to visual block mode
  2. j to select a rectangle of text downwards
  3. I to insert or A to append, insert text and ESC

(The VSCode implementation seems to use multiple cursors under the hood anyway :D)

Retry later
vip3rousmango profile image
Al Romano

Fantastic write up!

So many developers avoid Vim because they don't see how it can help with tools like VS Code. This takes it to a whole new level!

This is an awesome way to bring it into more modern context and feel terminal-y without having to use Vim in terminal.

  • tip of the hat to you. good sir.
vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

Thank you!! :D

So many developers avoid Vim because they don't see how it can help with tools like VS Code. This takes it to a whole new level!
This is an awesome way to bring it into more modern context and feel terminal-y without having to use Vim in terminal.

That is my hope :)

sduduzog profile image

Vim thins the interface between your brain and the computer

I'm sold!

I'm learning vim this year, after 4 years of avoiding it. Sir you are a salesman. A great one at that

vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

haha :D Good luck! Let me know if you get stuck somewhere and I'll be happy to help. In the end it requires some practice since you reap most of the rewards when you get accustomed to the commands and your muscle memory kicks in :D

sduduzog profile image

In fact, that was what was scaring me off, having to memorize commands. Nevertheless, I've seen enough vim praise to keep me going.

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vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

hehe the best advice there is to learn a little bit at a time and practice 😁 you got this 😀👍

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sduduzog profile image

I've started already! I still reference a cheat sheet but I can already see what benefits this will have when some commands come from muscle memory.

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vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

Awesome! :D

mccabiles profile image

Thank you for the brilliant write up! It really made vim an approachable tool that anyone can use as opposed to some arcane artifact that only hipsters can use.

Its been a week since I started using the vim extension on VS code, and I have to say, its been a delightful experience. While it has been awkward trying to navigate the controls, I keep coming back to your post to learn new things
to learn for the day until it becomes second nature.

Some caveats which I think are worth mentioning: You can't use Ctrl+C to copy text, and you can only use Ctrl+V/Z in INSERT mode to paste/undo.

vintharas profile image
Jaime González García • Edited

Thank you!!! :D

Its been a week since I started using the vim extension on VS code, and I have to say, its been a delightful experience. While it has been awkward trying to navigate the controls, I keep coming back to your post to learn new things to learn for the day until it becomes second nature.

Awesome! I'm super glad to hear that! Go go! 🙌🙌🙌

Some caveats which I think are worth mentioning: You can't use Ctrl+C to copy text, and you can only use Ctrl+V/Z in INSERT mode to paste/undo.

Thank you for mentioning this! I'll add a note to the article. There's a lot more info about about this in my book:

mskog profile image
Magnus Skog

I've been trying vim once or twice in the past but this article got me to try it in VSCode. I'm happy to say that I've been using it for about three weeks now and I at least think that I have become more productive already!

Thank you for a great article!

vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

Wow! That is really awesome!! Thank you for letting me know! That made my day ☺️❤️

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

Is this what you use most of the time yourself?
What else do you use? Some kind of bare neovim?

vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

For the longest time I used Visual Studio and VSVim, later I used a combination of VSCode(with VSCodeVim) and bare Vim. A couple of months ago I moved to Neovim.

At work I can't say what I use 😁

qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

At work I can't say what I use

That's super creepy, man 😨

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vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

Hehe sorry, didn't mean to sound creepy 😅, it's just the default answer with big tech companies.

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qm3ster profile image
Mihail Malo

I wouldn't know 🤷.
I've never heard anything like that, let alone about editors.

If you can, answer the following: Is it because it's internal tooling, or because that could be construed as company endorsement?

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vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

It's just internal stuff I can't talk about :)

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

I've been enjoying VSCode (or VSCodium as some other recent post showed me) for a week or two. The vim-ness is pretty good. I like it because it lets me use xdebug better than vdebug.

vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

The vim-ness is pretty good

Yeah! Definitely! The VSCodeVim plugin has come a long way and it works really well today. Super kudos to the core team and contributors :D

I'm not familiar with either of those tools, are they debugging tools for php? And xdebug works in VSCode but doesn't in Vim?

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair

xdebug is PHP-side, and it just provides a debugging interface any client can use. Vdebug is a vim client for xdebug, and there's one built-in to VSCode (I think, it may have been an extension).
Vdebug is trickier to navigate though because I think for using a debugger with lots of watch windows and so on it's easier (gasp) to use a mouse.

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vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

Awesome! Thank you for the detailed response!

Hmm good thought, I haven't vimmified my debugging experience either. 😁 TBH I try to spend as much time on automated testing as I can in order to minimize the need for debugging (which I see as a last resort tool). But when I do, there's lots of mouse involved 😀

jsheridanwells profile image
Jeremy Wells

For anyone looking for easy key re-mapping on Windows 10, SharpKeys is a really easy utility to work with:

vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

That's awesome! Thanks for sharing it Jeremy! :D

errietta profile image
Erry Kostala

I use both vim and vscode so of course I use vim mode inside vscode ;)
Thanks for the tips!

vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

Go Vim! :D Glad that you found it helpful! :)

lepinekong profile image

Vim feels like I'm back 30 years ago with ... Multiplan but thanks I'll try :)

vintharas profile image
Jaime González García

Go go! :D

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